Download APEA 3P Actual Exam Test Bank (APEA Question Bank, Answers 100% Verified) (Mostly Resource and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! APEA 3P Actual Exam Test Bank (APEA Question Bank, Answers 100% Verified) (Mostly Resourceful) APEA 2024 When performing a visual acuity test the nurse practitioner notes 20/30 in the left eye and 20/40 in the right eye using the Snellen eye chart. This means: Refer the patient to an ophthalmologist The American psychiatric association's diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder defines Munchausen Syndrome by proxy: a caregiver making up or causing an illness or injury in a person under his or her care Symptoms of depression are a side effect of which neurotransmitter medication? dopamine Which lesion is dark, raised, and asymmetric with irregular border? Melanoma A 32-year-old woman presents with dull puffiness of the eyes pronounced not pitting periorbital edema this finding is suggestive of this condition? Myxedema A 42-year-old woman with a past medical history of migraine headaches is requesting prophylactic medication treatment. Which medication should the Nurse Practitioner prescribe? Amitriptyline (Elavil) A pediatric has areas of scaling on the scalp with round patches of alopecia. this clinical finding is consistent with: Tinea Capitis What is the appropriate prophylactic medication for an 18-year-old woman with a past medical history of migraine headaches? Propanolol (Inderal) Why would a combined hormonal contraceptive be contraindicated in a 36-year- old patient with a past medical history of type 2 diabetes, obesity, chronic smoking, and sedentary life: Her age and tobacco use During the breast examination of a perimenopausal woman, the NP detects a bloody spontaneous discharge from the right nipple. This indicates further evaluation. An intraductal papilloma Intraductal papilloma are usually solitary and smaller than 1 cm. They are located in large lactiferous sinuses or ducts and have a tendency to bleed. Rh negative women should receive Rho(D) immunoglobulin at what gestational time? Gravida 4, Para 1314 Gravida, Term babies, Preterm Babies, Abort and Living Child The nurse practitioner palpates an enlarged right epitrochlear lymph node in a 30 year old patient. The nurse practitioner should assess the patients: right forearm and hand Anticholinergics are indicated for the treatment of: Urge incontinence A patient presents with signs of chest pain, the nurse practitioner observes jugular venous distention. Their finding is consistent with: Heart failure On examination of the neck, a dome shaped lesion in the dermis forming a benign closed firm sac attached to the epidermis is noted on a right lateral side of the neck. The type of lesion is known as : a cutaneous cyst A dark dot (black-head) may be visible on its usually either an epidermoid cyst, common on the face and neck, or pilar cyst, common in the scalp. Both may be come inflamed. BATES: pg286 Symptoms of heartburn and regurgitation are associated with: Gastroesophageal reflux A 70-years-old man walks 20- minutes most days of the week. He has begun to complain of pain of his left calf when he is walking. The problem has gotten gradually worse and now he is unable to complete his 20 minutes walks without stopping to rest. What choice best describes the pain associated with peripheral artery disease? a dull pain and cramp Papilledema is cause for concern because it is suggestive of: Increased intracranial pressure BATES: pg. 280 A 38-year-old patient with a history of abdominal pain presents to the nurse practitioner. Findings reveal superficial edema and bruising in the subcutaneous fatty tissue around the umbilicus. Hemorrhagic pancreatic is suspected because of which finding? A positive Cullen's sign BATES: pg. 208 A 57-year-old post-menopausal female presents with a complaint of vaginal burning, pruritus, and painful intercourse. On examination, the nurse practitioner would be most concern with the findings: A friable cervix When intervention does the American College of Rheumatology recommend as first line therapy for Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or something else: Exercise and weight loss Which of the following drugs is not contraindicated for concurrent use with warfarin (Coumadin)? Amoxicillin (Amoxil) The lymphatic ducts drain into the: Venous system Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment for trichomoniasis in a non-pregnant woman? Metronidazole (Flagyl) Osteosarcoma in a pediatric patient is most often diagnosed when there is: pain in the affected bone A patient presents with decreased hearing related to antibiotic use. Which class of antibiotic is this? Aminoglycosides Aminoglycosides antibiotics, vancomycin and aspirin are some medication that can cause hearing loss BATES: pg. 219 Which antihypertensive would be appropriate to prescribe for a hypertensive patient (B/P) 150/95) that is in her third trimester? Methyldopa Category B for pregnancy Pharm book: pg.143 A 40-year-old admits to multiple sex partners presents with several lesions over his body Findings reveals hemorrhagic vesiculopustular lesions over the hands and feet. These lesions are most likely associated with: Gonococcemia BATES: pg.207 Purple to grey macules, papules or hemorrhagic pustules distributed over acral and periarticular surfaces Which agent os NOT useful in prophylactic treatment of migraine headaches? Sumatriptan (Imitrex) The right lymph duct drains lymphatic fluid from all the following expect the Right leg Acute lymphocytic leukemia is usually diagnosed by: A bone marrow examination The medication that blocks the transportation of glucose across the intestines into the blood stream to target prandial blood glucose is: Acarbose (Precose) Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors Prostate pain is usually located in the: Perineum A nurse practitioner examines the skin of an elderly patient which finding below is NOT benign lesion associated with the aging process? Dermatophytosis also known as ringworm, is a fungal infection of the skin. Typically it results in a red, itchy, scaly, circular rash. A 65-year-old male presents with findings of symmetric thorax with moderate kyphosis and anterior diameter. Chest expansion is decreased and the diaphragm descending 2 cm bilaterally. These findings related to: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Phenazopyridine (Pyridium) is recommended for very short-term use in patients with urinary tract infections (UTIs) because: Occurrence of hemolytic anemia Estrogen-progestin contraceptives should be avoided in women with: Migraines with aura Combine contraceptives is a good choice for patients childbearing age younger than 35 with NO aura migraine The addition of benzoyl peroxide to erythromycin for the topical treatment of acne: Improve the efficacy of erythromycin An elderly male with benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) should be advised to avoid antihistamines. What is the reason for this? Urinary retention Serotonin Syndrome is a potentially life-threatening condition associated with: Increased levels of serotonin Which one of the following statements about treating scabies with lindane (Kewell) is correct? (NIX is the treatment ) Lindane lotion and/or shampoo is not considered first-line therapy Symptoms consistent with later stage human deficiency disease (HIV) typically include all the following EXCEPT: Persistent vomiting The earliest clinical manifestation of diabetic nephropathy is: Micoalbuminuria When fluid accumulates between the visceral and parietal pleural spaces, the term used is: Pleural effusion Children born with down syndrome often have other anomalies. They especially require evaluation of what body system? Cardiac What finding is typical in a patient with a meniscal tear? Positive McMurray's Test The nurse practitioner diagnoses a female patient with trichomoniasis. A common chief complaint of a patient with trichomoniasis is: vaginal discharge When deciding on an initial treatment option for an acute flare of atopic dermatitis, unresponsive to emollient therapy, the next best choice for treatment is: Desonide 0/5% When examining the breast, the "tail of Spence" would be located laterally across the anterior axillary fold Headaches with symptoms of nausea and vomiting may be associate with all the following EXCEPT: Tension headache Which of the following finding could indicate a need for further evaluation of the cardiac patient: Low density lipoprotein of 190 mg/dL Alpha-adrenergic blocker increases urine outflow in males by: Relaxing prostate smooth muscle The scoliosis patient who would cause the greatest concern for the nurse practitioner is a: 13 y/o female a 10 degree curve Which finding bellow would be unusual in a patient with diabetic retinopathy? Papilledema Where should the uterine fundus be palpable at 12 weeks? At the level of the symphysis pubis Ophthalmoscopic examination of 40 years old carpenter reveals a triangular thickening of the bulbar conjunctiva across the outer surface of the cornea. This condition in termed: Pterygium A growth of the conjunctiva (triangular thickening) that covers the cornea A patient calls the nurse practitioner, and states that he missed his morning daily dose of warfarin, 5 mg yesterday and today. The nurse practitioner instructs the patient to: Take warfarin 5 mg now and resume the warfarin 5 mg daily dose in the morning as schedule What common clinical finding is present in a patient who has croup? Barking cough A type of breast cancer that begins with erythema and swelling of the breast and progresses rapidly is termed: Inflammatory breast cancer lisinopril, glyburide and bupropion. The most likely medication cause for a false positive result for amphetamines would be: Bupropion Desmopressin is a commonly nasal spray has been fund to be useful in the management of enuresis in children. In which of the following situation is the drug especially beneficial? Sleepovers Rapid Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing would be appropriate for a patient with complaints of: Painful urination, dyspareunia, and vaginal or penile discharge Which of the following condition is NOT associated with the symptoms of hemoptysis? Viral pneumonia Which condition is associated with end-stage renal disease in pediatric patients and requires recombinant erythropoietin treatment? Anemia When evaluating a 17-year-old girl with infrequent menstrual periods, which findings suggest probable hyperandrogenism? Hirsutism Thick hair growth- on the face particularly the beard and moustache area, limbs, underarm, and pubic area. Which form of urinary incontinence is present in a patient with Alzheimer's disease who is unable to reach the toilet in time? Functional incontinence Occurs when some obstacle or disability makes it hard for you to reach or use a toilet in time to urinate A 27-year old male patient presents with a painless chancre on the shaft of his penis and regional lymphadenopathy. He is diagnosed with primary syphilis. The best initial treatment is: Benzathine penicillin G (Bicillin L.A.) A 80-year-old man is being evaluated for recent episodes of incontinence and confusion. His family states that he is usually independent with no altered mental issues, but has become forgetful within the last two weeks. Which medication is most likely associated with the symptoms? Cimetidine (tagamet) When ordering an oral diabetes medication for a 72 year old patient with a recent history of decreased appetite and ongoing risk of hypoglycemia. The NP should order: Metformin To increase urine outflow in men with BPH, the NP should prescribe: An alpha blocker A 64-year-old man with CC of leg pain and occasional numbness that worsens with ambulation and improves with lumbar flexion. The symptoms are consistent with Spinal Stenosis Pseudoclaudication refers to pain in the back or legs when the patient walks but improves with rest, lumbar flexion, or both. Which is true statement about varicose veins? They are more symptomatic during ovulation A 17-year-old is diagnosed with mild bronchospasm. Which of the following would provide relief? Inhaled levalbuterol (Xopenex) A common cause of decreased libido in men is due to: Endocrine dysfunction Which of the following medication is note indicated for the treatment of muscle spasms? Baclofen During an abdominal examination the NP percusses the bulging area of the abdomen. Which sounds suggest the presence: Dullness Which pathogen is associated with common UTI? E. Coli Which condition is caused by an insufficient production of intrinsic facto by gastric mucosa and Vitamin B insufficiency? Pernicious anemia A multiparous pregnant patient presents at 24 weeks gestation with complain of painless vaginal bleeding. This presentation is consistent with: placenta previa When measuring the fundal height of a pregnant female at 32 weeks gestation, which measurement would the NP suspect fetal growth: 32 cm A 40 year old female, the overall texture of the breast is soft, with an uneven contour bilaterally, the NP informs the patient that warrants a mammogram A 74 year old man who recently lost his spouse of 50 years in an auto accident tells the NP that " he has no purpose in this life" Have you thought about hurting yourself? A 67 year old woman with hx. of A.fib and an ejection fraction of 48% has had normal digoxin levels. Which can cause a decrease in digoxin levels? Regular use of antacide 5-alpha reductase inhibitor work to improve symptoms of BPH by: Decreasing the size of the prostate Which medication is indicated for patients with generalized anxiety disorder? Buspirone (Buspar) Pregnant women are evaluated for syphilis with serology testing because: Syphilis during pregnancy predisposes the fetus to spontaneously abort or the newborn to have congenital syphilis When treating a patient with asthma who is experiencing acute wheezing, which medication should be given to relieve the symptoms? Short acting bronchodilator Recommended combination therapy for uncomplicated anorectal and pharyngeal gonorrhea is: Ceftriaxone an azithromycin An example of synovial joints with be: Shoulder