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AS Santa Monica College Board of Directors Meeting Minutes - October 2014, Study notes of Technology

College AdministrationStudent ActivitiesStudent ServicesStudent Government

The minutes of the regular meeting of the Associated Students (A.S.) Board of Directors of Santa Monica College held on October 27, 2014. The meeting covered various agenda items including approval of minutes, consent action items, major action items, and discussion items. Topics included OrgSync adoption, funding for student forums, stipend increase, and morning breakfast.

What you will learn

  • What was discussed during the consent action items regarding OrgSync adoption?
  • How much funding was approved for the International Student Forum to visit various universities?
  • What was the outcome of the discussion regarding the stipend increase for A.S. Directors?

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A.S. Board of Directors Regular Meeting

October 27, 2014, 3:00 PM

Cayton Center Conference Room


**Orders of the day are subject to change

I. The meeting was called to order at 3:

II. Roll Call

P President: Ali Khan P Vice President: Caitlin Corker Secretary: VACANT P Dir. of Budget Management: Hasun Khan P Director of Activities: Andrew Koo L 3:03pm, left at 3:40pm came back at 4:07pm Director of Outreach: Robert Espinoza P Director of Community Relations: Yana Demeshko Director of Student Advocacy: VACANT P Director of Student Assistance: Hamza Sabri

P Director of Instructional Support: Jeffrey Lewis Jr P Director of Publicity: Jessica Meshkani P Director of Sustainability: Andrea Gonzalez P ICC Chair: Maya Kaitel P ICC Vice Chair: Courtney King P ICC Communications Officer: Rizwan Rashid P Student Trustee: Daniel Kolko L 3:04pm Associate Dean of Student Life: Sonali Bridges P Counselor/Student Advisor: Benny Blaydes

III. Public Comments (3 minutes per person)

IV. Approval of Minutes for October 20th, 2014

ICC Vice Chair moved to amend the date on the minutes to say October 20th, not October 6th

ICC Chair seconded the motion

The motion was passed unanimously

Director of Community Relations moved to add “Hasun Khan” after “Yana Demeshko” and strike

“she” and insert “they” instead in item 10.4.

Director of Budget Management seconded

The motion passed unanimously

The minutes were approved as corrected unanimously

V. Approval of Agenda

Agenda was approved unanimously

VI. Consent Action Items [20 Minutes]

6.1 OrgSync – more effectively connect Clubs and Services on Campus (Caitlin Corker and Jeffrey

Lewis Jr.)

A.S. Board of Directors Regular Meeting

October 27, 2014, 3:00 PM

Cayton Center Conference Room


**Orders of the day are subject to change

Several board members went to the panel at CCCSAA to hear about OrgSync. The adoption of this

program would allow each club to have an online page to which they can log on with their student email

and password. Also, a master calendar will be created with all the events and it can be viewed at large or

just the events of a specific club. Swipe cards would allow check people in the events and trach which

events they attend. There will be no need for the roll call at ICC meetings. The program would also allow

students to track their volunteer hours, which is very useful for Community Service Program. Different

SMC departments and committees can also be incorporated. It costs $850/year.

No action on the item was taken.

6.2 Appointment of the New A.S. Secretary

Candidate: Keshia Nash Johnson

Aye Vice President: Caitlin Corker Aye Dir. of Budget Management: Hasun Khan Aye Director of Activities: Andrew Koo A Director of Outreach: Robert Espinoza Aye Director of Community Relations: Yana Demeshko Aye Director of Student Assistance: Hamza Sabri

Aye Director of Instructional Support: Jeffrey Lewis Jr. Aye Director of Publicity: Jessica Meshkani Aye Director of Sustainability: Andrea Gonzalez Abstention ICC Chair: Maya Kaitel Aye ICC Vice Chair: Courtney King Aye ICC Communications Officer: Rizwan Rashid

VII. Major Action Items [20 Minutes]

7.1. Approval of funding for the International Student Forum to visit UCSB, UCB,

University of San Francisco, and Stanford (Jason Hwang, ICC Allotment, $600.00,

Activities $4,510.40)

A.S. Liason, Jason Hwang, introduced the item. ISF has organized this trip for several years now, and it

has been a success among the ISF members. For UCSB they will have an official tour guide, for the rest

they will have their ex ISF members give them the tour of the campus. Each student pays $80 to go on this


Director of Budget Management moved to amend the amount for the hotel of $5170.80 to instead read

Director of Community Relations Seconded.

A.S. Board of Directors Regular Meeting

October 27, 2014, 3:00 PM

Cayton Center Conference Room


**Orders of the day are subject to change

ICC Vice Chair said that from her personal experience as a club officer, she got the desire to get involved

in A.S.

Director of Budget Management: I don’t get a stipend as a SSCCC Senator, and my incentive is to help

people, to be the person who extends his hand to someone in need.

Student Trustee: At the same time we give a lot of our time to the AS. As a Student Trustee I get paid

more than the A.S. Directors. Maybe we can match that or something close to that.

President: Other ASOs don’t match what we do. Our student government is different. Our jobs and

environment is very unique. No other school funded Welcome Day, while we funded it by $20000.

Vice President: When I decided to be part of A.S., I had chose this over a job.

President: If we do increase the stipend, Directors will have to earn it. It will have to be based on merit,

something like the point system.

Director of Budget Management: Regions I, VI, and V have active boards, they work just as hard as we

do, but they don’t receive the same compensation. We shouldn’t be increasing the stipends until we see

the need in this board.

Director of Instructional and Technical Support: At CCCSAA I saw ASOs, which don’t get compensated

at all. I think we’re lucky to get $1000.00.

8.2 Morning Breakfast

Was presented by the A.S. President. The idea came from his personal experience with Bike Club, which

did a morning breakfast for their members for supporting the sustainability. The breakfast would be for

early birds who have morning classes and before their classes start, study here in the A.S. Student

Lounge. It will be bi-monthly or once a week. Breakfast would have typical breakfast items including but

not limited to bananas, other fruit, donuts, yogurt, etc.

Director of Instructional and Technical Support directed everyone at the sign in the Lounge that says “no

food or drinks allowed,” but Director of Activities pointed at the words “except for special events” in

smaller font.

8.3 Discussion regarding shirts and promotional apparel for A.S. Associated Students of Santa Monica


Publicity: At CCCSAA, Antelope Valley College had unique to their ASO cardigans. It would be nice to

do the same thing for our A.S. Apparel would include white polos and blue cardigans and v-neck shirts.

Director of Sustainability suggested the materials used is 100% organic

cotton. ICC Chair moved to refer this item to a committee

Vice President seconded

A.S. Board of Directors Regular Meeting

October 27, 2014, 3:00 PM

Cayton Center Conference Room


**Orders of the day are subject to change

Aye Vice President: Caitlin Corker Aye Dir. of Budget Management: Hasun Khan Aye Director of Activities: Andrew Koo Aye Director of Outreach: Robert Espinoza Aye Director of Community Relations: Yana Demeshko Aye Director of Student Assistance: Hamza Sabri

Aye Director of Instructional Support: Jeffrey Lewis Jr .Abstention Director of Publicity: Jessica Meshkani Aye Director of Sustainability: Andrea Gonzalez Aye ICC Chair: Maya Kaitel Aye ICC Vice Chair: Courtney King Aye ICC Communications Officer: Rizwan Rashid

The President made the Director of Publicity and the ICC Vice Chair co-chairs for this ad hoc committee

Members of the ad hoc committee are: Director of Budget Management, Director of Community

Relations, Director of Sustainability, and Director of Instructional and Technical Support

IX. Committee Reports


Budget Planning

Facilities and Planning


College Services

Academic Senate


Student Affairs

Grade Appeals


X. Director Reports / Student Trustee Report / Advisor Reports

XI. The meeting was adjourned at 4:57pm