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ARDMS Abdomen Board Review 2024-2025: Questions and Answers, Exams of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences

A comprehensive review of abdominal sonography, covering a wide range of topics relevant to the ardms abdomen board exam. It includes multiple-choice questions with verified answers, covering various conditions, pathologies, and anatomical structures. Designed to help students prepare for the exam by testing their knowledge and understanding of abdominal sonography.

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Available from 11/04/2024

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Download ARDMS Abdomen Board Review 2024-2025: Questions and Answers and more Exams Physical Activity and Sport Sciences in PDF only on Docsity! Ardms Abdomen Board Review 2024-2025. Questions and Correct Verified Answers. Graded A 5% of thyroid cancers associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia, increased calcitonin - ANSmedullary carcinoma a 1 week old male infant presents with a left flank mass. an IVP demonstrates a normal right kidney, but there is no visualization of the left kidney. A sonogram is performed and numerous noncommunicating round cystic structures are demonstrated in the left renal fossa, the largest of which is located laterally. No renal parenchyma is identified. The right kidney is normal. This most probably represents: severe hydronephrosis, polycystic kidneys, a multicystic kidney, nephroblostoma, unilateral renal agenesis - ANSa multicystic kidney a 2-year old boy presents with hematuria and a palpable left flank mass. An ultrasound examination is performed, and a solid renal mass is identified. This finding is most characteristic of which of the following choices? hypernephroma, wilm's tumor, neuroblastoma, infantile polycystic kidney disease, renal infarction - ANSWilm's tumor a 35 year old woman presents with a tender neck, and on physical exam an enlarged thyroid is found. An enlarged inhomogeneous thyroid with irregular borders is seen on the sonogram. This is most characteristic of: a malignant lesion, graves disease, cyst, adenomatous hyperplasia, hashimotos thyroiditis - ANShashimotos thyroiditis a 42 year old female presents postcholecystectomy with right-upper quadrant pain, eleveated serum bilirubin (mainly conjugated), and bilirubin in her urine. This is best characteristic of: hepatitis, stone tumor or stricture causing obstruction of the bile duct, small common duct stone less then 5 mm in diameter, alkaline phophatase will be normal, pancreatic pseudocyst - ANSstone, tumor, or stricture causing obstruction of the bile duct a 44 year old patient presents with painless jaundice and a palpable right upper quadrant mass. This is most characteristic of: acute hepatitis, cirrhosis, porcelain gallbladder, courvoisier gallbladder, klatskin tumor - ANScourvoisier gallbladder a 60-year old man presents with hematuria and nocturnal urination. The ultrasound findings include an enlarged symmetrical homogeneous prostate. This is most characteristic of: a prominent uncinate process will displace the ________ ________ artery and vein _______ to the pancreas - ANSsuperior mesenteric, anterior a resistive index (RI) greater than 0.70 in a kidney is consistent with early: obstructive jaundice, obstructive hydronephrosis, renal cell carcinoma, benign renal cyst, polycystic renal disease - ANSobstructive hydronephrosis a retroperitoneal abscess may be found in all of the following except: rectus abdominus muscle, psoas muscle, iliacus muscle, quadratus lumborum muscle - ANSrectus abdominus muscle a shotgun sign is seen when... - ANSbile ducts are dilated abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneum secondary to a pathological process - ANSascites accumulation of fat within the hepatocytes... - ANSfatty liver acute hydroceles may be caused by all of the following except: infarction, tumor, testicular torsion, trauma, infection of the testis or epididymis - ANStesticular torsion adrenocortical insufficiency characterized by atrophy of the adrenal cortex with decreased cortisol and aldosterone - ANSAddisons disease adult polycystic kidney disease may be characterized by all of the following except: it is autosomal dominant disease, it may be associated with cysts in the liver pancreas and spleen, bilateral small and echogenic kidneys, usually does not produce any symptoms until the third or fourth decade of life, the kidneys lose their reniform shape - ANSbilateral small and echogenic kidneys alkaline phosphatase is increased in... - ANSobstruction of the biliary system all of the following are associated with cirrhosis except: ascites, splenomegaly, jaundice, hepatomegaly, collateral vessel development - ANShepatomegaly all of the following statements concerning the sonographic patterns of periaortic lymph nodes are correct except: they may drape or mantle the great vessels anteriorly, they may displace the superior mesenteric artery posteriorly, they may displace the great vessels anteriorly, they may have lobar smooth or scalloped appearance, as mesenteric involvement occurs the adenopathy may fill most of the abdomen in an irregular complex pattern - ANSthey may displace the superior mesenteric artery posteriorly all of the following will increase the chance of documenting shadowing posterior to a small renal stone except: decrease gain, focal zone set at the level of the calculi, increase the transducer frequency, use a linear probe, tissue harmonics - ANSuse a linear probe an abdominal sonogram is performed on a 35 year old male with a history of primary cancer of the liver now presents with abdominal pain and increasing abdominal girth. this is most consistent with: cholecystitis, pancreatitis, portal hypertension, budd chiari syndrome, renal failure - ANSbudd chiari syndrome an arterial disease in which the vessel wall loses its elasticity and becomes hardened - ANSarteriosclerosis anechoic freely mobile usually benign ascites - ANStransudative chronic active hepatitis is a progressive destructive liver disease that eventually leads to: liver cysts, hepatoma, cirrhosis, pancreatitis, liver metastases - ANScirrhosis cllinical signs of renal disease includes all of the following except: oliguria, palpable flank mass, generalized edema, hypertension, jaundice - ANSjaundice crohns disease is: a mass in the stomach, a parasitic condition, an inflammation of the bowel, loculated fluid in the peritoneal cavity, a mass relating to the pancreas and biliary system - ANSan inflammation of the bowel decrease in liver function with an increase in the liver enzymes due to the amount of necrosis is known as... - ANSdiffuse hepatocellular disease diffuse fibrotic process that involves the entire liver.. - ANScirrhosis diffuse inflammatory process of the liver - ANSacute hepatitis diffuse inflammatory process of the pancreas - ANSpancreatitis diffuse thickening of the gallbladder wall can be seen sonographically in all of the following except: acute cholecystitis, hepatitis, congestive heart failure, ascites, portal hypertension - ANSportal hypertension Digestion: the liver secretes - ANSbile dilatation of a segment of a vessel wall caused by a weakness of all three layers of the vessel wall..? - ANSaneurysm double peritoneum extends from liver to lesser curvature of stomach and beginning of duodenum - ANSlesser omentum encapsulated pancreatic enzymes that are commonly found in the lesser sac? - ANSpseudocyst encased collection of pus - ANSabscess encloses most of the abdominal organs - ANSgreater sac enlarged nodes posterior to the aorta or will displace the great vessels away from the spine - ANSfloating aorta sign enlarged tender neck and the patient has a fever, signs and symptoms of... - ANSthyroiditis epinephrine and norepinephrine is produced by... - ANSthe adrenal medulla excessive secretion of aldosterone - ANSconns syndrome excessive secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine - ANSpheochromocytoma excessive secretion of glucocorticoids - ANScushings syndrome excessive secretion of sex hormones - ANSadrenogenital syndrome extrahepatic mass compressing the common bile duct is known as - ANScourvoisiers gallbladder hypoglycemia - ANSglucose deficient identify the laboratory values, which are most consistent for a patient with acute pancreatitis: creatinine and BUN will both rise but creatinine remains higher for a longer period of time, amylase and alkaline phosphatase will both rise but amylase remains higher for longer period of time, amy and lipase rise at the same rate but lipase remains higher for a longer period of time, insulin and glucose will both rise but glucose will remain higher for a longer period of time, epinephrine and norepinephrine will both rise and stay elevated for the same period of time - ANSamylase and lipase rise at the same rate but lipase remains higher for a longer period of time identify the vessel with a postprandial low-resistive blood flow: celiac artery, hepatic artery, splenic artery, superior mesenteric artery, aorta - ANSsuperior mesenteric artery in cases of HPS, the transverse muscle greater than ____ mm and a pyloric length greater than ____ mm must be seen - ANS4, 18 in cases of massive ascites this will also be present - ANSrespiratory distress in comparison to the normal adult, the pancreas in children will be relatively: more echogenic, less echogenic, the same echogenicity, larger and less echogenic, complex - ANSlarger and less echogenic in hepatocellular disease which of the following enzymes increase, and which ones decrease? bilirubin, serum albumin, AST, ALT, Alkaline Phosphatase - ANSIncrease - bilirubin (severe), AST (severe), ALT (severe), Alkaline Phophatase (modertate) decrease - serum albumin in obstruction which of the following enzymes increase and which ones decrease? bilirubin, serum albumin, AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase - ANSincrease - bilirubin (severe), AST (mild), ALT (mild), alkaline phosphatase (severe) serum albumin will remain normal indirect or unconjugated bilirubin predominates in - ANShemolysis infectious cystic disease common in sheep herding areas of the world - ANSechinococcal cyst inflammation and fibrosis of bile duct commonly associated with intrahepatic calculi complications is called.. - ANSsclerosing cholangitis inflammation of the biliary tract caused by bacterial infection of the biliary tract - ANScholangitis inflammation of the gallbladder wall with decreased gallbladder function is..? - ANSacute cholecystitis internal echoes, loculated, associated with infection and malignancy ascites - ANSexudative islet cell tumors of the pancreas are most likely to be located in the pancreatic: head and neck, neck and tail, uncinate process, body and tail, head and body - ANSbody and tail kidneys inability to filter metabolites from the blood resulting in decreased renal function - ANSrenal failure large fold peritoneum that extends from stomach, passes anteriorly to the colon and small intestine - ANSgreater omentum multiple adenomas associated with hyperthyroidism - ANSgoiter nodes that surround the mesenteric vessels - ANSsandwich sign nomal size of the thyroid, length, AP, and width - ANS4-6 cm in length, 2-3 cm in AP, 1.5 - 2 cm in width normal lymph node size - ANSless than 1 cm normal variant of the right lobe of the liver extends inferiorly and may be mistaken for hepatomegaly - ANSRiedel's Lobe obstruction of the hepatic veins caused by thrombosis or compression from a liver mass is known as..? - ANSBudd-Chiari Syndrome obstructive disease occurs when - ANSbile excretion is blocked one can image all of the following in a case of end-stage liver disease except: ascites, small atrophied liver, biliary dilatation, portal hypertension, echogenic nodular liver - ANSbiliary dilatation one method to diagnose renal obstruction is to document the resistive index (RI) greater than: 0.07, 0.09, 0.30, 0.50, 0.70 - ANS0.70 originate from nerve tissue and occur mostly in the paravertebral region, heterogeneous and echogenic - ANSneurogenic tumor originates from all three germ cell layers, most occur in the area of the upper pole of the left kidney, 90% are benign, complex with echogenic and cystic areas, 50% occur in children - ANSteratoma originates from connective tissue, has complex sonolucent pattern, invading surrounding tissues - ANSfibrosarcoma originates from fat, has complex echogenic pattern with thick walls - ANSliposarcoma originates from muscle, occurs as a solid, complex, or homogeneous echogenic mass, invading surrounding tissue - ANSrhabdomyosarcoma originates from smooth muscle, occurs as a complex echodense mass that may have areas of necrosis and cystic degeneration - ANSleiomyosarcoma painless diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland is known as - ANSHashimotos Thyroiditis parathyroid adenomas may be associated with: hypercalcemia, hypertension, bloating, acne, headaches - ANShypercalcemia passageway between greater and lesser sac just inferior to the liver - ANSepiploic of winslow perinephric fluid collections commonly associated with transplanted kidneys - ANShematoma, abscess, urinoma, lymphocele portal vein is considered enlarged if it measures over...? - ANS13mm the adrenal hormones are regulated by... - ANSadrenocorticotropic homones (ACTH) the apex points anteriorly and is connected to the umbilicus by the... - ANSumbilical ligament the appendix must be greater than ____ mm in diameter and the wall must be greater than _____ mm, increased vascularity, noncompressible, pericecal fluid in order for appendicitis to be considered - ANS6, 2 the area of the bladder between the neck and apex - ANSthe trigone the ascending colon into the transverse colon is called - ANSthe hepatic flexure the bladder wall should measure between - ANS3 to 6 mm the celiac trifurcates into...? - ANSthe common hepatic artery the left gastric artery the splenic artery the celiac trunk is the first _____ branch of the aorta - ANSanterior the common bile duct is in the __________ _________ margin of the pancreatic head - ANSposterior lateral the common bile duct should not exceed... - ANS8 mm the coronary ligament connects the liver to... - ANSthe diaphragm the dense white fibrous capsule that encases each testicle - ANStunica albiguina the doppler characteristic of the venous blood flow in a varicocele is: increased blood flow, irregular waveform, triphasic flow, no change in flow, no blood flow - ANSincreased blood flow the draining veins of the scrotum, nerves, and lymphatics form this - ANSspermatic cord the epididymis run into this duct - ANSductus vas deferens the exocrine function of the pancreas secretes these enzymes that aid in digestion - ANSamylase, lipase, trypsin the falciform ligament divides the ... - ANSright and left lobe the gallbladder is divided into three segments called..? - ANSneck, body, fundus the gallbladder wall should not exceed... - ANS3 mm the gastroduodenal artery is a branch of the...? - ANSthe common hepatic artery the head of the pancreas is ______ to the inferior vena cava and the right renal vein - ANSanterior the head of the pancreas is located to the right of the: celiac axis, inferior vena cava, gastroduodenal artery, common bile duct, portal splenic confluence - ANSportal splenic confluence the largest major visceral branch of the inferior vena cava is the: the portal confluence is _________ to the neck of the pancreas - ANSposterior the portal triad is... - ANSthe portal vein, the hepatic artery, and the common bile duct the presenting symptom of a testicular malignant tumor may be: para-aortic lymphadenopathy, acute scrotal pain, leukemia, retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy, all of the above - ANSall of the above the quadratus lumborum muscles are located: medial to the lumbar spine, in the anterior abdominal wall, between the kidneys and the adrenal glands, posterior to the kidneys, perirenal - ANSposterior to the kidneys the right crus is seen where? - ANSposterior to the caudate lobe and IVC the right gonadal vein empties directly into the IVC but the left gonadal vein empties... - ANSinto the left renal vein which then empties into the IVC the right hepatic vein divides the... - ANSright lobe into anterior and posterior segments the seminal vesicles: produce sperm located within the prostate, produce sperm located posterior to the urinary bladder, are the reservoir for sperm and are located posterior to the urinary bladder, are the reservoir for sperm and are located between the mediastinum testes and the pampiniform plexus, are the reservoir for sperm and located in the peripheral zone of the prostate - ANSare the reservoir for sperm and are located posterior to the urinary bladder the space between the liver and the diaphragm and is a common site for abscess - ANSsubphrenic space the spermatic cord joins with a duct from the seminal vesicle to form this duct - ANSthe ejaculatory duct the spleen is a part of the ________ system - ANSreticuloendothelial the spleen is variable in size, but considered to be: concave superiorly and inferiorly, convex superiorly and concave inferiorly, concave superiorly and convex inferiorly, convex superiorly and inferiorly - ANSconvex superiorly and concave inferiorly the splenic vein courses along the _________ margin of the pancreas - ANSposterior the three functions of the gallbladder: - ANSconcentrate bile, store bile, transport bile the thyroid gland is consider this type of gland - ANSendocrine the transverse colon into the descending colon is called - ANSthe splenic flexure the two primary functions that occur in the cone shaped lobules of the testicles - ANSspermatogenesis and testosterone secretion these veins drain blood from the caudate lobe - ANSthe right and left hepatic veins this adrenal gland lies lateral to the right crus of the diaphragm - ANSthe right adrenal gland this will appear as a continuation of the left portal vein and extends down the anterior abdominal wall to the umbilicus - ANSparaumbilical vein three part of the small intestine in order - ANSduodenum, jejunum, and ileum tongue-like extension of the pancreatic neck - ANSuncinate process true of false, the pancreas has endocrine and exocrine functions - ANStrue true or false, gerotas fascia encloses both the kidney and the adrenal gland - ANStrue true or false, the double layer of peritoneum that lines the inner wall of the scrotum will normallly contain a small amount of fluid - ANStrue true or false, the duct of wirsung and the duct of santorini enter the duodenum together - ANSfalse true or false, the splenic vein will be displaced if there is pathology present in the left adrenal glad? - ANStrue tumor of the glandular epithelium, mostly found in women, related to contraceptive usage, increased incidence in patients with von gierkes disease, "bulls eye or halo" appearance - ANSliver cell adenoma two functions of the lymph nodes - ANSfiltration and production of lymphocytes and antibodies two most common places for obstruction in the ureter? - ANSureto-pelvic junction (UPJ) , and ureto-vesical junction (UVJ) vitamin k is essential in - ANScoagulation weakening of the arterial wall - ANScystic medial necrosis what are the liver's four functions - ANSmetabolism, digestion, storage, detoxification what are the three areas of the retroperitoneum - ANSanterior perirenal space, perirenal space, posterior perirenal space what are the three different types of cells within the islet cells of Langerhans - ANSalpha, beta, delta what are the three layers of protection the kidneys have from outside to inside? - ANSGerota's Fascia, perirenal fat, true capsule what are the three major hormones the thyroid secretes - ANSthyroxine, triidothyronine, calcitonin what are the three zones of the adrenal cortex from outer to inner - ANSzona glomerulosa, zona fasiculata, zona reticularis what hormone causes the gallbladder to contract? - ANScholecystokinin (CCK) what is the name is the cells that secrete testosterone - ANSleydig cells what organs lie in the anterior perirenal space - ANSretroperitoneal portion of the intestines and the pancreas what organs lie in the perirenal space - ANSkidneys, ureters, adrenal glands, aorta, IVC, retroperitoneal nodes