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ASI Senate Meeting: HR Committee Code & Cultural Centers Funding Discussions, Lecture notes of Business

The minutes of the ASI Senate meeting held on March 21, 2019. The meeting covered various topics including reports from senators, financial status, and discussion items. Notable discussions included the creation of the ASI Human Resources Committee Code and presentations from the Cultural Centers on how they would utilize additional funding.

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2018-2019:18 Thursday, March 21, 2019 3:00PM–5:00 PM, BSC, 2nd Floor, England Evans


A. Call to Order

  1. Vice Chair Rachel Hunter called Senate 2018-19:18 to order at 3:01pm

B. Quorum Check

  1. Voting Members: Pasindu Senaratne, Vice President, Chair – Excused Leave at 3:08pm Jenny Greenberg, President – Excused Absent Jaylen Davis, Agriculture Senator Jeremy Jenanyan, Business Senator Kyle Bisson, CEIS Senator Julissa Loza Mendez, CLASS Senator Rocio Antonio, CCHM Senator Itzia Salinas, ENV Senator – Tardy Alyssa Emerson, Engineering Senator Shane Bonanno, Science Senator Kellie Reich, Senator-At-Large (Greek) – Excused Absent Fernando Andrade, Senator-At-Large (IHC) Victoria Luna, Senator-At-Large (MCC) Rachel Hunter, Senator-At-Large (SIC)
  2. Advisors: Benardo Dargan, University Advisor – Excused Absent Powell Velasco substituting for Dr. Liz Roosa Millar, ASI Associate Executive Director
  3. Non-voting Liaisons: Ashley L. Joseph, ASI Associate Director for Student Government Tyler Palonsky, Attorney General – Excused Absent Noah Tonies, Treasurer Vacant, Academic Senate Rep. Monika Salazar, Staff Council Rep. – Absent Andrea DeCoudres, Alumni Association Rep. – Absent Jenny Miller-Heimstead, Bronco Athletics Association Rep. – Excused Absent

C. Approval of Minutes

  1. Motion to approve the February 28, 2019 and March 7, 2019 Senate meeting minutes was made by Rocio, seconded by Shane
  2. There was no dissent, the minutes were approved as written

D. Agenda Changes

  1. There were no changes to the agenda, it was approved as posted

March 21, 2019

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E. Financial Status – Given By Noah Tonies (as of February 28, 2019)

  1. ASI Total Revenue
  2. ASI Total Expenditures
  3. Local Agency Investment Fund
  4. ASI – NP & A Account Balance
  5. The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF)
  6. ASI Prior Year’s I Reserves
  7. ASI Prior Year’s II Reserves
  8. ASI Prior Year’s III Reserves
  9. BSC On Campus Reserves
  10. BSC Capital Improvement

F. Introduction of Guests

  1. Wendy Cordova
  2. Sydney Torres
  3. Megan Dela Cruz
  4. Bri Serrano
    1. Elizabeth Hernandez
    2. Taylor Broomsma
    3. Danisha Lawrence
    4. Tari Hunter
  5. Tashiana Bryant 10. Elena Nourrie

G. Reports

  1. ASI Associate Executive Director – Powell Velasco – No report
  2. Associate Director for Student Government – Ashley L. Joseph – No report
  3. Senator Pro-Tempore – Rachel Hunter – No report
  4. Attorney General – Tyler Palonsky – No report
  5. Treasurer – Noah Tonies – No report
  6. President – Jenny Greenberg – No report
  7. Vice President – Pasindu Senaratne – No report
  8. Senate Reports a. Agriculture Senator – Jaylen Davis i. College of Agriculture’s Fashion Show is on Friday, March 22nd. General admission is $12. ii. Open forum for College of Agriculture Dean candidates b. Business Senator – Jeremy Jenanyan (attachment) i. Library Finance Lecture Series ii. Organizational Behavior Speaker Series iii. StrEAT Walk iv. Bronco Startup Challenge v. San Gabriel Economic Summit vi. Evening with Industry vii. CBARN c. CEIS Senator – Kyle Bisson – No report d. CLASS Senator – Julissa Loza Mendez i. CLASS pool party at the BRIC pool area from 5:00pm-7:00pm on March 22nd e. CCHM Senator – Rocio Antonio (attachment) i. BASE Program ii. Transportation Advisory Committee iii. Hospitality Management Council

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e. Megan reviewed the Asian & Pacific Islander Student Center, which had 3,486 visits with 460 unique attendees and hosted 21 programs with over 800 attendees in Fall

  1. With additional funding, they would like to have more speaker/keynote opportunities, increased mentorship resources, professional development opportunities, and experiential opportunities f. Wendy discussed the Cesar E. Chavez Center for Higher Education, which had 5, visits with 903 unique visitors and hosted 20 individual and collaborative events in Fall
  2. With additional funding, they would like to have more parent engagement, decolonize mental health stigmas, and contribute to the basic needs initiative g. Elena reviewed the Native American Student Center, which had 1,120 visits with 125 unique visitors and hosted 16 individual and collaborative events in Fall 2018. With additional funding, they would like to expand on mentorship h. Bri discussed the Price Center, which had 1,959 visits and hosted 22 programs with over 527 attendees in Fall 2018. With additional funding, they would like to have more speaker/keynote opportunities, increase wellness resources, provide more developmental opportunities, and general programming needs i. Sydney reviewed the Womxn’s Resource Center, which had 4,476 visits and hosted 44 programs with over 1,500 attendees in Fall 2018. With additional funding, they would like to contribute to the basic needs initiative, expand on educational programs, have alternative break activities, and provide more experiential opportunities j. Rachel clarified that in the Student Opportunities Initiative, there is a section on the Heritage Programs and how much funding they get, and is designated by that document. With the possibility of making adjustments to having increases in the Student Opportunities Initiative, the Cultural Centers provided the useful information on how they would utilize the additional funding

II. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Recommendation from the Personnel Review Committee

  1. ASI Human Resources Committee Code a. Rachel explained that in the ASI By-laws, they added a Human Resources Committee. The Committee is compiled of ASI Student Government leaders along with professional staff including the ASI Executive Director, ASI Director of Human Resources, a representative from Academic Affairs, and the Vice President of Student Affairs b. Danisha added that the Personnel Review Committee is a University Committee due to having a small ASI Human Resources department. The University provided oversight over personnel related matters. Since then, ASI has grown tremendously and the ASI Human Resources department went from one administrative assistant to six full-time employees and three student assistants. There is a level of expertise from the Human Resources department now, and the University sanction is no longer needed c. The ASI Human Resources Committee Code will be a recommending body to the ASI Senate on personnel matters d. The ASI Human Resources Committee will: - Review and recommend to Senate any new or substantially revised ASI personnel policies - Review and be informed of any changes to ASI employee benefits - Be informed of any changes to the ASI organizational structure and permanent staff appointments to positions of interest

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  • Review and be informed of merit and equity salary increases recommended by the ASI President, Vice President for Student Affairs, and Vice President for Administrative Affairs for the ASI Executive Director, with final approval from University President
  • Review and be informed of the merit and equity salary increase pool for ASI employees, as recommended by the ASI Executive Director
  • Charge appointed search committee to interview and receive recommendations of top candidates for the appointment of ASI Executive Director
  • Provide representation, as available, on ASI interview committees for benefitted employee positions
  • Participate in trainings and assessments to development the human resource acumen of committee members and maintain a high- functioning committee e. Danisha clarified that for Section I – Purpose – Subpoint C., during the budget process, there is growth in the individual departments and budget for positions of interest f. A discussion took place on the meaning of academic term and Elected Executive Board member, which will be an election between the ASI Vice President or ASI Senator Pro- Tempore g. The ASI Human Resources Committee Code will be an Action item at the next ASI Senate meeting


A. Save the Date

  1. ASI Ad-Hoc F&O/Finance Joint Committee Meeting, Friday, March 22, 2019, 10:30am- 12:00pm, BSC England Evans
  2. ASI Elections Meet & Greet, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, 12:00pm-1:00pm, University Park
  3. Pizza with the Presidents, Wednesday, April 10, 2019, 6:00pm-7:00pm, BSC Ursa Major
  4. ASI Elections Candidate Debate, Thursday, April 11, 2019, 12:00pm-1:00pm, University Quad
  5. ASI Elections, Monday, April 15, 2019-Thursday, April 18, 2019
  6. ASI Elections Celebration, Thursday, April 18, 2019, 12:00pm-1:00pm, University Park


A. Next Senate meeting will take place on Thursday, March 28, 2019, 3:00pm-5:00pm in England Evans

B. Rachel stated that Senate meeting 2018-19:18 was adjourned at 3:52pm