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Argus Certification Practice Test | 150 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 1) True or False: ARGUS Enterprise merges three industry standard solutions: ARGUS Valuation- DCF, ARGUS Asset Management, and ARGUS Valuation-Capitalisation - ✔✔️T️rue 2) In ARGUS Enterprise you can utilize shortcut keyboard commands to navigate within certain sections of the program. - ✔✔️T️rue 3) In AE, a user can add over 100 properties into a portfolio. - ✔✔️T️rue 4) Which is a benefit to utilizing a Chart of Accounts? a) Easier to track Revenues/Expenses b) Standardizes portfolio for names of all Expenses/Revenues c) Helps with accounting system integration d) All of the above - ✔✔️A️ll of the above 5) In ARGUS Enterprise, you can only assign one Chart of Accounts to a portfolio. - ✔✔️T️rue 6) The Discard Changes option will discard only the last change you have made to the property record. - ✔✔️F️alse 7) Only users with appropriate permissions can access all of the features in the Control Panel. - ✔✔️T️rue 8) To lock down a specific property and restrict who can edit it, click the _____________ button located in the ARGUS Enterprise Ribbon bar. - ✔✔️C️heck Out Property 9) True or False: You can import and/or export v15 DCF files from ARGUS Enterprise. - ✔✔️T️rue 10) The Expense Inflation Rate will be the default percentage for: a) Operating Expenses b) Non-Operating Expenses c) Capital Expenses d) All of the above - ✔✔️A️ll of the above 11) True or False: Every inflation category must be given a number or it will default to the General Inflation Rate. - ✔✔️F️alse 12) Assuming a 60% occupancy, calculate the Vending Machine revenue in Year 1 of the analysis (revenue is $13,000 with fixed percentage of 0%). - ✔✔️$️7,800 (.6*13000) 13) Assuming a 0% occupancy, calculate the Vending Machine revenue in Year 1 of the analysis. - ✔✔️$️0 14) Assuming 100% occupancy, calculate the Vending Machine revenue in Year 1 of the analysis. - ✔✔️$️13,000 15) What is the Capital Expense amount that will appear on the Cash Flow? - ✔✔️$️63,654??? 16) Free Rent, by default, kick in at the beginning of the _________. - ✔✔️T️enant's Lease Start Date 17) The default recovery structure in ARGUS enterprise is __________. - ✔✔️N️et 18) The Available Date column in the Tenants - Rent Roll, represents the start of the tenant's lease. - ✔✔️F️alse. The Start Date represents the start of the tenants lease. 19) True or False: By default, Tenant Improvements and Leasing Commissions are paid at the start of the tenant's lease. - ✔✔️T️rue 20) True or False: The Upon Expiration field within the Market Leasing profile allows users to select a different Market Leasing profile to be used after the first Market Leasing term is over. - ✔✔️T️rue 21) Contractual Renewal: a) Utilizes the Renew Market Leasing profile terms b) Utilizes the New Market Leasing profile terms c) Inserts a new contract lease into the Rent Roll d) None of the above - ✔✔️c️) Inserts a new contract lease 22) The inflation rates are displayed on which report? - ✔✔️P️roperty Summary 23) Which report displays New Market, Renewal Market, and Weighted Average results? - ✔✔️A️ssumptions Report 24) When your resale calculation is set to CAP NOI (12 months after sale), which year's NOI will be used when analyzing a 6-year analysis? - ✔✔️T️he 7th years NOI 25) If 12% is a desired return, enter 12% in the ________________ parent tab. - ✔✔️V️aluation 26) What will LB Corporation pay for reimbursements in 2016 if 2016 is the base year in a base year stop structure? - ✔✔️$️0 27) What will LB Corporation pay for reimbursements in 2017? - ✔✔️T️he amount of 2017 total operating expenses over 2016 total operating expenses 58) Toolbar (on the Property Library window) - ✔✔️A️llows you to navigate to directories and to perform actions on one or multiple ARGUS files without opening the files themselves 59) Items of Property Library Toolbar (5) - ✔✔️E️mail a file to someone, report on a batch of ARGUS files, create a portfolio, compare two or more files, add selected files to the Tenant Registry 60) When creating a ARGUS file it is best to start with... - ✔✔️t️he Property Description 61) Inputs of Property Description - ✔✔️B️asic property information - timing area measures, and inflation 62) What is the first window to appear when creating a new file? - ✔✔️P️roperty Description window 63) Where is the password button found? - ✔✔️P️roperty Description window 64) Property Type can or cannot be changed once selected? - ✔✔️C️ANNOT! 65) Property Timing tab is found where? - ✔✔️P️roperty Description window 66) Property Timing tab includes: - ✔✔️A️nalysis start date, Reporting Start Date, and # of years to Report or End Date 67) Analysis Start Date - ✔✔️S️ets the date at which ARGUS Valuation - DCF calculations will occur. For example, month 6 is relative to the analysis start date (not Reporting Start Date) 68) All entries that begin with a "relative" start date will be relative to which date? - ✔✔️A️nalysis Start Date 69) Reporting Start Date - ✔✔️-️ Sets the date at which reports will begin - Does not alter the timing of base calculations in the program 70) Reporting Start Date must fall (where) relative to the Analysis Start Date - ✔✔️o️n or after the Analysis Start Date 71) Analysis of up to (xx) years may be conducted - ✔✔️4️0 72) If the analysis begins midyear... - ✔✔️A️RGUS will calculate a stub year with the partial year in the first year 73) Default unit of Area Measures is? - ✔✔️S️quare Feet 74) When entering a inflation percentage that is less than 1%, it must be in what form? - ✔✔️d️ecimal 75) Percentages of inflation may be entered as... - ✔✔️p️ositive or negative whole numbers, or a decimal 76) If an inflation field is left empty... - ✔✔️i️t will default to the General Inflation Rate 77) Why is inflation in year 1 never available? - ✔✔️B️ecause it does not occur until the beginning of the 2nd year 78) Inflation input into Year 2 will apply to which years numbers? - ✔✔️Y️ear 1 79) When entering the Property Size, enter the (blank) area - ✔✔️n️et rentable 80) Default inflation is? - ✔✔️0️% unless changed 81) The main screen that displays once a file has been created or opened - ✔✔️E️xecutive Dashboard 82) Executive Dashboard - ✔✔️B️asic summary of all the Year 1 information in an ARGUS Valuation - DCF file 83) In the Executive Dashboard, where are the links to the input screens found? - ✔✔️I️cons on the tool bar as well as the links in grey type 84) The Globe and Magnifying Glass icon - ✔✔️I️s a link to view the property in Google Maps 85) Where are the Export, Print, Calculate, and Pause button located? - ✔✔️B️ottom right hand corner 86) Where is the import Graphic icon located? - ✔✔️U️pper left corner of the executive dashboard 87) The Import Graphics icon - ✔✔️I️mport images and will be included on each new property created with that template 88) To create or modify a dashboard select the (blank) - ✔✔️D️ashboard template icon 89) Where is the Dashboard Template icon located? - ✔✔️T️he toolbar of the executive dashboard 90) What are the (blank) per-formatted Dashboard templates? - 6 - ✔✔️V️aluation Summary, Classic, Investment, Appraisal,Lending, and Navigation 91) Miscellaneous Revenues - ✔✔️A️re property-level income items not paid by the tenants. Any operating revenue not paid by the tenants can be entered in this screen. 92) What are examples of miscellaneous revenues? - ✔✔️V️ending machines or rental of roof antennas 93) What are the possible misc. revenues that can be selected? (5) - ✔✔️%️ of EGR, $ Amount, $/Area, % of Constant, % of Line 94) % of Line - ✔✔️M️isc revenue; the allows the revenue to be based on a percentage of other items in the property 95) % of EGR - ✔✔️M️isc. Revenue; percentage of the Effective Gross Income 96) $ Amount - ✔✔️M️isc. Revenue; interpreted as a full payment amount 97) $/Area - ✔✔️M️isc. Revenue; multiplied by the area measure selected in the area column 98) % of Constant - ✔✔️M️isc Revenue; interpreted as a percentage of the Amount column. 99) If the amount of revenue is set to (blank), the Area/Constant column will be unavailable - ✔✔️$️ Amount, % of EGR, % of line 100) Rebursable Expenses - ✔✔️P️roperty expenses the landlord will recover. All entires will be available for reimbursement by the tenants. 101) Common Reimburment Expenses - ✔✔️C️AM, Taxes, Insurance, Repairs & Maintence 102) Reimbursable Expenses may be entered as (7) - ✔✔️S️imple Amount, Detailed Amount, % of EGR, $/Area, % of Constant, % of Line, 103) % of Fixed column - ✔✔️D️etermines the amount of the expense ( or revenue) that is based on occupancy 104) Capital Expenditures - ✔✔️N️ot considered part of a property's NOI and appear below the income line on the CF in the Capital Costs section 105) Typical CapEx are: - ✔✔️S️tuctural or Capital reserves, building repairs, or improvements (anything to improve te property value that is not routine) 106) Property Level reports can be accessed in (2) ways - ✔✔️P️roperty level Reports icon in the toolbar or Reports Menu - Property Level selection 107) Property Level Reports can be viewed - ✔✔️A️nnually, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi- Annually 108) Ways to access the Rent Roll - ✔✔️F️rom tenant menu --> select Rent Roll, or clock the Rent Roll icon on the toolbar 109) Default Lease Type choices are: - ✔✔️O️ffice, Retail, Industrial, Pad Site and Storage