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Dr. Lattie Coor, President
Contact: Douglas H. Vinzant, Director, Strategic Planning
and Policy Analysis
(480) 965-
To offer quality academic programs in the arts and sciences, as
well as in selected professional fields; to encourage the
educational, economic, cultural and social development of the
metropolitan area; and, to prepare students for success in the
global society of the 21st century by engendering a responsiveness
to change and an appreciation of the intellectual, cultural, gender
and generation diversity of modern society.
Agency Mission:
Agency Description:
Arizona State University West is an upper-division, non-residential
campus of Arizona State University. Created by the Legislature in
1984, it is located in the rapidly growing northwestern area of
metropolitan Maricopa County. It is designed to offer bachelor’s
and master’s degrees and certificate programs in the arts and
sciences, as well as professional programs in business, education
and human services.
Funding Note: Because all appropriated funds are combined prior
to distribution to the various programs by the University, General
Funds and Other Appropriated Funds are combined under the Other
Appropriated Funds category.
Agency Summary:
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Estimate
FY 2001 Estimate
($ Thousands)
ÿ ACADEMIC AFFAIRS 33,948.4^ 37,481.8^ 38,510.
ÿ STUDENT AFFAIRS 3,666.9^ 3,425.9^ 3,539.
ADMINISTRATIVE 8,583.5 8,033.4 8,173.
INSTITUTIONAL 1,655.3 1,277.3 1,299.
Agency Total 48,140.2 50,300.1 51,617.
Capital Funds 286.1 81.7 94.
Funding and FTE Summary:
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Estimate
FY 2001 Estimate
($ Thousands)
General Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Other Appropriated Funds 43,262.7 45,294.8 46,295. Other Non Appropriated Funds 3,075.9 3,330.7 3,556. Federal Funds 1,515.5 1,592.9 1,672. Operating Funds Subtotal 47,854.1^ 50,218.4^ 51,523.
FTE Positions 717.4 722.3 723.
Agency Total 48,140.2 50,300.1 51,617.
Capital Funds 286.1 81.7 94.
Agency Goals and Key Performance Measures:
u Goal 1 To enrich the texture of undergraduate education.
Key Performance Measures
FY 1998
FY 1999
FY 2000
FY 2001 Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking undergraduate students persisting after one year
•^79 81 82
Undergraduate minority students enrolled
•^723 785 808
Undergraduate students taking courses in the University-College Center
•^262 616 647
Undergraduate students participating in internships and field experiences
•^599 759 781
Undergraduate students participating in social and academic activity groups
•^605 880 906
u Goal^2 To develop graduate education.
Key Performance Measures
FY 1998
FY 1999
FY 2000
FY 2001 Degree-seeking students enrolled in graduate programs
•^596 691 712
•^ Graduate minority students enrolled^160 147 150
u Goal 3 To extend the research and creative activity agenda.
Key Performance Measures
FY 1998
FY 1999
FY 2000
FY 2001 Externally funded research projects (in thousands of dollars)
•^ 2,222^ 2,684^ 2,791^ 2,
Students enrolled in research-related courses
•^126 167 170
u Goal^4 To increase community involvement.
Key Performance Measures
FY 1998
FY 1999
FY 2000
FY 2001 Community participation at events sponsored by ASU West
•^ 46,749^ 49,445^ 51,917^ 54,
Collaborative educational projects with K-
•^20 22 24
u Goal 5 To develop enrollment.
Key Performance Measures
FY 1998
FY 1999
FY 2000
FY 2001
•^ New undergraduate students enrolled^ 1,103^950 978 1,
New undergraduate students enrolled that transferred from Arizona community colleges
•^707 614 632
u Goal^6 To optimize use of resources.
Key Performance Measures
FY 1998
FY 1999
FY 2000
FY 2001 Percent of upper-division, undergraduate transfer students who graduate in four years
•^81 82 83
Percent of SCH taught by ranked faculty
•^54 56 57
•^ Students graduating^ 1,130^ 1,148^ 1,171^ 1,
Contact: Douglas H. Vinzant, Director, Strategic Planning and
Policy Analysis
Phone: (480) 965-
A.R.S. 15-
Education Arizona State University - West Campus Page 413
To provide instruction, research, and service activities that prepare
graduates for personal growth, fulfilling careers, and lifelong
contributions to the quality of life in the northwest Valley
community, surrounding region, and nation.
Program Mission:
Program Description:
Academic Affairs includes activities carried out during the academic
year, summer sessions and other periods associated with degree
credit and non-credit academic courses. Academic Affairs includes
seven different academic and academic support units: College of
Arts and Sciences, College of Education, College of Human
Services, School of Management, Division of Collaborative
Programs, Library, and Academic Affairs Administrative Support.
Funding and FTE Amounts:
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Estimate
FY 2001 Estimate
($ Thousands)
General Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Other Appropriated Funds 30,623.6 33,923.6 34,736. Other Non Appropriated Funds 1,979.7 2,144.5 2,290. Federal Funds 1,345.1 1,413.7 1,484. Program Total 33,948.4 37,481.8 38,510. FTE Positions 501.1 498.3 498.
This Program Contains the Following Subprograms:
4 College of Arts and Sciences 4 College of Education 4 College of Human Services 4 School of Management 4 Division of Collaborative Programs 4 Library 4 Academic Affairs Administrative Support
Contact: Douglas H. Vinzant, Director, Strategic Planning and
Policy Analysis
Phone: (480) 965-
A.R.S. 15-
To provide a range of academic and community support programs
to both the campus community and Phoenix metropolitan area that
contain the breadth of learning required for a rapidly changing
professional environment, that emphasize creative thinking, that
are interdisciplinary in nature, and that promote diversity.
Subprogram Mission:
The College of Arts and Sciences offers undergraduate
interdisciplinary and disciplinary programs in American Studies,
Integrative Studies, Interdisciplinary Arts and Performances, Life
Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Women's Studies.
Subprogram Description:
Funding and FTE Amounts:
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Estimate
FY 2001 Estimate
($ Thousands)
General Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Other Appropriated Funds 6,575.5 6,831.6 7,033. Other Non Appropriated Funds 585.5 636.0 678. Federal Funds 451.2 474.4 498. Program Total 7,612.2 7,942.0 8,210. FTE Positions 130.9 136.4 136.
Subprogram Goals and Performance Measures:
Performance Measures FY 1998Actual FY 1999Actual FY 2000Expected FY 2001Expected
u To increase the number of students enrolled in
undergraduate programs designed for learning and
increasing the student's ability to apply new
knowledge and critical and artistic perspectives in
their careers.
Goal 1
-^ Undergraduate student headcount^ 1,022^ 1,079^ 1,150^ 1,
- Undergraduate minority students^162 204 208
Contact: Douglas H. Vinzant, Director, Strategic Planning and
Policy Analysis
Phone: (480) 965-
A.R.S. 15-
To promote the improvement of professional education by
providing a continuum of research based programs and services to
pre-service educators, in-service educators, and other educational
Subprogram Mission:
The College of Education offers programs that emphasize practical
application based on the latest research and proven practices.
Undergraduate programs lead to initial certification of elementary,
secondary, and special education teachers. Graduate programs lead
to master's degrees in educational administration, elementary
education, and secondary education.
Subprogram Description:
Funding and FTE Amounts:
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Estimate
FY 2001 Estimate
($ Thousands)
General Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Other Appropriated Funds 4,196.7 4,361.5 4,458. Other Non Appropriated Funds 283.8 307.1 329. Federal Funds 528.9 555.8 583. Program Total 5,009.4 5,224.4 5,371. FTE Positions 81.6 83.6 83.
Subprogram Goals and Performance Measures:
Performance Measures FY 1998 Actual
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Expected
FY 2001 Expected
u To increase the number of students enrolled in
undergraduate programs that provide students with
knowledge, skills, and technical competencies for
citizenship, leadership, and successful careers in the
Goal 1
Page 414 Arizona State University - West Campus Education
-^ Undergraduate student headcount^984 943 1,150^ 1,
- Undergraduate minority students^182 193 200
Performance Measures FY 1998Actual FY 1999Actual FY 2000Expected FY 2001Expected
u To increase the number of students enrolled in
graduate programs that provide students with
knowledge, skills, and technical competencies for
citizenship, leadership, and successful careers in the
Goal 2
-^ Graduate student headcount^512 520 510 -^ Graduate minority students^72 66 80
Contact: Douglas H. Vinzant, Director, Strategic Planning and
Policy Analysis
Phone: (480) 965-
A.R.S. 15-
To provide undergraduate education that promotes community
development guided by principles and values of diversity, self-
determination, and respect for personal and collective well-being
while contributing to the development of leadership and careers
that promote human and social welfare.
Subprogram Mission:
The College of Human Services offers undergraduate programs that
emphasize the integration of a comprehensive set of skills and
knowledge in several areas: Communication Studies,
Administration of Justice, Recreation and Tourism Management,
Social Work, Gerontology and a hosted ASU Main Nursing
Subprogram Description:
Funding and FTE Amounts:
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Estimate
FY 2001 Estimate
($ Thousands)
General Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Other Appropriated Funds 3,611.5 4,107.1 4,199. Other Non Appropriated Funds 301.0 325.7 347. Federal Funds 262.2 275.5 289. Program Total 4,174.7 4,708.3 4,836. FTE Positions 70.3 77.7 77.
Subprogram Goals and Performance Measures:
Performance Measures FY 1998Actual FY 1999Actual FY 2000Expected FY 2001Expected
u To increase the number of students enrolled in
undergraduate programs that provide knowledge,
skills, and technical competencies for citizenship,
leadership, and successful careers.
Goal 1
-^ Undergraduate student headcount^896 925 950 -^ Undergraduate minority students^183 195 200
Contact: Douglas H. Vinzant, Director, Strategic Planning and
Policy Analysis
Phone: (480) 965-
A.R.S. 15-
To foster the economic vitality of Maricopa County and its citizens,
and to advance the practice of management in the context of a
global economy where change is constant and far-reaching.
Subprogram Mission:
The School of Management offers a Masters of Business
Administration program for working professionals; an
undergraduate program that emphasizes the integration of a
comprehensive set of management skills and knowledge; and, an
accounting program for undergraduate majors, post-baccalaureate
students, and working professionals.
Subprogram Description:
Funding and FTE Amounts:
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Estimate
FY 2001 Estimate
($ Thousands)
General Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Other Appropriated Funds 5,034.8 5,209.5 5,371. Other Non Appropriated Funds 723.3 782.6 835. Federal Funds 102.8 108.0 113. Program Total 5,860.9 6,100.1 6,319. FTE Positions 67.1 70.1 70.
Subprogram Goals and Performance Measures:
Performance Measures FY 1998Actual FY 1999Actual FY 2000Expected FY 2001Expected
u To increase the number of students enrolled in
undergraduate programs that are responsive to the
educational needs of working professionals.
Goal 1
-^ Undergraduate student headcount^804 807 850
- Undergraduate minority students^185 194 200
Performance Measures FY 1998Actual FY 1999Actual FY 2000Expected FY 2001Expected
u To increase the number of students enrolled in the
M.B.A. programs that is responsive to the corporate
needs of the community.
Goal 2
-^ Graduate student headcount^520 547 550
- Graduate minority students^51 47 70
Contact: Douglas H. Vinzant, Director, Strategic Planning and
Policy Analysis
Phone: (480) 965-
A.R.S. 15-
To produce and sustain cross-disciplinary endeavors in
instruction, research and service that enrich academic possibilities
for student and faculty at ASU West and for community partners.
Subprogram Mission:
Subprogram Description:
Education Arizona State University - West Campus Page 415
The Division of Collaborative Programs houses cross-disciplinary
enterprises including the Center for Writing Across the Curriculum,
the Honor's Program, the Research Consulting Center, and the
University-College Center.
Funding and FTE Amounts:
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Estimate
FY 2001 Estimate
($ Thousands)
General Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Other Appropriated Funds 349.9 706.0 730. Other Non Appropriated Funds 12.6 13.6 14. Federal Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Program Total 362.5 719.6 745. FTE Positions 12.4 12.9 13.
Subprogram Goals and Performance Measures:
Performance Measures FY 1998Actual FY 1999Actual FY 2000Expected FY 2001Expected
u To provide support services for academic programs in
ways that increase enrollment across the campus.
Goal 1
Undergraduate students taking courses in the University-College Center
-^262 616 647
Contact: Douglas H. Vinzant, Director, Strategic Planning and
Policy Analysis
Phone: (480) 965-
A.R.S. 15-
To support learning through information by being a center of
information for those who learn, those who teach and those who
Subprogram Mission:
The ASU West Library supports the information needs of ASU
West students and faculty by providing information resources on
site and access to other sources of information; providing services
that enable users to define their information needs and identify,
obtain, evaluate, synthesize and apply information relevant to their
needs; and, partnering with faculty and academic support services to
educate students.
Subprogram Description:
Funding and FTE Amounts:
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Estimate
FY 2001 Estimate
($ Thousands)
General Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Other Appropriated Funds 3,411.4 3,445.9 3,527. Other Non Appropriated Funds 21.9 23.7 25. Federal Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Program Total 3,433.3 3,469.6 3,553. FTE Positions 51.3 51.3 51.
Subprogram Goals and Performance Measures:
Performance Measures FY 1998 Actual
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Expected
FY 2001 Expected
u To develop a cohesive and integrated tiered
reference/research support service.
Goal 1
-^ Library volumes^ 293,700^ 304,400^ 314,000^ 324,
- Library volumes purchased^ 13,100^ 10,900^ 10,000^ 10, -^ Microforms (in thousands)^ 1,364^ 1,399^ 1,414^ 1,
- Periodicals subscriptions^ 3,500^ 3,500^ 3,600^ 3,
- Collections use^ 220,300^ 166,400^ 160,000^ 155,
- Items loaned^ 16,500^ 15,700^ 15,500^ 15,
- Items borrowed^ 13,300^ 13,100^ 13,000^ 13,
Contact: Douglas H. Vinzant, Director, Strategic Planning and
Policy Analysis
Phone: (480) 965-
A.R.S. 15-
To provide an institutional structure that promotes the offering of
services and programs to students, faculty, and staff in support of
the instructional, research, and service mission of ASU West.
Subprogram Mission:
Academic Affairs Administrative Support serves both instructional
and research activities. Specific activities include assisting faculty
development in areas related to research, promoting faculty linkages
to external funding, providing research opportunities for students,
encouraging collaborative models of instruction, administering
campus-based internal grants, and institutional planning and budget.
Subprogram Description:
Funding and FTE Amounts:
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Estimate
FY 2001 Estimate
($ Thousands)
General Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Other Appropriated Funds 7,443.8 9,262.0 9,414. Other Non Appropriated Funds 51.6 55.8 59. Federal Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Program Total 7,495.4 9,317.8 9,474. FTE Positions 87.6 66.3 66.
Subprogram Goals and Performance Measures:
Performance Measures FY 1998 Actual
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Expected
FY 2001 Expected
u To provide a variety of research related opportunities
for both faculty and students so that they can improve
their teaching and research activity skills.
Goal 1
Externally funded research awards ($ in thousands)
- 2,222^ 2,684^ 2,791^ 2, Students enrolled in research related courses -^126 167 170 Undergraduate students participating in internships and field experiences -^599 759 781
Contact: Douglas H. Vinzant, Director, Strategic Planning and
Policy Analysis
Phone: (480) 965-
A.R.S. 15-
To respond to the student development needs of ASU West's
culturally diverse student population for the purpose of enhancing
each student's personal, intellectual, and professional growth.
Program Mission:
Page 416 Arizona State University - West Campus Education
Program Description:
Student Affairs consists of four major departmental areas:
enrollment services, student academic support services, student
development services, and recruitment and outreach services.
Funding and FTE Amounts:
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Estimate
FY 2001 Estimate
($ Thousands)
General Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Other Appropriated Funds 2,561.6 2,235.1 2,272. Other Non Appropriated Funds 934.9 1,011.6 1,079. Federal Funds 170.4 179.2 188. Program Total 3,666.9 3,425.9 3,539. FTE Positions 52.3 57.9 58.
Program Goals and Performance Measures:
To recruit and enroll academically eligible
undergraduate students.
u Goal 1
Performance Measures
FY 1998 Actual
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Expected
FY 2001 Expected First-time undergraduate admissions 1,305 1,414 1,450 1,
- applications
- First-time undergraduate students admitted 1,290^ 1,167^ 1,200^ 1,
- New undergraduate students enrolled 1,103^950 1,000^ 1,
To make student financial assistance readily
available for need based and other targeted
u Goal^2
Performance Measures
FY 1998 Actual
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Expected
FY 2001 Expected
- Scholarships (in thousands of dollars) 1,214^ 1,215^ 1,215^ 1,
- Grants (in thousands of dollars) 2,849^ 2,850^ 2,850^ 2,
- Loans (in thousands of dollars) 12,357^ 12,360^ 12,360^ 12,
- Employment (in thousands of dollars) 1,367^ 1,370^ 1,370^ 1,
To retain and graduate students that enroll at ASU
u Goal 3
Performance Measures
FY 1998 Actual
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Expected
FY 2001 Expected Percent of first-time, full-time, degree- 79 81 82 82 seeking undergraduate students persisting after one year
Percent of first-time, full-time, upper- 81 82 83 85 division, degree-seeking students graduating in four years
- Students graduating 1,130^ 1,148^ 1,171^ 1, Undergraduate students participating in 605 880 906 933 social and academic activity groups
Contact: Douglas H. Vinzant, Director, Strategic Planning and
Policy Analysis
Phone: (480) 965-
A.R.S. 15-
To support and facilitate the pursuit of the campus mission of
teaching, research, and public service by providing coordinated,
customer-focused, cost-effective, and innovative services.
Program Mission:
Program Description:
Administrative Services provides support services in six areas:
information technology, facilities development and management,
public safety, financial accounting and support services, human
resource management services, and auxiliary service operations.
Funding and FTE Amounts:
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Estimate
FY 2001 Estimate
($ Thousands)
General Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Other Appropriated Funds 8,440.7 7,878.8 8,008. Other Non Appropriated Funds 142.8 154.6 165. Federal Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Program Total 8,583.5 8,033.4 8,173. FTE Positions 150.0 151.0 151.
This Program Contains the Following Subprograms:
4 Business/financial Services and Human Resources 4 Plant and Safety Services 4 Information Technology 4 Administrative Services Support
Contact: Douglas H. Vinzant, Director, Strategic Planning and
Policy Analysis
Phone: (480) 965-
A.R.S. 15-
To provide coordinated, customer-focused, cost-effective, and
innovative services in the areas of financial and human resource
Subprogram Mission:
Financial management and human resource management provide
support services including human resource functions (e.g.,
employment, benefits, payroll, records, compensation and
classification) and business functions (e.g., accounting services,
procurement, property control, special events, scheduling, parking
administration, mail, copy, fleet, and contracted services).
Subprogram Description:
Funding and FTE Amounts:
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Estimate
FY 2001 Estimate
($ Thousands)
General Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Other Appropriated Funds 1,924.0 2,083.1 2,117. Other Non Appropriated Funds 10.6 11.5 12. Federal Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Program Total 1,934.6 2,094.6 2,129. FTE Positions 38.9 39.9 40.
Subprogram Goals and Performance Measures:
u To provide the campus community with
administrative services that foster a responsive,
friendly service orientation.
Goal 1
Education Arizona State University - West Campus Page 417
Performance Measures FY 1998Actual FY 1999Actual FY 2000Expected FY 2001Expected
-^ State operating budget departments^75 106 110
- Active accounts^326 450 474
Performance Measures FY 1998Actual FY 1999Actual FY 2000Expected FY 2001Expected
u To provide comprehensive human resource services
to the campus community.
Goal 2
-^ Participants in human resource training^503 204 344 -^ Job applications processed^ 1,554^ 1,629^ 1,800^ 1,
- Positions filled^242 293 275
Contact: Douglas H. Vinzant, Director, Strategic Planning and
Policy Analysis
Phone: (480) 965-
A.R.S. 15-
To provide for the planning, construction, and management of
facilities as well as providing a safe and secure environment where
teaching and learning can take place.
Subprogram Mission:
Facilities Development and Management maintains the physical and
environmental appearance of the campus. The Department of
Public Safety provides police and public safety services.
Subprogram Description:
Funding and FTE Amounts:
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Estimate
FY 2001 Estimate
($ Thousands)
General Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Other Appropriated Funds 3,641.4 3,633.6 3,693. Other Non Appropriated Funds 131.5 142.3 151. Federal Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Program Total 3,772.9 3,775.9 3,845. FTE Positions 74.7 73.7 73.
Subprogram Goals and Performance Measures:
Performance Measures FY 1998Actual FY 1999Actual FY 2000Expected FY 2001Expected
u To provide a safe environment for students, staff,
faculty, and visitors to ASU West.
Goal 1
-^ Crime reports^40 34 45
- Moving vehicle citations^200 182 220 -^ Citizen assists^ 4,000^ 4,225^ 4,475^ 4,
Contact: Douglas H. Vinzant, Director, Strategic Planning and
Policy Analysis
Phone: (480) 965-
A.R.S. 15-
To facilitate and promote the use of informational and
instructional technology for student development, faculty and staff
support, and effective business processes.
Subprogram Mission:
Information Technology is the central ASU West support
organization for academic and administrative computing; media
equipment; and voice; video and data communication.
Subprogram Description:
Funding and FTE Amounts:
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Estimate
FY 2001 Estimate
($ Thousands)
General Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Other Appropriated Funds 2,151.6 1,935.7 1,967. Other Non Appropriated Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Federal Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Program Total 2,151.6 1,935.7 1,967. FTE Positions 32.7 33.7 33.
Subprogram Goals and Performance Measures:
Performance Measures FY 1998 Actual
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Expected
FY 2001 Expected
u To improve support for students, faculty, and staff
who need assistance with technology by providing
general and specialized consulting and training on the
use of computing and multimedia technology.
Goal 1
Students using the student computing center
- 5,058^ 4,677^ 4,700^ 4, Average daily user requests for technical assistance resolved -^77 95 100
Contact: Douglas H. Vinzant, Director, Strategic Planning and
Policy Analysis
Phone: (480) 965-
A.R.S. 15-
To support and facilitate the implementation of administrative
services that are responsive, efficient and productive in support of
the campus mission of teaching, research, and public service.
Subprogram Mission:
Administrative services support guides campus efforts to respond to
academic needs through the implementation of continuous
improvement initiatives among all campus administrative services.
Subprogram Description:
Funding and FTE Amounts:
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Estimate
FY 2001 Estimate
($ Thousands)
General Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Other Appropriated Funds 723.7 226.4 230. Other Non Appropriated Funds 0.7 0.8 0. Federal Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Program Total 724.4 227.2 231. FTE Positions 3.8 3.8 3.
Subprogram Goals and Performance Measures:
Performance Measures FY 1998Actual FY 1999Actual FY 2000Expected FY 2001Expected
u To improve support for students, faculty, and staff
and the mission of the campus.
Goal 1
-^ Percent of users satisfied with services^88 90 90
Page 418 Arizona State University - West Campus Education
Contact: Douglas H. Vinzant, Director, Strategic Planning and
Policy Analysis
Phone: (480) 965-
A.R.S. 15-
To increase awareness and support of Arizona State University
West with current and potential students, employees and the
surrounding community.
Program Mission:
Program Description:
Institutional Advancement is responsible for campus relations with
the public, community, government and alumni. Institutional
Advancement also manages marketing, publications, and
development programs.
Funding and FTE Amounts:
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Estimate
FY 2001 Estimate
($ Thousands)
General Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Other Appropriated Funds 1,636.8 1,257.3 1,278. Other Non Appropriated Funds 18.5 20.0 21. Federal Funds 0.0 0.0 0. Program Total 1,655.3 1,277.3 1,299. FTE Positions 14.1 15.1 15.
Program Goals and Performance Measures:
To increase awareness about ASU West through
local, national, and broadcast outlets.
u Goal 1
Performance Measures FY 1998 Actual
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Expected
FY 2001 Expected
- Media placements^512 607 630
To inform the general public about academic
programs and services.
u Goal^2
Performance Measures
FY 1998 Actual
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Expected
FY 2001 Expected Community participation at events 46,749 49,445 51,915 54,
Collaborative educational projects with K- 20 22 24 26 12
To raise private funds to support ASU West
academic programs and services.
u Goal^3
Performance Measures
FY 1998 Actual
FY 1999 Actual
FY 2000 Expected
FY 2001 Expected Funds raised from annual fund drive (in 5,100 17,200 20,000 20,
Funds raised for scholarships (in 83 1,082 1,075 1, thousands of dollars)
Funds raised from major gifts (in 564 1,537 1,650 1,
Funds raised toward $8M ASU Campaign 1,200 1,780 2,020 3, for Leadership goal (in thousands of dollars)
u u u u u u
Education Arizona State University - West Campus Page 419