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AQA GCSE BIOLOGY PAPER 1 WITH CORRECT ANSWERS 2024/2025, Exams of Community Corrections

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Available from 12/17/2024

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Download AQA GCSE BIOLOGY PAPER 1 WITH CORRECT ANSWERS 2024/2025 and more Exams Community Corrections in PDF only on Docsity!




Buffer stock - CORRECT ANSWER-A stock of raw materials held in reserve to protect the production process from unforeseen shortages. Customer loyalty - CORRECT ANSWER-The likelihood that past customers will continue to buy from the business, enhanced by high quality customer service and/or reward programmes. Customer satisfaction - CORRECT ANSWER-Whether customers are pleased with the goods/services they receive; whether they would purchase again. Flow production - CORRECT ANSWER-Using a production line to make goods continuously and in large numbers. Inspection - CORRECT ANSWER-Testing/examining items to check that materials or items conform to the specified requirements/standards. Job production - CORRECT ANSWER-A method of creating a single product to meet an individual order. Just in case (JIC) - CORRECT ANSWER-Organising procurement to ensure that the production process never runs out of stock, reducing the number of sales lost due to insufficient raw materials.

Just in time (JIT) - CORRECT ANSWER-Organising the ordering of raw materials and components to be delivered just before they will be used, reducing the need for storage. Logistics - CORRECT ANSWER-Managing the movement of supplies and products to ensure the timely delivery of supplies to the production process and finished products to customers. Procurement - CORRECT ANSWER-The process of buying goods and services including dealing with, demand, selection of suppliers, analysing and negotiating prices, making the purchase & managing payments. Product knowledge - CORRECT ANSWER-An in-depth understanding of the features, use and application of the good/service that will enable the person selling it to provide any information that the purchaser wants before committing to buy. Product recalls - CORRECT ANSWER-The withdrawal from sale by the manufacturer of a defective or contaminated item. Productivity - CORRECT ANSWER-The amount produced by a worker/machine/factory in a given time; the ability to produce more output with fewer resources. Purchasing - CORRECT ANSWER-The business buys the goods and services that it needs for producing the goods it sells or for delivering the services it sells. Raw materials - CORRECT ANSWER-Businesses that use raw materials that are heavy and/or bulky choose to locate close to their suppliers to reduce the cost of transport or storage. Supplier - CORRECT ANSWER-A business that provides goods/services.

Supply chain - CORRECT ANSWER-The network of organisations, people, activities, information and resources that take the product/service from supplier to customer. Total quality management (TQM) - CORRECT ANSWER-A philosophy that involves everyone in the business in the quest for continual improvement in the attitudes, practices, structures and systems that combine to create a top-quality product. Unit cost - CORRECT ANSWER-The average cost of each unit. Unit cost = total cost ÷ quantity Specialisation - CORRECT ANSWER-Occurs when individuals focus on a limited number of tasks. Kaizen - CORRECT ANSWER-An approach to production that aims to achieve change from a series of small steps. Purchasing Economies of Scale - CORRECT ANSWER-Occurs when the cost per unit falls if large orders are placed with suppliers due to a bulk discount. Customer Service - CORRECT ANSWER-Part of a business's activities that are concerned with meeting customers' needs as fully as possible. After-Sales Service - CORRECT ANSWER-Meeting of customers needs after they have purchased the product. For example by repairing or servicing the product. M-Commerce - CORRECT ANSWER-The buying and selling of products through wireless handheld devices such as smartphones.

Average Unit Cost - CORRECT ANSWER-How much each product costs to make, calculated by dividing total costs by output Business plan - CORRECT ANSWER-An outline of what a business will do and how it aims to do it Centralised organisation - CORRECT ANSWER-All major decisions are made by one person or a few senior managers at the top Chain of command - CORRECT ANSWER-The route of communication that connects workers with directors Channel of distribution - CORRECT ANSWER-The way that products get from the manufacturer to customer Commission - CORRECT ANSWER-Money paid to sales staff for every item they sell on top of their basic wage Contract of employment - CORRECT ANSWER-A legal agreement between the employee and employer about a job Delegation - CORRECT ANSWER-Passing tasks or responsibilities onto another person Dividend - CORRECT ANSWER-A payment that a shareholder gets if the company makes a profit E-commerce - CORRECT ANSWER-buying and selling online Exchange rate - CORRECT ANSWER-The value of one currency against another Factors of production - CORRECT ANSWER-Land, labour, capital and enteprise

Variable cost - CORRECT ANSWER-Can change with output Franchise - CORRECT ANSWER-Where a company allows others to use it's brand, in return for a payment e.g. McDonald's Incorporated - CORRECT ANSWER-where a business has it's own legal identity Lean production - CORRECT ANSWER-Using as few as resources as possible and reducing waste Market share - CORRECT ANSWER-The proportion of total sales within a market that is controlled by a business Opportunity cost - CORRECT ANSWER-The value of something that is given up in order to do something else Purchasing economy of scale - CORRECT ANSWER-Buying in bulk Share - CORRECT ANSWER-A unit of ownership in a company Staff retention - CORRECT ANSWER-When a business keeps it's staff Sustainability - CORRECT ANSWER-Working in a way that does not damage the Earth USP - CORRECT ANSWER-A feature that makes the product different from it's competitors Variable cost - CORRECT ANSWER-A cost that increases with output Wholesaler - CORRECT ANSWER-A business that buys products in bulk and stores them in a warehouse