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ARRT REVIEW - MRI REGISTRY REVIEW PROGRAM EXAM NEWEST / 396 QUESTIONS AND CORRECT ANSWERS (VERIFIED ANSWERS) A+ GRADE / 2025. An RF pulse of what flip angle will maximize the component of the net magnetization projected into the transverse plane? a. 180 b. 120 c. 90 d. 45 c. T1 relaxation refers to ____ relaxation. a. spin-spin b. longitudinal c. phase d. transverse b. Which of the following statements is false? a. T1 relaxation refers to longitudinal recovery of magnetization while T2 relaxation refers to the transverse decay of magnetization b. T1 relaxation and T2 relaxation occur simultaneously c. echoes collected in the transverse plane demonstrate only T2 relaxation differences d. T2 relaxation occurs much more quickly than T1 relaxation
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An RF pulse of what flip angle will maximize the component of the net magnetization projected into the transverse plane? a. 180 b. 120 c. 90 d. 45 c. T1 relaxation refers to ____ relaxation. a. spin-spin b. longitudinal c. phase d. transverse b.
Which of the following statements is false? a. T1 relaxation refers tolongitudinal recovery of magnetization while T relaxation refers to the transverse decay of magnetization b. T1 relaxation and T2relaxation occur simultaneously c. echoes collected in thetransverse plane demonstrate only T relaxation differences d. T2 relaxation occursmuch more quickly than T1 relaxation c. If the precessional frequency of the patient's protons is approximately 21 MHz, what magnetic field strength is being experienced by the patients protons? Larmor frequency equation W0= B0 x Y 21= 42.6 x (X) 21/42.6 = .4929 (round) = 0.5T
Which of the following is the definition of T1 relaxation? a. the time is takes the netlongitudinal magnetization of protons to grow 63% of its final amplitude b. the time at which istakes the transverse magnetization has decayed 63% of its full value a. Based on the graph of longitudinal relaxation shown above, which of the following would have the brightest signal intensity on T1 image? a. bone marrow b. intervertebral disk c. CSF d. muscle (post test 1; page 1) a.
Based on the graph of longitudinal relaxation shown above, which of the following would have the shortest T relaxation time? a. bone marrow b. intervertebral disk c. CSF d. muscle (post test 1; page 1) a. The edema associated with pathology in the brain has a much longer T2 relaxation time than surrounding normal brain tissue. On a T image, what does this result in? a. isointense betweenedema and surrounding normal brain tissue b. a low signal intensity inthe area of edema c. a signal void in the areaof edema d. a high signal intensity inthe area of edema d.
Which of the following dephasing mechanisms affects the size of the resulting spin echo? a. magnetic fieldinhomogenities b. phase effects ofchemical shift c. magnetic susceptibility d. spin-spin interactions d. After a 90 RF pulse, if three 180 RF pulses are applied to generate three echoes, which of the following is responsible for the third echo being much smaller than the first echo? a. magnetic fieldinhomogenities b. phase effects ofchemical shift c. magnetic susceptibility d. spin-spin interactions d.
The MR echo is NOT: a. detected as magnetic changes that induce voltage into an RF coil b. collected when the magnetization in the transverse plane has been rephased c. a tiny signal containingcontrast info. necessary for tissue differentiation d. collected only one timefor a given image d. What is the time from the initial RF excitation pulse to the echo called? a. TE b. TI c. TM d. TR a. The proton's ____ contributes to its magnetic properties.
Which of the following is TRUE regarding the hydrogen protons in a patient's body when placed in the magnet of an MR system? a. more protons align withthe main magnetic field than against the main magnetic field b. more protons alignagainst the main magnetic field than with the main magnetic field c. equal numbers ofprotons align against the main magnetic field d. all of the protons lineup perpendicular to the main magnetic field a. On a T2 image, CSF appears bright because it has a ____ relaxation time. a. long T b. short T a.
The precessional frequency of the net magnetization of protons in a magnetic field is determined by which of the following? a. the T1 relaxation timesof the protons b. the gyromagnetic ratioand field strength c. the repetition time andthe echo time d. spin-lattice relaxation b. The RF pulse should be transmitted at a frequency of approximately ____ MHz in order to disturb protons experiencing a 4 T field. a. 190 b. 180 c. 170 d. 42. c.
Referring to the figure below, if the main magnetic field is aligned along the z-axis, which of the following corresponds to the correct orientation of the transverse plane? a. y-z b. x-z c. x-y d. a plane that divides thepatient's L/R side (post test 1; page 2) (standard x, y, z patient coordinates- horizontal) c. Which of the following is NOT a requirement for magnetic resonance imaging? a. atomic nuclei with anodd number b. a strong magnetic field c. ionizing radiation d. RF energy c.
Referring to the figure below, if the main magnetic field is aligned along the y-axis, which of the following corresponds to the correct orientation of the transverse plane? a. y-z b. x-z c. x-y d. a plane that divides thepatient's L/R side (post test 1; page 2) (standard x, y, z patient coordinates- horizontal) b. What is the phenomenon called in which one proton transfers energy to another? a. precession b. rephasing c. spin-spin interactions d. echo time c.
Which of the following parameters controls the amount of contrast seen in an image due to T relaxation? a. TR b. TE c. TI d. TM b. What is the time from the initial RF excitation pulse to the next RF excitation pulse for a given slice called? a. TE b. TR c. TI d. TM c.
From a resting state in which the fully relaxed net magnetization is aligned along the longitudinal direction, what would the application of a single 45 RF pulse result in? a. equal amounts oftransverse magnetization and longitudinal magnetization b. greater longitudinalmagnetization than transverse magnetization c. greater transverse magnetization than longitudinal magnetization d. zero longitudinal magnetization a. Which of the following if the definition of T2 relaxation? a. the time at which thetransverse magnetization has decayed to 63% of its full value b. the time at which thetransverse magnetization has decayed to 37% of its full value b.
By increasing the TE from 80ms to 120ms on a spinecho pulse sequence, which of the following is the expected result? a. better tissue contrastbased on the tissues' T1 characteristics b. a stronger signal in the MR echo c. fewer protons wouldexperience spin-spin interactions d. better tissue contrastbased on the tissues' T2 characteristics d. If six successive 180 RF pulses are applied, following a 90 RF pulse, how many echoes will be formed? a. one b. two c. six d. eight c.
If the six successive 180 RF pulses are applied, following a 90 RF pulse, echo ____ will contain the greatest signal? a. one b. three c. five d. six a. Using a spin-echo pulse sequence which generates two echoes, imagine a hypothetical tissue in which protons never experience spin-spin interactions. How does the signal from the first echo compare to the signal from the second echo? a. its frequency is higher b. its frequency is lower c. its the same size d. it is smaller in size c. What is the time from the 180 RF pulse to the echo? a. TE b. TR c. 2.0 x TE d. 0.5 x TE d. TE/ TAU
Which of the following dephasing mechanisms is NOT rephased by a 180 RF pulse? a. magnetic susceptibility b. phase effects of achemical shift c. spin-spin interactions d. magnetic fieldinhomogeneities c. Which of the following parameters controls the amount of contrast seen in an image due to T relaxation? a. TI b. TR c. TM d. TE d.
The effect of an IV. administered paramagnetic contrast agent used in MRI is a shortening of a T relaxation time of the protons within any perfused tissue. A vascular lesion would appear ____ on a T1- W contrastenhanced image as compared to its appearance on a T1-W unenhanced image. a. the same b. darker c. as a signal void d. brighter d.
In a given MR system, the magnetization of protons within the patient precesses at 63.83MHz. Without the interference of any other system component, what is the expected result if the RF energy is applied at a frequency of 63.83 MHz? a. only the patient'sprotons in a sagittal slice will be disturbed by the external energy b. all of the patient'sprotons within range of the transmitting antenna will be disturbed by the external energy c. none of the patient'sprotons would be disturbed by the external energy d. only the patient'sprotons in a transverse slice will be disturbed by the external energy b.
If the field strength experienced by a patient within an MR magnet is increased, the precessional frequency of the magnetization of the patient's protons will: a. increase b. reverse its spin direction c. remain unaffected d. decrease a. The energy used to form MR images is ____ the patient's tissues. a. attenuated by b. magnified by c. reflected off of d. released from d.
As an MR technologist, which of the following occurs as you walk toward the MR magnet to a position a patient?
The magnetization of proton A makes one revolution of its precessional motion every 0.030 microseconds. The magnetization of proton B makes one revolution of its precessional motion every 0.015 microseconds. Therefore, the frequency of the magnetization of proton A is ____ the frequency of the magnetization of proton B. a. one half b. one quarter c. twice d. the same as a. To completely phase encode a single slice, how many TR periods are required? a. 1 TR period b. as many TR periods asthe number of slices c. as many TR periods asphase lines in resulting image matrix d. as many TR periods asfrequency steps in the resulting image matrix c.
During a six minute scan, when is the data used to form the lower third of the image collected? a. during the first 2minutes b. during the middle 2minutes c. during the last 2 minutes d. throughout the entirescan d. Using a traditional pulse sequence, which of the following is FALSE regarding a single echo? a. it contains theanatomical information from a specific line of the resulting image b. it is decoded by Fourier Transform c. it is accumulated withinthe raw data file d. it represents theinformation acquired within the TR period for a single slice a.
Along what direction are motion artifacts always seen? a. along the phasedirection of the image b. along the frequencydirection of the image a. Along what direction are chemical shift artifacts always seen? a. along the phasedirection of the image b. along the frequencydirection of the image b. In order to disturb the proton in a particular location of the body, what must the frequency of the RF energy be? a. 63 MHz b. matched to theprecessional frequency of the patient's protons at that location c. matched to theprecessional frequency of the patient's protons which are exposed to the main magnetic field b.
Which physical gradient must be used for slice selection in order to produce a coronal image? a. y b. x c. x and z together d. z a. Which physical gradient could be used for phase encoding in a sagittal image? a. x or y b. only the x c. y or z d. x or z c. A positive change in frequency by an equal negative change in frequency, both for the same duration, will ____ the net phase of stationary protons. a. triple b. double c. halve d. have no effect on d. 4th relationship
Which of the following is a linearly varying magnetic field? a. radio frequency b. Fourier Transform c. a gradient d. raw data c. Which physical gradient must be used for slice selection in order to produce a sagittal image? a. y and z together b. y c. z d. x d. The slice select gradient must be turned ON during which of the following events? a. spin-spin interactions b. phase encoding c. application of RFenergy d. readout of the echo c.
Which of the following is NOT determined by the slice select process? a. slice orientation b. slice position c. field of view d. slice thickness c. Which of the following has an effect on the resulting slice thickness? a. the range offrequencies encoded in the echo b. the range offrequencies at which the RF energy is applied c. the center of frequencyof the RF pulse d. the RF flip angle b. To make an oblique image which is oriented at an angle between transverse and coronal, which of the following physical gradients must be applied for slice selection? a. z and y together b. y and z together c. z d. y b.