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HR Operations - ✔✔focus on business issues and the human resources functions anticipating and planning for change HR actives cover? - ✔✔everything an organization uses to affect employee behaviors 5 steps in the lawmaking process - ✔✔Draft a Bill, Debate, Voting, Referral to another chamber, and final actions Who can draft a bill? - ✔✔Anyone, only member of congress may introduce it into legislation One a bill reaches the floor what is determined? - ✔✔procedures ( conditions and time allotted) After the debate the bill is? - ✔✔passed or defeated by voting membership Once a bill is passed, it is? - ✔✔referred to another chamber. The second chamber can? - ✔✔approve, modify or reject a bill After the house and senate accept the bill it is sent to? - ✔✔the president What three actions can the president take on a new bill? - ✔✔1. sign the bill into law
- vetoes it
- if no action is taken for ten days while congress is in session, it becomes a law. If congress adjourns its second session and the president takes no action, it is? - ✔✔pocket veto- legislation dies
Over ride veto- - ✔✔Over ride president decision, 2/3 vote of members who are present Grass roots - ✔✔active involvement in the legislative process at a hands on level 3 functions of a typical business? - ✔✔Operations, Marketing & Sales, and Finance & Accounting Treasury Duties - ✔✔financing an investing companies money Controller - ✔✔Monitor revenue, income and expenses 4 types of budgets - ✔✔Incremental, formula, operating and captial Incremental Budget - ✔✔looks at prior budget for new funding, looks at each items budget expense to make plan for next period Formula Budget - ✔✔overall cost applied to calculate increases in the next budget, new budget starts at zero; without considering prior expenses Operating Budget - ✔✔focuses on the budget income statement and its supporting components and schedules Capital Budget - ✔✔plan to finance long term fixed assets such as facilities and equipment Straight line depreciation method - ✔✔expense is assumed to be incurred in equal amounts over life of asset accelerated depreciation method - ✔✔expense is assumed to be incurred in decreasing amounts over life of asset ROI= - ✔✔gain from investment- cost of investment/ cost of investment
3 Historic HR Roles - ✔✔Advisory, Service and Control 3 Current HR Roles - ✔✔Administration, Operational and Strategic 3 types of organizational structures - ✔✔centralized, decentralized and organizational 4 types of organizational structures - ✔✔Functional, Divisional, Customer Focused and Matrix Functional Structure - ✔✔org chat arranged by function/department Divisional Structure - ✔✔org chat separated by product, group, market, region Customer Focused Structure - ✔✔org chart based on customer needs Matrix Structure - ✔✔Dual chain of command- report to more then one person 2 types of reporting relationships - ✔✔line management and staff management Line management - ✔✔responsible for reaching company goals, making money and operations Staff Management - ✔✔Contributes to efficiency and maintenance of organization ( HR, FINANCE, ACCOUNTING) Cost Leadership Strategy - ✔✔meet customer needs for quality at low cost Product Differentiation Strategy - ✔✔offer unique products and services ( higher cost)
5 Management Responsibilities - ✔✔1. Planning
- Organizing
- Coordinating
- Directing
- Controlling Org life cycle stages - ✔✔introduction, growth, maturity, decline and shakeout. Core Competency - ✔✔organizations unique capability or strengths to create value and be different from competitors Objective - ✔✔major initiatives company will take to achieve each goal strategies - ✔✔means by which an objective is achieved Tactics - ✔✔detail of the steps to carry out a strategy Critical Success Factors - ✔✔activities an org must perform extremely well to achieve mission and goals Higher Unemployment more? - ✔✔skilled workers looking for jobs Matures - ✔✔born prior to 1945 boomers - ✔✔ 1945 - 1964. workaholics Sandwich - ✔✔Late Boomers, caring for children and parents Generation X - ✔✔ 1965 - 1980 Team, time off valued, want trustworthy bosses
Generation Y - ✔✔born after 1980, technically driven, focus on being individual, may look for non traditional career paths Balanced Score Card - ✔✔robert kaplan and david norton 1992. management tool for organizational development and incentive programs 4 parts of a balanced scorecard - ✔✔1. financial goals
- customer perspective
- internal processes
- learning and innovation Primary Research - ✔✔data collected first hand for specific project. 4 steps involved in primary research - ✔✔1. problem Analysis
- Hypothesis Generation
- Experimental Designs
- Ensuring reliability 3 data collection methods for primary research - ✔✔1. interviews/ panels
- Surveys
- Quantitative Data Analysis Secondary Research - ✔✔already published or recorded data that has been done by someone else Tools to measure achievement - ✔✔1. Gap analysis- where we are now vs where we need to be
- Benchmarking- comparing specific measures of performance in other best practice tools used to track progress - ✔✔1. Gantt charts- bar charts
- PERT charts- arrow diagram of critical components HR Outsourcing - ✔✔transferring or sharing management control to an outside supplier 2 most commonly outsourced hr functions - ✔✔benefits and temp staffing Kurt Lewins Theory of Change - ✔✔Overcoming resistance to change by unfreeze, moving and refreezing Stages of reaction to change by Daryl R Conner - ✔✔1. Denial
- Anger
- Neutral
- Depression
- Acceptance Copyrightact 1976 - ✔✔right or privilege the author has to exclude printing, duplicating, distributing or vending copies of their work Copyright materials are automatically - ✔✔protected under us copyright law Copy right give the author protection against what 4 things - ✔✔1. reproducing work
- distributing work
- preparing derivative works based on original
- preforming the work in public Filing a copyright is generally - ✔✔not required, unless you want to file a law suit for infringement Employer owns copy right of employee's - ✔✔1. work done during business and works created by a consultant or freelancer
Outside of employee's work or works created by a consultant or freelancer, what is necessary? - ✔✔written assignment In public domain, copyrights last how long? - ✔✔lifetime of author plus 70 years In public domain, anonymous work is protected for how long? - ✔✔95 years from publish date or 120 years from year of creation. whichever expires first. 3 other publications considered within public domain - ✔✔1. anything published prior to 1978 without notice of copyright sign
- anything published between 1/1/1978 and 3/1/1989 without copyright sign
- after 1989, copyright notice not required Works produced for the us government by officers/ employees as part of official duties are considered - ✔✔public domain and may be freely reproduced Fair use allows? - ✔✔use of copyrighted work in Certain situations without first having to get permission Examples of fair use: - ✔✔criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research the distinction between fair use and infringement is? - ✔✔unclear and not easily defined 4 factors in determining whether or not use of copyright is fair, consider (4) - ✔✔1. purpose
- nature
- percentage copyright work is being used
- effect on potential market value of copyright work Title VII of the civil rights act - ✔✔must not discriminate when offering or providing training to individuals
American with Disabilities Act - ✔✔must ensure training facilities and materials are acceptable Three functions of HRD - ✔✔Training, Individual development and organizational development Individual development - ✔✔long term focus on employees future responsibilities organizational development - ✔✔enhancing effectivness of the organization through planned activities and interventions micro organizational development - ✔✔focus on individual, small groups and teams macro organizational development - ✔✔intended to improve overall effectiveness of organization HRD (Development) responsibilities (2) - ✔✔1. meet regulatory requirements
- support organizational mission/ strategy 5 ways to support organization mission/ strategy - ✔✔1. improved productivity
- enhanced org flexibility
- reduced performance deficiencies
- improved employee commitment
- lower turnover/ absent Two competent of career development - ✔✔career planning and Career management career planning - ✔✔educational and development activities to enhance control of direction of own carrer career management - ✔✔organizations involvement in employees career plan
Three roles in career development - ✔✔1. individual
- manager (coach)
- HRD Professional 3 steps in career development for being a manager - ✔✔performance appraisals, information and support 4 steps in career development for being a hrd professional - ✔✔1. provide carrer info and support
- ensure promotional opps
- communicate potential career paths
- develop skill inventory base 5 Career development stages - ✔✔1. preparation for work (age 0-25)
- organizational entry (18-25)
- early career (25-40)
- mid career (40-55)
- late career (55- retirement) contemporary career theories (2) - ✔✔Protean career theory Multiple career concept theory Protean career (hall and mirvis) - ✔✔each persons career is unique &individuals drive their own career Multipule career concept model - ✔✔1. Linear
- Expert
- Spiral
- Transitory
Linear (MCCM) - ✔✔Movement up org hierarchy, motivated by increased achievement, variable time line Expert (MCCM) - ✔✔Speciality knowledge and skill Motivated by desire for competence and stability Spiral MCCM (3) - ✔✔1. progression of moves through related occupations
- gains high level of competence before moving on (7-10 years)
- motivated by growth and creativity Transitory MCCM (2) - ✔✔1.Frequent moves to unrelated jobs or fields
- motivated by variety and independence HR challenges in career development - ✔✔1. motivating and retaining employees with high potential programs that allow managers with more potential to get promoted quicker encourages them to stay with organization job Enrichment - ✔✔adding more meaningful responsibilities to depth of jobs Job Enlargement - ✔✔broadening scope of job by expanding number of duties and tasks - not a motivator Dual Career Ladder - ✔✔technical and professional workers may not choose to pursue management opps 3 Career advancement carriers - ✔✔1. discriminatory practices- Glass ceiling, glass walls, glass elevators
- platured employees
- dual career partnerships
glass walls - ✔✔difficulty moving between organizational functions glass elevators - ✔✔ability to move up only within an organizational function 3 ways to keep plateaued employees motivated - ✔✔1. lateral moves
- temp assignments
- committee assignments Dual Career partnerships - ✔✔couples that follow their own career paths while actively supporting eachothers career Content theories - ✔✔1. maslows hierarchy of needs
- herzbergs motivation hygiene theory Maslow's hierarchy of needs - ✔✔lower needs must be filled before a person will try to meet higher needs 5 types of needs in maslows hierachy of needs - ✔✔1. Biological needs
- Safety and security
- belonging and love
- self esteem
- self actualization Herzburgs motivation hygiene theory - ✔✔Two dimensional: demoviaters ( external) and motivators (internal) In herzbergs motivation theory the presence of hygiene factors does not create? - ✔✔a feeling of satisfaction or motivation, but the absence of hygiene factors causes dissatisfaction even if motivation is present
6 cognitive process theories - ✔✔1. McGregors theory X and theory Y
- adams equity theory
- Porter and lawler model
- Vrooms expectancy theory
- social learning theory
- emotional intelligence Theory X and Theory Y - ✔✔Theory X- most people dont like working and must be forced to work Theory Y- people like working and get satisfaction from a job well done Adam Equity Theory - ✔✔People want to be treated fairly, compare themselves to others in similar positions Porter and Lawler Model - ✔✔Focus on the value of a person places on a goal and how their view fairness compared to others Vrooms expectancy theory - ✔✔behaviors are linked to outcome and outcomes have varying degrees of value and worth for different people. Individuals believe certain behavior are associated with success Social Learning theory - ✔✔Judgements people male about their ability to tale the course of action necessary to deal with certain sit. belief if you and you abilities, differs from self esteem. Emotional Intelligence - ✔✔Ability to perceive and understand personal feelings and those of others. Recognizing emotions and acting on them. non cognitive theories - ✔✔motivation is an interaction between behavior and external events Behavior reinforcement theory - ✔✔behavior is determined based on consequence. focuses on positive &negative reinforcement, consequence and extinction.
6 Common types of training - ✔✔1. regulatory
- new employee orientation
- basic skill
- technical skill
- interpersonal development
- management and supervisory 6 training methods - ✔✔1. on the job training- learning by doing
- internships- allow students to gain experience
- job rotation- moving employees from job to job
- apprentice programs- combo of classroom and on the job training
- simulated training
- behavior modeling - modeling behaviors of other high performers Addie model - ✔✔A- assessment D- Design D- Development I- Implement E- Evaluation Addie- Assesment - ✔✔Needs analysis and gap analysis Addie- Design - ✔✔Define objective of training program. 5 Elements of training objective- SMART (specific, measurable, action oriented, realistic and timely Addie - Development - ✔✔develop lesson plan, select trainer, select methods Addie - Implement - ✔✔schedule and deliver the program
Addie- Evaluation - ✔✔Select eval criteria and design. Kirkpatrick's four levels of evaluation - ✔✔1. Reaction- ask trainees to evaluate training using checklists
- learning- test trainees ( pre/post or just post) or test with control groups
- Behavior- observe job performance
- Results- measure changes in performance or behavior using performance test and observations 3 ways individuals learn - ✔✔1. auditory, tactical "hands on" , visual 3 learning styles - ✔✔behavior modeling, reinforcement, and transfer of training. behavior modeling - ✔✔copying someone else behavior, role modeling reinforcement - ✔✔repeat response with positive effect or avoid responding if negative effect- immediate confirmation transfer of training - ✔✔two conditions must be met. ability to apply new skills and use the new skill over time. 4 types of learning curves - ✔✔1. decreasing returns- most common, learns basic slow mastering skills
- increasing reutrns- learn something new or complex, slow to begin- then learning is easier as basics are mastered
- s shaped curve- easy to start, then difficult, then easy
- plateau curve- fast at first then plateau seating arrangement for training large groups - ✔✔lecture, classroom, banquet tables seating arrangement for small groups - ✔✔interactive (20ppl) circle, u shape, rectangular
large groups PC training - ✔✔chevron shape 2 thing to measure ROI of training - ✔✔1. typical training costs
- typical benefit gained from training development 4 typical training costs: - ✔✔1. trainer and trainees salary
- cost of facility, equipment and materials
- travel and meal expenses
- opportunity cost 6 typical benefits gained from training - ✔✔1. new skills
- increased production
- reduced errora
- improve attitudes
- reduced turnover
- less supervision required 5 types of performance appraisal/ evaluation - ✔✔1. supervisor- informal
- supervisor- formal
- self appraisal
- team appraisal
- multi-rater (360 feedback from everyone). Category performance rating - ✔✔graphic rating - scale that lets rater mark performance on a continuum checklist- set of adjectives or statements forced choice- rater chooses pre determined statements to rate employees performance. Comparative performance rating scale - ✔✔1. ranking- list all employees highest to lowest
- forced distribution-rate employees along bell shapes curve
- paired comparison- ranking employees in pairs and deciding which one is better Behavioral performance rating scale - ✔✔1. behavioral anchored rating
- behavioral observation 3.behavioral expectations
- management by objectives
- narrative essay
- ciritical incident
- field review behavioral anchored ratings - ✔✔combines critical incidents and quantified results by anchoring a quantified scale with specific examples of good and poor performance behaviors observation - ✔✔measures frequency of desired behaviors management by objectives - ✔✔performance goals individual and manaer agree on narrative or esay - ✔✔predetermined headings or topics related to performance critical incident - ✔✔rater maintains a record of bad work behavior throughout rating period field review - ✔✔obsrevation of wor performance by someone ousside of direct chain on command Regency effect - ✔✔when rater gives greater weight to recent events when assessing performance primacy effect - ✔✔information received, first receives most weighing
central tendancy error - ✔✔rating all employees in narrow range in middle of rating scale rater bias - ✔✔rater brings own values which disorts rating halo effect - ✔✔rating an employee high in all areas because of high performance in one area horn effect - ✔✔rating an employee low in all areas because of low performance in one area contrast error - ✔✔rating people relative to eachother rather than toward performance standards similar/ different to me - ✔✔basing ratings on perceived similarities or difference to rater strictness or leniency - ✔✔rating employees high or low depending on supervisors thought to judge performance harsh or nice sampling error - ✔✔rater has seen only small portion of employees work and its not good FLSA (fair labor standards act) - ✔✔established minimum wage,OT and child labor protection laws FLSA applies too - ✔✔most non managerial employees in private industry Federal Min Wage - ✔✔as of July 24 2009 it became 7.25 and waiters is 2.13 but waiters have to make more then minimum in an hour or they have to get paid min Overtime - ✔✔Employee's must be paid time and a half for every hour worked over 40. Includes all pay- bonus and shift differential Compensatory time in Lieu of overtime pay - ✔✔Instead of paying OT, giving employee and hour and a half off for every hour worked over 40
Compensatory time in Lieu of overtime pay is also known was - ✔✔comp time compensatory time in Lieu of overtime pay is normally - ✔✔illegal for private employeers Who can offer comp time? - ✔✔federal, state and local government up to 240 hours or 30 days a year. Police and Fire up to 60 days a year Non exempt employees must - ✔✔1. be paid for all hours worked
- comply with FLSA
- paid time and a half for over 40 hours a week FLSA salary exempt tests for determining exempt status - ✔✔1. change dec 2016, min salary test 455 a week and max 100,000 a year. super salary test - ✔✔test for high compensated employees paid over 134,004 a year Executive Exemption - ✔✔1. must manage the enterprise
- must manager 2 or more employees
- must have authority to hire and fire Special exemption for business owners - ✔✔an employee who owns bon-fida 20-percent equity interest who is actively in management, is considered a bon-fide exempt Professional Exemption - ✔✔Learned professional- performs work requiring advanced knowledge. Exemption does not apply to where employees learn skill by experience Creative Professional- work requiring invention, imagination or talent in recognized field of art
Administrative exemption - ✔✔primary duty is performance of office or non manual work related to management or business operations Shows discretion and independent judgement Outside salespersons - ✔✔primary duty is making sales, inside sales persons are non exempt computer related occupations exemptions - ✔✔OT not required if paid over 27.63 and hour (58,000) if duties include application of system analysis and design of programs exempt level employees must recieve - ✔✔a predetermined amount of compensation each pay period exempt level employees can not have their pay - ✔✔reduced because of work variations exemptions for the " no pay docking" rule - ✔✔1. Any full work week when no work is preformed
- absence from work for a full day for personal reasons other than sickness or disability
- Absence of work for on or more days due to be sick or disability
- offset amounts received as payment for jury duty
- penalties for violating rule
- unpaid disciplinary suspension
- unpaid leave taken by FMLA Safe Harbor - ✔✔Exemption will not be lost even when impoper deductions are made if employer
- has clearly communicated policy
- reimburses employees for any improper deductions
- makes a good faith commitment to comply in the future Independent Contractors - ✔✔individuals work contract with employers to preform specific projects or tasks.
Independent Contractors are not - ✔✔1. employees of the organization and are not covered by the FLSA Facts that someone is an independent contractor fall into the following 3 levels - ✔✔Behavioral, financial and type of relations Child Labor permissible jobs, 18 years or older - ✔✔1. Any job, hazardous or not, considered an adult. Child Labor Permissable jobs 16 and 17 years of age - ✔✔any non hazardous job, limited driving Child Labor Permissible jobs 14 and 15 years of age - ✔✔May work Outside of school hours in non haz and manufacturing jobs Child Labor Permissible Jobs Youth at Any Age - ✔✔deliver newspapers, perform in radio, tv movies or theater. Work in parent owned business, work as home workers Special minimum wage for youth - ✔✔4.25 per hour, under 20 years old, first 90 days with employer- must pay full min wage after 90 days Nursing Mothers are guaranteed - ✔✔reasonable unpaid breaks to nurse and a private area other than restrooms Davis- bacon Act 1931 - ✔✔covers works on federal construction jobs over 2,000. Contactors must sign weekly sheet showing they are making over min wage Walsh Healy public Contract Act (1936) - ✔✔Government contracts for supplies, equipment and materials over 10, McNamara - O' hAR Service Contract Act 1965 - ✔✔Government services contracts over 2500
Portal to Portal Act 1947 - ✔✔Amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act. Defines start and end of the work day for non exempt employees Portal to Portal Act of 1947 provides guidelines for - ✔✔Waiting and on call time- not paid unless it restricts the employee's activities Rest and Meal Brakes- 20 paid, 30 unpaid Training Time- paid if employer requires training Travel Time State laws are often more restrictive than? - ✔✔Federal Laws. have to follow both and honor most restrictive IRS Rulings are - ✔✔Published documents by the IRS as revenue rulings Total Rewards 3 main components - ✔✔Compensation, benefits and the work experience Entitlement - ✔✔Traditional compensation employees believe they should be rewarded for length of service Contribution - ✔✔Pay based on performance differences Org Pay Policy - ✔✔Lead the labor market, match the labor market, or lag the labor market Direct Compensation - ✔✔Base pay Hourly Salaried Salaried- non exempt Single Rate- same pay for each job Piecework- paid for each unit made Differential piece rate- paid more for each unit after standard is made
Knowledge based pay - ✔✔based on education and experience Competency Based - ✔✔based on ability to influence and direct others Skill Based Pay - ✔✔pay based on skills mastered Sales Commission - ✔✔compensation is computed as a percentage of sales in units or dollars Differential Pay - ✔✔Pay in Addition to base pay for special work circumstances ex. shift pay premium pay and hazard pay Incentive Pay - ✔✔Additional Pay on top of base pay ie bonus Group Garnishing plans- Scanlon plan - ✔✔uses employees committees to achieve cost reduction improvments Group Garnishing plans- Rucker - ✔✔Similar to Scalon plan but ties incentives to a wide variety of savings including materials and supplies. Group Garnishing plans- improshare plan - ✔✔Improved Productivity through sharing, org employees share equally in the profits of increased productivity organization plans - ✔✔incentives are paid based on meeting financial business sharing objectives profit sharing - ✔✔distributing a protion of org stock to give employee shares in the company Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPS) - ✔✔Profit sharing plan that gives employees shakes of stock in company. Design to increase employee effort
Executive Compensation is base pay gaurenteed, usually by? - ✔✔Employment contract with executive Incentive pay at risk - ✔✔based on overall success of company, large protion of compensation Workers compensation laws - ✔✔no fault insurance for employees hurt on the job. employer pays this insurance Workers comp includes - ✔✔physical injury, stress related injury or illness, or environmental caused illness Can an employee sue an employer for workers comp? - ✔✔no- can sue equipment manufacturer responsible for unsafe working conditions Workers comp covers? - ✔✔medical expenses, 2/3 salary, rehab, retraining, monetary settlement and death benefit workers comp premiums are based on? - ✔✔injury rate Employer can challenge workers comp claim if - ✔✔1. injury not work related
- injury or illness related to pre existing condition
- fraud or intentional injury
- intoxicated when injured works comp and medical records must be kept - ✔✔separate Restricted work duty - ✔✔Under FMLA, can return on restricted duty from being hurt or on workers comp Fair labor standards act (FLSA) - ✔✔No one under 18 can work hazardous jobs
Occupational safety and health act 1970 (OSHA) - ✔✔Protect men and women to have safe working conditions Employers are covered by OSHA if - ✔✔one or more employee, farmers ten or more employees What is not covered by OSHA - ✔✔Specific industries (coal mining ), state government and federal agencies OSHA Mission - ✔✔save lives, prevent injuries and protect health of america's workers OSHA is criticized because? - ✔✔1. lack of OSHA inspectors
- difficult and tedious regulations OSHA offers employees - ✔✔1. strategic partnership program- employers and unions tackle issues together
- voluntary protection program- encourages employers to go beyond osha standards
- on site consultation- employers can request osha inspection National Institute of occupational safety and health (NIOSH) - ✔✔conducts research for development of OSHA standards 2 types of variances employers can request from OSHA - ✔✔Temporary Variance- employer not able to meet standard by effective date permanent variance- employers proves current methods are safer then OSHA 4 important standards - ✔✔1. general duty clause
- blood borne pathogen standard
- personal protective equipment (PPE)
- lock out/ tag out
general duty clause - ✔✔must provide safe working conditions free of hazards blood borne pathogen standard - ✔✔written response plan, train employees on procedures, expose records maintained for 30 years. PPE (protective protective equipment ) - ✔✔1. must analyze standards, provide protective equipment lock out/ tag out - ✔✔machines needing repairs must be made inoperative with locks/ must be tagged saying who put lock on. 2 steps to file a complaint with osha - ✔✔1. request and inspection
- walk with inspector OSHA inspections can take place - ✔✔at any time there is suspect for unsafe working conditions. employer can require search warrant Typical OSHA inspection process - ✔✔1. opening conference
- inspection
- request documents, videos. take samples or interview employees
- closing conference 5 OSHA citations - ✔✔1. imminent danger- immediate correction to prevent death
- serious violation- could probably cause death or serious harm
- other than serious violation- could affect saftey
- de minimis violation- no immediate connection between violation and employees health or safety
- Willful ad repeated violation- employers has not correct violation- serious penalty if someone gets hurt. (6 months jail) OSHA injury and illness log and summary- form 300 - ✔✔org log of injuries and illness