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Assisted Living Facility Administrator Exam: Questions and Answers, Exams of Andragogy

A comprehensive set of questions and answers related to the assisted living facility administrator exam. It covers various aspects of assisted living facility management, including evacuation procedures, medication administration, resident rights, and building safety. A valuable resource for individuals preparing for the assisted living facility administrator exam.

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Available from 01/06/2025

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Assisted Living Facility Administrator Exam

Newest Questions and Answers (Verified Answers)

  1. Three evacuation capabilities: Three min or less, more than 3 min not exceed-

ing 13 min, 13 min+ = impractical

  1. an individual who is authorized to perform the same functions as the

administrator is a: Manager

  1. A facility upon mutual consent with the resident shall provide for safekeep- ing in

the facility of personal effects not in excess of —— and funds of the resident not in

excess of $——- cash.: $500.

  1. Staff who provide direct care to residents other than nurses, certified nursing

assistants, or home health aides must receive a minimum of 1 hour in service training

in infection control, including universal precautions, and facility sanitation

procedures. Before providing personal care to residents: 1 hour

  1. How many staff training hours are required for assistance with self admin- istration

of medication: 6 hours

  1. The facility must maintain a daily Medication observation record for every resident

who receives assistance with self administration of medications administration.:


  1. A provision stating that at least 30 days written notice will be given before any rate

increase is found in the Resident Contract: Resident contract

  1. Death of a facility administrator the agency may permit an individual who

otherwise has not satisfied the training requirements of su paragraphs (1) (a)4. Of this

rule to temporarily serve as the facility administrator for a period not to exceed 90

days.: 90 days

  1. Ducting any examination or testing such as blood glucose testing or other

procedure necessary for the proper administration of medication that the resident

cannot conduct personally and that can be performed by licensed staff.: Medication


  1. any unlicensed person providing assistance with self administration of

medication must be 18 years of age or older trained to assist with self ad- ministered

medication pursuant to the training required of rule 58A-5.0191, F.A.C: 18

  1. A bathroom with a toilet, sink and bathtub or shower that is shared by a

maximum of 4 residents for a maximum ratio of 4 residents to 1 bathroom applies to

what type of facility: ECC Extended Congregate Care

  1. Staff whose duties are exclusively building or grounds, maintenance, cler- ical, or

food preparation do not count toward meeting the minimum staffing hours

requirement.: True

13.. Proper licensure. Is a valid license posted in the facility visible to those who enter? If not, verify licensure at: true 14. If the facility is not licensed but appears to be operating as an ALF, report possible unlicensed activity.: true 15.. Mechanical lifting equipment: Mechanical lifting devices such as Hoyer Lifts are

prohibited in ALFs. Residents who need mechanical lifting devices to get out of bed or chairs are not appropriate for an ALF.

16. Sufficient food: Based on the menu, is there enough food to prepare (including snacks)?

  1. Medication administration: Does any resident indicate they are not receiving their medication?
  2. Have any residents eloped (missing) and what is the response? Resident whereabouts/ safety.:
  3. Are restraints being used? Examples of restraints: Buckle or Velcro seat belt in the Restraints. Restraints are prohibited: 20. wheelchair that resident cannot release, Geriatric Chairs with lap trays and, the use of sheets tied to a chair to support resident. Family request is not justification for the use of restraints.

Restraints. Restraints are prohibited

  1. Restraints. Restraints are prohibited: Only half- bed rails are allowed with a physician's order every 6 months
  2. Restraints. Restraints are prohibited: An ALF resident who is also on hospice care can have full bed rails if the health care provider and interdisciplinary plan identifies that the resident needs them. 23. Building Safety: Obvious and urgent safety hazards related to the building such as unstable construction, fire alarms, or building safety devices 24. Building Safety: should be made to local building officials. Obvious and urgent safety hazards unrelated to the building may be reported to AHCA.

25.. Hygiene:. Is the resident's hygiene being neglected? Is the resident dirty with dirty or wet clothing? Are odors present? 26. Hygiene: Although residents have the opportunity and are encouraged to per- form personal hygiene, staff should recognize the need

  1. Hygiene: Clothing should be clean and in good repair, however, a resident cannot be forced to wash or change clothes. 28. Resident Rights: Do residents state that their grievances go unanswered or they feel their rights have been violated?
  1. Resident Rights: Ask residents if they are aware of the facilities' policy and procedures. Some express concern of no-mail delivery on Saturday, 30. Resident Rights: mail being received opened and of not being provided with the required 45 day notice of discharge.
  2. Bed bound Are any residents bed-bound: Residents may be bedbound in an ALF for a limited number of days. At no time should a resident be bedbound for more than 14 consecutive days 32. Nursing Services: Are any residents receiving 24 hour nursing services? Res- idents may not be admitted to any ALF if they require 24-hour nursing supervision. 33. Nursing Services 1: If a resident, after admissions, requires 24 hour nursing su- pervision, the services may be provided in accordance with the continued residency requirements found in rule. 34. Peg Tubes: A resident with a Peg Tube does not meet admission criteria unless the Peg Tube is maintained by the resident
  3. Peg Tubes: If a resident's health deteriorates and peg tube is required, the resident may remain in the assisted living facility provided the resident is terminally ill and on hospice 36. Peg Tubes: The peg tube must be maintained by licensed staff and facilitated by hospice as specified in the interdisciplinary care plan. 37. Peg Tubes: However, facilities with an LNS or ECC license may provide these services through an interdisciplinary plan with a hospice provider. 38.. Pressure sores:. A resident cannot remain in any ALF with stage 3 or 4 pressure sores.
  4. If a resident is admitted with a stage 2

pressure sore, the ALF must have:: 1. Limited Nursing Services (LNS) or Extend- ed Congregate Care (ECC) license and provide the appropriate nursing care

  1. If a resident is admitted with a stage 2 pressure sore, the ALF must have:: 2. The ALF must employ or contract with a nurse to provide the care

3.• The resident must contract with a home health agency for nursing care If there is no improvement in 30 days, the resident must be discharged.

  1. Oral, nasopharyngeal, or tracheotomy suctioning: The resident cannot re- quire suctioning in a standard or LNS facility unless
  2. The resident cannot require suctioning in a standard or LNS facility unless- : the resident is under the care of hospice. ECC facilities may provide tracheotomy suctioning, but all other suctioning is prohibited
  3. The resident cannot require suctioning in a standard or LNS facility un- less: unless the resident is under the care of hospice. Filing a complaint with the Agency for Health Care Administration:
  4. to believe that one or more residents are in any immediate danger, the field office will conduct an: inspection within two business days.
  5. send complains to ahca with name and all information: if the complain is not an immediate danger, AHCA will send it to HIPAA. we would have to remove all identifying information from your complaint, which limits the receiving department's ability Although an inspection may not be conducted, your general concerns are kept on file and considered

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