Download ANCC FNP practice questions from Actual Past Exam with 100% Correct
Answers Updated 2023 and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! ANCC FNP practice questions from Actual Past Exam with 100% Correct Answers Updated 2023-2024 1 / 10 1. Hallucinations and elusions are the most obvious symptoms associated with?: schizophrenia & causes individuals to come into contact with healthcare providers 2. Do negative or positive s/s of schizophrenia cause a sense of urgency?: - Positive s/s (hallucinations and delusions) 3. Negative s/s of schizophrenia can?: go unnoticed for a long period of time--of- ten pts come into contact with healthcare when the patient's self neglect becomes life threatening 4. What symptoms (+ or -) are the most significant barrier to independent living and social integration?: negative 5. psychosis is disorganized behavior with accompanying (one of three is necessary) hallucinations, delusions and disorganized speech lasting less than day: <1 day 6. Brief psychotic disorder lasts how long?: 1 day to <1 month 7. Schizophreniform disorder lastshow long?: >1 month but <6 months 8. Schizophrenia lasts how long?: >6 months per DSM 5 TR *symptoms must be present for a portion of time during a 1 month period (or less if ANCC FNP practice questions from Actual Past Exam with 100% Correct Answers Updated 2023-2024 2 / 10 tx is successful) 9. Genetic predisposition to schizophrenia?: No specific gene identified *if one twin has schizophrenia, the risk increases from 1%to 50% *15% risk for fraternal twins *40% risk if both parents have schizophrenia 10. Neurodevelopmental causes of schizophrenia?: E. ALl of the above 11. Corollary (not causative) radiological findings of schizophrenia?: enlarged ventricles, smaller frontal and temporal loves, cortical atrophy, decreased cerebral blood flow and small hippocampus and amygdala 12. reduced serotonin, gamma aminobutric acid, dopamine in the mesocorti- cal pathway?: evidence of schizophrenia 13. excess glutamate and dopamine in the mesolimbic pathway?: evidence of schizophrenia 14. Schizophrenia is more common in which gender?: Males Males: 19-25 years age of onset Females: 25-35 years 15. Schizophrenia is more common in who?: first born, low SES and urban areas ANCC FNP practice questions from Actual Past Exam with 100% Correct Answers Updated 2023-2024 5 / 10 42. most active ingredient in cannabis?: Delta-9-tetradrocannabinol (tHC) 43. which is an inhibitory neurotransmitter?: D. GABA 44. antagonism of which serotonin receptor makes an antispychotic 'atypical'- : C. 5HT2A 45. Why is meperidine strictly prohibited in pts taking MAOIs?: due to the risk of HTN CRISIS and death 46. Norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter implicated in anxiety and alertness. What area of the brain has a majority of norepinephrine neurons?: C. Locus coeruleus *other area is the medullary reticular formation 47. 43 yr old man is treated for bipolar I on lithium. The hematoogic change associated with Lithum?: A. Leukocytosis *MOA unclear, but lithium can raise WBCs. CBC should be monitor in individuals treated with Lithium 48. TMS: the area of the brain targeted by the TMS is?: D. LFT Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex ^area responsible for mood regulation *Can be bilateral 49. Which of the following MR I or PET scan findings would be uncommon in an indiv with schizophrenia?: B. Decreased size of cerebral ventricles *pt with schizophrenia have enlarged cerebral ventricles 50. Orthostatic hypotension is associated with the TCAs due to causing the blockade of the:: A. Alpha 1 adrenergic receptors 51. Which of the following is the main risk factor for antisocial PD?: B. Genetic predisposition of first degree family members *5 times more common 52. GI bleeding caused by concomitant use of SSRIs and NSAIDS is an exam- ple of?: D. Pharmacodynamics 53. pharmacodynamics concerns the of the drug on the body: A. effects 54. Following meds are prescribed for alzheimers disease. Which med is both an acetylcholine inhibitor and a butyrylcholinesterase inhibitor?: B. Rivastig- mine (Exelon) ANCC FNP practice questions from Actual Past Exam with 100% Correct Answers Updated 2023-2024 6 / 10 55. assessing an older pt who complains of tinnitus, the PHNP would associ- ated which of the following with an acoustic neuroma?: C. Unilateral tinnitus 56. Pt with bipolar d/o with mixed features reports having experienced SIADH when prescribed a certain med; the med known to cause this side effect?: C. Carbamazepine (equetro) 57. Pt with bipolar disorder has been o.n the same mood stabilizer for years. She recently developed kidney stones. What med is most likely to cause kidney stones?: A. Topiramate (Topamax) 58. dangerous side effect of topamax?: Kidney stones 59. facial characteristics a two yr old may have with fetal alcohol syndorme?- : C. Small head, thin upper lip and smooth philtrum small head, short eyelid opening, flat midface, smooth philitrum, underdeveloped jaw, thin upper lip and short nose 60. Naltrexone is what type of opioid receptor?: B. Mu 61. Vilazodone primary MOA is?: A. inhibition of serotonin reuptake and serotonin 1A partial agonism *the partial agonism at the serotonin 1A receptor ay diminish any sexual SE caused by the serotonin reuptake inhibition 62. screening for the HLA-B*15:02 allele is needed/recommended for asians before being initiated on what med?: A. Carbamazepine (tegretol) 63. the HLA-B*15:02 allele causes what in individuals with asian decent?: in- creased risk for SJS and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN)s 64. What direct acting dopamine receptor agonist is recommended in the tx of NMS to help lower the dopamine receptor blockade: D> Bromocriptine 65. Benzotropine: used to treat EPS 66. Trihexphenidyl: used to treat EPS 67. Dantrolene: muscle relaxer 68. which specific brain area is believed to play a role in regulating magnetic stimulation for the purpose of reducing pain: D. Prefrontal cortex 69. chronic pain has been linked to a reduction in gray matter in what are of the brain?: prefrontal cortex 70. pt with bipolar I disorder has been stable for 3 yrs on oxcarbazepine (trieptal) 900 mg every bedtie. The pt reports stable mood, normal energy but excessive thirst and urination. Labs are normal except for a BG of 114 and A1C fo 5.6. Wht is the likely dx?: C. The side effects of the medicine 71. most likely MOA of mirtazepine (remeron) is: A. Alpha 2 receptor antagonism ANCC FNP practice questions from Actual Past Exam with 100% Correct Answers Updated 2023-2024 7 / 10 72. the current understanding of neurotransmitter pathways and anxiety dis- orders is?: A. Decreasing GABA in the mesolimbic cortex increases s/s of anxiety 73. moa of atomoxetine (Strattera) in ADHD is to serve as a: C. selective norep- inephrine reuptake inhbitior 74. Lithium during pregnancy has been linked to what?: B. Cardiac malforma- tions *such as ebsteins anomaly 75. Valproate is primarily associated with what defects during pregnancy?: - Neural tube defects and may be associated with developmental delays even without teratogenicity 76. Topiramate used during pregnancy increases the risk of?: cleft lip & cleft palate 77. clozapine is metabolized by the liver. which cytochrome (CYP) enzyme is induced by tobacco and impairs the metabolism of clozapine?: D. 1A2 78. when a patient decreases tobacco use and is on clozapine, what is nec- essary?: a medication adjustment as the pt no longer needs the higher dose of clozapine due to the reduction in tobacco use 79. MOA of zyprexa?: A. Blocks dopamine receptors in the brain 80. 30 yr old reports a heavy user of cannabis and asks about long term risk assocated with cannabis use: A. Cannabis use can precipitate schizophrenia in individuals with have a family hx of the disorder *2.5 times higher risk than non users 81. after being converted in to its active components, this prodrug works by increasing norepinephrine and dopamine.: C. Lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse) 82. 74 year old cannot correctly draw the face of a clock. this finding suggests compromised function in this area of the brain?: A. Right hemisphere 83. the right hemisphere handles:: D All of the above 84. pt is dx with schizophrenia. pt is prescribed an antipsychotic med and develops s/s of rigidity, akinesia and tremor. the deficient pathway in this patient is the?: B. Nigrostriatal dopamine pathway 85. pt dx with schizophrenia has been taking haldol for 3 months. Three weeks ago, started to exhibit mild motor s/s representative of parkinsons. The med class that should be prescribed as an adjunctive tx is?: B. Muscarinic-1 antagonist 86. Fluvoxamine (Luvox) should be prescribed in caution with patient's tak- ing?: A. Naproxen (Naprosyn) ANCC FNP practice questions from Actual Past Exam with 100% Correct Answers Updated 2023-2024 10 / 10 126. HPV vaccination/testing is done at what age?: CDC recommends that males between ages 11-12; can start as early as 9 years of age 127. women have greater prevalence of MDD than men: twofold 128. mean age of onset for MDD is what?: A. 40 129. MMSE is a standardized screening tool designed for use:: D; All of the above 130. Simple calculations and cognitive tasks involve what type of memory?: A. Immediate or short-term memory 131. specific life events involve what type of memory?: B. Episodic memory 132. recallable information, often verbalizable involves what type of memory?- : C. Declarative memory 133. the learning and remembering of newer information and events following a brain injury involves what type of memory?: A. Anterograde memory 134. Regarding risk factors for binge drinking, which of these statements is not accurate?: D. Binge drinking is more common in whites than blacks or hispanics 135. highest alcohol use is where in the US?: A. Western states 136. area has the lowest alcohol?: southern states 137. is the delusion that one's thoughts are projected and received by others: B. thought broadcasting 138. Term for a provider's internal reaction to a client: A. Countertransference 139. occurs when someone attributes their own unacceptable traits to others: C. Projection 140. the redirection of feelings or desires from one person to another: B. Transference 141. pt is asked to count backwards by 7, starting at 100. This exercise is meant to assess?: D. Concentration 142. memory is the ability to recall info from the last few minutes: Recent memory 143. ability to recall information from the distant past?: remote memory 144. involves perceiving surroundings and events as detached, distort- ed, or unreal: A. Derealization 145. the sensation of observing oneself from an external persepective: B. Depersonalization 146. "feel like I'm living in a movie": derealization 147. Alexithymia describes:: the inability to express, describe or differentiate emo- tions 148. laughing during inappropriate situations?: A. inappropriate affect 149. phenomenon in which thoughts are associated according to word sounds rather than meaning: D. Clang association ANCC FNP practice questions from Actual Past Exam with 100% Correct Answers Updated 2023-2024 11 / 10 150. circumstantiality involves what:: excessive trivial details that delay the pa- tient from reaching the main point 151. rapidly shifting thoughts that jump abruptly between ideas: Flight of ideas 152. occurs when excessive, irrelevant details prevent the pt from ever reach- ing the point: Tangentially 153. greatest risk for depression, irritability, liver problems and HTN in a college student?: C. Anabolic steroid use 154. anabolic steroids can cause what severe side effects?: D. all of the above 155. Which of these is a formal thought disorder?: D. Tangentiality 156. Schneider's first rank s/s of schizophrenia?: D. All of the above 157. truancy?: not attending school for no good reason 158. pt recognizes that her behavior has caused problems and asks the PMH- NP how she can change to improve school attendance?: C. Preparation 159. AIMS should be used how frequently in individuals on an antipsychotic meds?: yearly; high risk pts should be screened every 6 months 160. Incorporating relapse prevention interventions into the plan of care of a patient with a hx of alcohol use disorder is?: B. Tertiary prevention 161. aims to reduce or eliminate risk factors before disease onset:: pri- mary prevention examples: vaccinations for infectious diseases 162. prevention occurs during a disease's latent stage, focusing on early identification through screenings and interventions to prevent s/s: Secondary prevention 163. prevention occurs once the disease is established, aiming to prevent disability, further morbidity and mortality: Tertiary prevention *relapse prevention is the goal of tertiary prevention 164. what section documents the appraisal of suicidal ideation, intent, plan, method ad access?: D. Thought content section 165. where the disease or condition is identified?: Diagnose section 166. refers to how a person thinks: thought process 167. scale is used to evaluate the severity and progression of specific symptoms?: A. MMSE 168. feeling of bugs crawling on your skin is what?: D. Hallucination (tactile)