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Apoyo para tus trabajos y para lograr avanzar, Study notes of Wildlife Ecology

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Download Apoyo para tus trabajos y para lograr avanzar and more Study notes Wildlife Ecology in PDF only on Docsity! BESTIARIO Contenido  WYVERNS PAJARO  NEOPTERON  WYVERNS VOLADOR  WYVERNS PISCINE  PELAGUS  CARAPACEON  DRAGON ANCIANO lodrome Elemental Effectiveness lll éi& — bikie CR a Qa s 2 2 flo er Trap Duration ay Sleeps for 30 sec. Shock | Pitfall | 15 sec. | a Paralysis lasts 10 seconds GL, Poison does 60 damage Gendrome Elemental Effectiveness anil exes eB) She te te ew es Trap Duration aa Sleeps for 30 sec. Shock | Pitfall | 15 sec. | 33 Paralysis lasts 5 seconds. ® Poison does 120 damage ber? ber Yian Kut-Ku Elemental Effectiveness TIP: You can stun Kut-Ku by tossing a sonic bomb at him. This will not work if his ears are broken or he's enraged. Shiny might drop, O, aaa! os #4 Sleeps for 30 sec 33 Paralysis lasts 10 sec. Trap Duration Shock | Pitfall Poison does 240 dmg. 10 sec. | 27 sec. Elemental Effectiveness Blue Yian Kut-Ku lv dda d TIP: You can stun Kut-Ku by tossing a sonic bomb at him. This will not work if his ears are broken or he's enraged. Shiny might drop. O, teeta os sleeps for 30 sec Trap Duration 88 Paralysis lasts 10 sec. Shock | Pitfall @ Poison does 240 dmg. 10 sec. | 27 sec. Yian Garuga Elemental Effectiveness a 0, teak er TIP: Pitfall traps are only effective if garuga is not enraged. Sonic bombs do é) CRRA A not work like they did on kut-ku Basleeps for 20 sec. Trap Duration Ree paralysis lasts 15 sec, Shock | Pitfall Immune to poison 8 sec. |1/ sec, Gypceros @Asleeps for 40 sec Elemental Effectiveness BpParalysis lasts 10 sec. 6kkkens BpPoison does 240 dma] vrved = xe TIP: Breaking gypceros' crest will make his flash Oo rad attack useless. At higher ora ranks, this will make him! Trap Duration produce a poison cloud ||(Shock | Pitfall instead if it's broken. 17 sec. CAN'T SHOCK THE RUBBER TURKEY Purple Gypceros sleeps for 50 sec Elemental Effectiveness BpParalysis lasts 10 sec. 6kkkens BpPoison does 240 dma] vrved = xe TIP: Breaking gypceros' crest will make his flash Oo rad attack useless. At higher ora ranks, this will make him! Trap Duration produce a poison cloud ||(Shock | Pitfall instead if it's broken. 17 sec. CAN'T SHOCK THE RUBBER TURKEY Hypnocatrice Elemental sleeps for 30 sec. Effectiveness éan% Paralysis lasts 10 sec. bX ByPoison does 250 dmg. BPA, bey: bes fle Trap Duration Oar Shock | Pitfall iis 10 sec.| 17 sec. Wyverns Volador KHEZU Elemental @asleeps for 40 sec. Effectiveness paralysis lasts 5 sec. Seve aye Poison does 60 dmg. gam Trap Duration Oe Shock | Pitfall bist 10 sec.| 1/7 sec. RED KHEZU Elemental sleeps for 40 sec. oil Effectiveness eae sf Bara ysis lasts 5 sec. é g ,r~ dyerve rete ts @yPoison does 120 dmg. we ee 2 bE per Trap Duration Or Shock | Pitfall 17 sec. kd 10 sec. BASARIOS Elemental #asleeps for 60 sec. Effectiveness aud BP paralysis lasts 15 sec. died GyPoison does 240 dmg. ye Trap Duration 0, Shock | Pitfall Bese oe a ae 10 sec.| 17 sec. TIP: Even basarios' chest is hard as arock, it isn't a weakpoint until you break it. | advise the use of bombs or water shots. GRAVIOS Elemental sleeps for 60 sec. Effectiveness i @z SBParalysis lasts 15 sec. aul dri SyPeison does 240 dmg, ard Trap Duration Ow Shock | Pitfall Wise et ae 8 sec. | 17 sec. TIP: Same strategies for basarios work on gravios. Break the chest to do massive! damage! BED 2 bo St DeDA, BLACK GRAVIOS Elemental @asleeps for 60 sec. Effectiveness i GE paralysis lasts 15 sec. aul errr @poison does 480 dmg, pate Trap Duration Om Shock | Pitfall ts: 10 sec.| 17 sec. el Be # TIP: Same strats as regular gravios apply. 3 3 3 Pretty much the only thing worth using on this guy is water, bombs, and poison. RATHIAN FU Elemental @asleeps for 30 sec. Effectiveness Gz paralysis lasts 10 sec. dtd Poison does 240 dmg. ee oe Duration Ord Shock | Pitfall Wicrorarar || 8 sec. [17 sec. PINK RATHIAN FU Elemental Effacti ZAsleeps for 30 sec. ectiveness RBparalysis lasts 10 sec. # oe ich @pPoison does 360 dmg. Trap Duration Pia Y Ord Shock | Pitfall Xe & Wars 8 sec. |17 sec. GOLD RATHIAN FU Elemental Effect! Zasleeps for 40 sec. ectiveness # BBparalysis lasts 10 sec. Oud @Poison does 360 dmg. 7eee* Trap Duration Oe Shock | Pitfall i at 8 sec. | 17 sec. RATHALOS Elemental #asleeps for 30 sec. Effectiveness ad RBaralysis lasts 10 sec. Avteve ters @ByPoison does 240 dmg, wall Basra - TR aS MM qanaaan Trap Duran "4 8 sec. | 17 sec. = 2 Worse TIP: Rathalos will be alesson in appreciating the existance of flash bombs. For your own sanity, bring them. AZURE RATHALOS Elemental asleeps for 40 sec. Effectiveness GH Rparalysis lasts 10 sec. Ares @ByPeison does 360 dmg, wail Site Trap Duration Cte ¥ — ae Qeee — |lShock | Pitfall = 2 Ksesraid 8 sec. | 17 sec. TIP: Rathales will be alesson in appreciating the existance of flash bombs. For your own sanity, bring them. SILVER RATHALOS Elemental @asleeps for 40 sec. Effectiveness Baralysis lasts 10 sec. 6x Qyervrye rs @yPoison does 420 dmg. gAbrie ets Trap Duration Od Shock | Pitfall Set 8 sec. |17 sec. TIP: Rathalos will be alesson in appreciating! the existance of flash bombs. For your own sanity, bring them. TIGREX Elemental sleeps for 180 sec. Effectiveness. oi Bparalysis lasts 10 sec. dan Poison does 240 dmg, Aare rt Trap Duration Ov Shock | Pitfall Myra 8 sec. | 20sec. TIP: Tigrex may eat status meats onl occasion. Consider bringing a few if| ‘you've got space in your item bag. NARGACUGA Elemental ZAisleeps for 180 sec. Effectiveness ; onan paralysis lasts 10 sec. yee GyPoison does 240 dmg. gaieie tied Trap Duration Oe Shock | Pitfall Wests 8 sec. | 20 sec. Plesioth Trap Duration | Elemental |/asjeeps for 30 sec. Shock | Pitfall |!) Effectiveness 15 sec.]17 sec. Gerke RBParalysis lasts 10 sec. H @yPoison does 120 dmg, SAv ore eye TIP: Plesioth can be Ov fished out of water with ay a frog. Try it, it's fun. Green Plesioth Trap Duration || Elemental |/2asjeeps for 40 sec. Shock | Pitfall |!) Effectiveness 15 sec.]17 sec. Gerke SBParalysis lasts 10 sec. H @yPoison does 360 dmg. SAv ore eye TIP: Plesioth can be Ov fished out of water with ay a frog. Try it, it's fun. Cephadrome Effectiveness Elemental ZAsleeps for 40 sec. é i Paralysis lasts 15 sec. da Poison does 120 dmg. eee 4 a Cd # Wir 15 sec. >=] 223 Lavasioth Elemental asleeps for 30 sec. Effectiveness ex” RBParalysis lasts 10 sec. sett” @yPoison does 120 dmg, pate Trap D i Qtr Ifshoek Pita tise 15 sec.] 17 sec. Pelagus Bulldrome Elemental @asleeps for 30 sec. Effectiveness 6nan% Wparalysis lasts 20 sec. here er @yPoison does 180 dmg. SAvE oa oe oe Bee Trap Duration QO yred Shock | Pitfall | bes 15 sec.| >= Rajang Elemental Effectiveness x Ay al @, dete 3 TIP: Pitfall traps are only] [ Trap Duration sleeps for 40 sec. effective on rajang ifhe | || Shack | Pitfall me Paralysis lasts 10 sec. is enraged. 8 sec. | 17 sec. GbPoison does 240 dmg. = Cd F a 2 Carapaceon Daimyo Hermitaur Elemental Fffectiveness Zasicep lasts 30 sec. onnnk 23 paralysis lasts 10 sec. OF aerth G,Poison does 240 dmg. a Trap Duration * Shock | Pitfall | Be fet 10 sec. | >=] Tip: Throw a sonic bomb at Daimyo when he guards to stun him for a good while. Plum Daimyo Hermitaur Elemental as ao Effectiveness ne eee 6% BWParalysis lasts 10 sec. OX poison does 240 dmg. pater Trap Duration Q, seve Be or ve te Shock | Pitfall | ty et 10 sec. p=] Tip: Throw a sonic bomb at Daimyo when he guards to! stun him for a good while. Dragón Anciano be DiS, by GEE 2" Kirin Elemental Effectiveness Giri dirt 27asleeps for 40 sec. Beparalysis ineffective GiyPoison does 80 dmg. pi Trap Duration Qed [Shock | Pitfall, | rs Kushala Daora El tal Effecti eps ES sees sone én éx BeParalysis lasts 20 sec. jn = yPoison does 288 dmg, pratt te PALE Trap Duration Om ©, Shock | Pitfall hi treet re| Od TIP: Kushala's wind reflects arrows and hunters from his body and causes him to take less raw damage overall. You! can disable it by poisoning him, breaking his horns, or severing his tail. KUSHALA DAGRA HAS AN UNNAMED VARIANT KNOWN AS RUSTED KUSHALA. TO SEE ITS IMAGE REFER TO "RUSTED KUSHALA" OR "RKUSH" Chameleos Elemental Effectiveness sleeps for 30 sec. Visible Invisible D erececel, beecece) ReBParalysis lasts 10 see. a be ByPoison does 240 dme, Tene a Trap Duration Om Om Shock | Pitfall enor |Werrrire Tip: Chameleos can turn invisible. When invisible he takes slightly less raw damage overall. You can temporarily disable it by startling him with a sonic bomb! mid-attack or permanently by severing his tail and breaking his horn. (You must wound both to disable it) Teostra Elemental Effectiveness Z2aSleeps for 30 sec. Inactive Aural Active Aura Gz Gz Paralysis lasts 15 sec. ghortesr horde vrs @yPoison does 300 dmg, pa pa Trap Duration Ogre Osrt shovk Pitfall Warts iid Tip:Teostra's fire aura increases his defense and i deals terrain damage. It can be countered with the| terrain skill or disabled temporarily by poison and permanently by breaking his horns. Doe Db bX Lunastra Elemental Effectiveness Inactive Aural Active Aura sleeps for 30 sec, 6a @z ReeParalysis lasts 15 sec. rial rial @yPoison does 300 dmg Qyteiet MOydetedkte | roe pital Moe dedi dl] ddl Tip:Lunastra's fire aura increases her defense and deals terrain damage. It can be countered with the| terrain skill or disabled temporarily by poisen and permanently by breaking her horns. Yama Tsukami Elemental YAMA TSUKAMI Effectiveness 1S IMMUNE TO GE ALL FORMS OF Ae jy STATUS AILMENT yim Trap Duration Oar ar be ae et dows gonna trap hinidiardds this thing? TIP: Yama will fall three times during the fight as his healthis lowered. You can jump on his back to bomb or carve} it when he falls. FATALIS BRE a, EEE # TIP: Fatalis can be temporarily immobilized a by luring him under the gate. This does s damage, too. Elemental ZAsleeps for 30 sec. Effectiveness , ona Rparalysis lasts 10 sec. ool &tt ByPoison does 120 dmg. pave Trap Duration Overs How u gonna trap Wirdreidihdt a god? Go home. pees, BEE pe & CRIMSON FATALIS TIP: When Crimson is enraged, he enters an armor state where he takes very little damage and causes weapons to bounce. Elemental sleeps for 30 sec. Effectiveness @trink Rparalysis lasts 10 sec. &xk @yPoison does 120 dmg. Trap Duration 0, te eee Wishsdisi st a god? Go home. WHITE FATALIS pops, BEE TIP: When his health is about halfway down, Fatalis will enter armor mode until he's weakened. Have fun! li Se Elemental 2AaSleeps for 30 sec. Effectiveness , | nak RBParalysis lasts 10 sec. ml x An Poison does 120 dmg, a 2 Bae Trap Duration 0, tet Warde testis