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Assisted Living Facility Regulations and Guidelines: A Guide for Administrators, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive overview of assisted living facility (alf) regulations and guidelines, covering essential aspects such as background screenings, violation classifications, moratoriums, licensing requirements, resident care, emergency procedures, and record-keeping. It includes numerous questions and answers, making it a valuable resource for alf administrators to ensure compliance and provide quality care.

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ALF Administrators CORE correctly

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What level of background screening must be conducted? When? - correct answer Level II; upon hire, every 5 years, and upon rehire if employee has a break in service of more than 90 days What paperwork should be in employee files regarding background screenings? - correct answer eligibility statement, affidavit of compliance, privacy notice Class I Violation - correct answer Conditions or occurrences related to the operation and maintenance of a provider or to the care of clients that present an imminent danger to the clients or a substantial probability that death or serious physical or emotional harm would result. A fine will be imposed regardless of correction. When must a Class I violation be resolved? - correct answer Within 24 hrs unless a fixed period is required Class II Violation - correct answer Conditions or occurrences that directly threaten the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of clients, other than class I violations. A fine shall be imposed regardless of correction. Class III Violation - correct answer Conditions or occurrences that potentially threaten the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of clients. A fine may not be imposed if violation is corrected within time specified on the citation. Class IV Violation - correct answer Conditions or occurrences or required reports, forms, or documents that do not have the potential of negatively affecting clients; do not threaten the health, safety, or security of clients. A fine may not be imposed if violation is corrected within time specified on the citation. Unclassified violations - correct answer A violation that is not a class I, II, III, or IV violation that holds an administrative fine of up to $500. Examples: exceeding licensed capacity, providing services beyond scope of license, violating moratorium

Moratorium - correct answer Emergency suspension, facility may not admit any new residents When are moratoriums imposed? - correct answer When AHCA determines any condition that presents a threat to the health, safety, or welfare of client. When a moratorium is imposed, the provider of licensee must do what? - correct answer Post a visible notice of the moratorium until the action is lifted Why may a license be denied or revoked? - correct answer False information in application, negligent act affecting health and safety of client, violation of statues or rules, pattern of deficient performance, or if applicant, licensee, or controlling interest has been excluded, suspended, or terminated from participating in Medicaid and/or Medicare programs Activities of Daily Living - correct answer Functions and tasks for self-care, including ambulation, bathing, dressing, eating, grooming, and toileting An administrator must be how old? - correct answer 21 years Can an ALF be more than one building? - correct answer Yes Service plan - correct answer Written plan, developed and agreed upon by resident, that addresses the needs and preferences of a resident receiving extended congregate care services. Includes what services shall be provided, who shall provide them, when they will be rendered, and the purpose of the service. An ALF with one or more mental health resident must obtain what license? - correct answer Limited Mental Health A mental health resident receives what? - correct answer OSS What physical restraint can be used at a standard licensed ALF if attained all necessary documents? - correct answer Half bed rails

What must you have for a resident to use a physical restraint? - correct answer Physician's order, resident's consent, order renewed annually What can CNA's do beyond unlicensed caretakers under a standard license? - correct answer Take vital signs under the direction of a nurse Under what licenses can a CNA do everything they are certified for? - correct answer ECC & LNS Liability Report - correct answer ALFs must report any new lawsuits filed against them monthly to AHCA What four documents should you always have on file with ACHA? - correct answer Surety bonds, liability insurance, health inspections (within 30 days of inspection), fire inspection (within 30 days of inspection) Under a standard or LMH license, what services can a resident be assisted with by a nurse? - correct answer Oxygen, TED hose, and colonoscopy bag When should a Health Assessment be completed? - correct answer 1) Within 60 days before admission or 30 days after and 2) every 3 years after (annually for residents attaining assistive care services) or whenever the resident experiences a significant change in condition True or false, ALFs must always have liability insurance. - correct answer True What forms should a resident have in an ALF with LMH? - correct answer Community Living Support Plan & cooperative agreement Adverse incident - correct answer An event over which a facility could exercise control over rather than as a result of the resident's condition What are examples of adverse incidents? - correct answer Death, brain or spinal damage, permanent disfigurement, fracture or dislocation of bones, medical condition that resident has not given their consent for, any condition that requires resident be transferred to unit that provide more acute care, or resident elopement.

When must the preliminary report of an adverse incident be filed? What should it include? - correct answer One business day; includes identity of resident, type of incident, and status of investigation When must the full report of an adverse incident be filed with ACHA? What should it include? - correct answer 15 days ; results of the investigation What is the termination date for a resident? - correct answer The date that unit is vacated by the resident and cleared of all personal belongings. Resident must not be required to give more than __ days notice of termination - correct answer 30 days How long must ALFs wait before disposing of unclaimed possessions? - correct answer 45 days How long does ALFs have to refund money after termination? - correct answer 45 days Provided a __ day notice is given, facility may clear room of personal belongings and charge resident for the moving and storing of items, not to exceed __% of regular rate of unit. - correct answer 14; 20% In standard ALF, what may nurses do? - correct answer Administer meds, take resident's vitals, manage weekly pill organizers, give prepackaged enemas ordered by physician, and write nursing progress notes. In emergency situations, licensed personal can do what until emergency medical personnel assume responsibility for care? - correct answer All of their professional duties Assistance with the self-administration of medication does NOT include what 8 things? - correct answer

  1. mixing, compounding, or calculating doses, 2) Administering injections/prepping injections, 3) administering meds via tube inserted in body's cavity, 4) administering medication through breathing device or nebulizer, 5) administering of parenteral preps, 6) irrigations, 7) rectal, urethral, or vaginal preparations, 8) medications that require judgement or discretion regarding time given, frequency, amount, etc

Who is responsible for determining the appropriateness of admission & of continued residence of a resident? - correct answer Owner or administrator How many days notice must a faciltiy give for relocation or termination of resident? - correct answer 45 days (unless for medication reasons, the resident is certified by a physician to require emergency location, or the resident engages in a pattern of conduct that is harmful or offensive to other residents) How many days before closing should a facility give notice? - correct answer At least 30 days A fire evacuation of three minutes or less is considered what? - correct answer Prompt A fire evacuation of more than three minutes but no more than 13 minutes is considered what? - correct answer Slow A fire evacuation of more than 13 minutes is considered what? - correct answer Impractical Any new facilities must be equipped with what for fire safety? - correct answer Fire sprinkler system How often must a facility conduct elopement prevention and response drills? - correct answer Twice a year (for each employee) Comprehensive emergency management plan - correct answer Updated annually, a plan that addresses emergency evacuation transport, sheltering arrangements, disaster activities, supplies, staffing, emergency equipment, etc. Who reviews the emergency management plan? - correct answer The local emergency management agency What must be included in an advertisements before facility obtains license? - correct answer "License pending"

What must be included in all advertisements for facility? - correct answer "Assisted Living Facility" and license number Significant change - correct answer A sudden or major shift in behavior or mood inconsistant with the resident's diagnosis or a deterioration in health status such as unplanned weight change, stroke, heart condition, enrollment in hospise, or stage 2, 3, or 4 pressure sore. In what time period must ACHA be informed of a CHOW? - correct answer At least 60 days How long does a copy of a resident's contract need to be kept? - correct answer 5 years after resident leaves With the exception of residents' contracts, all residents' records much be kept for how long? - correct answer 2 years after resident leaves How long does an ALF have to comply with new rules/regulations adopted by ACHA? - correct answer Six months When a license has been denied, revoked, or set to terminated, in order to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of clients, ACHA may extend the license expiration up to how many days? - correct answer 30 days After an inspection, how long as the facility have to correct a deficiency? - correct answer 30 days True or false, the agency requires a plan of correction for any deficiencies. - correct answer False, they may How long does a facility have to file a plan of correction if required by ACHA? - correct answer 10 days, unless alternative time frame is required Licensee must inform ACHA no less than __ prior to the discontinuance of operation of facility. - correct answer 30 days

What must a licensee do when planning to discontinue operation regarding client records? - correct answer Make arrangements to forward records for each client or publish a notice in the newspaper of greatest general circulation in the county of the discontinuance and informing client that they may obtain copies of their records, running for 4 consecutive weeks Standard License - correct answer Regular license issued when applicant is in complaint with all statutory requirements and ACHA rules Provisional License - correct answer License that is effective until a final action not subject to appeal is decided upon that would affect the applicant's compliance with ACHA regulations--may be issued for applicant who has has a denial or revoking of license pending, applicant waiting on level II screening, or a facility that is experiencing a CHOW How long is a provisional license active? - correct answer A specific period of time determined by ACHA, not to exceed 12 months. Inactive license - correct answer License that can be issued for facility that will be temporarily unable to provide services but is reasonably expected to resume services within 12 months. Can an inactive license recieve an extention? - correct answer Yes, for up to another additional 12 months if licensee demonstrates that progress has been made to reopen but will not be completed within the initial 12 months When must a facility's renewal licensed application be submitted? - correct answer At least 60 days but not more than 120 days before expiration of license When must an applicant file for initial licensure due to a CHOW? - correct answer At least 60 days prior to date of CHOW Upon receipt of application, ACHA will notify applicant of any errors or omissions in what time period? - correct answer Within 30 days How long does the applicant have to file any additional information requested by ACHA to complete their application? - correct answer 21 days

ACHA has how long to approve or deny a complete application? - correct answer 60 days Isolated deficiency - correct answer A deficiency affecting one or a very limited number of clients or a situation that occurred only occasionally or in a very limited number of locations Patterned deficiency - correct answer A deficiency affecting more than than a very limited number of clients or occurs in several locations or have occurred repetitively but is not found to be pervasive throughout the provider Widespread deficiency - correct answer Deficiency that is pervasive in the provider or represents systemic failure and affects or have a potential to affect a large portion of the clients What is the use of chemical restraints limited to in an ALF? - correct answer Prescribed doses of medication authorized by the resident's physician--must be consistent with resident's diagnosis To use medication considered a chemical restraint, what must you have? - correct answer Annual evaluation by physician to assess continued need for medication, the level of medication in resident's blood, and need for adjustment of medication. Conditional license - correct answer Issued if AHCA determined an uncorrected violation is present at facility at time of license renewal; a license that is contingent upon agency approval or written plan of correction How long is a conditional license issued for? - correct answer Only for the time period necessary to comply with licensing standards and complete license renewal process, not to exceed 6 months When is a conditional license revoked? - correct answer If ACHA determines progress has not been made toward compliance during follow up surveys For an initial application for a license, does a provisional license act as a standard license for purposes of issuing a LMH, ECC, LNS license? - correct answer No

For an application for license due to a CHOW, does a provisional license act as a standard license for purposes of issuing a LMH, ECC, LNS license? - correct answer Yes True or false, AHCA notice of license denial following a renewal license shall be posted and visible to the public at the facility. - correct answer True If a facility plans to make a change in space that increases or decreases a facility's capacity, the facility must what? - correct answer Gain prior approval by the agency's CENTRAL office. If a facility plans to make a change in use of space that involves converting an area to resident use, which has not been inspected for such use, the facility must what? - correct answer Gain prior approval by the agency's FIELD office How long does a facility have to submit a copy of its annual fire safety and sanitation inspections? - correct answer 30 calendar days True or false, resident must be able to transfer, with assistance if necessary, to be admitted to an ALF. - correct answer True If unlicensed staff will be providing assistance with self administration of meds, the facility must obtain what from the resident for admission? - correct answer Written informed consent to be assisted by unlicensed staff. Can someone with HIV be admitted to an ALF? - correct answer Yes True or false, someone must be free from signs and symptoms of any communicable diseases for admission. - correct answer True Can someone be admitted to an ALF if they require 24 hour licensed professional mental health treatment? - correct answer No What stage pressure sores make someone ineligible to be admitted? - correct answer Stage 3 or 4

Someone with a stage __ pressure sore can be admitted to an ALF provided that the facility does what? - correct answer 2; resident contracts with license home health agency or resides in a LNS, the condition is documented in the resident's record and the admission and discharge log, and the resident's condition improves within 30 days If a resident requires these nursing services, they are disqualified from admission. - correct answer Oral, nasopharyngeal, or tracheotomy suctioning; tube feeding; monitoring of blood gases; intermittent positive pressure breathing therapy; and treatment of surgical incisions or wounds, unless the condition that causes it has been stabilized and plan of care developed Can a resident require 24 hour nursing supervision upon admission? - correct answer No Can a resident be admitted if they require skilled rehabilitative services? - correct answer No Who is responsible in determining the appropriateness of a resident for admission? - correct answer The administrator or owner What must an administrator base their decisions of a resident's appropriateness of admission on? - correct answer An assessment of strengths, needs, and preferences of the individual and from the medical exam; the facility's admission policy and services provided; and the ability of the facility to meet the fire safety standards What information must a facility make available to potential residents in their facility statement? - correct answer Essentially, the admission and continued residency criteria, any offered activities or services, any fees attached to any services usually provided and then any fees for services that can be provided at additional cost, policy on DNRO's, policy on therapeutic diets, elopement response polices and procedures, ECC requirements if applicable (Full list:

  1. facility's admission and continued residency criteria, 2) daily, weekly, or monthly charge for rent & services, 3) personal care services provided , 4) nursing services that facility can provide, 5) food services & ability for facility to accommodate specialty diets, 6) availability of transport, 7) any special services 8) activities generally offered, 9) any services that is not usually provided but can be at additional cost, 10)

facility rules and regs that must be followed, 11) policy concerning DNROs, 12) criteria for admission into ECC and care offered, 13) elopement response policies and procedures) What must be provided before or at time of admission by facility? - correct answer Copy of the resident's contract, copy of the facility statement, copy of resident's bill of rights, ombudsman program brochure that includes phone # and address of district office How long can a resident be bedridden? - correct answer 7 days for most licenses, 14 for ECC What conditions must be met for a terminally ill resident who no longer meets continued residency criteria to stay at the facility? - correct answer Admission to hospice, the continued residency is agreeable by both resident and facility, and an interdisciplinary care plan is developed and implemented--any services outside of facility's scope of practice must be completed by hospice If a resident exhibits a significant change in condition, what must be done? - correct answer Inform health care provider (and get a new 1823) What are the resident care standards for supervision of residents? - correct answer Monitor resident's diets, maintain general awareness of whereabouts, daily observations of activities and health, contacting health care provider regarding any changes in condition, and maintaining written record of significant changes When must scheduled activities be available and for how much time? - correct answer At least 6 days a week for a total of no less than 12 hours per week. Do day treatments count toward the required number of hours for activities? - correct answer Yes If residents assist in the planning of an activity, how many hours can be counted toward required activity time? - correct answer 3 hours True or false, the facility does not have to consult with the residents in selecting, planning, and scheduling activities. - correct answer False

Staff members are not responsible for knowing the general whereabouts of each resident, true or false. - correct answer False. Grievance procedure - correct answer Facility must have a written grievance procedure for resident complaints, facility must demonstrate that such a procedure is implemented upon receipt of a complaints What must be posted in full view in a freely accessible resident area? - correct answer The Resident Bill of Rights, the telephone number for lodging complaints against a facility or facility staff (must be in 14 point font) Residents do not need to be encouraged to be as independent as possible. - correct answer False Residents must have convenient access to a telephone. - correct answer True Half bed rails aren't considered a physical restraint when the resident can what? - correct answer When the resident can use and remove or avoid them without any assistance For residents that are at risk of elopement, what must facilities do daily? - correct answer Make an effort for the residents to have ID on their persons that includes their name and the facility's name, address, and number. Upon the resident's admission or once they are assessed to be at risk for elopement, the facility has how long to ensure the resident's file contains a photo of the resident? - correct answer 10 days How long can a facility keep abandoned/expired medication? - correct answer 30 days When a resident leaves, what must the facility do with their medication? - correct answer Give resident their medication. If resident leaves their meds, must store them for 15 days before meds are considered abandoned. If medication is centrally stored and a medication must be refrigerated, where must that med be? - correct answer In a locked fridge, in a locked container in a fridge, or a fridge in a locked area

How long after a nurse gets a medication order by phone does the facility need a signed order by the doctor? - correct answer 10 days How much usable floor space must be in a private room? - correct answer 80 square feet How much usable floor space must be in a double occupancy room? - correct answer 120 square feet OSS - correct answer Optional state supplementation Total help residents can only be admitted to facilities with what license? - correct answer ECC Which residents can use pill organizers - correct answer Residents who self-administer medication Can a nurse or unlicensed staff open the pill organizer? - correct answer No, resident must open the organizer themselves Who can fill a pill organizer? - correct answer A nurse or friend or family who is not being compensated or the resident How can nurses help maintain a pill organizer? - correct answer Obtain the labeled meds, fill it, sign off that the organizer was filled Menu substitutions must be kept for how long? - correct answer 6 months When should a facility have a surety bond? - correct answer When facility is a representative payee or power of attorney What are the minimum staffing hours per week for a facility with four residents? - correct answer 168

For every 20 residents over 95, how many staff hours should be added per week? - correct answer 42 How long does staff have to show they are free of communicable diseases? - correct answer Within 30 days of hire How often does a negative tuberculosis have to be documented/completed? - correct answer Annually Is an employee is suspected of having or has TB, what must the facility do? - correct answer Immediately remove employee from duty until written statement clearing of TB is provided by a health care provider For facilities with a capacity of 17 or more residents, the facility must what for its job positions? - correct answer Develop a job description and maintain time sheets for all staff How long must a facility keep all ACHA's completed survey, inspection and complaint investigation reports, and notices of sanctions and moratoriums for? - correct answer 5 years A facility must always have liability insurance, true or false. - correct answer True What must be present on a MOR sheet? - correct answer Resident's name; known allergies; healthcare provider and number; name, strength, and directions of use for medications; and recording of observations If medication is stored in resident's room, it must be what? - correct answer Kept in a locked room when resident is absent or in a secured place Can a alf require residents to execute a DNRO? - correct answer No What is a DNRO - correct answer Do not resuscitate order form: those trained in CPR may withhold CPR in event of cardiac or pulmonary arrest If resident has a DNRO and is hospice, what must the staff do in an event of a cardiac or pulmonary arrest? - correct answer Contact hospice. Hospice procedures take precedence over alf's

What are the continuing education requirements for alf admins? - correct answer 12 hours in topics related to assisted living every 2 years How many facilities may an administrator supervise? - correct answer 3 Administrators who supervise more than one facilities must appoint what? - correct answer A separate manager for each facility When can an administrator not have to appoint a manager for a single facility when the administrator supervises multiple facilities? - correct answer For up to 3 facilities, when the facilities have 16 or fewer beds and are within a 15 mile radius How long does a facility owner have to notify ACHA of a change in administration? - correct answer 10 days During a CHOW, facility has how many days to notify residents in writing? - correct answer 7 days ACHA can deny or revoke a license if the ALF has two or more class I violations that are similar or identical within the past 2 years - correct answer True An facility with 17 or more beds must have a functioning what? - correct answer Automated External Defrillator How many staff hours a week must be completed for a facility licensed for 34 beds? - correct answer 294 hours When does a resident not count toward the required minimum staffing hours? - correct answer When the resident is an independent living resident Independent living resident - correct answer Resident who occupies a bed but does not receive personal, limited nursing, and ECC services

True or false, a facility can lack someone who can access facility and resident records for up to 4 hours. - correct answer False, someone who can access those files must be present at all times in case of emergency In facilities with ____ or more residents, there must be a staff member awake all hours of day and night.

  • correct answer 17 True or false, someone with first aid and CPR training (which is currently updated and valid) must be present at all times. - correct answer True During a period of temporary absence of the administrator of more than 48 hours, what must be done? - correct answer Staff who is at least 21 must be physically present and designated in writing to be in charge of facility. What staff doesn't count toward minimum staffing hours? - correct answer Staff who exclusively deal with grounds or building maintenance, clerical, or food prep When can an administrator or manager's hours be counted toward minimum staffing hours? - correct answer When they are actively involved in the day to day operation and is listed on the facility's staffing schedule. Upon request, does a facility have to make a direct care staff's schedule available to a resident or representative? - correct answer Yes When may ACHA require additional staff? - correct answer When facility fails to meet fire safety standards or ACHA decides facility doesn't have enough staff to provide resident supervision What training must be completed by staff who provide direct care to residents? - correct answer Minimum of one hour in service training about infection control before providing personal care Minimum of one hour on the following subjects: reporting major and adverse incidents and the facility's emergency procedure; resident's rights and reporting abuse, neglect, and exploration

Minimum of 3 hour training regarding resident behavior and needs and providing assistance with ADLs Must be completed within first 30 days What training must be completed by staff who serve and prepare food? - correct answer One hour training in safe food handling practices within first 30 days What training should be provided to all staff? - correct answer Elopement response policies and procedures One time education course on HIV/AIDS Must be completed within first 30 days What are the training requirements for the person designated as responsible for the facility's food service? - correct answer A minimum of 2 hours of continuing education in topics of nutrition and food service in an ALF What training must an ECC admin or ECC supervisor complete? - correct answer In addition to CORE training, 4 hours of initial training in ECC prior to receiving ECC license or within 3 months of employment & a minimum of 4 hours of continuing education every two years in topics relating to the needs of frail elderly or disabled persons or persons with Alzheimer & related disorders ECC staff must complete what training? - correct answer 2 hours of in service training within 6 months of employment LMH staff must complete what training? - correct answer 6 hours of specialized training with working with people with mental health diagnoses from DCF within 6 months of employment & a minimum of 3 hours of continuing education every 2 years in subjects dealing with mental health

Staff in regular contact with residents who have Alzheimer's and related disorders must complete what training and when? - correct answer Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Level I Training within 3 months of employment. Staff who provide direct care with residents who have Alzheimer's and related disorders must complete what training and when? - correct answer Level I within 3 months and then Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Level II within 9 months of employment (4 additional training hours); 4 hours of continuing education annually What items must be documented for training requirements? - correct answer Title of the program; the subject matter; training program agenda; the number of hours; trainee's name, date or participation, and location of program; and training provider's name, dated signature and credentials True or false, facility's meals must be offered in a variety of meals adapted to the food habits and preferences of the residents and be prepared through standardized recipes - correct answer True Are standardized recipes required for facilities with 16 or fewer beds? - correct answer No How often must menus be reviewed and by whom? - correct answer Annually by a licensed or registered dietitian or licensed nutritionist Should portion sizes be determined and written down for the annual review? - correct answer Yes, and they must be indicated on the menus or on a separate sheet How long must substitutions be kept on file? - correct answer 6 months How long in advance must the menus be planned? - correct answer 1 week True or false, menus do not need to be posted or easily available to residents. - correct answer False Therapeutic diets must be identified on the menu. - correct answer True

If a resident refused to comply with their therapeutic diet, what must the facility do? - correct answer Document resident's refusal and notify HCP How much time can elapse between the end of an evening meal containing a protein food and the beginning of the morning meal? - correct answer No more than 14 hours How much food must be on hand at all times? - correct answer A 3-day supply of nonperishable foods Food hygiene inspection reports must be kept filed for how long? - correct answer 2 years Is an owner able to co-mingle facility funds with resident funds? - correct answer No, must have separate accounts. May put all resident funds together in one account if a separate written accounting is maintained. What is the minimum bond proceeds if facility is a representative payee for a resident receiving oss? - correct answer Twice the value of residents's monthly aggregate income. What is the minimum bond proceeds if facility is a power of attorney for a resident receiving oss? - correct answer Twice the value of residents's monthly aggregate income plus the value of any property belonging to the resident at the facility. When outside temp is 65F or below, what is the lowest the indoor temp can be during the hours residents are normally awake? - correct answer At least 72F in all areas used you residents When outside temp is 65F or below, what is the lowest the indoor temp can be during the hours residents are normally asleep? - correct answer 68F at least When indoor temps exceed 85F, what must be done? - correct answer Use of mechanical cooling devices provided outside temps remain below 90F True or false, no resident will be in an inside area with a temp higher than 85 degrees. - correct answer False, 90 degrees

During daytime hours when outside temps exceed 90 degrees and anytime at night, the inside temp can be no more than what? - correct answer No more than 81 degrees A room separate from bedrooms shall be provided for residents to read, engage in socialization or other leisure activities - correct answer True An unlicensed ALF commits a felony of the __ Degree. - correct answer Third Can a resident under hospice have 24-hour nursing if already admitted to an ALF? - correct answer Yes, as long as 24 hour nursing is completed by hospice A service plan is required for each resident admitted under what license and program? - correct answer ECC True or False, a home approved by the Department of Veteran Affairs that provides care exclusively to 3 or less veterans is exempt from acquiring a license - correct answer True Can a resident chose their own roommate? - correct answer The option to chose should be given if possible. Maximum occupancy for one room? - correct answer Two residents Can a resident's room directly open into another room so that they have to pass through another resident's room to access theirs? - correct answer No. Must open directly into a common area. Cannot be considered a bedroom otherwise What are the minimum finishings for a bedroom? - correct answer Closet or wardrobe, dresser, and bed. Upon request, a table, lamp, waste basket, and comfortable chair shall be provided. What is the bathroom (with one toilet and sink) ratio for bathroom to residents? - correct answer 1 to six residents

What is the shower ratio to residents? - correct answer One bathtub or shower per 8 residents. What devices are required in showers and tubs? - correct answer Grab bars, non-slip safety devices Do grab bars need to be installed next to toilets? - correct answer Only in newly licensed facilities Residents must have access to a phone in each building residents reside. - correct answer True but only for facilities licensed for 17 or more beds What should be done to the door to bathrooms with a single toilet? - correct answer Installed with door that can lock from the inside with no key needed How long does a new facility or a facility with a new owner have to file an emergency management plan?

  • correct answer Within 30 days of attaining license The emergency management plan must be reviewed how often? - correct answer Annually In the case of an emergency, a facility may exceed its licensed capacity for how many days? - correct answer 15 days Aging in place - correct answer The process of providing increased or adjusted services to a person to compensate for the physical or mental decline that may occur. How long does a facility have to resubmit a emergency management plan after receiving notice that the plan must be revised? - correct answer 30 days What type of changes to the emergency management plan needs to be reported annually? - correct answer Any substantive revisions, which must be submitted and approved, and any changes in identification of specific staff, which will be submitted as an addendum and not subject to review and approval.

How long after an evacuation order must a facility evaluate its residents? - correct answer 6 hours. If takes longer, facility must report when it's completed Facility must supply ACHA with a contact person in case of evacuation. How often must they be available? - correct answer 24/7 As long as ACHA is informed, a facility may exceed its licensed capacity in an emergency without any other approval. - correct answer False. Fire Marshall can decide facility cannot meet the immediate need of the residents. How long does ACHA have to issue a statement of deficiency for violations? - correct answer 10 days after inspection With a class I, II, I uncorrected III deficiency involving medication, ACHA must what? - correct answer notify facility in writing that the facility must employ or contract the services of a pharmacist or RN as a consultant to create a corrective action plan. After a class I, II, I uncorrected III deficiency involving medication is issued by ACHA, the facility must what? - correct answer Correct deficiency with assistance by consultant RN or pharmacist and send ACHA quarterly onsite corrective action plans until ACHA determines facility is following regulations. True or false, mechanical assistance is considered assistance with transfer. - correct answer False. Mechanical assistance is also not allowed to be completed by facility staff. Transferring is an ADL. - correct answer False. Direct care staff - correct answer Staff that provide personal or nursing services to residents Enrollment in hospice is considered a significant change in condition. - correct answer True A major change consistent with a resident's diagnosis is a significant change in condition. - correct answer False

A stage two pressure sore is a significant change in condition. - correct answer True Cooperative agreement - correct answer Written statement of understanding between a mental health care provider and administrator that specifies directions for accessing emergency and after hours care for LMH residents. A single cooperative agreement may service all clients under the one provider. How long does facility have to have an on site consult with a RN or pharmacist after receiving written notice by ACHA for one due to a medication deficiency? - correct answer 7 working days for class I or II; 14 for uncorrected class III Assistive Care Services - correct answer Medicaid based, state plan that provides reimbursement for care to eligible recipients who require an integrated set of services on a 24-hour-per-day-basis (including assistance with self-administration of medication, assistance with ADLs) In Adult family care homes, care must be provided in the care provider's own home. - correct answer True If a plan of correction is required by ACHA for a deficiency, how many days does the facility have to submit it? - correct answer 10 days