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Army Promotion Board Exam | Comprehensive Questions and Answers Latest Updated 2024/2025 W, Exams of Military leadership

1st General Order - I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved. General Order 2 - I will obey my special orders and perform all my duties in a military manner. General Order 3 - I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions to the commander of the relief.

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Download Army Promotion Board Exam | Comprehensive Questions and Answers Latest Updated 2024/2025 W and more Exams Military leadership in PDF only on Docsity!

Army Promotion Board Exam | Comprehensive Questions and Answers Latest Updated 2024/20 25 With 100% Verified Solutions 1st General Order - I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved. General Order 2 - I will obey my special orders and perform all my duties in a military manner. General Order 3 - I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions to the commander of the relief. 5 Major Terrain Features - Hill, Valley, Ridge, Saddle, Depression 3 Minor Terrain Feature - Draw, Spur, Cliff 3 Types of North - Grid, Magnetic, True What Army manual covers first aid for soldiers? - TC 4-02.1/ FM 4-25. What is TC3? - Tactical Combat Casualty Care Describe 3 stages of TC3. - Care Under Fire Tactical Field Care Tactical Evacuation What are the 4 pulse points? - Carotid (neck) Femoral (thigh/groin) Radial (wrist) Posterior Tibial (ankle)

What are the 3 methods for controlling external bleeding? - Direct Pressure Pressure Dressing Tourniquet What are the 4 types of burns? - Thermal Electrical Chemical Laser What procedure is used to restore heartbeat? - CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) What are the 2 major kinds of heat illness? - Heat Exhaustion Heat Stroke 9 - Line Medevac Request - 1) Location of pick up site, Grid.

  1. Radio Freq. and Call Sign, Suffix (Requesting Unit)
  2. of patients by precedence

  3. Special Equipment needed
  4. of patients by casualty

  5. Security at the Pickup Site (COMBAT)

and type of wounds, injuries, illnesses. (PEACETIME)

  1. Method of Marking Pick up site
  2. Casualty Nationality and status
  3. CBRN Contamination (COMBAT) Terrain Description (PEACETIME) What is a map? - A map is a graphic representation of a portion of the earth's surface drawn to scale, as seen from above.

How many colors does a map normally have? - 5 Name 3 types of contour lines. - Index Intermediate Supplementary What does SALUTE stand for? - Size Activity Location Unit/Uniform Time Equipment What are the 5 S's that apply to POWs? - 1. Search

  1. Segregate
  2. Silence
  3. Speed
  4. Safeguard What manual covers army leadership? - ADP 6- 22 Define leadership - providing purpose, direction, and motivation while operating to accomplish the mission and improving the organization. What are the 3 main attributes of Army Leadership? - Character, presence and intellect. What are the 3 major categories of leader competencies? - Leads Develops

Achieves What are three levels of Army leadership? - Direct Organizational Strategic What are the 7 Army Values? - Loyalty Duty Respect Selfless Service Honor Integrity Personal Courage What is the Warrior Ethos? - I will always place the mission first. I will never accept defeat. I will never quit. I will never leave a fallen comrade. What are 3 major categories of counselings? - Professional growth Event counseling Performance counseling What is the form used for counseling? - DA Form 4856 What are 3 basic counseling skills of a leader? - Active Listening Responding Appropriate Questioning

What are the stages to the counseling process? - Identify Prepare Conduct Follow-up What publication covers the ABCP? - AR 600- 9 What army publication applies to alcohol and drug abuse? - AR 600- 85 How are drug abusers identified? - self referral command identification biomedical identification medical identification investigation/apprehension What is the manual for the wear and appearance of army uniforms? - AR 670- 1 Who is the most decorated soldier of World War II? - Audie Murphy Who is the only female to receive the Medal of Honor? - Dr. Mary E. Walker What FM covers physical fitness training? - FM 7- 22 What are the 3 phase of fitness? - Initial Conditioning Toughening Sustaining What is the form used for APFT scorecard? - DA Form 705

How many articles are in the Code of Conduct? - 6 What is the only information you are required to give as a prisoner of war? - Your name Rank Social Security Number Date of Birth What army publication covers EO? - AR 600-20 Chapter 6 What is the 8 Step Training Model? - 1. Plan

  1. Train the Trainers
  2. Recon the Site
  3. Issue the Order
  4. Rehearse
  5. Execute
  6. Evaluate the Training
  7. Retrain What are the troop-leading procedures? - 1. Receive the mission
  8. Issue warning order
  9. Make a tentative plan
  10. Initiate movement
  11. Conduct reconnaissance
  12. Complete the plan
  13. Issue the order
  14. Supervise and refine the plan How many MOPP levels are there? - 4

When would you not use the head tilt/chin lift method to open the airway? - Spinal/neck injury What is the maximum effective range of an M17/M18? - 50 meters name 4 fundamentals of marksmanship? - Steady Position Trigger Squeeze Proper Aim (Sight Picture) Breathing Define SPORTS - Slap Pull Observe Release Tap Squeeze Describe the M4 Rifle. - A 5.56 mm, magazine fed, gas-operated, air-cooled, semiautomatic or three- round burst, hand-held, shoulder-fired weapon. How long do women in the military have post-partum to delay wearing the army dress uniform? - Up to one year What hairstyles are prohibited in the Army? - Faddish hairstyles What does ADP-1 cover? - It defines the army, what the army does, and how it does it, the army's purpose, and it's mission. When was the Continental Army established? - June 14, 1775

What is the Army's Mission? - To deploy, fight, and win our Nation's wars by providing ready, prompt, and sustained land dominance by Army forces across the full spectrum of conflict What are the five domains of the country's armed services? - Land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace What are the objectives of the ABCP? - Ensure soldiers are able to meet the physical demands of their duties in combat and present a trim and fit military appearance What are the reasons the Army is so concerned with body fat? - Shows lack of discipline, detracts from the military appearance, and can lead to poor health. What is the dod standard for body fat as of July 2019? - Males 20% Females 30% What publication covers the code of conduct? - AR 350- 30 What publication covers the open door policy? - AR 600-20 Chapter 2- 2 When was UCMJ enacted - 1950 How many articles are in UCMJ? - 146 and 12 sub articles (158 total) What is the regulation for Military Justice? - AR 27- 10 What regulation covers AER? - AR 930- 4 What regulation covers ACES? - AR 621- 5 What regulation covers ACS? - AR 608-1 and AR 600- 20

2 supplementary terrain features - Cut, Fill TC for Land Nav - TC 3-25. 2 Methods of holding a compass - 1. Compass-to-Cheek Method

  1. Center-Hold Method What is an azimuth? - A horizontal angle measured clockwise from a north base line What are the colors on a map? - 1. Green- vegetation
  2. blue- h
  3. black- man made obstacles
  4. red- main roads and boundaries
  5. brown/brown red- contour lines What army regulation covers SHARP? - AR 600-20 Chapter 7 What are the 8 cycles of function? - 1. Feeding
  6. Chambering
  7. Locking
  8. Firing
  9. Unlocking
  10. Extracting
  11. Ejecting
  12. Cocking What are the OPORD Paragraphs? - 1. Situation
  13. Mission
  14. Execution
  1. Sustainment
  2. Command and Signal (SgM Eats Sugar Cookies) What is a LACE report? - Liquid, ammo, casualty, equipment What are the operational variables? - PMESII-PT political military economic social information infrastructure physical environment time What are the mission variables? - METT-TC Mission. Enemy. Terrain and Weather. Troops and Support Available. Time Available. Civil Considerations. Terrain Analysis (OAKOC) - Obstacles Avenues of Approach Key Terrain

Observation and Fields of Fire Cover and Concealment What does JSLIST stand for? - Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology What does MOPP stand for? - Mission Oriented Protective Posture What FM covers CBRN? - FM 3- 11 What are 4 types of chemical agents? - 1. Nerve

  1. Blister
  2. Blood
  3. Choking What are the MOPP levels? - MOPP Zero - Pro-mask carried, suit with arm's reach MOPP1 - Suit worn MOPP2 - Suit and boots worn MOPP3 - Suit, boots, and mask worn MOPP4 - Suit, boots, mask, and gloves worn Describe an M17. - Semiautomatic, magazine-fed, recoil operated, double and single action, chambers a 9mm by 19mm cartridge Malfunctions of an M4 - Failure to feed, chamber, and lock Failure to fire Failure to extract Failure to eject Max range for M320 - 400 meters

Max effective range of M320 - Area - 350 meters Point - 150 meters Max range of M249 - 3600 meters Max effective range of M249 - Tripod - 1000 meters Bipod - 800 meters Max effective point range of M249 - Tripod - 800 meters Bipod - 600 meters What should leaders look for when recommending promotion? - Overall performance Attitude Leadership Ability Development Potential Reasons a soldier can be demoted - Erroneous enlistment grade Misconduct Inefficiency Approved for discharge under other than honorable Failure to train What is ADRP-1? - The Army Profession What are the three strategic roles of the army? - Prevent, Shape and Win What part of the United States Code (USC) governs the Army? - Title 10

What Department of Defense Directive (DODD) governs the Army? - DODD 5100. What document gives the president the authority as the commander and chief? - Constitution What body determines the size and organization of the army? - Congress What does CBRN stand for? - Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear What does FM 3-3 cover? - CBRN Contamination Avoidance What forms fo chemical agents come in? - Vapor, solids, liquids, and gases What FM covers NBC Decontamination? - FM 3- 5 What are proper masking procedures? - 1) stop breathing

  1. close eyes
  2. don mask
  3. clear mask
  4. check seal
  5. sound the alarm
  6. continue mission When under an NBC attack, when do you give warning? - After donning your mask What AR covers customs and courtesies? - AR 600 - 25 When meeting an officer in the open, how far away should you be before rendering the hand salute? - 6 paces

When are salutes not required? - Salutes are not required when the senior or subordinate or both are— (1) In civilian attire. (2) Engaged in routine work if the salute would interfere. (3) Carrying articles with both hands so occupied as to make saluting impractical. (4) Working as a member of a detail or engaged in sports or social functions where saluting would present a safety hazard. (5) In public places such as theaters, churches, and in public conveyances. (6) In the ranks of a formation. What regulation covers suicide prevention? - AR 600-63 (Army Health Promotion) What publication refers to Drill and Ceremonies? - FM 22 - 5 What publication refers to training operations? - FM 7- 0 What publication refers to sponsorship? - AR 600- 8 - 8 What regulation covers salutes, honor, and courtesy? - AR 600- 25 What regulation covers the Promotions and Reductions? - AR 600- 8 - 19 What regulation covers Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions? - AR 600- 8 - 2 What are the 5 domains of holistic health and fitness? - Physical Readiness Nutritional Readiness Mental Readiness Spiritual Readiness Sleep Readiness

What is the official song of the U.S. Army? - "The Army Goes Rolling Along" Who sets the time for reveille and retreat? - Installation Commanders What 2 methods can be used to correct a rifle malfunction? - Immediate and remedial How many months Time in Service and Time in Grade do you need to go from PFC to SPC? - 24 months TIS and 12 months TIG What are the 2 formations for PT? - Extended regular formation Circle formation What regulation covers military awards? - AR 600- 8 - 22 What is the wear out date of the ASUs? - Oct 1, 2027 Types of promotions - Centralized Semi-centralized Decentralized 5 characteristics of the Army Profession - Trust, Honorable Service, Military Expertise, Stewardship, and Esprit de Corps What are the facing movements? - Left Face Right Face Half Right Face Half Left Face About Face

What locations are used to tape males and females? - Over the navel What are the 4 rules of firearm safety? - RULE 1: TREAT EVERY WEAPON AS IF IT IS LOADED RULE 2: NEVER POINT THE WEAPON AT ANYTHING YOU DO NOT INTEND TO DESTROY RULE 3: KEEP FINGER STRAIGHT AND OFF THE TRIGGER UNTIL READY TO FIRE RULE 4: ENSURE POSITIVE IDENTIFICATION OF THE TARGET AND ITS SURROUNDINGS What configuration is your weapon in when in an amber status? - Magazine is loaded, no round in the chamber, weapon on safe Who is authorized to wear insignia of branch on the Patrol cap? - Chaplain 3 training domains the Army uses? - Institutional Operational Self development What are the 3 types of duties in the Army? - Specified, directed, implied What chapter in the soldier's guide covers basic army programs? - Chapter 8 What are the rest positions? - Parade rest Stand at ease At ease Rest What are general rules when assigning a sponsor? - Be in a grade equal to or higher ranking Gender Marital Status Be familiar with the unit and community

What does SHARP stand for? - Sexual Harassment/Assault Response Prevention Who can decline a sponsor? - Any soldier not on their first-term What does AR 600-20 cover? - Army Command Policy How may Chemical Agents be deployed? - 1. Arterial spray

  1. Artillery bombs
  2. Individuals (pollution of water, food and supplies)
  3. Mines
  4. Rockets Who are the primary trainers of enlisted Soldiers, crews and small teams? - NCOs 7 EO categories - National origin Race Reprisal Age Disability Gender Sexual orientation Max range of an M4 - 3600 meters The max point range of the M4 - 500m The max area range of the M4 - 600m

What regulation covers the M4? - TC 3-22. bystander intervention - Direct, distract, delegate Sexual harassment reporting options - formal and informal Sexual assault reporting options - Restricted and Unrestricted Classes of Supply - 1. Food

  1. Clothing
  2. Fuel
  3. Fortification
  4. Ammo
  5. Personal items
  6. Major end items
  7. Medical
  8. Repair
  9. Misc. What do the colors on a map represent? - Green: vegetation Blue: water Red: major roadways Black: man-made features Brown: contour lines Types of NCOERs - Annual Change of Rater Relief for Cause Complete the Record

60 Day Rater Option 60 Day Senior Rater Option Temporary Duty, Special Duty or Compassionate Reassignment 3 Pillars of BOSS - Quality of Life Recreation and Leisure Community Service 3 types of combat badges -