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Argus Certification Practice Test | 150 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | L, Exams of Company Secretarial Practice

A practice test for ARGUS certification. It contains 150 questions with 100% correct answers. The questions cover various topics related to ARGUS Enterprise, including keyboard commands, portfolios, chart of accounts, inflation rates, market leasing profiles, and more. useful for anyone preparing for the ARGUS certification exam or looking to improve their knowledge of ARGUS Enterprise.

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Available from 06/18/2023

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Download Argus Certification Practice Test | 150 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | L and more Exams Company Secretarial Practice in PDF only on Docsity! Argus Certification Practice Test | 150 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 1) True or False: ARGUS Enterprise merges three industry standard solutions: ARGUS Valuation- DCF, ARGUS Asset Management, and ARGUS Valuation-Capitalisation - ✔✔️T️rue 2) In ARGUS Enterprise you can utilize shortcut keyboard commands to navigate within certain sections of the program. - ✔✔️T️rue 3) In AE, a user can add over 100 properties into a portfolio. - ✔✔️T️rue 4) Which is a benefit to utilizing a Chart of Accounts? a) Easier to track Revenues/Expenses b) Standardizes portfolio for names of all Expenses/Revenues c) Helps with accounting system integration d) All of the above - ✔✔️A️ll of the above 5) In ARGUS Enterprise, you can only assign one Chart of Accounts to a portfolio. - ✔✔️T️rue 6) The Discard Changes option will discard only the last change you have made to the property record. - ✔✔️F️alse 7) Only users with appropriate permissions can access all of the features in the Control Panel. - ✔✔️T️rue 8) To lock down a specific property and restrict who can edit it, click the _____________ button located in the ARGUS Enterprise Ribbon bar. - ✔✔️C️heck Out Property 9) True or False: You can import and/or export v15 DCF files from ARGUS Enterprise. - ✔✔️T️rue 10) The Expense Inflation Rate will be the default percentage for: a) Operating Expenses b) Non-Operating Expenses c) Capital Expenses d) All of the above - ✔✔️A️ll of the above 11) True or False: Every inflation category must be given a number or it will default to the General Inflation Rate. - ✔✔️F️alse 12) Assuming a 60% occupancy, calculate the Vending Machine revenue in Year 1 of the analysis (revenue is $13,000 with fixed percentage of 0%). - ✔✔️$️7,800 (.6*13000) 13) Assuming a 0% occupancy, calculate the Vending Machine revenue in Year 1 of the analysis. - ✔✔️$️0 14) Assuming 100% occupancy, calculate the Vending Machine revenue in Year 1 of the analysis. - ✔✔️$️13,000 15) What is the Capital Expense amount that will appear on the Cash Flow? - ✔✔️$️63,654??? 16) Free Rent, by default, kick in at the beginning of the _________. - ✔✔️T️enant's Lease Start Date 17) The default recovery structure in ARGUS enterprise is __________. - ✔✔️N️et 18) The Available Date column in the Tenants - Rent Roll, represents the start of the tenant's lease. - ✔✔️F️alse. The Start Date represents the start of the tenants lease. 19) True or False: By default, Tenant Improvements and Leasing Commissions are paid at the start of the tenant's lease. - ✔✔️T️rue 20) True or False: The Upon Expiration field within the Market Leasing profile allows users to select a different Market Leasing profile to be used after the first Market Leasing term is over. - ✔✔️T️rue 21) Contractual Renewal: a) Utilizes the Renew Market Leasing profile terms b) Utilizes the New Market Leasing profile terms c) Inserts a new contract lease into the Rent Roll d) None of the above - ✔✔️c️) Inserts a new contract lease 22) The inflation rates are displayed on which report? - ✔✔️P️roperty Summary 23) Which report displays New Market, Renewal Market, and Weighted Average results? - ✔✔️A️ssumptions Report 24) When your resale calculation is set to CAP NOI (12 months after sale), which year's NOI will be used when analyzing a 6-year analysis? - ✔✔️T️he 7th years NOI 25) If 12% is a desired return, enter 12% in the ________________ parent tab. - ✔✔️V️aluation 26) What will LB Corporation pay for reimbursements in 2016 if 2016 is the base year in a base year stop structure? - ✔✔️$️0 27) What will LB Corporation pay for reimbursements in 2017? - ✔✔️T️he amount of 2017 total operating expenses over 2016 total operating expenses 58) Toolbar (on the Property Library window) - ✔✔️A️llows you to navigate to directories and to perform actions on one or multiple ARGUS files without opening the files themselves 59) Items of Property Library Toolbar (5) - ✔✔️E️mail a file to someone, report on a batch of ARGUS files, create a portfolio, compare two or more files, add selected files to the Tenant Registry 60) When creating a ARGUS file it is best to start with... - ✔✔️t️he Property Description 61) Inputs of Property Description - ✔✔️B️asic property information - timing area measures, and inflation 62) What is the first window to appear when creating a new file? - ✔✔️P️roperty Description window 63) Where is the password button found? - ✔✔️P️roperty Description window 64) Property Type can or cannot be changed once selected? - ✔✔️C️ANNOT! 65) Property Timing tab is found where? - ✔✔️P️roperty Description window 66) Property Timing tab includes: - ✔✔️A️nalysis start date, Reporting Start Date, and # of years to Report or End Date 67) Analysis Start Date - ✔✔️S️ets the date at which ARGUS Valuation - DCF calculations will occur. For example, month 6 is relative to the analysis start date (not Reporting Start Date) 68) All entries that begin with a "relative" start date will be relative to which date? - ✔✔️A️nalysis Start Date 69) Reporting Start Date - ✔✔️-️ Sets the date at which reports will begin - Does not alter the timing of base calculations in the program 70) Reporting Start Date must fall (where) relative to the Analysis Start Date - ✔✔️o️n or after the Analysis Start Date 71) Analysis of up to (xx) years may be conducted - ✔✔️4️0 72) If the analysis begins midyear... - ✔✔️A️RGUS will calculate a stub year with the partial year in the first year 73) Default unit of Area Measures is? - ✔✔️S️quare Feet 74) When entering a inflation percentage that is less than 1%, it must be in what form? - ✔✔️d️ecimal 75) Percentages of inflation may be entered as... - ✔✔️p️ositive or negative whole numbers, or a decimal 76) If an inflation field is left empty... - ✔✔️i️t will default to the General Inflation Rate 77) Why is inflation in year 1 never available? - ✔✔️B️ecause it does not occur until the beginning of the 2nd year 78) Inflation input into Year 2 will apply to which years numbers? - ✔✔️Y️ear 1 79) When entering the Property Size, enter the (blank) area - ✔✔️n️et rentable 80) Default inflation is? - ✔✔️0️% unless changed 81) The main screen that displays once a file has been created or opened - ✔✔️E️xecutive Dashboard 82) Executive Dashboard - ✔✔️B️asic summary of all the Year 1 information in an ARGUS Valuation - DCF file 83) In the Executive Dashboard, where are the links to the input screens found? - ✔✔️I️cons on the tool bar as well as the links in grey type 84) The Globe and Magnifying Glass icon - ✔✔️I️s a link to view the property in Google Maps 85) Where are the Export, Print, Calculate, and Pause button located? - ✔✔️B️ottom right hand corner 86) Where is the import Graphic icon located? - ✔✔️U️pper left corner of the executive dashboard 87) The Import Graphics icon - ✔✔️I️mport images and will be included on each new property created with that template 88) To create or modify a dashboard select the (blank) - ✔✔️D️ashboard template icon 89) Where is the Dashboard Template icon located? - ✔✔️T️he toolbar of the executive dashboard 90) What are the (blank) per-formatted Dashboard templates? - 6 - ✔✔️V️aluation Summary, Classic, Investment, Appraisal,Lending, and Navigation 91) Miscellaneous Revenues - ✔✔️A️re property-level income items not paid by the tenants. Any operating revenue not paid by the tenants can be entered in this screen. 92) What are examples of miscellaneous revenues? - ✔✔️V️ending machines or rental of roof antennas 93) What are the possible misc. revenues that can be selected? (5) - ✔✔️%️ of EGR, $ Amount, $/Area, % of Constant, % of Line 94) % of Line - ✔✔️M️isc revenue; the allows the revenue to be based on a percentage of other items in the property 95) % of EGR - ✔✔️M️isc. Revenue; percentage of the Effective Gross Income 96) $ Amount - ✔✔️M️isc. Revenue; interpreted as a full payment amount 97) $/Area - ✔✔️M️isc. Revenue; multiplied by the area measure selected in the area column 98) % of Constant - ✔✔️M️isc Revenue; interpreted as a percentage of the Amount column. 99) If the amount of revenue is set to (blank), the Area/Constant column will be unavailable - ✔✔️$️ Amount, % of EGR, % of line 100) Rebursable Expenses - ✔✔️P️roperty expenses the landlord will recover. All entires will be available for reimbursement by the tenants. 101) Common Reimburment Expenses - ✔✔️C️AM, Taxes, Insurance, Repairs & Maintence 102) Reimbursable Expenses may be entered as (7) - ✔✔️S️imple Amount, Detailed Amount, % of EGR, $/Area, % of Constant, % of Line, 103) % of Fixed column - ✔✔️D️etermines the amount of the expense ( or revenue) that is based on occupancy 104) Capital Expenditures - ✔✔️N️ot considered part of a property's NOI and appear below the income line on the CF in the Capital Costs section 105) Typical CapEx are: - ✔✔️S️tuctural or Capital reserves, building repairs, or improvements (anything to improve te property value that is not routine) 106) Property Level reports can be accessed in (2) ways - ✔✔️P️roperty level Reports icon in the toolbar or Reports Menu - Property Level selection 107) Property Level Reports can be viewed - ✔✔️A️nnually, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi- Annually 108) Ways to access the Rent Roll - ✔✔️F️rom tenant menu --> select Rent Roll, or clock the Rent Roll icon on the toolbar 109) Default Lease Type choices are: - ✔✔️O️ffice, Retail, Industrial, Pad Site and Storage