Xenon anesthesia all are true except:
- Slow induction and recovery
- Non explosive
- Minimal cardiovascular side-effects
- Low blood solubility 12/e p547-548 - Solution 1) Slow induction and recovery Anesthetic having epileptogenic potential is:
- Desflurane
- Sevoflurane
- Ether
- Halothane 11/e p432 - Solution 2) Sevoflurane The following causes increased intra ocular pressure:
- Thiopentone
- Althesin
- Ketamine
- Barbiturate Goodman and Gilman 12/e p538 - Solution Anaesthesia contraindicated in volvulus of gut is:
- Halothane
- Nitrous oxide
- Ketamine
- Pancuronium Goodman and Gilman 12/e p547 - Solution 2) Nitrous oxide Best uterine relaxation is seen with:
- Chloroform
- Nitrous oxide
- Ether
- Halothane 10/e p405; KDT 6/e p372 - Solution 4) Halothane Hallucinations are seen after ............... anaesthesia:
- Ketamine
- Thiopentone
- Fentanyl
- Nitrous oxide 10/e p409; KDT 6/e p376 - Solution 1) Ketamine Anaesthetic that has a smooth induction is:
- Diethyl ether
- Isoflurane
- N
- Halothane 10/e p404; KDT 6/e p372 - Solution 4) Halothane MAC of desflurane is:
- 2
- 4
- 6 744; KDT 6/e p371 - Solution 4) 6 Remifentanil is:
- Useful for short painful procedures
- Metabolized by plasma esterases
- Equipotent as fentanyl
- All of these Good¬man and Gilman 11/e p572 - Solution 4) All of these Select the correct statement about nitrous oxide:
- It irritates the respiratory mucosa
- It has poor analgesic action
- It is primarily used as a carrier and adjuvant to other anaesthetics
- It frequently induces post anaesthetic nausea and retching KDT 6/e p371 - Solution 3) It is primarily used as a carrier and adjuvant to other anaesthetics Remember: Nitrous oxide is a good analgesic. Dissociative anaesthesia' is produced by:
- Ketamine
- Fentanyl
- Propofol
- Both (a) and (b) are correct KDT 6/e p376 - Solution 1) Ketamine Ketamine should be avoided in:
- The presence of increased arterial pressure
- Pregnancy
- Hypovolemic shock
- Asthmatic /e p437 - Solution 1) The presence of increased arterial pressure The drug for OPD analgesia is:
- Morphine
- Pethidine
- Fentanyl
- Alfentanil 11/e p546 - Solution 4) Alfentanil True statement about sevoflurane is:
- It is nephrotoxic at high doses
- It has maximum risk of causing convulsions
- It is cardiostable
- It can cause fulminant hepatitis Goodman & Gilman 11/e p360; KDT 6/e p74 - Solution 1) It is nephrotoxic at high doses Which of the following does not have analgesic action:
- Ether
- Ketamine
- Halothane
- Morphine 6/e p372 - Solution 3) Halothane Halothane-No analgesia Nitrous oxide-- Good analgesia Induction agent of choice in day care surgery is:
- Ketamine
- Propofol
- Methohexitone
- Thiopentone sodium 6/e p375 - Solution 2) Propofol True statements regarding halothane is:
- Hepatitis occurs in susceptible individuals after repeated dose
- It potentiates competitive neuromuscular blockers
- Causes respiratory depression
- All of the above /e p432,461 - Solution 4) All of the above In raised ICT, anesthetic agent of choice is:
- Enflurane
- Isoflurane
- Ketamine
- Ether 6/e p373 - Solution 2) Isoflurane ## Which anesthetic agent is contraindicated in epilepsy?
- Isoflurane
- Enflurane
- Halothane
- Ether 6/e p372 - Solution 2) Enflurane In patients with liver disease, anesthetic of choice is:
- Halothane
- Ether
- Isoflurane
- None 6/e p373 - Solution 3) Isoflurane Dissociative anesthesia is seen on administration of:
- Ether
- Halothane
- Enflurane
- Ketamine 6/e p376 - Solution 4) Ketamine Thiopental sodium is administered intravenously as:
- 25% solution
- 2.5% solution
- 0.25% solution
- 0.025% solution Morgan 4/e p187 - Solution 2) 2.5% solution The recommended time for prophylactic antibiotic is:
- 30 min. prior to induction of anesthesia
- 15 min. after the initiation of surgery
- At the time of induction
- At the time of skin incision /e p898 - Solution 1) 30 min. prior to induction of anesthesia Methemoglobinemia is caused by:
- Prilocaine
- Ropivacaine
- Bupivacaine
- Procaine /e p449 - Solution 1) Prilocaine First local anesthetic used in clinical anaesthesia was:
- Bupivacaine
- Procaine
- Lidocaine
- Cocaine Ajay Yadav 3/e p105 - Solution 4) Cocaine In spinal anaesthesia the drug is deposited between:
- Dura and arachnoid
- Pia and arachnoid
- Dura and vertebra
- Into the cord substance Katzung 10/e p419; KDT 6/e p359 - Solution 2) Pia and arachnoid Bupivacaine poisoning is treated with:
- Esmolol
- Sotalol
- Diazepam
- All of these Ajay yadav 2/e p110 - Solution 4) All of these The segmental level of spinal anaesthesia depends on:
- Volume of the local anaesthetic injected
- Specific gravity of the local anaesthetic solution
- Posture of the patient
- All of the above 6/e p359, 360 - Solution 4) All of the above In spinal anaesthesia the segmental level of:
- Sympathetic block is lower than the sensory block
- Sympathetic block is higher than the sensory block
- Motor block is higher than the sensory block
- Sympathetic, motor and sensory block has the same level 6/e p360 - Solution 2) Sympathetic block is higher than the sensory block Intravenous regional anaesthesia is suitable for:
- Orthopedic manipulation on the upper limb
- Vascular surgery on the lower limb
- Head and neck surgery
- Caesarian section 6/e p361 - Solution 1) Orthopedic manipulation on the upper limb
Most cardiotoxic local anaesthetic is:
- Procaine
- Bupivacaine
- Prilocaine
- Tetracaine 6/e p357, 358 - Solution 2) Bupivacaine All are vasodilators except:
- Procaine
- Lidocaine
- Cocaine
- Chlorprocaine /e p448 - Solution 3) Cocaine The following statements about Bupivacaine are true except:
- Must never be injected into a vein
- More cardiotoxic than lignocaine
- 0.5 percent is effective for sensory block
- It produces methaemoglobinemia /e p448-450 - Solution 4) It produces methaemoglobinemia All are true about bupivacaine Except:
- Less cardiotoxic than lignocaine
- Dose increases with adrenaline
- Long acting
- Cannot be given in vein 6/e p357 - Solution 1) Less cardiotoxic than lignocaine Local anesthetics act by:
- Affecting at the spinal level
- Affecting the Na+ channels
- Affecting the K+channels
- Blocking axonal transport 6/e p353 - Solution 2) Affecting the Na+ channels
Local anesthetics:
- Block the release of neurotransmitters
- Block the influx of sodium into the cell
- Increase the release of inhibitory neurotransmitters
- Inhibit the efflux of sodium from neurons 6/e p353 - Solution 2) Block the influx of sodium into the cell Post dural (Spinal) puncture headache is due to:
- Seepage of CSF
- Fine needle
- Toxic effects of the drugs
- Traumatic damage to nerve roots 6/e p360 - Solution 1) Seepage of CSF True statement regarding Bupivacaine is:
- Used intravenously along with lignocaine
- More cardiotoxic than lignocaine
- Contraindicated in pregnancy
- All of the above /e p448 - Solution 2) More cardiotoxic than lignocaine Percentage of lignocaine used in spinal anesthesia is:
- 0.5%
- 1%
- 2%
- 5% 7/e p368 - Solution The most potent and longest acting anaesthetic agent is:
- Dibucaine
- Tetracaine
- Bupivacaine
- Lignocaine 6/e p358 - Solution 1) Dibucaine Central muscle relaxants act by:
- Decreasing nerve conduction
- Inhibiting spinal polysynaptic reflexes
- Blocking conduction across NM junction
- Causing CNS depression
- Decreasing muscle excitation 6/e p348 - Solution 2) Inhibiting spinal polysynaptic reflexes Cis-atracurium is preferred over atracurium, because:
- It has rapid onset of action
- It causes less release of histamine
- It has short duration of action
- It has less depressant action on heart Miller's 7/e p869 - Solution 2) It causes less release of histamine Laudanosine is a metabolite of:
- Atracurium
- Cis-atracurium
- Pancuronium
- Vecuronium Miller 7/e p880 - Solution 1) Atracurium Muscle relaxant of choice in liver disease is?
- Atracurium
- Pipecuronium
- Rocuronium
- Vecuronium /e p456 - Solution 1) Atracurium Which of the following is a metabolite of carisoprodol?
- Doxylamine
- Meprobromate
- Dimethadione
- Amphetamine Goodman and Gilman 11/e p422 - Solution 2) Meprobromate All of the following can aggravate Myasthenia gravis except:
- Azathioprine
- d- Tubocurarine
- Tetracycline
- Aminoglycoside Harrison 17/e p2677, Ajay yadav 2/e p94 - Solution Shortest acting non-depolarizing muscle relaxant is:
- Succinyl choline
- Rapacuronium
- Atracurium
- Pancuronium Miller's anaesthesia 5/e p892; Drugs and equipment in Anaesthesia 5/e p78 Arun Kumar Paul - Solution d-Tubocurarine acts by:
- Inhibiting nicotinic receptors at myoneural junction
- Inhibiting nicotinic receptors at autonomic ganglion
- Producing depolarizing block
- By inhibiting reuptake of acetylcholine Katzung 10/e p429; KDT 6/e p342 - Solution 1) Inhibiting nicotinic receptors at myoneural junction Muscle relaxant of choice in renal and hepatic failure is:
- Cis-atracurium
- Vecuronium
- Rocuronium
- Rapacuronium Katzung 9/e p432;KDT 6/e p345 - Solution 1) Cis-atracurium Bradycardia is common after injection of:
- Midazolam
- Succinylcholine
- Dopamine
- Isoprenaline 6/e p343, 344 - Solution 2) Succinylcholine Pancuronium differs from tubocurarine in that:
- It is a depolarizing blocker
- Its action is not reversed by neostigmine
- It can cause rise in BP on rapid.I.V. injection
- It causes marked histamine release 6/e p343, 344 - Solution 3) It can cause rise in BP on rapid.I.V. injection Dantrolene sodium reduces skeletal muscle tone by:
- Reducing acetylcholine release from motor nerve endings
- Suppressing spinal polysynaptic reflexes
- Inhibiting the generation of muscle action potential
- Reducing Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum in the muscle fibre 6/e p721, 722 - Solution The enzyme pseudocholinesterase acts on:
- Decamethonium
- Tubocurarine
- Gallamine
- Suxamethonium /e p454 - Solution 4) Suxamethonium Hoffman's elimination is seen with:
- Atracurium
- Vecuronium
- Pancuronium
- Rocuronium /e p454 - Solution 1) Atracurium Non-depolarizing blockade is potentiated by:
- Hyperkalemia
- Hypomagnesemia
- Chronic phenytoin therapy
- Quinidine 6/e p345 - Solution 4) Quinidine The drug causing curare like effect are all, EXCEPT:
- Chloramphenicol
- Polymyxin
- Tetracycline
- Streptomycin Clinical Anesthesiology by Murray and Morgaii/189;KDT 6/e p346 - Solution 1) Chloramphenicol Suxamethonium is:
- Non depolarizing muscle relaxant
- Depolarising muscle relaxant
- Direct acting muscle relaxant
- All of the above 5/e p345 - Solution Baclofen is:
- Centrally acting muscle relaxant
- Peripherally acting muscle relaxant
- Both centrally and peripherally acting muscle relaxant
- Direct acting muscle relaxant 6/e p339 - Solution Shortest acting neuromuscular blocker is:
- Gallamine
- Pancuronium
- Succinylcholine
- d-TC /e p457 - Solution 3) Succinylcholine Long acting non-depolarizing muscle relaxants is:
- Succinylcholine
- Mivacurium
- Pancuronium
- Phenyleplirine 6/e p343 - Solution 3) Pancuronium Mivacurium is short acting drug. In case of spasticity, the drug not used is:
- Diazepam
- Baclofen
- Tizanidine
- Amitryptiline 6/e p343 - Solution 4) Amitryptiline The following is the feature of depolarizing blockade?
- Tetanic fade
- Post tetanic potentiation
- Progression to dual blockade
- Antagonism by anticholinesterases 6/e p339 - Solution 3) Progression to dual blockade Drug not acting on neuromuscular junction is:
- Baclofen
- Carisoprodol
- Haloperidol
- All of the above /e p457 - Solution 4) All of the above Mechanism of action of curare is:
- Reducing end plate potential
- Reducing presynaptic potential
- Inhibits k+ channels
- Inhibits Na+channels 6/e p344 - Solution 1) Reducing end plate potential The term "balanced anaesthesia" has been given by:
- Simpson
- Fischer
- Lundy
- Mortan 7/e p348 - Solution 3) Lundy Regarding propofol, which one of the following is false:
- It is used as an intravenous induction agent
- It causes severe vomiting
- It is painful on injecting intravenously
- It has no muscle relaxant property Goodman Gilman 12/e p528 - Solution 2) It causes severe vomiting Eutectic mixture of local anaesthetic (EMLA) cream is:
- Bupivacaine 2.0% + Prilocaine 2.5%
- Lidocaine 2.5% + Prilocaine 2.5%
- Lidocaine 2.5% + Prilocaine 5%
- Bupivacaine 0.5% + Lidocaine 2.5% 7/e p382 - Solution 2) Lidocaine 2.5% + Prilocaine 2.5% Ketamine produces:
- Emergence delirium
- Pain on injection
- Bronchoconstriciton
- Depression of cardiovascular system 7/e p366 - Solution 1) Emergence delirium Cocaine overdose presents with all of the following except:
- Diaphoresis
- Hypertension
- Constricted pupils
- Agitation 7/e p384 - Solution 3) Constricted pupils Baclofen is used in the treatment of:
- Schizophrenia
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Spasticity 7/e p365 - Solution 4) Spasticity Local anaesthetic used as an antiarrhythmic agent is:
- Bupivacaine
- Lignocaine
- Cocaine
- Chlorprocaine
7/e p353-354 - Solution 2) Lignocaine Pin index of oxygen is which one of the following:
- 2, 5
- 3, 5
- 1, 5
- 3, 6 7/e p366 - Solution 1) 2, 5 Which of these can be safely stopped before an abdominal surgery?
- ACE inhibitors
- Beta blocker
- Statins
- Steroids CMDT 2014/45-47 - Solution 1) ACE inhibitors Which anaesthetic modality is to be avoided in sickle cell disease?
- General Anaesthesia
- Brachial Plexus Block
- Intravenous Regional Anaesthesia
- Spinal Anaesthesia Short textbook of Anesthesia by Ajay Yadav 2/e p148 - Solution 3) Intravenous Regional Anaesthesia Which of the following induction agent produce cardiac stability?
- Ketamine
- Etomidate
- Propofol
- Midazolam /e p437 - Solution 2) Etomidate Anaesthetic agent which is explosive in the presence of cautery:
- Nitrous oxide
- Ether
- Trilene
- Halothane Goodman & Gilman 11/e p341; KDT 6/e p371 - Solution 2) Ether Ketamine is the preferred anaesthetic for the following EXCEPT:
- Hypertensives
- Trauma cases that have bled significantly
- Burn dressing
- Short operations on asthmatics 6/e p376 - Solution 1) Hypertensives An anaesthetic agent with boiling temperature more than 75°C is:
- Ether
- Halothane
- Cyclopropane
- Methoxyflurane Anesthesiology by Longnecker 2008/777 - Solution 4) Methoxyflurane All of the following are halogenated anaesthetic agents except:
- Halothane
- Propofol
- Enflurane
- Isoflurane 6/e p375 - Solution 2) Propofol Profound analgesia is produced by which parenteral anesthetic?
- Thiopental
- Propofol
- Ketamine
- ' Etomidate 6/e p377 - Solution 3) Ketamine All of the following statements about lignocaine are true EXCEPT:
- It blocks active sodium channels with more affinity than resting sodium channels
- It can cause cardiotoxicity
- It is given orally for treatment of cardiac arrhythmias
- Adrenaline increases the duration of action of lignocaine when used for infiltration anaesthesia. Katzung 12/e p453, 457, 458 - Solution 3) It is given orally for treatment of cardiac arrhythmias Anaesthetic agent with vasoconstrictor is contraindicated in?
- Digital block
- Spinal block
- Epidural block
- Regional anaesthesia /e p446 - Solution 1) Digital block Which of the following statements is not true of local anaesthetics?
- The local anaesthetic is required in the unionized form for penetrating the neuronal membrane
- The local anaesthetic approaches its receptor only from the intraneuronal face of the Na+ channel
- The local anaesthetic binds to its receptor mainly when the Na channel is in the resting state
- The local anaesthetic combines. with its receptor in the ionized cationic form 6/e p352, 353 - Solution 3) The local anaesthetic binds to its receptor mainly when the Na channel is in the resting state The local anaesthetic with the longest duration of action is :
- Procaine
- Chlorprocaine
- Lignocaine
- Dibucaine 6/e p358 - Solution 4) Dibucaine Eutectic lignocaine-prilocaine has the following unique property:
- It causes motor blockade without sensory block
- By surface application, it can anaesthetize unbroken skin
- It is not absorbed after surface application
- It has strong vasoconstrictor action 6/e p357 - Solution 2) By surface application, it can anaesthetize unbroken skin An agent added to local anesthetics to speed the onset of action is:
- Methylparaben
- Bicarbonate
- Fentanyl
- Adrenaline 6/e p412 - Solution 2) Bicarbonate Bicarbonate-- To speed the onset of action Adrenaline-- To prolong the duration of action All of the following are properties of local anesthetics EXCEPT:
- Blockade of voltage dependent Na' channels
- Preferential binding to resting channels
- Slowing of axonal impulse conduction
- Increase in the membrane refractory period 6/e p415 - Solution 2) Preferential binding to resting channels The fall in blood pressure caused by d-tubocurarine is due to:
- Reduced venous return
- Ganglionic blockade
- Histamine release
- All of the above Lee 12/e p167, KDT 6/e p372; Ajay yadan 2/e p61,66 - Solution 4) All of the above One of the following statements about succinylcholine is true:
- It may induce life threatening hyperkalemia
- It has a long duration of action
- It is the drug of choice in non traumatic rhabdomyolysis
- It is useful in patients with spinal cord injuries with paraplegia 6/e p349 - Solution 1) It may induce life threatening hyperkalemia In pseudocholinesterase deficiency, drug to be used cautiously is
- Barbiturate
- Succinylcholine
- Halothane
- Gallamine 6/e p348 - Solution Regarding muscle relaxants which one of the following is true:
- Atracurium is contraindicated in renal failure
- Pancuronium causes bradycardia
- Cis - atracurium is a depolarizing muscle relaxant
- Vecuronium induced muscle relaxation can be reversed by neostigmine Nurse Anaesthesia by John J. Nagelhout p77 - Solution Which of the following intravenous induction agent suppress steroidogenesis?
- Thiopentone
- Propofol
- Ketamine
- Etomidate Goodman and Gilman, 12/e p538 - Solution 4) Etomidate Which general anaesthetic selectively inhibits excitatory NMDA receptors:
- Thiopentone
- Halothane
- Desflurane
- Ketamine 6/e p376 - Solution 4) Ketamine Which of the following general anaesthetics has poor muscle relaxant action?
- Ether
- Nitrous oxide
- Halothane
- Isoflurane 6/e p371 - Solution 2) Nitrous oxide As a general anaesthetic, halothane has the following advantages EXCEPT:
- Very good analgesic action
- Non-inflammable and non-explosive
- Reasonably rapid induction of anaesthesia
- Pleasant and non-irritating 6/e p372 - Solution 1) Very good analgesic action Shivering" is observed in the early part of postoperative period due to:
- Chloroform
- Halothane
- Trichloroethylene
- Ether Ajay yadav 2/e p61 - Solution 2) Halothane Which of the following agents is most commonly used to induce anaesthesia:-
- Thiopentone sodium
- Methohexitone sodium
- Propofol
- Etomidate /e p434 - Solution 1) Thiopentone sodium Which of the following increase the speed of induction with an inhalational agent?
- Opiate pre-medication
- Increased alveolar ventilation
- Increased cardiac output
- Reduced FIO /e p427 - Solution 2) Increased alveolar ventilation Maximum dose of lignocaine given with adrenaline for infiltration anaesthesia is:
- 3 mg/kg
- 5 mg/kg
- 7 mg/kg
- 10 mg/kg Goodman and Gilman 12/e p576 - Solution 3) 7 mg/kg From which of the following routes, absorption of local anaesthetic is maximum?
- Intercostal
- Epidural
- Brachial
- Caudal Miller's Anaesthesiology/591 - Solution 1) Intercostal Blockade of nerve conduction by a local anesthetic is characterized by:
- Greater potential to block a resting nerve as compared to a stimulated nerve
- Need to cross the cell membrane to produce the block
- Large myelinated fibers are blocked before the unmyelinated fibers
- Cause consistent change of resting membrane potential Katzung 10/e p417; KDT 6/e p353 - Solution 2) Need to cross the cell membrane to produce the block The following local anaesthetic raises BP instead of tending to cause a fall:
- Cocaine
- Dibucaine
- Lignocaine
- Procaine 6/e p356, 357 - Solution 1) Cocaine The duration of spinal anaesthesia depends on all of the following EXCEPT:
- Local anaesthetic that is used
- Concentration of the local anesthetic used
- Posture of the patient
- Whether adrenaline has been added to the local anaesthetic 6/e p360 - Solution 4) Whether adrenaline has been added to the local anaesthetic ???????? A patient receives a toxic dose of lignocaine i.v., the patient is likely to exhibit:
- Excessive salivation
- Mydriasis and diarrhea
- Respiratory paralysis
- Seizures and coma 6/e p356 - Solution 4) Seizures and coma Epinephrine added to a solution of lignocaine for a peripheral nerve block will:
- Increase risk of convulsions
- Increase the duration of action of the local anesthetic
- Both (a) and (b)
- None of these 6/e p354 - Solution 2) Increase the duration of action of the local anesthetic Which of the following local anaesthetics belongs to the ester group?
- Procaine
- Bupivacaine
- Lignocaine
- Mepivacaine /e p441 - Solution 1) Procaine Which one of the following skeletal muscle relaxants causes pain on injection?
- Succinyl choline
- Vecuronium
- Rocuroniurn
- Pancuronium Pharmacology for Nurse Anaesthesiology/110 - Solution 3) Rocuroniurn True statement regarding depolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugs is:
- The depolarized muscles fibres are unresponsive to other stimuli
- Causes muscular fasciculations
- Not reversed by neostigmine
- All of the above /e p463 - Solution 4) All of the above The drug inactivated in plasma by spontaneous non- enzymatic degradation is:
- Atracurium
- Vecuronium
- Pipecuronium
- Pancuronium /e p462-464 - Solution 1) Atracurium Which one of the following drugs is not a long acting neuromuscular blocking agent?
- Doxacurium
- Mivacurium
- Pancuronium
- Pipecuronium 6/e p345 - Solution 2) Mivacurium All of the following are the true for post lumbar puncture headache except:
- Presents 12 hours after procedure
- Pain is relieved in standing position
- Pain is worsened by head shaking
- Pain is occipito-frontal in location
7/e p358 - Solution 2) Pain is relieved in standing position All of the following are intravenous anesthetic induction agents except:
- Thiopentone sodium
- Ketamine
- Etomidate
- Bupivacaine 7/e p513 - Solution 4) Bupivacaine The minimal alveolar concentration of an inhalational anaesthetic is a measure of its:
- Potency
- Therapeutic index
- Diffusibility
- Oilwater partition coefficient 6/e p365 - Solution 1) Potency Malignant hyperthermia is a rare complication of the use of the following anesthetic:
- Ketamine
- Thiopentone sodium
- Halothane
- Ether 6/e p372 - Solution 3) Halothane Following accidental intra-arterial injection of thiopentone, which should not be done?
- Remove the needle
- Intra -arterial heparin
- Intra-arterial papaverine
- Do a stellate ganglion block Ajay yadav 2/e p73 - Solution 1) Remove the needle Ram has a 4 ml lignocaine vial of 2% solution. How much lignocaine is present in 1 ml?
- 2 mg
- 8 mg
- 20 mg
- 200 mg
6/e p356, 357 - Solution 3) 20 mg %= gm/dl solution. The mechanism of action of local anesthetics is that they act on Na+ channels in their:
- Activated state
- Inactivated state
- Resting state
- Any state /e p443 - Solution 1) Activated state Muscular rigidity caused by opioids is due to the agonistic effect on which receptor?
- Mu
- Kappa
- Delta
- Sigma Miller 7/e p781 - Solution 1) , Mu Neostigmine antagonizes non-depolarizing blockade by all of the following mechanisms EXCEPT:
- Decreasing the breakdown of acetylcholine at the motor end plate
- Preventing the K+ efflux from the cell
- Increasing the release of acetylcholine at the motor end plate
- Depolarization at the motor end plate Katzung 10/e p436; KDT 6/e p99-101 - Solution 2) Preventing the K+ efflux from the cell The following antibiotic accentuates the neuromuscular blockade produced by pancuronium:
- Streptomycin
- Erythromycin
- Penicillin G
- Chloramphenicol 6/e p345 - Solution 1) Streptomycin A patient with ruptured spleen is taken for laparotomy. His blood pressure is 80/50 and heart rate is 125/min. Induction agent of choice for this patient is:
- Sodium Thiopentone
- Fentanyl
- Ketamine
- Halothane Goodman and Gilman 12/e p538-539 - Solution A 32 year old male is a known hypertensive and is being planned for cholecystectomy. Which of the following anaesthetic agents is contraindicated in this person?
- Propofol
- Ketamine
- Midazolam
- Etomidate /e p437 - Solution 2) Ketamine A patient with mitral stenosis had to undergo surgery. Pre-anaesthetic checkup revealed the increased liver enzymes. Which of the following inhalational agent should be preferred in this patient?
- Xenon
- Enflurane
- Halothane
- Sevoflurane Goodman and Gilman 12/e p547-548, Morgan's Clinical Anaesthesiology, 11/e p166-167, Wiley 7/e p527-532 - Solution 1) Xenon Nitrous oxide is contraindicated in patients with pneumothorax, pneumopericardium or intestinal obstruction, because it:
- Depresses an already compromised myocardium
- Permits the use of limited FI02 only
- Is less soluble than nitrogen
- Causes the expansion of air filled body cavities Goodman and Gilman 12/e p547 - Solution 4) Causes the expansion of air filled body cavities A 5 years old child is suffering from cyanotic heart disease. He is planned for corrective surgery. The induction agent of choice would be:
- Thiopentone
- Ketamine
- Halothane
- Midazolam Ajay Yadav 2/e p215 - Solution 2) Ketamine