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Aqa a level business paper 1 business 1 qp 2023.pdf, Exams of Philology

A question paper for AQA A Level Business Paper 1 May 2020. It contains multiple-choice questions and instructions for the exam. The questions cover various topics related to business, such as data mining, enterprise resource planning, market share, growth stages, balanced scorecard, investment return, management styles, and price elasticity of demand. useful for students preparing for the AQA A Level Business exam.

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Available from 10/08/2023

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Paper i 1 i Business i 1

Friday i 22 iMay i 2020 Morning Time iallowed: i 2 ihours


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 Use iblack iink ior iblack iball-point ipen.  Fill iin ithe iboxes iat ithe itop iof ithis ipage.  Answer i all i questions iin i Section iA i and i Section iB.  Answer i one i question ifrom i Section iC i and i one i question ifrom i Section iD.  You imust ianswer ithe iquestions iin ithe ispaces iprovided. iDo inot iwriteioutside ithe ibox iaround ieach ipage ior ion iblank ipages.  If iyou ineed iextra ispace ifor iyour ianswer(s), iuse ithe ilined ipages iat ithe iend iof this ibook. i Write ithe iquestion inumber iagainst iyour ianswer(s).  Do iall irough iwork iin ithis ianswer ibook. iCross ithrough iany iwork iyou ido inotiwant ito ibe imarked.


 The imarks ifor iquestions iare ishown iin ibrackets.  The imaximum imark ifor ithis ipaper iis i100. For iExaminer’s iUse Question Mark Section iA 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 TOTAL

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Section iA Answer i all i questions iin ithis isection. box Only i one i answer iper iquestion iis iallowed. For ieach iquestion icompletely ifill iin ithe icircle ialongside ithe iappropriate ianswer. CORRECT iMETHOD (^) WRONG iMETHODS If iyou iwant ito ichange iyour ianswer iyou imust icross iout iyour ioriginal ianswer ias ishown. If iyou iwish ito ireturn ito ian ianswer ipreviously icrossed iout, iring ithe ianswer iyou inow iwish ito iselectias ishown. 0 1 ‘The^ iprocess^ iof^ itransforming^ iraw^ iinformation^ iinto^ iuseful^ iinformation^ ithat^ ican isupportivarious iactivities iof ia ibusiness’. The idefinition iabove imost iaccurately idescribes [1 imark] A data imining. B e-commerce. C enterprise iresource iplanning. D gathering ibig idata. 0 2 Despite^ ia^ isignificant^ iincrease^ iin^ iits^ isales^ irevenue,^ ia^ iproduct’s^ imarket^ ishare^ ifalls ifromi60% ito i50%. This iproduct iis ia [1 imark] A cash icow. B dog. C problem ichild/question imark. D star.

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0 3 Statement^ i1:^ i ‘An^ iincrease^ iin^ iits^ ilevel^ iof^ icapacity^ iutilisation^ ican^ ihelp^ ia^ ibusinessibecause iit iallows iit imore itime ifor imaintenance iand irepair iof iequipment.’ Statement i2: i ‘An iincrease iin iits ilevel iof icapacity iutilisation ican ihelp ia ibusinessibecause iit iallows iit ito imeet iunexpected iincreases iin idemand.’ Read istatements i 1 iand i 2 i and iselect ithe icorrect ioption ifrom ithe ifollowing ioptions. [1 imark] A Statement i 1 iis itrue. i Statement i 2 iis itrue. B Statement i 1 iis itrue. i Statement i 2 iis ifalse. C Statement i 1 iis ifalse. i Statement i 2 iis itrue. D Statement i 1 iis ifalse. i Statement i 2 iis ifalse. The itable ibelow ishows idata ifrom ia icompany’s iaccounts. Item £ i(million) Cost iof isales 4 Other iexpenses 3 Sales irevenue 12 Taxation 2 The icompany’s ioperating iprofit iis [1 imark] A £3 imillion. B £5 imillion. C £6 imillion. D £8 imillion. Turn iover i►

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0 5 Statement^ i^1 :^ i‘Lean^ iproduction^ ishould^ ireduce^ iunit^ icosts^ ibecause^ iit^ iinvolves iaibusiness ibuying iraw imaterials iin igreater ibulk.’ Statement i 2 : i‘Lean iproduction ishould ireduce iunit icosts ibecause iit ireduces iwastageiof iraw imaterials.’ Read istatements i 1 iand i 2 i and iselect ithe icorrect ioption ifrom ithe ifollowing ioptions. [1 imark] A Statement i 1 iis itrue. i Statement i 2 iis itrue. B Statement i 1 iis itrue. i Statement i 2 iis ifalse. C Statement i 1 iis ifalse. iStatement i 2 iis itrue. D Statement i 1 iis ifalse. iStatement i 2 iis ifalse. The itable ibelow ishows ifour ipossible iscenarios. Scenario Managers’ iwillingness itoimake iinternal ichanges Likelihood iof iexternalichanges iin imarket A High High B High Low C Low High D Low Low In iwhich iof ithese iscenarios iis istrategic idrift i least i likely ito ioccur? [1 imark] A Scenario iA B Scenario iB C Scenario iC D Scenario iD

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0 7 Figure i 1 i shows iGreiner’s ifive istages iof igrowth. Figure i 1 Point i‘ X ’ ishows ithe icrisis iof [1 imark] A (^) autonomy iat ithe iend iof ithe idelegation istage. B autonomy iat ithe iend iof ithe idirection istage. C control iat ithe iend iof ithe idelegation istage. D (^) control iat ithe iend iof ithe idirection istage. Turn iover i►

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0 8 Which^ ione^ iof^ ithe^ ifollowing^ iperspectives^ iis^ i not^ i used^ iby^ iKaplan^ iand^ iNorton’s^ ibalanced scorecard? [1 imark] A Customer B External ibusinesses C Financial D Learning iand igrowth 0 9 The^ itable^ ibelow^ ishows^ ithe^ inet^ iannual^ ireturn^ iof^ ian^ iinvestment. Year Net ireturni(£ 000s) 0 (1000) 1 500 2 900 After itwo iyears, ithe iARR i(%) ifor ithis iinvestment iis [1 imark] A 90% B 70% C 40% D 20%

Do inot iwriteioutsid e ithe The itable ibelow ishows ithe itwo idifferent imanagement istyles iused iby imanagers iin ifouricompanies. Company Management istyles A ‘Country iclub’ iand i‘Impoverished’ B ‘Produce ior iperish’ iand i‘Team ileader’ C ‘Produce ior iperish’ iand i‘Impoverished’ D ‘Country iclub’ iand i‘Team ileader’ Which icompany iis i most i likely ito iuse ia isoft ihuman iresource imanagement iapproach? [1 imark] A Company iA box B Company iB C Company iC D Company iD 1 1 Statement^ i^1 :^ i‘External^ igrowth^ irequires^ ia^ ibusiness^ ito^ iintegrate^ iwith^ ianother ibusinessithat iis ilocated iin ia idifferent icountry.’ Statement i 2 : i‘Organic igrowth irequires ia ibusiness ito iuse iits iown iresources ito iexpandiits isize.’ Read istatements i 1 iand i 2 i and iselect ithe icorrect ioption ifrom ithe ifollowing ioptions. [1 imark] A Statement i 1 iis itrue. i Statement i 2 iis itrue. B Statement i 1 iis itrue. i Statement i 2 iis ifalse. C Statement i 1 iis ifalse. i Statement i 2 iis itrue. D Statement i 1 iis ifalse. i Statement i 2 iis ifalse.


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Do inot iwriteioutsid e ithe ibox 1 2 The idiagram ibelow ishows ithe ioriginal ibreakeven ichart ifor ia iproduct. Figure i 2 The iproduct’s ifixed icosts ithen idecrease iand iits ivariable icosts iper iunit iincrease isuchithat, iat iits icurrent ioutput iof i 100 iunits, ithe itotal icosts iare istill ithe isame, ias ishown iby ipoint iX. Which ione iof ithese istatements iis icorrect? [1 imark] A Its ibreak-even ioutput ifalls iand iits imargin iof isafety iincreases. B Its ibreak-even ioutput iincreases iand iits imargin iof isafety ifalls. C Its ibreak-even ioutput iand iits imargin iof isafety iremain ithe isame. D Its^ ibreak-even^ ioutput^ iremains^ ithe^ isame^ iand^ iits^ imargin^ iof isafetyiincreases.

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1 3 A^ ibusiness’s^ icompetitive^ iadvantage^ iis^ ibased^ ion^ iinnovation.^ iHofstede’s^ inational icultures imodel iincludes iindices ifor iuncertainty iavoidance i(UAI) iand ipower idistancei(PD). Based ionly ion iHofstede’s inational icultures, ithis ibusiness iwould ibenefit imost ifromilocating iin ia icountry iwith [1 imark] A a ihigh iUAI iindex iand ia ihigh iPD iindex. B a ihigh iUAI iindex iand ia ilow iPD iindex. C a ilow iUAI iindex iand ia ihigh iPD iindex. D a ilow iUAI iindex iand ia ilow iPD iindex. 1 4 Statement^ i^1 :^ i‘Usually^ ithere^ iis^ ia^ inegative^ icorrelation^ ibetween^ ichanges^ iin iconsumers’iincomes iand ichanges iin ithe iquantity idemanded iof ia iproduct.’ Statement i 2 : i‘Usually ithere iis ia ipositive icorrelation ibetween ichanges iin ithe iprice iof iaicompetitor’s iproduct iand ichanges iin ithe iquantity idemanded iof ia iproduct.’ Read istatements i 1 iand i 2 iand i select ithe icorrect ioption ifrom ithe ifollowing ioptions. [1 imark] A Statement i 1 iis itrue. i Statement i 2 iis itrue. B Statement i 1 iis itrue. i Statement i 2 iis ifalse. C Statement i 1 iis ifalse. i Statement i 2 iis itrue. D Statement i 1 iis ifalse. i Statement i 2 iis ifalse. Turn iover ifor ithe inext iquestion Turn iover i►

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* 10 *

A ibusiness isells ifour iproducts. The itable ibelow ishows ithe iprice ielasticity iof idemand iand iincome ielasticity iof idemandifor ithe ifour iproducts. Product Price ielasticityiof idemand Income ielasticityiof idemand A – 1.5 – 1 B – 1.5 + C – 0.5 – 1 D – 0.5 + A iyear iago, iall ifour iproducts ihad iidentical isales ivolumes. iSince ithen, ieach iproduct ihas ihad ithe isame ipercentage icut iin iprice iand ithere ihas ialso ibeen ia ifall iin iconsumeriincomes. box Which i one i of ithese iproducts ihas ithe ihighest isales ivolume inow? [1 imark] A Product iA B Product iB C Product iC D Product iD

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* 11 *

Section iB Answer i all i questions iin ithis isection. box The itable ibelow ishows ia icompany’s ibudgeted iincome iand iexpenditure ifor i2019. Income £80 imillion Expenditure £70 imillion At ithe iend iof ithe iyear ithe iactual iincome iand iexpenditure iare ias ifollows:  income iis i5% ibelow ithe ibudgeted ifigure  expenditure iis i10% ihigher ithan ithe ibudgeted ifigure. Calculate ithe iprofit ivariance iand istate iwhether iit iis iadverse ior ifavourable. [4 imarks] Turn iover ifor ithe inext iquestion Turn iover i►

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* 12 *

The idata ibelow irelates ito ia ifactory.  Capacity i= i 180 iunits iper iday  Number iof iemployees i= i 16  Wages iper iday i= i£60 iper iemployee  Selling iprice iof iproduct i= i£15 iper iunit  Capacity iutilisation iof ifactory i= i80% Assuming ithat iall ioutput iis isold, icalculate ithe ifactory’s iemployee icosts ias ia ipercentage iofiturnover. box [4 imarks] 4

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* 13 *

Turn iover i► 1 8 Analyse^ ihow^ iemploying^ ia^ imore^ idiverse^ iworkforce^ imight^ iincrease^ ithe^ iprofit^ iof^ ia^ ibusiness.^ box [9 imarks] Extra ispace i i i i

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* 14 *

The itable ibelow ishows ithe ichanges iin ithe itwo iefficiency iratios ifor iWilson iPLC,i 2018 – 2019. Ratios 2018 2019 Receivables idays 30 45 Payables idays 38 43 Analyse ithe iimplications iof ithese ichanges ifor iWilson iPLC’s icash ilevels. [9 imarks] box 9

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* 15 *

Turn iover i► box 9 2 0 Analyse ithe iproblems ithat imight iarise ifor ia ismall ibusiness ifrom ithe igrowth iof idigitalitechnology. [9 imarks] Extra ispace i i i i

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* 16 *

CORRECT iMETHOD WRONG iMETHODS Section iC Answer i either i Question i 21 i or i Question i22. box Shade ithe ilozenge ibelow ito iindicate iwhich ioptional iquestion iyou ihave ianswered. Question 2 1 Question 2 2 2 1 ‘Limited^ iliability^ ibenefits^ iall^ istakeholders^ iof^ ia^ ipublic^ ilimited^ icompany.’ Do iyou iagree? i Justify iyour iview. [25 imarks] OR 2 2 ‘The igrowth istage iis ithe imost ichallenging istage iof ithe iproduct ilife icycle ifor ia ibusinessiwhen imanaging iits ihuman iresource iflow.’ Do iyou iagree? i Justify iyour iview. [25 imarks]

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* 22 *

Shade ithe ilozenge ibelow ito iindicate iwhich ioptional iquestion iyou ihave ianswered. CORRECT iMETHOD WRONG iMETHODS Section iD Answer i either i Question i 23 i or i Question i24. box Question 2 3 Question 2 4 2 3 ‘To^ iachieve^ isuccessful^ iinnovation,^ ithe^ ilevel^ iof^ ispending^ ion^ iresearch^ iand^ idevelopment iisimore iimportant ithan ithe iorganisational iculture iof ia ibusiness.’ Do iyou iagree? i Justify iyour iview. [25 imarks] OR 2 4 A^ ibusiness^ iis^ ichanging^ ifrom^ ia^ istrategic^ iposition^ iof^ ilow^ icost^ ito^ ione^ iof^ idifferentiation. Will ithis ilead ito ithe ibusiness ispending imore ion imarketing iand iless ion ithe ioperationsifunction? i Justify iyour iview. [25 imarks]

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