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Assisted Living Facility Core Training Questions and Answers, Exams of Nursing

A collection of questions and answers related to assisted living facility core training. It covers various aspects of facility operations, resident care, and staff requirements. Useful for individuals preparing for assisted living facility core training or seeking to refresh their knowledge on relevant regulations and practices.

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ALF Core Final(rated A+)passed

The facility, Upon resident request, may provide for the safekeeping in the facility of up to: - correct answer 4hrs

. How often must facilities have elopement drills? - correct answer a minimum of two resident elopement prevention and response drills per year Successful completion of the assisted living facility core training is not a prerequisite for the initial 4 hour ECC training: - correct answer False All Direct care staff in a ECC must complete at least 2hrs? or 4hrs?of in service training, provided by the admin or ECC supervisor, within 6 months? or 30 days? of employment: - correct answer 2hrs within 6 months Staff who have regular contact or direct care for resident with ADRD shall obtain 2hrs of initial training with in 3 months of employment: - correct answer False: 4hrs of initial training If after a contract is terminated, the facility intends to make a claim against a refund to make claim against a refund due the resident, the facility shall notify the resident or responsible party in writing of the claim and shall notify the resident or responsible party in writing of the claim and shall provide said party with a reasonable time period of no less than (???) calendar days to respond. The facility shall provide a refund to the resident or responsible party within 45 days after the transfer, discharge or death of the resident. - correct answer 14 days Unlicensed persons who provide assistance with self administered medications and have successfully completed the initial 6 hour training, must annually obtain... - correct answer A minimum of 2 hrs of continuing education training on the subject every year. An admin can have 3 facilities that are 15 or fewer beds within 15 mile with two appointed managers: - correct answer 16 or fewer beds

What is the maximum period of time a staff member can be designated in charge of a facility without being an admin or a manager? - correct answer 21 consecutive days, 60 days within a calender year. Residents receiving assistance with the activities of daily living shall have their weight recorded how often? - correct answer semi-annually

. All direct care staff providing care to residents in an extended congregate care program must complete at least 2 hours of in-service training, provided by the facility administrator or ECC supervisor, within 6 months of beginning employment in the facility. - correct answer True A medical examination completed after the resident's admission to the facility must be completed within how many calendar days of the admission date? - correct answer 30 days Except with respect to the use of pill organizers as described in subsection (2), no person other than a pharmacist may transfer medications from one storage container to another - correct answer True Direct care staff of a facility which advertise that they provide special care for persons with ADRD, or who maintain secured areas that shall participate in 3 hours of continuing education annually. - correct answer False: 4hrs The administrator, managers and staff, who have direct contact with mental health residents in a licensed limited mental health facility, must receive: Select one: a. a minimum of 3 hours of continuing education b. a minimum of 4 hours of continuing education. c. at least 12 hours of contining education every 2 years or before license renewal whichever is first d. at minimum of 6 hours every year: - correct answer a. a minimum of 3 hours of continuing education Not including closet or bathroom space, residents bedrooms designated for multiple occupancy shall provide a minimum inside measurement of .: - correct answer 60 sq ft per room occupant


  1. If the resident's possessions are not claimed within (????) days after notification, the facility may dispose of them. : - correct answer 45 days Staff who prepare or serve food must receive a minimum of 1 hour training on safe food handling 90 days from employment. - correct answer False: 30 days Facilities must offer 2-4 or more servings of fruit per week. - correct answer False: Per day The administrator, managers and staff, who have direct contact with mental health residents in a licensed limited mental health facility, must receive how many hours of continuing education? - correct answer a minimum of 3 hours of continuing education Medical examinations of residents placed by the department, by the Department of Children and Family Services, or by an agency under contract with either department must be conducted within how many days before placement in the facility and recorded on AHCA Form 1823? - correct answer 30 days How often must an existing, unsprinklered ALF conduct fire exit drills? - correct answer Every month Unlicensed persons, who provide assistance with self-administered medications and have successfully completed the initial 6 hour training, must annually obtain. - correct answer a minimum of 2 hours of continuing education training on the subject every year When changing ownership, the transferee shall notify the agency in writing, at least 30 days prior to the date of transfer of ownership : - correct answer False: 60 days What is the continuing education requirement for the administrator and the extended congregate care supervisor, if different from the administrator? - correct answer a minimum of 4 hours of continuing education every two years in topics relating to the physical, psychological, or social needs of frail elderly and disabled persons, or persons with Alzheimer's disease or related disorders. A resident requiring care of a stage 2 pressure sore in a facility with a standard license may be retained in the assisted living facility provided that:

They contract directly with a home health agency or a nurse to provide the care - correct answer True Facility staff, who have regular contact with or provide direct care to residents with ADRD, shall obtain 2 hours of initial training within 3 months of employment : - correct answer False: Such staff must have 4 hours of initial training within 3 months of employment If class I, II or uncorrected III related to medication you must employ or contract pharmacist or RN initial onsite consultant visit must be in how many working days of notice of a class I or II? - correct answer 7 working days How many days An action plan must be available for review after the onsite consultant? - correct answer no later than 10 days How often Corrective plan updates must be provider to the agency until written notification. - correct answer quarterly How many hours from dinner to breakfast containing protein must a resident be feed - correct answer 14 hours No less than 2hr no more than 6hrs between meals. - correct answer True Except for_________ , which must be retained for 5 years, all resident records must be retained for 2 years following the departure of a resident from the facility unless it is required by contract to retain the records for a longer period of time. Upon request, residents must be provided with a copy of their records upon departure from the facility. - correct answer resident contracts Must complete form and notify agency within_________ of administrator change - correct answer 10 days For every 20 total combine residents, daycare participants and respite care over 95 add _______ staff hours per week. - correct answer 42

New and ownership changed facility must submit emergency management plan within_________after obtaining a license. - correct answer 30 days An existing, unsprinklered ALF shall conduct fire exit drills monthly and at least twelve fire drills (_____________ per year on each new shift). - correct answer four times Report evacuation to local office of Emergency Management or designee and Agency within________of evacuation order, if it takes longer report when completed. - correct answer 6hrs Emergency shelter must report the number of individuals over its licensed capacity and the conditions causing it to the Agency Field Office with ______or asap. - correct answer 48hrs Must submit within _____days of approval of plan to the Agency. Agency shall post it on website 10 business day including updates. Must notify in writing each resident upon admission of plan review and final implementation within _______days. - correct answer 2 business ,5 business For LMH discharge statement from a state mental hospital completed no more than _______before admission that individual can live in an ALF. - correct answer 90 days For LMH a doc request for missing doc made by facility admin with _______ of resident admission will be considered good faith effort. - correct answer 72hrs For ECC before receiving ECC a health assessment conducted no more than ________. A new assessment annually thereafter. - correct answer 60 days For ECC the admin or manager must coordinate the development of a written service plan within ________of receiving services. Must be reviewed and updated_________. - correct answer 14 days , quarterly For ECC a__________must be conducted at least monthly or more frequently if required by service plan.

  • correct answer nursing assessment

Waivers The agency must post notice of the request in the Florida Administrative Register within 15 days of receipt of the request. The agency must make any requests for additional information within _________ of receipt of the request. If additional information is provided, the agency may request clarification of only that information no later than 30 days following receipt of the information. The agency must grant or deny the waiver request within ________after receipt of the original request. If granted facility must submit annual report with 12 months of order. - correct answer 30 days,90 days Admin, manager, direct care staff initial 6hrs mental health training with ______ within receiving license or_____ beginning employment. - correct answer 6mo,6mo