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Assessment of Year 11 Students in the UK during Covid-19 Pandemic, Lecture notes of English Language

The primary and secondary evidence that will be considered when awarding grades to Year 11 students in the UK during the Covid-19 pandemic. It explains that students will be assessed on topics based on the content taught over the duration of their courses, and lost learning time due to the pandemic has been taken into account. details of the primary evidence that will be considered for each subject, as well as the secondary evidence that may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

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Download Assessment of Year 11 Students in the UK during Covid-19 Pandemic and more Lecture notes English Language in PDF only on Docsity! How will students be assessed in year 11? Students in year 11 will be assessed on topics based on the content taught over the duration of their courses. Lost learning time due to the Covid-19 pandemic has been taken into account when considering what will be assessed. In most subjects three sets of assessments based on taught content will be taken in classrooms and will be no more than 1 hour in length (unless a student has extra time via an access arrangement). These assessments will form the primary evidence that will be considered when awarding grades. Secondary evidence will only be considered on a case by case basis where factors outside of a student’s control may have impeded their ability to provide sufficient primary evidence. For example, a student that hasn’t been able to get into school due to a diagnosed medical condition. Outlined below is a summary of evidence that is being considered in the awarding of grades this summer: English Language Primary evidence to be considered will be 3 assessments that will be split into: • Language Paper 1 Section A • Language Paper 1 Section B • Language Paper 2 Section B Secondary evidence that may be considered: Throughout the year, a range of ‘Big Writes’ have taken place in English language and the data from these tasks will provide secondary evidence if it’s needed to support TAG conclusion. Outline of Big Write data below for Language: • Language Paper 1 Question 5 response • Language Paper 2 Question 5 response • Language Paper 2 Question 4 response English Literature Primary evidence to be considered will be 3 assessments that will be split into: • ‘Romeo and Juliet’ • ‘A Christmas Carol’ • Anthology Poetry Secondary evidence that may be considered: Throughout the year, a range of ‘Big Writes’ have taken place in English language and the data from these tasks will provide secondary evidence if it’s needed to support TAG conclusion. Outline of Big Write data below for Literature: • Power and Conflict poetry response • ‘Romeo and Juliet’ response • ‘A Christmas Carol’ response • Unseen poetry response Maths Primary evidence to be considered will be 3 assessments that will be based on a cut down GCSE past paper only testing taught content and of 45 minutes duration. The assessments will be higher or foundation tiers with papers split into: • Paper 1 (non-calculator) • Paper 2 (Calculator) • Paper 3 (Calculator) Secondary evidence that may be considered: Classroom based assessments during of the course and November 2020 mock exam. Science Primary evidence to be considered will be: Combined Science Trilogy Main evidence: 6 papers at the 3 assessment points each 45 minutes AP1: Biology 1 & Physics 1 AP2: Chemistry 1 & Chemistry 2 AP3: Biology 2 & Physics 2 Single Sciences: Biology, Chemistry & Physics (3 x 45 minute papers) AP1: Paper 1 AP2: Paper 2 AP3: Paper 3 Secondary evidence may be considered for candidates whose assessment performance fails to match teacher assessment or when individual circumstances require. Art and Photography Primary evidence to be considered: A range of folio assignments including the final component 1 folio Use of the AQA guidance for folio work Secondary evidence that may be considered: Range of skills Focus Practical Tasks (FPTs) and mini projects from Y10 for range of materials, tools, equipment. Business GCSE Primary evidence to be considered: Assessment of papers 1 and 2 covered over three in-class assessments: • Assessment 1 Business Activity and People • Assessment 2 Finance and Operations • All 4 question types for Foundation Tier • All 3 question types for Higher Tier Speaking Endorsement • Speech based on the Chosen Topic for GCSE • Role-Play and/or Picture Task (students choose) • Conversation questions on Themes 1, 2 and 3 Secondary evidence that may be considered: • Assessments from Studio Text book (endorsed by Edexcel) • Homework pieces from pre-Christmas to support. Geography Primary evidence to be considered: • Classroom assessment carried out in April/May 2021 (2 shorter papers which combine to make a full paper 1 past exam paper) • Classroom assessment carried out in May 2021 (a shortened version of a paper 2 exam from a past paper) Secondary evidence that may be considered: Classroom assessment carried out in October 2020 (full paper 1 past exam paper) Health and Social Care Primary evidence to be considered: • Banked C1 LAA • Banked C1 LAB • Mock results from C3 examination Dec 2020 • Current student coursework for C2LAA – adapted (EXTERNAL SV) Secondary evidence that may be considered: • End of topic assessments throughout Y11 on C3 (past paper questions) • Mini assessments of C2 LAB History Primary evidence to be considered: 3 Assessments sat in April/May 2021. Paper 1 Assessment – shorter paper of Western Front and Medicine using past/sample questions Paper 2 Assessment – Full Paper of Anglo-Saxon and Normans using past/sample questions Paper 3 Assessment – shorter paper of Russia and the Soviet Union using past/sample questions Secondary evidence that may be considered: Oct Classroom Assessment – part Paper 1 and part Paper 3 – Past Paper questions used IT Cambridge National Primary evidence to be considered: Non Examined Assessment (NEA) task completed in year 10 which have been marked in line with OCR guidance. External exam sat in January 2021 which has been marked externally by OCR 2 in-class assessments based on full exam papers (marked out of 80) 2 in-class practical assessments (taken from previous NEA task and marked out of 80) Secondary evidence that may be considered: Three mock exam papers taken in October, November and December 2020. Music Primary evidence to be considered: • Composition Coursework (full or part completed) - A combination of Dorico files, Cubase files and written lead sheets. (Dorico and Cubase are Steinberg music sequencing software platforms) • Performance Coursework (full or part completed) - Nov 2020 mock recording OR - Additional recordings provided by students and peri staff during lockdown OR - Sequenced performance using Cubase files. • Appraisal Paper (controlled conditions) - 3 assessment points using past-papers. These have been adapted to remove the course content which had not been covered. Secondary evidence that may be considered: • Microsoft forms assessment of sample exam questions conducted during lockdown (Jan 2021). • Examples of mini assessments on the specific set works completed throughout year 10 and autumn term of year 11. • Accredited graded music exam certificates to support performance grade where a full recording is not available. (Eg: ABRSM, Trinity Board graded certificates as evidence of standard of performance previously achieved.) PE GCSE Primary evidence to be considered: Primary written assessment evidence will be from the 3 assessment windows in April /May 2021. OCR reduced the number of practical activities from 3 to 2. Students will therefore be given a practical grade for two sports (15% each of the overall grade). Practical assessments based on what has been seen in lessons. EAPI – Coursework – (10% of the overall grade) – this has been completed and marked. Secondary evidence that may be considered: Student’s books and assessments completed at the start of year 10. Product Design Primary evidence to be considered: 3 assessments sat in April/May 2021 Assessment 1 OCR GCSE paper (amended paper) Assessment 2 OCR GCSE paper (amended paper) Assessment 3 OCR GCSE selected questions from OCR given materials Non Examined Assessment (NEA) using themes set June 2020 Range of examinations questions – formal assessments Y10 / Y11 Focus Practical Tasks (FPTs) from Y10 for range of materials, tools, equipment and machinery. Secondary evidence that may be considered: Theory work from in-class teaching for researching etc. demonstrating skills required in NEA. Hodder publication My Revision Notes – Now Test Yourself questions Question sets supplied by OCR for learners to download. In-class – departmental created questions and assessments Sports Studies Primary evidence to be considered: Externally assessed examined unit – to be calculated on the levels achieved in the Outdoor and Practical unit Outdoor skills unit – unit completed. Practical sport unit – unit completed. There is no compulsion to use the same assessment material for each student. Teachers will use the assessed work which best reflects the student from the two internally assessed units to determine an overall grade as prescribed by OCR