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Appliance Inspections for Home Inspectors: Questions & Answers, Exams of Materials science

A comprehensive set of questions and answers related to appliance inspections for home inspectors. It covers various aspects of appliance inspection, including safety features, functionality, and common deficiencies. Designed to help home inspectors prepare for their certification exams and improve their knowledge of appliance inspection standards.

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Available from 10/29/2024

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Download Appliance Inspections for Home Inspectors: Questions & Answers and more Exams Materials science in PDF only on Docsity!

InterNACHI - Appliance Inspections for Home

Inspectors 2024-2025. Questions & Correct

Answers. Graded A+

A "material defect" is a __________ issue with a system or component. - ANSspecific A bathroom exhaust vent should not have a __________________. - ANSridged interior A bathroom vent should exhaust to the ________________. - ANSexterior A boathouse's grade-level portions require ____________ protection. - ANSGFCI A dishwasher displaying ___________ is considered a deficient condition. - ANSinterior rust A dishwasher may have a/an _______________ water leak which should be reported as deficient. - ANSactive A dryer vent must have a/an _________________ cover. - ANSexterior A ductless range hood is __________________. - ANSfound in many new homes with island-type cooktops

A food-waste disposer ___________ the strain placed on the home's septic system. - ANSincreases A food-waste disposer and a _______________ are the same thing. - ANSgarbage disposal A gas range must have what type of valve? - ANSA gas shut-off valve A general home inspection is a __________________, visual examination of a residential property. - ANSnon-invasive A kitchen refrigerator is an appliance that consists of a thermally insulated compartment and a heat pump, which transfers heat from the refrigerator's ___________ environment to its __________ environment. - ANSinternal... external A missing dryer vent hood or other cover is considered a(n) __________________.

  • ANSdeficient condition A rain or freeze sensor for a lawn and garden sprinkler system is a(n) ______________ feature. - ANSrequired A range exhaust that vents to the home's attic, basement or crawlspace is an ____________ condition. - ANSunacceptable A safety barrier at a pool, spa or hot tub is considered a(n) ____________ installation. - ANSrequired

A trash compactor that ___________________ during operation is considered deficient. - ANSsignificantly vibrates A whole-house vacuum system that is faulty or inoperable __________ considered a reportable deficiency if the household relies primarily on a portable vacuum cleaner. - ANSis According to the InterNACHI Standards of Practice (, the inspector is ___________ to move appliances. - ANSnot required An inspection does not determine _____________ value of a property. - ANSmarket An inspection will not deal with which type of concern? - ANSmatters or taste or aesthetics An inspection will not identify _______________ or latent defects. - ANSconcealed An inspector may choose not to inspect any system that has been ________________, shut down, or otherwise secured. - ANSwinterized Any unit that is deemed _____________ should be reported as deficient. - ANSinoperative

As part of a private septic system inspection, the inspector must locate the __________. - ANSdrainfield Blowers that do not operate at all ____________ in a range exhaust fan should be reported. - ANSspeeds Built-in microwave ovens generally use ________________. - ANSgrounded, three-prong plugs Dishwasher racks that are damaged but still serviceable are considered a __________. - ANSdefect If a range exhaust vent is not a re-circulating type then the vent pipe must terminate: - ANSOutside the structure If the pilot light at the outdoor cooking equipment goes out, the gas supply should be _______ for safety. - ANSturned off Inspectors should test the garage door for its _____________ during its closing cycle. - ANSauto-reverse safety feature It is ___________ that the inspector inspect or report on any built-in appliance not specifically covered in this appliance course. - ANSrecommended It is not recommended that the inspector test a microwave oven for ________________. - ANSradiation leaks

It is recommended that a ___________ be installed at the open end of the dryer vent that exhausts to the outdoors in order to prevent the intrusion of birds and other pests. - ANSdamper It's _______________ that the inspector test a trash compactor's ram pressure. - ANSdiscouraged Odors detected in the area of a private septic system are considered _________________. - ANSan indication of a problem and should be reported. Outbuildings at a property __________ have to be inspected for the same structural, plumbing, HVAC and electrical deficiencies that apply to the principal structure. - ANSdo Outdoor cooking equipment that is connected to the home's fuel and electrical systems ________ be inspected for the same safety issues as those affecting the cooking areas and kitchen of the main structure. - ANSmust Recent _______________ may affect the inspection of a private septic system's drainfield. - ANSprecipitation T/F: A doorbell that does not work is not considered a deficient condition if a door knocker is also provided. - ANSFalse T/F: The fuel supplies of off-grid homes that rely on liquid propane or natural gas are exempt as optional appliance systems. - ANSFalse

Testing a microwave oven's operation can be performed while the unit ________.

  • ANShas a cup of water in it The emergency release handle of a garage door should be ___________. - ANSred in color The exterior structure of an outdoor cooking unit that is cracked or damaged is __________________________. - ANSconsidered deficient The following are the three general types of doorbells, based on their wiring and mechanics: _____________. - ANSchime, buzzer and ringer The inspector ______________ to verify the existence of an underground water leak at a home that relies on a private water well if the home's occupants report such suspicions. - ANSis not required The inspector is ___________ to inspect any sacrificial anode bonding that exists at a home's optional gas supply system. - ANSnot required The inspector is ___________ to operate a representative number of zones or stations of a lawn and garden sprinkler system. - ANSnot required The inspector is ______________ any part of a private septic system for inspection. - ANSnot required to uncover The inspector is not required to determine the ____________ of any condition. - ANScause or reason

The inspector is not required to determine the presence of: - ANSmold, mildew or fungus The inspector is not required to inspect _____________ items. - ANSdecorative The inspector is not required to operate any ____________ system. - ANSalarm The inspector is not required to operate any system that is: - ANSshut down The inspector is required to inspect ________________ outlets of a central vacuum system for functionality. - ANSall The inspector is required to operate two plumbing fixtures _______________ in order to observe the functional flow of water in a home that relies on a private water well. - ANSsimultaneously The inspector may choose not to inspect which of the following: - ANSmicrowave oven radiation leaks The inspector may choose to ____________ InterNACHI's Standards of Practice in order to inspect non-permanent appliances. - ANSexceed The pump motor, blower and other electrical equipment at a pool, spa and hot tub must be ____________. - ANSbonded

The refrigerator ________ be plugged into a GFCI-protected receptacle. - ANSshould not The typical doorbell uses about _______ volts. - ANS Unusual _________________ from the blower fans in a range exhaust fan should be reported. - ANSsounds or vibrations What is InterNACHI's estimation for the life expectancy of a standard carbon monoxide detector if the batteries are changed regularly? - ANS5 years What is InterNACHI's estimation for the life expectancy of a standard garage door?

  • ANS20 to 25 years What is InterNACHI's estimation for the life expectancy of a standard gas oven? - ANS10 to 18 years What is InterNACHI's estimation for the life expectancy of a standard halogen bulb? - ANS4k to 8k+ hours What is InterNACHI's estimation for the life expectancy of a standard LED bulb? - ANS30k to 50k+ hours What is InterNACHI's estimation for the life expectancy of a standard trash compactor? - ANS6 years

What is InterNACHI's estimation for the life expectancy of a standard washing machine? - ANS5 to 15 years What is InterNACHI's estimation for the life expectancy of standard structural wood in a deck? - ANS10 to 30 years What is InterNACHI's estimation for the life expectancy of standards steel beams?

  • ANS200+ years What is InterNACHI's estimation for the life expectancy of standards tile countertops? - ANS100+ years What systems should be inspected in outbuildings? - ANSAll systems that are required to be inspected for the principal structure What type of testing accompanies a water well inspection? - ANSwater-quality or water-potability When inspecting a pool, spa or hot tub it is important to report on the absence of what? - ANSsafety barriers When inspecting a pool, spa or hot tub, the inspector may choose not to: - ANSfill the pool, spa or hot tub with water Which of the following should be reported as "deficient" in regards to a dishwasher? - ANSFailure to drain properly