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Assisted Living Facility Administrator Exam: Questions and Answers, Exams of Andragogy

A comprehensive set of questions and answers related to the assisted living facility administrator exam. It covers various aspects of assisted living facility management, including regulations, resident rights, medication assistance, and staff training. A valuable resource for individuals preparing for the exam, offering insights into key concepts and practical knowledge.

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Assisted Living Facility Administrator Exam

Newest Questions and Answers (Verified Answers)

    1. What is the difference between a statute and an administrative rule? Ans>> Although both have legal force, the authority for writing rules comes from statutes.
    1. What is the difference between a statute and an administrative rule? Ans>> An administrative rule is adopted by a state agency under the authority granted by the legislature
    1. What is the difference between a statute and an administrative rule?

Ans>> A statute is adopted by the legislature and an administrative rule is adopted by a state agency

    1. Who is responsible for enacting statutes? Ans>> The Legislature
    1. Which of the following Internet addresses will take you to the Office of the Code Reviser? Ans>> ister.aspx
    1. Which of the following is the language from RCW 18.20.125(3)? Ans>> "To the extent funding is available, the licensee, administrator, and their staff should be screened through background checks in a uniform and timely manner to ensure that they do not have a criminal history that would disqualify them from working with vulnerable adults. Employees may be provisionally hired pending the results of the background check if they have been given three positive references."
    1. Which of the following is the language from WAC 388-112A- Ans>> E. All long-term care workers including those exempt from basic training who work in an assisted living facility, enhanced services facility, or adult family home who serve residents with the special needs described in subsection (3) of this section, must take a class approved as specialty training.
    1. Residential Long Term Care Services Training Ans>> Chapter 388-112A WAC
    1. Long Term Care Residents Rights: F. Chapter 70.129 RCW
    1. Assisted Living Facility Licensing Rules: H. Chapter 388-78A WAC
    1. Washington State Patrol

Ans>> Chapter 43.43 RCW

    1. Nurse Delegation: K. Chapter 246-840 WAC
    1. Food Services: I. Chapter 246-215 WAC
    1. Medication Assistance Ans>> Chapter 246-888 WAC
    1. Abuse of Vulnerable Adults

Ans>> Chapter 74.34 RCW

    1. Assisted Living Facilities: J. Chapter 18.20 RCW
    1. Contracted Residential Care Services: G. Chapter 388-110 WAC
    1. Disqualifying Crimes and Negative Actions: E. Chapter 388-113 WAC
  1. 1a. How often is the department required to conduct an inspection in each assisted living facility? 1b. Supporting Reference: IV. RCW 18.20. Ans>> At least once every 18 months with an annual
  1. 2a. If an individual associated with an assisted living facility will have unsupervised access with a vulnerable adult, that individual must disclose which of the following crimes that he or she has committed, if any? 2b. Supporting Reference: III. RCW 43.43. Ans>> All crimes against children or other persons
  2. 2a. If an individual associated with an assisted living facility will have unsupervised access with a vulnerable adult, that individual must disclose which of the following crimes that he or she has committed, if any? 2b. Supporting Reference: III. RCW 43.43. Ans>> All crimes relating to financial exploitation
  3. 2a. If an individual associated with an assisted living facility will have unsupervised access with a vulnerable adult, that individual must disclose which of the following crimes that he or she has committed, if any? 2b. Supporting Reference: III. RCW 43.43. Ans>> All crimes relating to drugs
  4. 3a. Potentially hazardous foods including poultry and stuffed meats must be cooked to an internal temperature of: 3b. Supporting Reference: IV. WAC 246- Ans>> 145 degrees Fahrenheit for one minute
  1. 4a. Before performing any delegated nursing task, long-term care workers in adult family homes and assisted living facilities must: 4b. Supporting Reference: IV. WAC 246-840- Ans>> Successfully complete the DSHS designated nurse delegation core training, "nurse delegation for nursing assistants & home care aides";
  2. 4a. Before performing any delegated nursing task, long-term care workers in adult family homes and assisted living facilities must: 4b. Supporting Reference: IV. WAC 246-840- Ans>> Be one or more of the following: (i) Certified home care aide under chapter 18.88B RCW; (ii) Nursing assistant certified under chapter 18.88A RCW
  3. 4a. Before performing any delegated nursing task, long-term care workers in adult family homes and assisted living facilities must: 4b. Supporting Reference: IV. WAC 246-840- Ans>> Before long-term care work- ers in adult family homes and assisted living facilities may perform the task of insulin injections, the long-term care workers must: (a) Meet the requirements in subsection (1)(a) and (b) of this section; and (b) Successfully complete the DSHS designated specialized diabetes nurse delegation training.
  4. 5a. How many square feet of space must be in an apartment approved for use under the DSHS Assisted Living Contract in a new assisted living facility, excluding

the bathroom? 5b. Supporting Reference: II. WAC 388-110- Ans>> 220 square feet

  1. 6a. Who is not a mandated reporter of adult abuse and neglect? 6b. Supporting Reference: I. RCW 74.34.020: F. Municipal bus drivers
    • Who is a mandated reporter of adult abuse and neglect? 6b. Supporting Reference: I. RCW 74.34. Ans>> DSHS employees B. Professional school personnel C. Social workers D. Assisted living facility administrators

E. Assisted living facilities receptionists

  1. 7a. Who is required to complete the seventy-hour long-term care worker basic training and by when? 7b. Supporting Reference: I. WAC 388-112A Ans>> Administrators or their designees within one hundred twenty days of date of hire.
  2. 7a. Who is required to complete the seventy-hour long-term care worker basic training and by when? 7b. Supporting Reference: I. WAC 388-112A Ans>> Long-term care workers in assisted living facilities within one hundred twenty days of their date of hire.
  3. 7a. Who is required to complete the seventy-hour long-term care worker basic

training and by when? 7b. Supporting Reference: I. WAC 388-112A Ans>> Long-term care workers must not provide personal care without direct supervision until they have completed the seventy-hour long-term care worker basic training.

  1. 8a. Which of the following is not a reason to require a resident to move out of an assisted living facility? 8b. Supporting Reference: III. RCW 70.129. Ans>> The resident's family does not participate in the development of service agreements.
    • Which of the following is a reason to require a resident to move out of an assisted living facility? 8b. Supporting Reference: III. RCW 70.129. Ans>> The transfer or discharge is necessary for the resident's welfare and the resident's needs cannot be met in the facility.

B. The safety of individuals in the facility is endangered. C. The health of individuals in the facility would otherwise be endangered. E. The resident has failed to make the required payment for his or her stay.

  1. 9a. Which of the following is not a true statement regarding medication assistance? 9b. Supporting Reference: I. WAC 246-888-

Ans>> The individual/resident re- ceiving medication assistance must be able to state the name of the medication, intended effects, side effects, or other details, and must be aware that he/she is receiving medications.

    • Which of the following is a true statement regarding medication assis- tance? 9b. Supporting Reference: I. WAC 246-888- Ans>> Medication assistance in- cludes reminding or coaching the individual to take their medication, handing the medication container to the individual, opening the medication container, using an enabler, or placing the medication in the hand of the individual/resident. B. The individual/resident receiving medication assistance must be able to put the medication into his or her mouth or apply or instill the medication. D. The individual/resident receiving medication assistance retains the right to refuse medication. E. Administration of intravenous and injectable medications are specifically excluded from mediation assistance.
  1. 10a. Who must sign the resident's negotiated service agreement? 10b. Supporting Reference: IV. WAC 388-78A- Ans>> The resident or the resi- dent's representative if the resident has one and is unable to sign or chooses not to sign
  2. 10a. Who must sign the resident's negotiated service agreement? 10b. Supporting Reference: IV. WAC 388-78A- Ans>> The resident's public or private case manager if available and the resident has one
  1. 10a. Who must sign the resident's negotiated service agreement? 10b. Supporting Reference: IV. WAC 388-78A- Ans>> A representative of the assisted living facility