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This study guide provides a comprehensive overview of the most frequently tested questions and answers for the arizona mpje exam. It covers key topics related to pharmacy practice, regulations, and laws in arizona. The guide is designed to help students prepare for the exam and achieve success. It includes information on pharmacy technician qualifications, license renewal procedures, and the responsibilities of pharmacists and pharmacy interns.
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Update 2025 | Verified | ASSURED SUCCESS Arizona state board of pharmacy consists of what type of members? - correct answer Six pharmacists (at least one hospital pharmacist and retail pharmacist) One pharmacy tech Two public members Qualifications to be on Arizona State Board of pharmacy for pharmacists - correct answer Licensed pharmacist for 10 yrs Pharmacists/resident of Arizona 5 yrs prior to appointment Public Members must be state resident for 5 yrs prior to appointment Qualifications for Arizona State Board of Pharmacy for technicians - correct answer Practice as tech for at least 5 yrs* Resident of Arizona for at least 5 yrs prior to appointment *Pharmacy tech prior to July 1, 2009 does not have to meet the minimum 5 yr requirement for licensure Term length for pharmacists, techs, and public members of Arizona State Board of Pharmacy - correct answer 5 yrs Public members: 5 yrs, unless removed by governor How are people nominated to the Arizona State Board of Pharmacy? - correct answer Executive director of pharmacy association of Arizona submits names to governor; governor can go with list of names or some other candidate that fits requirements How are members of the Arizona State Board of Pharmacy compensated? - correct answer 200 dollars each day Reimbursement for business expenses" What are the qualifications to dispense in Arizona during a state of emergency whenthe pharmacist is licensed in another state? - correct answer Pharmacist has proof of license in another state Pharmacist engaged inrelief effort during emergency period Howmany times can you take the NAPLEX or MPJE prior to going before the board ofpharmacy?
Update 2025 | Verified | ASSURED SUCCESS Must provide explanation to the board as to why you need longer Pharmacy technician license qualifications - correct answer Good moral character At least 18 yrs oldHigh school diploma or equivalent Completed training programPass pharmacy tech exam Renewal period for pharmacists and technicians - correct answer License ends in odd number: Biennially on November 1 of odd numbered years License ends in evennumber: Biennially on November 1 of even numbered years" How many days in advance can you apply for license renewal - correct answer Not more than 60 days What must be done for a pharmacist that has not had active license for 5 consecutiveyears? - correct answer Proof of fitness to be licensed Payment of all pastdue fees and penalties Biennialrenewal fees for pharmacists, tech, and duplicate renewal license - correct answer Pharmacists: 250 Technicians: 100 Duplicate: 25 How many days do you have to alert the executive director of a new home address oremployer address - correct answer Within 10 business days What is the notification period for a PIC when the start or terminate in thatposition? - correct answer Immediately to the executive director Who is responsible to notify the board of pharmacy when a pharmacists or intern isterminated because professionally incompetent, unprofessional conduct,mentally/physically incompetent?
Update 2025 | Verified | ASSURED SUCCESS How often does a pharmacy, wholesaler/manufacturer, or another other place that sells drugs, compounds, dispenses, stocks, exposes, manufactures, or offers for sale? - correct answer Biennial registration What are the classes of permits Arizona can give in regards to pharmacies and places that sell drugs? - correct answer Nonprescription drug permit Limited service pharmacy, full service wholesale drug, nonprescription wholesale, and drug manufacturing permit Drug packager or repackager Compressed medical gas distributor What to do with license if pharmacy closes down - correct answer Surrender license to executive directorRemove all drug signs and symbols Destroy all drugs, devices, and poisonous or hazardous substances" What is the schedule to renew a license for a pharmacy? - correct answer Every two years Odd numbered license: on odd years Even numbered license: on even years Rules regarding the display of license or permit in pharmacy - correct answer Must be displayed visually in pharmacy Must be current license What are the rules regarding supervision by a pharmacist in a hospital with more than 50 beds?
Update 2025 | Verified | ASSURED SUCCESS Who can compound, sell, or dispense compounded drugs? - correct answer Pharmacist/Pharmacy intern under the direction of a pharmacist Techs can dispense only if under the direction supervision of a pharmacist Who are responsible for the quality of drugs and devices sold or dispensed in a pharmacy? - correct answer Proprietor Manager PIC Exception is drugs sold in original container How many days does the proprietor, manager, or PIC have to relating to acquisition or disposal of prescription only and controlled substance medication when requested by authorized board agent? - correct answer 4 working days What documentation is required to respond to board agent relating to the acquisition or disposal of prescription only and controlled substance medications? - correct answer Invoices Stock transfer documents Merchandise return memos Other related documentation Can you dispense and generic production if the provider fails to mark the prescription as DAW?
Update 2025 | Verified | ASSURED SUCCESS Labeling requirements when a biologic is interchanged for a generic product? - correct answer "Generic equivalent for..." "Interchangeable biological product for..." Requirements for a pharmacist to make a therapeutic interchange from brand to generic? (Includes biologics) - correct answer All products dispensed have an expiration date on package The manufacturer or distributor maintains recall and return capabilities What are the requirements for hospital pharmacies to have an exemption for labeling and oral notification requirements? - correct answer Must have a formulary Practitioners must agree to formulary Formulary must be available for inspection by the board Interchangeable biological product definition - correct answer US FDA has licensed and determined meets safety standards for determining interchangeability Determined to be therapeutically equivalent How long should prescriptions and medication orders be filed for? - correct answer At least 7 years What is the term to describe the following:Drug or device that consistsin whole or in part of any filthy, putrid or decomposed substance - correct answer Adulteration What is the term to describe the following:Drug or device produced,prepared, packed, or held under unsanitary conditions whereby it may have beencontaminated with filth, or is not securely protected from dust, dirt, and, asfar as may be necessary by all reasonable means, from all foreign or injuriouscontamination, or whereby it may have been rendered injurious to health - correct answer Adulteration What is the term to describe the following:If the methods usedin, or the facilities or controls used for, its manufacture, processing,packing, or holding do not conform to or are not operated or administered inconformity with current good manufacturing practice to assure that such drug ordevice meets the requirements of this chapter as to safety and has the identityand strength, and meets the quality, which it is represented to possess - correct answer Adulteration What is the term to describe the following:If the drugscontainer is composed, in whole or in part, of any poisonous or deleterioussubstance which may render the contents injurious to health - correct answer Adulteration
Update 2025 | Verified | ASSURED SUCCESS What is the term to describe the following:Drug bears an unsafe color additiveColor additive thatis unsafe and used for coloring purposes only - correct answer Adulteration What is the term to describe the following:If it is a drug thename of which is recognized in an official compendium, and its strength differsfrom, or its quality or purity falls below, the standard set forth in suchcompendium, unless stated on label - correct answer Adulteration What is the term to describe the following:strength differsfrom, or its purity or quality falls below that which it purports or isrepresented to possess - correct answer Adulteration What is the term for the following:If it is a drug ordevice to which any substance has been mixed or packed therewith so as toreduce its quality or strength, or to be substituted for it in whole or inpart - correct answer Adulteration What is the term for the following: Drug labeling is false or misleading - correct answer Misbranded What is the term for the following: Drug or device, if in package form, does not bear the name/place of the manufacturer, packer or distributor - correct answer Misbranded What is the term for the following: Does not have quantity of contents in terms of weight, measure, or numerical count" - correct answer Misbranded What is the term for the following: Drug or device that containsany quantity of the narcotic or hypnotic substance alpha-eucaine, barbituric acid, beta-eucaine, bromal, cannabis, carbromal, chloral, coca, cocaine, codeine, heroin, marijuana, morphine, opium, paraldehyde, peyote or sulfonmethane, or any chemical derivative of such substance, which derivative or other substance has been found to be habit- forming, unless its label bears the name and quantity or proportion of such substance or derivative" - correct answer Misbranded What is the term for the following: If it is a drug label, to the exclusion of any other nonproprietary name, does not have the the following: Established name of drug (if there is one) Established name of quantity of each ingredient - correct answer Misbranded What is the term for the following: Label does not bear the following:
Update 2025 | Verified | ASSURED SUCCESS Adequate directions for use Adequate warningsagainst use in those pathological conditions or by children where its use may be dangerous to health, or against unsafe dosage or methods or duration of administration or application, in a manner and form as are necessary for the protection of users - correct answer Misbranded What is the term for the following: Drug that is recognized in the official compendium that is not packaged and labeled according to the compendium - correct answer Misbranded Can you modify the packaging of a drug in the official compendium? - correct answer Yes Method of packaging may be modified with consent of board What is the term for the following: If it has been found by the board to be a drug or device liable to deterioration, unless it is packaged in that form and manner, and its label bears a statement of such precautions, as the rules issued by the board require as necessary for the protection of public health - correct answer Misbranded What is the term for the following: Container is so made, formed or filled as to be misleading - correct answer Misbranded What is the term for the following: Drug/device is imitation of another drug/device - correct answer Misbranded What is the term for the following: If it is offered for sale under the name of another drug or device - correct answer Misbranded What is the term for the following: If it is dangerous to health when used in the dosage or manner or with the frequency or duration prescribed, recommended or suggested in the labeling of the drug or device" - correct answer Misbranded What is the term for the following: If it is a color additive, the intended use of which in or on drugs or devices is for the purpose of coloring only, unless its packaging and labeling are in conformity with such packaging and labeling requirements applicable to such color additive in the federal act or board rule" - correct answer Misbranded What is the term for the following:
Update 2025 | Verified | ASSURED SUCCESS For prescription-only/controlled substances the manufacturer, packer, or distributor does not include all advertisements/other printed material with respect to that drug a true statement of: Established name Formula showing quantitatively each ingredient Other info: side effects, contraindications, effectiveness - correct answer Misbranded What is the term for the following: If a trademark, trade name or other identifying mark, imprint or device of another drug or device or any likeness of another drug or device has been placed on the drug or device or on its container with intent to defraud. - correct answer Misbranded What is the term for the following: For prescription-only/controlled substances, if in final dosage form form unless it bears the following: Name/place of business of manufacturer (and if different the packer/distributor) Accurate statement of quantity of the contents in terms of weight, measure or numerical count
Update 2025 | Verified | ASSURED SUCCESS Written prescription that is signed by provider E-prescriptions that have electronic signature that is reduced to writing by pharmacist Written prescription generated electronically with physical or digital signature Oral prescription that is reduced to writing by pharmacist Electronically transmitted order for refill Prescription order that is faxed or emailed When should a prescription order not be refilled - correct answer Order by the prescriber to not be refilled More than one year since it was originally reordered Information required on a prescription - correct answer Date issued Name/address of patient or owner of animal Refills Name/address of prescriber Name, strength, dosage form, and quantity of drug Directions for use Information required on drug label - correct answer Name/address of pharmacy Serial number Date of dispensing Name of prescriber Name of patient or owner of animal with species Directions for use Cautionary statements What is the term for when a drug label does not bear, "Rx only," and is a prescription only product? - correct answer Misbranding Can you fill a order from a provider that is licensed in another country? - correct answer Yes. As long as the provider is licensed by an appropriate licensing board of a foreign country. What record keeping is required when filling prescriptions from a provider that is from another country? - correct answer Must be filled separately from other prescriptions
Update 2025 | Verified | ASSURED SUCCESS Can you fill control substance prescriptions from a provider that is licensed in another country?
Update 2025 | Verified | ASSURED SUCCESS What happens when a poisonous/hazardous substance is identified by its packaging as being a food, drug or cosmetic container - correct answer Misbranded What are the requirements for labeling warnings on poisonous/hazardous substances? - correct answer Located prominently English How often should pharmacist participate in quality assurance programs? - correct answer Continuous Can documents from pharmacy quality assurance programs by subpoenaed in a civil proceeding? - correct answer No How can a pharmacy meet the qualifications for the quality assurance programs? - correct answer Holds a current general, special or rural hospital licensed from department of health in the following: Certified to participate in the medicare/medicaid Accredited by joint commission on the accreditation of health care organizations Accredited by the American Osteopathic Association What immunizations can a pharmacist give to adults without a prescription order? - correct answer Vaccines recommended for adults by the CDC Vaccines recommend by CDC and prevention's health information for international travel What vaccines can a pharmacist give to children without a prescription order? - correct answer Flu vaccine to children at least 3 years of age Booster doses for the primary adolescent series as recommended by CDC Vaccines recommended by CDC for disease control and prevention to people at least 13 yrs old When can a pharmacist give the first dose for the primary adolescent series? - correct answer When at least 6 yrs old but under 13 years of age Must have prescription order from provider A certified pharmacist to give immunizations may give what type of injections/vaccines without a prescription order? - correct answer Emergency medication to manage anaphylaxis to vaccine Vaccines to any person regardless of age during public health emergency response What must a pharmacist do after giving an vaccine to emergency medication? - correct answer Report to provider with 48 hours Report information to vaccine registry
Update 2025 | Verified | ASSURED SUCCESS Maintain record of immunization Report adverse reactions to provider within 24 hours Participate in federal vaccine adverse event reporting Can pharmacy interns give vaccines? - correct answer Yes. Only under immediate supervision of a pharmacist who is certified What conditions are needed to dispense replacement soft contact lenses prescription - correct answer Name of provider Date of issuance Includes: lens brand name, type, tint, and other items necessary to dispense Rx Can substitutions be made when dispensing soft contact lenses prescription - correct answer No. Must dispense what is written for How long are prescriptions valid for with soft contact lenses? - correct answer Shorter of the two: Date provided by provider One year for issuance How much product can you dispense when refilling a prescription for soft contact lenses that is within 60 days of expiring? - correct answer Amount needed to get to expiration date What is written warning is required when dispensing soft contact lenses? - correct answer If you are having any unexplained eye discomfort, watering, vision change or redness, remove your lenses immediately and consult your eye care practitioner before wearing your lenses again What shall be included when a pharmacy advertises for replacement soft contact lenses - correct answer All charges associated with purchase of replacement lenses What are the limits of methamphetamine precursors a person can buy in a day - correct answer 3.6 grams per day Limits of methamphetamine precursors a person can buy in a month? - correct answer 9 grams per 30 days What is information is required when making a pseudo ephedrine or ephedrine purchase? - correct answer Government ID Name/address of purchaser
Update 2025 | Verified | ASSURED SUCCESS Name and quantity purchased Date and time of purchase Purchaser ID type and number Are pharmacies required to submit methamphetamine precursor purchase information to national database? - correct answer Yes. If the system is available to retailers without a charge for access Can a pharmacy keep written logs of methamphetamine precursor purchase information on paper? - correct answer Yes. Doesn't have access to internet Can have alternative electronic sales record keeping What is the main requirement of a electronic tracking system for methamphetamine precursor transactions? - correct answer Can generate stop sale alert notification that would result in violation quantity limits Can override alert notification if fear of bodily harm if drug not sold Must log each time a person overrides system People who are not able to purchase dextromethorphan - correct answer Under 18 years of age Commercial entity that knowingly sells to patients < 18 yrs old Person that receives/distributes unfinished dextromethorphan, unless licensed What is required at the transaction of dextromethorphan? - correct answer Proof of age Reasonably believe person is > 25 yrs old based on appearance Can a pharmacist dispense naloxone to a person of family member to a person that is at risk without a prescription? - correct answer Yes. What documentation is needed when dispensing naloxone with a prescription? - correct answer Dispensing consistent with board rules Instruction to patient/caregiver to call emergency personnel before or after giving naloxone What information must a drug pedigree contain? - correct answer Name of drug Dosage form/strength Size of container
Update 2025 | Verified | ASSURED SUCCESS Lot number Name of manufacturer of finished drug form What information is required in a the sale of a prescription drug only? - correct answer Name, address, number, and email (if available) Name and address of where shipped Transaction dates Each recipient has verified drug pedigree How long should drug pedigree information be kept? - correct answer 3 years What may be seized by the division of narcotics enforcement and criminal intelligence within the department of public safety when they have reasonable grounds? - correct answer A drug that is counterfeit A container of such counterfeit drug Equipment used in manufacturing, compounding, or processing of a drug to which drug a prohibited act has occurred Any item used in making of counterfeit drug Any conveyance being used to transport, carry or hold counterfeit drug Pharmacy intern licensing requirements - correct answer Enrolled in board-approved pharmacy school One of the following: Official transcript Letter from dean Letter from registrar Graduate intern licensing requirements - correct answer Graduate from board-approved pharmacy school Provide one of following: Final transcripts with graduation date Letter from dean Letter from registrar
Update 2025 | Verified | ASSURED SUCCESS Intern training site requirements - correct answer Permitted by Arizona board of pharmacy and employ a preceptor who supervises intern or Non-pharmacy related training sites that perform pharmacy-related activities (may or may not be monitored by school of pharmacy) Who reports intern hours to the board? - correct answer Pharmacy school: hours obtained through curriculum Student: Hours obtained outside of curriculum What must interns report to board when performing intern hours? - correct answer Initiating employment Terminating employment Changing training sites What must a student do with intern license if they stop attending pharmacy school? - correct answer Stop working as an intern Surrender intern licens to Board within 30 days after last attending class Can interns get credit for intern hours obtained outside of Arizona? - correct answer Yes. Must mee Arizona's minimum requirements What may a pharmacist be required to do if they have not practiced for more than a year? - correct answer My have to complete 400 hours of internship prior to resuming active practice Preceptor eligibility requirements - correct answer Current unrestricted pharmacy license At least 1 year of experience as an active pharmacists and Hold a faculty position at pharmacy school/school of pharmacy experiential training OR obtain Board-approval to act as preceptor Pharmacist to intern ratio limit - correct answer 1 pharmacist to 2 interns in calendar quarter Limits applies to community pharmacy and limited-service pharmacy settings. No limit in Board- approved school/college of pharmacy experiential training program Preceptor responsibilities - correct answer Teach/mentor intern Review pharmacy policies and procedures Take responsibilities for actions of intern Provide opportunities for skill development and feedback on progress
Update 2025 | Verified | ASSURED SUCCESS Minimum intern hour requirements for pharmacist licensure - correct answer 1,500 hours Maximum number of intern hours that can be obtained at an alternative training site (non- pharmacy training site)? - correct answer No more than 500 hours How much time does an intern have to report to the board due to change of address OR change of employer - correct answer 10 days What are identification badge requirements for pharmacists and interns? - correct answer Must have an ID badge that indicates name and position/title while on duty How long is a pharmacy tech training license valid for? - correct answer 24 months Can pharmacy technicians assist the pharmacist in compounding prescriptions and sterile or non-sterile pharmaceuticals? - correct answer Yes, but... Must complete a pharmacy tech drug compounding training program Can pharmacy tech trainees assist in compounding - correct answer No What are the steps to renew pharmacist and pharmacy tech licenses - correct answer Complete "Application for License Renewal" Pay renewal fee Fulfill the CE requirement What happens when you fail to renew your license on November 1? - correct answer Suspension of license Suspension is lifted once all past due fees and penalties are paid What must be done to reinstate an Arizona pharmacy license that has been delinquent for greater than 5 years while practicing in another state/jurisdiction - correct answer Pass Arizona MPJE Pay delinquent annual renewal fees and penalties What must be done to reinstate an Arizona pharmacy license that has been delinquent for greater than 5 years WITHOUT practicing in another state/jurisdiction - correct answer Pass Arizona MPJE Pay delinquent annual renewal fees and penalties Appear before Board to demonstrate fitness to be licensed CE requirements for pharmacy techs - correct answer 20 CE hours every 2 years
Update 2025 | Verified | ASSURED SUCCESS Must include at least 2 credit hours of law If licensed for less than 24 months before first renewal date, must complete 0.83 multiplied by number of months license in 2 year period CE requirements for pharmacists - correct answer 30 CE hours every 2 years Must include 3 hours of law If licensed for less than 24 months before first renewal date, must complete 1.25 multiplied by number of months license in 2 year period Can pharmacists/pharm tech receive CE at their own presentation - correct answer Yes. Must follow same procedure as audience to get credit Can you get CE credit for a class taught at pharmacy school that are not CE courses? - correct answer No How long must you document CE statements of credit and/or certificates? - correct answer 5 years How long do you have to submit CE credits/certificates if the Board request proof of CE credits?
Update 2025 | Verified | ASSURED SUCCESS What are the record keeping requirements for drug manufacturers? - correct answer Records regarding production, proces control, labeling, packaging, quality control, distribution, complaints Records needed for current GMP Must be kept for 2 years after drug distributed or 1 year after expiration date (whichever is longest) How much time does a drug manufacturer need to be requested records available to the Board? - correct answer Within 48 hours What license are also required for entities that manufacture radoopharmaceuticals - correct answer Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency Radioactive Materials License What agencies must a manufacturer of radiopharmaceuticals be required to comply with? - correct answer Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency US Nuclear Regulatory Commission FDA What must an applicant do to obtain a pharmacy permit - correct answer Complete application with fee Documentations showing compliance with zoning laws (if required by Board) Floor plan (size and security) Copy of lease for building/space (if applicable) Disclosure statement stating whether or not medical practitioner will receive direct or indirect compensation from pharmacy Board must do what prior before a pharmacy permit is issued? - correct answer Approve permit application Receive satisfactory inspection report from a Board compliance officer Board may interview PIC and the applicant Pharmacy permitted must notify the board of changes within 10 day of the following: - correct answer Type of pharmacy operated Phone number Fax number Email address
Update 2025 | Verified | ASSURED SUCCESS Mailing address Name of business Staff pharmacist Staff pharmacist" - correct answer Can non-prescription drugs be sold while the pharmacy area is closed? - correct answer Yes Must hold a non-prescription drug permit When must a new application/fee be submitted for changes in ownership - correct answer Changes in ownership of 30% or more Must submit at least 14 days prior to change How many days must in advance must a pharmacy submit a new application to the Board when a pharmacy is relocated or remodeled? - correct answer 30 days Procedures for closing discontinuing a pharmacy: Notice requirements and timing - correct answer Written notice to Board and DEA (must have date of closure) Must be done at least 14 days prior to closing Procedures for closing a pharmacy: What must the notice indicate as far as drugs, records, and patient profiles - correct answer Notice must indicate the location to which the drugs, transaction records, prescription files, and patient profiles will be sold, kept or transferred Procedures for closing a pharmacy: How long should drug and medical device purchase and disbursement records be kept? - correct answer At lest 3 years after the pharmacy is discontinued Procedures to close pharmacy: How long should Rx records and patient profiles be kept? - correct answer At least 7 years from the date and last original or refill prescription was dispensed Procedures to close pharmacy: Pharmacy signs and symbols - correct answer Remove from inside and outside of building Procedures to close pharmacy: State permits and certificates - correct answer Must be returned to Board of Pharmacy
Update 2025 | Verified | ASSURED SUCCESS Procedures to close pharmacy: DEA documents - correct answer Must return DEA registration certificate Must returned unused DEA 222 forms Return to DEA Procedures to close pharmacy: Transferring controlled substances" - correct answer Inventory must be taken Copy of inventory accompanies controlled substances being transferred Original inventory document kept for 3 years from when pharmacy closed DEA 222 must document transfer of C-II meds Non-prescription drug permits Can they sell non-prescription drugs in different packaging? - correct answer No. Must sell products in manufacturer's original packaging Non-prescription drug permits Must remind the Board within 10 days changes of the following: - correct answer Phone number Fax number Mailing address Email Name of business How many days must a completed permit application be submitted with change of ownership on Non-prescription permit? - correct answer Within 14 days in change of ownership or change in stock ownership of 30% or more What application must be submitted to relocate a business that has a non-prescription drug permit? - correct answer Application For Relocation How long before relocation must you submit your paperwork to relocate with non-prescription drug permit? - correct answer 30 days before relocating How long must non-prescription drug permittees keep records of receipt and disposal? - correct answer At least 3 years
Update 2025 | Verified | ASSURED SUCCESS Qualifications for non-prescription drug vending machines? - correct answer Board-issued non- prescription drug permit Board-issued seal affixed to each machine Seal contains following: permit #, vending machine serial #, owner's name/phone # Stored in watertight structure/sunlight protection Contents in manufacturer's packaging How quickly should access be given to a Board inspector to non-prescription drug vending machines? - correct answer Within 24 hours What must be done prior to relocating a non-prescription drug vending machine? - correct answer Must notify the Board Requirements to meet prior to issue of a drug manufacturer permit - correct answer Approve the permit application Interview applicant and manager Receive satisfactory facility inspection report from Board compliance officer Drug manufacturer permits must notify the Board within 24 hours of changes in: - correct answer Drug list Ownership Address Phone number Name of business Manager What must drug manufacturer permittees do when relocating? - correct answer Submit new application to Board prior to relocation No application fee needed Issuance contingent on final inspection Is a new application needed when there is change in any officers of a corporation that has drug manufacturer permit? - correct answer Yes. Application fee and inspection not required Who can drug manufacturers distribute drugs to? - correct answer Properly licensed or permitted individuals/businesses
Update 2025 | Verified | ASSURED SUCCESS What are the two types of wholesaler permits? - correct answer Full-service drug wholesale permits Non-prescription drug wholesale permits What must be done to get a drug wholesaler permit? - correct answer Approver permit application Interview applicant and designated representative Receive satisfactory inspection from Board inspector What must a drug wholesaler notify the Board within 24 hours due to changes in: - correct answer Type of drugs sold/distributed Ownership Address Phone number Name of business Manager or designated representative What must be done when a drug wholesaler permittee relocates? - correct answer Submit new application No fee required Passing final inspection by Board inspector What is required when a change in any officers of a corporation is done with a drug wholesaler permittee? - correct answer Submit new application No fee/inspection needed Who can drug wholesalers distribute drugs to - correct answer Properly licensed/permitted individuals and businesses What is a cash-and-carry sale? - correct answer Buyer pays for order up front and makes their own transportation arrangements What must a drug wholesaler do in order to complete a cash-and-carry sale? - correct answer Verify the following: Order is valid Person picking up order represents the person/entity that placed order Sale is to meet immediate needs of person/entity who place orders (Rx only drug orders)
Update 2025 | Verified | ASSURED SUCCESS Can wholesaler permittees repackage or reliable products - correct answer No What are the facility requirements for drug wholesaler permittees - correct answer Adequate size/construction Well-Lighted inside and out Adequate ventilation Clean, uncluttered, sanitary Functional security system What area is specifically required for a drug wholesaler permittee - correct answer Quarantine area Store expired, damaged, deteriorated, adulterated, counterfeited, or contraband products When should soon to be expired products be moved to the quarantined area? - correct answer Expiration date is with 120 days of expiring What is required to obtain a full service wholesaler permit? - correct answer Designated representative must be identified Qualifications needed for a designated representative for a full service wholesaler permit? - correct answer At least 21 years old 3 years experience in a wholesale pharmacy Management level position Actively involved in daily wholesale distribution Physically present at business during hours Can not be a designated representative for other business Clear background check of Rx related crimes What is the requirement the Board has and needs to obtain for a full service wholesale permittee for a background check? - correct answer Fingerprints Who can a full service wholesaler permittee furnish prescription drugs to? - correct answer Pharmacies Medical practitioners Must be delivered to address on purchasing's license How fast should discrepancies be reported between the pharmacy and the wholesaler? - correct answer By the next business day
Update 2025 | Verified | ASSURED SUCCESS When can a full service wholesaler distributer NOT accept Rx-only medication returns or exchanges - correct answer Product adulterated or counterfeited (unless in response to FDA or manufacturer recall) Amount being returned exceeds amount sold to pharmacy What documentation must be done by purchaser to return Rx-only medication stop full service wholesaler? - correct answer Name, strength, and manufacturer of product Statement that products were stored in compliance with label packaging How quickly must a drug pedigree be provided to the Board in response to a inspection? - correct answer Within 2 business days How do non-resident pharmacies qualify for license in Arizona? - correct answer Must possess equivalent license or permit in state/jurisdiction where they reside Board notification requirements for non-resident permittees - correct answer 10 days: address, phone #, name of business, manager Prior to change: change in ownership Are non-resident pharmacies required to employ a PIC with Arizona license? - correct answer No What must non-resident permittees have a copy of when selling drugs in Arizona? - correct answer Must keep copy of current permit or license of individual/entity acquiring drug Within how many days should the Board be notified after being charged with felony of misdemeanor that potentially affects patient safety - correct answer 10 days Define the following according to Arizona law: Compensating medical practitioners or facilities in exchange for referrals or prescriptions - correct answer Unethical practices Define the following according to Arizona law: Advertising on prescription blanks - correct answer Unethical practices Define the following according to Arizona law: Claiming the performance of services that were not actually performed - correct answer Unethical practices Define the following according to Arizona law: Selling Rx-only drugs/devices without valid prescription - correct answer Unethical practices Define the following according to Arizona law:
Update 2025 | Verified | ASSURED SUCCESS Dispensing Rx-only drugs or devices pursuant to a diagnosis made via the mail or internet - correct answer Unethical practices Some exceptions in medical emergencies Are licensees subject to repercussions by not reporting unprofessional conduct, incompetence or physical/mental instability to Board - correct answer Yes Disciplinary actions the Board can take - correct answer Civil penalty ($1,000 per violation) Letter of reprimand Decree of censure Board-approved CE courses Probation Suspension Definition of emergency license restriction or suspension - correct answer Board can suspend license immediately with reason to believe three to public health, welfare, and safety How are substance abuse treatment and rehab programs funded - correct answer $20 per biennial license renewal fee When is a licensee known vs confidential when going through substance abuse treatment program and rehab? - correct answer Confidential if self-referred Known if order by the Board What must appear on prescription order in order for the prescription to be dispensed by a pharmacist? - correct answer Date written Name/address of patient or owner of pet Drug name, strength, dosage form Manufacturer's of distributor's name if written for generic or if generic substitution is performed Directions for use Date of dispensing Quantity prescribed and dispensed DEA # for controlled substances Prescriber's authorization to dispense