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A comprehensive overview of aquatic exercise programming and leadership, covering essential components of a class, different aquatic program formats, proper form and alignment, cueing techniques, transitions, and the importance of muscle balance. It also explores the pros and cons of teaching from the deck and in the pool, emphasizing the importance of weight transfer and proper cadence. Valuable for individuals seeking to understand the principles of aquatic exercise and design safe and effective classes.
Typology: Exams
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BE ABLE TO USE THESE COMPONENTS TO DESIGN A SAFE AND EFFECTIVE CLASS - correct answer Warm up component - acclimation (adjusting to the temp), thermal warmup (rhythms, variations), prestretch (optional depending on temp of water), cardiorespiratory (gradually elevate heart rate and oxygen consumption) Conditioning and endurance phase - Cardiorespiratory Endurance training (continuous, interval, or circut format but challenges cardiorespiratory and metabolic systems); Muscular Fitness Training (includes exercises with or w/o equipment to target upper body, lower body, or trunk musculature. Intent is to overload muscles or muscle groups. Cool down component DESCRIBE THE DIFFERENCES IN AQUATIC PROGRAM FORMATTING - correct answer Aquatic Dance Exercise- helpful to teach segment of the combos during warmup to prepare participants for what is coming. Prevents unwanted decreases in intensity levels during the cardiorespiratory segment of the class. Aquatic Step- Water depth must be appropriate, pool slope should be gradual to prevent steps from moving excessively. Striding (Water Walk and Jog)- can be incorporated as a warmup or cool down for other other class programs, or the entire format can be designed around striding patterns. Can adapt to all water levels. Muscular conditioning - focuses on muscular strength and endurance as well as stretching and flexibility. Warmer water is beneficial as full body movement is limited. Aquatic kickboxing- transfers training techniques and movement patterns (kicks, punches, blocks) into water for high intensity, highly resistive, yet lower impact exercise option
Aquatic cycling - peddling while immersed takes advantage of the benefits of a resistance type of environment. Ai Chi - relaxation program that involves deep breathing and slow, broad movements of arms, legs, torso Aquatic Pilates - increases static strength because isometric contractions are required to maintain posture. Pre Postnatal- ideal during pregnancy and post partum bc of reduced amount of impact stress during aerobic activity, the cool and comfy environment, and the continuous resistance created by the water. Arthritis Programs- to regain and maintain range of motion and functional skills. Aquatic Personal training and small group fitness- transition from rehab or therapy to group exercise. UNDERSTAND PROPER FORM AND ALIGNMENT WHEN TEACHING AQUATIC EXERCISE - correct answer By demonstrating proper alignment as you lead class, you encourage participants to do the same. Maintain correct body alignment, good posture, precise and controlled movements, proper tempo. Shoulders over hips, chest open and rib cage lifted, ab muscles pulled inward and upward, shoulders relaxed. Ears centered over shoulders. DEMONSTRATE AUDIBLE, VISUAL, AND TACTICLE CUEING TECHNIQUES - correct answer Audible- most common among instructors. Hearing, clapping, whistling, spoken word, etc. Visual- cues that participants notice the most. Hand signals, eye contact, facia expressions, posture, body language. Tactile- touch, less common cueing. GIVE EXAMPLES OF BASIC, INTERMEDIATE, AND ADVANCED TRANSITIONS - correct answer Basic transition the next move begins where the previous move ended or passes thru neutral alignment. Ex.
alternating knee lift ends on 8 ct with right foot on grond & left knee lifted which can easily translate into another move. Intermediate - requires a little more coordination /core strength to pass thru the transition while maintaing safe alignment. Ex. knee lift to left ft forward into cross country ski Advance - fit for participants or trained athletes. Requires additional core strength/coordination to pass thru the transition safely. Ex. knee lift to a level III cross country ski. DESCRIBE PROS AND CONS OF TEACHING FROM ON THE DECK AND IN THE POOL. UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF WEIGHT TRANSFER AND PROPER CADENCE WHEN TEACHING FROM DECK. DESCRIBE VARIOUS WAYS TODEMONSTRATE MOVES FROM DECK. - correct answer Pros DECK Deck instruction provides the highest level of safety for participants by allowing beter observation and quicker response to emergency situations. Also provides greater visibility of the aquatic fitness professional to participant and vice versa. Easy to adjust music. Recommended by AEA Cons DECK Exposed to the elements (sun, wind, heat) Increase risk of injury by slipping Participants may be in prolonged hyperextension looking up at instructor on deck Can be difficult demonstrating water specific movements from land. Pros POOL Not exposed to elements and can keep cool. Benefit of having cushioning effect from water. Allows you to connect with class
Easier to demonstrate proper water tempo Cons POOL Difficult for participants to see what you are doing Eliminating visual cueing with lower torso. Difficult for participants to hear or understand you. UDNERSTAND WHY IT IS IMPORTANT FOR AQUATIC PROGRAMMING TO PROMOTE MUSCLE BALANCE - correct answer Human body typically works in muscle pairs to performance movement. Unfortunately, daily lifestyles have led to imbalances within these muscle pairs that can cause improper body alignment, poor posture, and chronic injuries. DESCRIBE WHY SOME MOVEMENTS ARE CONSIDERED HIGH RISK OR INEFECTIVE FOR AN AQUATIC FITNESS PROGRAM - correct answer Many moves that are so specialized in their benefits that they should be considered high risk for inclusion in general population fitness programs. Ex. hurdler's stretch is acceptable for track/field athletes who run hurdles but not appropriate for water. DESCRIBE PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR AND ATTIRE FOR AN AQUATIC FITNESS INSTRUCTOR - correct answer Instructor should dress for exercise versus wearing swimsuit. Clothing should remain modest. Come to class prepared to set up and greet participants. Put away items after class.