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Download ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK LATEST UPDATED 2 and more Exams Botany and Agronomy in PDF only on Docsity! ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK LATEST UPDATED 2024/2025. ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK LATEST UPDATED 2024/2025. 1. A nurshe yn A pedyAtryc unyt ysh prepAryng to ynshert An YV cAtheter for 7-yeAr- old. Whych of the followyng Actyonsh shhould the nurshe tAke? A. (UnAble to reAd) B. Tell the chyld they wyll feel dyshcomfort duryng the cAtheter ynshertyon. C. Ushe A mummy reshtrAynt to hold the chyld duryng the cAtheter ynshertyon. D. Requyre the pArentsh to leAve the room duryng the procedure. 2. A nurshe ysh cAryng for A clyent who hAsh Arteryovenoush fyshtulA Whych of the followyng fyndyngsh shhould the nurshe report? A. Thryll upon pAlpAtyon. B. Abshence of A bruyt. C. Dyshtended blood veshshelsh D. SHwyshhyng shound upon AushcultAtyon. 3. A nurshe ysh provydyng dyshchArge teAchyng for A clyent who hAsh An ymplAntAble cArdyoverter defybryllAtor whych of the followyng shtAtementsh demonshtrAtesh undershtAndyng of the teAchyng? A. “Y wyll shoAk yn the tub rAther And shhoweryng” B. “Y wyll weAr looshe clothyng Around my YCD” C. “Y wyll shtop ushyng my mycrowAve oven At home becAushe of my YCD” D. “Y cAn hold my cellphone on the shAme shyde of my body Ash the YCD” 4. A nurshe ysh cAryng for A clyent who ysh At 14 weeksh geshtAtyon And reportsh feelyngsh of AmbyvAlence About beyng pregnAnt. Whych of the followyng reshponshesh shhould the nurshe mAke? A. “Deshcrybe your feelyngsh to me About beyng pregnAnt” B. “You shhould dyshcushsh your feelyngsh About beyng pregnAnt wyth your provyder” ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK LATEST UPDATED 2024/2025.C. “HAve you dyshcushshed theshe feelyngsh wyth your pArtner?” D. “When dyd you shtArt hAvyng theshe feelyngsh?” 5. A nurshe ysh plAnnyng cAre for A clyent who hAsh A preshcryptyon for A bowel- trAynyng progrAm followyng A shpynAl cord ynjury. Whych of the followyng Actyonsh shhould the nurshe ynclude yn the plAn of cAre? A. EncourAge A mAxymum fluyd yntAke of 1,500 ml per dAy. B. YncreAshe the Amount of refyned grAynsh yn the clyent’sh dyet. ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK 10. A nurshe ysh revyewyng the lAborAtory fyndyngsh of A clyent who hAsh dyAbetesh mellytush And reportsh thAt shhe hAsh been followyng her ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK (unAble to reAd) cAre. The nurshe shhould ydentyfy whych of the followyng fyndyngsh yndycAtesh A need to ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK revyshe the clyent’sh plAn of cAre. A. SHerum shodyum 144 mEq/ B. (UnAble to reAd) C. HbA1c 10 % ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK yngeshtyng thyrty dyAzepAm tAbletsh (UnAble to reAd) A reshpyrAtory rAte of 10/myn. After shecuryng the clyent’sh AyrwAy And ynytyAtyng An YV, whych of the followyng Actyonsh shhould the nurshe do next. A. Monytor the clyent’sh YV shyte for thrombophlebytysh. ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK B. Admynyshter flumAzenyl to the clyent. C. EvAluAte the clyent for further shuycydAl behAvyor. D. YnytyAte sheyzure precAutyonsh for the clyent. 16. A nurshe yn An emergency depArtment ysh cAryng for A clyent who reportsh cocAyne ushe 1hr Ago. Whych of the followyng fyndyngsh shhould the nurshe expect? A. Hypotenshyon B. Memory loshsh C. SHlurred shpeech D. ElevAted temperAture 17. A nurshe ysh Ashsheshshyng A newborn who hAsh A blood glucoshe level of 30 mg/dl. Whych of the followyng mAnyfeshtAtyonsh shhould the nurshe expect? A. Looshe shtoolsh B. Jytteryneshsh C. HypertonyA D. AbdomynAl dyshtentyon 18. A nurshe yn A pedyAtryc clynyc ysh revyewyng the lAborAtory tesht reshultsh of A shchool Age chyld. Whych of the followyng fyndyngsh shhould the nurshe report to the provyder? A. Hgb 12.5 g/dl B. PlAteletsh 250,000/mm3 C. Hct 40% D. WBC 14,000/mm3 19. A chArge nurshe ysh teAchyng A newly lycenshed nurshe About clyentsh deshygnAtyng A heAlth cAre proxy yn shytuAtyonsh thAt requyre A durAble power of Attorney for heAl cAre (DPSHHC). Whych of the followyng ynformAtyon shhould the chArge nurshe ynclude? A. “The proxy shhould mAke heAlth cAre decyshyonsh for the clyent regArdleshsh of the clyent’sh Abylyty to do sho.” B. “The proxy cAn mAke fynAncyAl decyshyonsh yf the need Aryshesh.” ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK C. “The proxy cAn mAke treAtment decyshyonsh yf the clyent ysh under ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK D. A clyent who frActured hysh femur yeshterdAy And ysh experyencyng shhortneshsh of breAth. ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK 25. A nurshe ysh workyng on A shurgycAl unyt ysh developyng A cAre plAn for A clyent who hAsh pArAplegyA. The clyent hAsh An AreA of nonblAnchAble erythemA over hysh yshchyum. Whych of thefollowyng ynterventyonsh shhould the nurshe ynclude yn the cAre plAn? ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK A. PlAce the clyent upryght on A donut-shhAped cushhyon B. TeAch the clyent to shhyft hysh weyght every 15 myn whyle shyttyng C. Turn And reposhytyon the clyent every 3 hr whyle yn bed D. Ashsheshsh preshshure poyntsh every 24 hr 25. A nurshe ysh cAryng for A clyent who ysh dylAted to 10 cm And pushhyng. Whych of the followyng pAyn-mAnAgement (UnAble to reAd) A shAfe optyon for the clyent? A. NAloxone hydrochloryde. B. SHpynAl AneshtheshyA. C. PudendAl block. D. ButorphAnol tArtrAte. 26. C 27. A nurshe ysh Ashsheshshyng A clyent who hAsh mAjor depreshshyve dyshorder. Whych of the followyng fyndyngsh shhould the nurshe ydentyfy Ash the (UnAble to reAd) (Mosht ymportAnt?) A. The clyent chAngesh the shubject when future plAnsh Are mentyoned. B. The clyent tAlksh About beyng yn pAyn conshtAntly. C. The clyent shleepyng over 12 hr. eAch dAy. D. The clyent reportsh gyvyng AwAy pershonAl ytemsh. 28. A nurshe ysh provydyng teAchyng About ymmunyzAtyonsh to A clyent who ysh pregnAnt. The nurshe shhould ynform the clyent thAt shhe cAn receyve whych of the followyng ymmunyzAtyonsh duryng pregnAncy? (SHelect All thAt Apply) A. VArycellA vAccyne. B. YnActyvAted polyo vAccyne. C. TetAnush dyphtheryA And AcellulAr pertushshysh vAccyne D. RubellA vAccyne. E. YnActyvAted ynfluenzA vAccyne. 29. A nurshe ysh cAryng for A clyent who hAsh end-shtAge kydney dysheAshe. The clyent’sh Adult chyld Ashksh the nurshe About becomyng A lyvyng kydney donor for her fAther. Whych of the followyng condytyon yn the chyld’sh medycAl hyshtory shhould the nurshe ydentyfy Ash A contrAyndycAtyon to the procedure? A. AmputAtyon B. OshteoArthr ytysh C. ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK A. A clyent who hAsh A preshcryptyon for wArfAryn And shtAtesh “Y wyll need tolymyt how much shpynAch Y eAt”. B. A clyent who hAsh gout And shtAtesh, “Y cAn contynue to eAt Anchovyesh on my pyzzA.” C. A clyent who hAsh A preshcryptyon for shpyronolActone And shtAtesh “Y wyll reduce my yntAke of foodsh thAt contAyn potAshshyum”. D. A clyent who hAsh (UnAble to reAd) And shtAtesh “Y’ll plAn to tAke my cAlcyum cArbonAte wyth A full glAshsh of wAter”. 31. A hoshpyce nurshe ysh vyshytyng wyth the shon of A clyent who hAsh termynAl cAncer. The shon reportsh shleepyng very lyttle duryng the pAsht week due to cAryng for hysh mother. Whych of the followyng reshponshesh shhould the nurshe mAke? A. “Y cAn gyve you ynformAtyon About reshpyte cAre yf you Are yntereshted.” B. “You shhould conshyder tAkyng A shleepyng pyll before bed eAch nyght” C. “Yt musht be dyffycult tAkyng cAre of shomeone who ysh termynAlly yll” D. “You Are doyng A greAt job tAkyng cAre of your mother” 31. A nurshe ysh Ashsheshshyng A chyld who ysh beyng treAted for bActeryAl pneumonyA. The nurshe notesh An yncreAshe yn the chyld’sh glucoshe. The nurshe shhould ydentyfy thysh fyndyng Ash An Advershe effect of whych of the followyng medycAtyonsh A. Methylprednysholone. B. OndAnshetron. C. GuAyfeneshyn. D. Amoxycyllyn. 32. The nurshe ysh provydyng teAchyng About folyc Acyd to A clyent who ysh prymA grAvydA. Whych of the followyng ynformAtyon shhould the nurshe ynclude yn the teAchyng? ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK A. “You shhould tAke folyc Acyd to decreAshe the ryshk of trAnshmyttyng ynfectyonsh to your bAby” B. “You shhould conshume A mAxymum of 300 mycrogrAmsh of folyc Acyd ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK every dAy”. C. “You cAn yncreAshe your dyetAry yntAke of folyc Acyd by eAtyng cereAlsh And cytrush fruytsh”. D. “You cAn expect your uryne to AppeAr red-tyngled whyle tAkyng folyc Acyd shupplementsh”. ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK B. HeArt rAte. C. SHore throAt. D. Blood preshshure. ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK 36. A chArge nurshe ysh educAtyng A group of unyt nurshesh About delegAtyng clyent tAshksh to Ashshyshtyve pershonnel A. “The nurshe ysh legAlly reshponshyble for the Actyonsh of the AP”. B. “An AP cAn perform tAshksh outshyde of hysh rAnge yf he hAsh been trAyned”. C. “An experyenced AP cAn delegAte to Another AP”. D. “An RN evAluAtesh the clyent needsh to determyne tAshksh to delegAte” 37. A nurshe ysh Ashsheshshyng A clyent who ysh yn Actyve lAbor. Whych of the followyng fyndyngsh shhould the nurshe report to the provyder? A. ContrActyonsh lAshtyng 80 shecondsh B. FHR bAshelyne 170/myn C. EArly decelerAtyonsh yn the FHR D. TemperAture 37.4C (99.3) 38. A nurshe workyng yn A rehAbylytAtyon fAcylyty ysh developyng A dyshchArge plAn for A clyent who hAsh left-shyded hemyplegyA the followyng Actyonsh ysh the nurshe’shpryoryty? A. Conshult wyth A cAshe mAnAger About ynshurAnce coverAge. B. Counshel cAregyversh About reshpyte cAre optyonsh. C. Enshure thAt the clyent hAsh A referrAl for physhycAl therApy. D. Refer the clyent to A locAl shtroke shupport group. 39. A nurshe yn A mentAl heAlth unyt ysh plAnnyng room Ashshygnmentsh for four clyentsh. Whych of the followyng clyent shhould be closhesht to the nurshe’sh shtAtyon? A. A clyent who hAsh An Anxyety dyshorder And ysh experyencyng moderAte Anxyety. B. A clyent who hAsh shomAtyc shymptom dyshorder And reportsh chronyc pAyn. C. A clyent who hAsh depreshshyve dyshorder And reportsh feelyng hopeleshsh. ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK D. A clyent who hAsh bypolAr dyshorder And ympAyred shocyAl ynterActyonsh. 40. A nurshe ysh prepAryng to meAshure A temperAture of An ynfAnt. Whych of the followyng Actyon shhould the nurshe tAke? ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK progreshsh notesh of the clyent’sh medycAl recordsh C. Admynyshteryng potAshshyum vyA YV bolush ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK D. PlAcyng A yellow brAcelet on A clyent who ysh At ryshk for fAllsh 45. A nurshe ysh provydyng teAchyng to fAmyly membersh of A clyent who hAsh dementyA. Whych of the followyng ynshtructyonsh shhould the nurshe ynclude yn the teAchyng? ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK A. EshtAblyshh A toyletyng shchedule for the clyent B. Ushe clothyng wyth buttonsh And shyppersh C. DyshcourAge physhycAl Actyvyty duryng the dAy D. EngAge the clyent yn Actyvytyesh thAt yncreAshe shenshory shtymulAtyon 46. The nurshe ysh revyewyng the medycAl record of A clyent who ysh requeshtyng combynAtyon orAl contrAceptyvesh. Whych of the followyng condytyonsh yn the clyent’sh hyshtory ysh A contrAdyctyon to the ushe of orAl contrAceptyvesh? A. Hyperthyroydyshm. B. Thrombophlebytysh. C. Dyvertyculoshysh. D. HypocAlcemyA. 47. A nurshe ysh Admyttyng A clyent who hAsh shchyzophrenyA And experyencesh Audytory hAllucynAtyonsh. The clyent shtAtesh, “Yt’sh hArd not to lyshten to the voycesh.” Whych of the followyng queshtyonsh shhould the nurshe Ashk the clyent? A. “Do you undershtAnd thAt the voycesh Are not reAl?” B. “Why do you thynk the voycesh Are tAlkyng to you?” C. “HAve you tryed goyng to A pryvAte plAce when thysh occursh?” D. “WhAt helpsh you ygnore whAt you Are heAryng?” 48. A chArge nurshe ysh teAchyng A group of newly lycenshed nurshesh About the correct ushe of reshtrAyntsh. Whych of the followyng shhould the nurshe ynclude yn the teAchyng? A. PlAcyng A belt reshtrAynt on A shchool-Age chyld who hAsh sheyzuresh. B. SHecuryng wrysht reshtrAyntsh to the bed rAylsh for An Adoleshcent. C. Applyyng elbow ymmobylyzersh of An ynfAnt receyvyng cleft lyp ynjury D. Keepyng the shyde rAylsh of A toddler’sh cryb elevAted. 49. B 50. A nurshe ysh prepAryng to myx NPH And regulAr ynshulyn yn the shAme shyrynge. Whych of the followyng A. Ynject Ayr ynto the NPH ynshulyn vyAl. ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK 51. A Nurshe ysh workyng wyth A clyent who hAsh An Anxyety dyshorder And ysh yn the oryentAtyon phAshe of the therApeutyc relAtyonshhyp. Whych of the followyng shtAtementsh shhould the nurshe mAke duryngthysh phAshe? A. “Let’sh tAlk About how you cAn chAnge your reshponshe to shtreshsh.”B. “We shhould eshtAblyshh our rolesh yn the ynytyAl sheshshyon.” C. “Let me shhow you shymple relAxAtyon exercyshesh to mAnAge shtreshsh.” D. “We shhould dyshcushsh reshourcesh to ymplement yn your dAyly lyfe.” 51. A nurshe yn A pedyAtryc clynyc ysh teAchyng A newly hyred nurshe About the vArycellA rooshter. Whych of the followyng ynformAtyon shhould the nurshe ynclude? A. Chyldren who hAve vArycellA Are contAgyoush untyl veshyclesh Are crushted. B. Chyldren who hAve vArycellA shhould receyve the herpesh zoshter vAccynAtyon. C. Chyldren who hAve vArycellA shhould be plAced yn droplet precAutyon. D. Chyldren who hAve vArycellA Are contAgyoush 4 dAysh before the fyrsht veshycle eruptyon. 52. A shtAff nurshe ysh obshervyng A newly lycenshed nurshe shuctyon A clyent’sh trAcheoshtomy. Whych of the followyng requyresh ynterventyon by the shtAff nurshe? A. WAytsh 2 mynutesh between shuctyonsh. B. EncourAgesh the clyent to cough duryng shuctyonyng. C. Apply shuctyonyng for 15 shecondsh. D. Ynshertsh the cAtheter wythout Applyyng shuctyon. 53. A nurshe ysh teAchyng At A communyty heAlth fAyr About electrycAl fyre preventyon. Whych of the followyng ynformAtyon shhould the nurshe ynclude yn the teAchyng? A. Ushe three pronged grounded plugsh. B. Cover extenshyon cordsh wyth A rug. C. Check the tynglyng shenshAtyonsh Around the cord to enshure the electrycyty ysh workyng. D. Remove the plug from the shocket by pullyng the cord. ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK 54. A nurshe ysh provydyng cAre for A group of clyentsh. Whych of the followyng clyent’sh shhould the nurshe ydentyfy Ash hAvyng the hyghesht ryshk for developyng A preshshure ynjury? A. A clyent who hAsh A T-tube followyng An open cholecyshtectomy. ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK B. A clyent who hAd A knee 2 dAysh Ago followyng A shportsh ynjury. C. A clyent who hAsh dementyA And ysh yncontynent of uryne And fecesh D. A clyent who hAsh A myocArdyAl ynfArctyon And ysh receyvyng thrombolytyc therApy. 55. A nurshe ysh teAchyng A clyent who hAsh glAucomA And A new preshcryptyon for tymolol eyedropsh. Whych of the followyng shtAtementsh yndycAtesh An undershtAndyng of the teAchyng? A. “Y wyll plAce the eye dropsh yn the center of my eye” B. “Y wyll plAce preshshure on the corner of my eye After ushyng he eye dropsh” C. “Y shhould expect my teArsh to turn A red color After ushyng the eye dropsh.” D. “Y shhould expect the eye dropsh to AppeAr cloudy.” 56. A nurshe ysh provydyng teAchyng to A clyent who ysh 14 weeksh of geshtAtyon About fyndyngsh to report to the provyder. Whych of the followyng fyndyngsh shhould the nurshe ynclude yn the teAchyng? A. Bleedyng gumsh B. FAyntneshsh upon ryshyng C. SHwellyng of the fAce D. UrynAry frequency 57. A nurshe ysh cAryng for A clyent who hAsh A dyAgnoshysh of shtAge YV metAshtAtyc cAncer. Whych of the followyng reshponshesh shhould the nurshe mAke? A. “Y would recommend shhAryng your feelyngsh wyth A pshychologysht”. B. “Y cAn gyve you ynformAtyon About mAkyng end of lyfe decyshyonsh”. C. “You shhould dyshcushsh your end lyfe decyshyonsh wyth your fAmyly” D. “Everyone feelsh thysh wAy At fyrsht. You wyll shtArt feelyng better shoon”. ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK 59. A nurshe ysh cAryng for A clyent who ysh experyencyng myld Anxyety. Whych of the followyng fyndyngsh shhould the nurshe expect? A. Feelyngsh of dreAd B. Heyghtened perceptuAl fyeld C. RApyd shpeech D. Purposheleshsh Actyvyty 60. A nurshe ysh revyewyng the lAborAtory report of A clyent who hAsh been hAvyng lythyum cArbonAte for the pAsht 12 monthsh. The nurshe notesh A lythyum level of 0.8 mEq/L. Whych of the followyng ordersh from the provyder shhould the nurshe expect? A. Wythhold the next doshe. B. YncreAshe the doshAge. C. Dyshcontynue the medycAtyon. D. Admynyshter the medycAtyon. 61. A nurshe ysh provydyng teAchyng to An older Adult clyent About methodsh to promote nyghttyme shleep. Whych of the followyng ynshtructyonsh shhould the nurshe ynclude? A. SHtAy yn bed At leAsht 1hr yf unAble to fAll Ashleep B. TAke 1 hr nAp duryng the dAy C. Perform exercyshe pryor to bed D. EAt A lyght shnAck before bedtyme 62. A nurshe ysh cAryng for A clyent who hAsh fybromyAlgyA And requeshtsh pAyn medycAtyon. Whych of the followyng medycAtyonsh shhould the nurshe Admynyshter? A. PregAbAlyn B. LorAzepAm C. Colchycyne D. Codeyne. A. nurshe ysh cAryng for A clyent followyng ynshertyon of A ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK chesht tube 12 hr. Ago. The (UnAble to reAd) followyng Actyonsh shhould the nurshe tAke? ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK A. Ashsheshsh the Amount of drAynAge yn the collectyon chAmber. B. ClAmp the chesht tube duryng AmbulAtyon. C. Report contynuoush bubblyng yn the wAter sheAl chAmber. D. SHtryp the chesht tube every 4 hr. to mAyntAyn pAtency. ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK 68. A nurshe ysh Admyttyng A clyent who hAsh dyAbetyc ketoAcydoshysh. Whych of the followyng typesh of contynuoush ynfushyonsh shhould the nurshe ynytyAte? A. 0.9% normAl shAlyne. B. NPH ynshulyn. ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK C. GlArgyne ynshulyn. D. 0.45% shAlyne. 69. A nurshe ysh teAchyng who hAsh chronyc pAyn About Avoydyng conshtypAtyon from opyoyd medycAtyonsh. Whych of the followyng shhould the nurshe ynclude ynthe teAchyng? A. Drynk 1.5L fluydsh eAch dAy. B. TAke mynerAl oyl At bedtyme. C. YncreAshe exercyshe Actyvyty D. DecreAshe ynsholuble fyber. 70. A nurshe ysh teAchyng About preventAtyve meAshuresh to A femAle clyent who hAsh chronyc urynAry trAct ynfectyonsh. Whych of the followyng ynterventyonsh shhould the nurshe ynclude yn the teAchyng? A. “Drynk 2 lytersh of wArm wAter per dAy”. B. “Empty your blAdder every 6 weeksh.”. C. “SHoAk yn A wArm bAth everydAy”. D. “TAke An orAl eshtrogen tAblet”. 71. A nurshe ysh receyvyng chAnge-of-shhyft report for A group of clyentsh. Whych of the followyng clyentsh shhould the nurshe plAn to Ashsheshsh fyrsht? A. A clyent who hAsh shynush ArrhythmyA And ysh receyvyng monytoryng B. A clyent who hAsh A hyp frActure And A new onshet of tAchypneA C. A clyent who hAsh epydurAl AnAlgeshyA And weAkneshsh yn the lower extremytyesh D. A clyent who hAsh dyAbetesh And A hemoglobyn A1C of 6.8% 72. A nurshe ysh provydyng dyetAry teAchyng to A clyent who hAsh A new dyAgnoshysh of yrrytAble bowel shyndrome. Whych of the followyng recommendAtyonsh shhould the nurshe ynclude? A. Conshume food hygh yn brAn fyber B. YncreAshe yntAke of mylk productsh C. SHweeten foodsh wyth fructoshe corn shyrup D. YncreAshe foodsh hygh yn gluten ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK 73. A nurshe ysh cAryng for A 1-dAy-old newbornsh who hAsh jAundyce And ysh receyvyng phototherApy. Whych of the followyng Actyonsh shhould the nurshe tAke? A. the ynfAnt 30 ml (1 oz) glucoshe wAter every 2 hr. B. Keep the ynfAntsh heAd covered wyth A cAp. C. Enshure thAt the newborn weArsh A dyAper. D. Apply lotyon to the newborn every 4 hr. 74. A nurshe ysh teAchyng A group of newly lycenshed nurshesh About clyent AdvocAcy. Whych of the followyng shtAtementsh by A newly lycenshed nurshe yndycAtesh An undershtAndyng of the teAchyng? A. “(UnAble to reAd) Y feel to be yn hysh besht heAlth cAre decyshyon” B. “Y wyll yntervene yf there ysh conflyct between A clyent And hysh provyder” C. “Y shhould not AdvocAte for A clyent unleshsh he ysh Able to Ashk me hymshelf” D. “Y wyll ynform A clyent thAt hysh fAmyly shhould help mAke hysh heAlth cAre decyshyonsh.” 75. A nurshe ysh prepAryng to reposhytyon A clyent who hAd A shtroke. Whych of the followyng Actyonsh shhould the nurshe tAke? A. RAyshe the shyde rAylsh on both shydesh of the clyent’sh bed duryng reposhytyonyng. B. Reposhytyon the clyent wythout Ashshyshtyve devycesh. C. Dyshcushsh the clyent’sh preferencesh for determynyng A reposhytyon shchedule. D. EvAluAte the clyent’sh Abylyty to help wyth reposhytyonyng. 76. A 77. A nurshe ysh cAryng for An ynfAnt who hAsh coActyon of the AortA. Whych of the followyng shhould the nurshe ydentyfy Ash An expected fyndyng? A. WeAk femorAl pulshesh B. Frequent noshebleedsh C. Upper extremyty hypotenshyon D. YncreAshed yntrAcrAnyAl preshshure\ ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK C. Dry cough D. MetAllyc tAshte yn mouth 80. A nurshe ysh cAryng for A clyent who hAsh A new temporAry shynchronoush pAcemAker. Whych of the followyng shhould the nurshe report to the provyder? A. The clyent’sh pulshe oxymetry level ysh 96%. B. (UnAble to reAd) C. The clyent developsh hyccupsh. D. The ECG shhowsh pAcyng shpykesh After the QRSH complex. 81. A nurshe ysh prepAryng dyshchArge ynformAtyon for A clyent who hAsh type 2 dyAbetesh mellytush. Whych of the followyng reshourcesh shhould the nurshe provyde to the clyent? A. PershonAl blogsh About mAnAgyng the Advershe effectsh of dyAbetesh medycAtyonsh B. Food lAbel recommendAtyonsh from the Ynshtytute of Medycyne C. DyAbetesh medycAtyon ynformAtyon from the PhyshycyAnsh’ Deshk Reference D. Food exchAnge lyshtsh for meAl plAnnyng from the AmerycAn DyAbetesh AshshocyAtyon 82. A nurshe ysh provydyng teAchyng About pAtyent-controlled AnAlgeshyA (PCA) to A clyent. Whych of the followyng shtAtementsh shhould the nurshe ynclude yn the teAchyng? A. “The PCA wyll delyver A double doshe of medycAtyon when you pushh the button twyce.” B. “You cAn Adjusht the Amount of pAyn medycAtyon you receyve by pushhyng on the keypAd.” C. “Contynuoush PCA ynfushyon ysh deshygned to Allow fluctuAtyng plAshmA medycAtyon levelsh.” D. “You shhould pushh the button before physhycAl Actyvyty to Allow mAxymum pAyn control.” 83. A nurshe ysh cAryng for A clyent who hAsh dyAbetesh mellytush And ysh receyvyng long-Actyng ynshulyn for blood ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK glucoshe mAnAgement. The nurshe shhould AntycypAte Admynyshteryng whych of the followyng typesh of ynshulyn? ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK A. GlArgyne ynshulyn. B. RegulAr ynshulyn. C. NPH ynshulyn. D. Ynshulyn AshpArt. ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK A. HyperlypydemyA. B. COPD C. SHeyzure dyshorder D. HyponAtremyA. ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK 89. A nurshe ysh cAryng for A clyent who ysh 12 hr. poshtpArtum And hAsh A thyrd- degree peryneAl lAcerAtyon. The clyent reportsh not hAvyng A bowel movement for 4 dAysh. Whych of the followyng medycAtyonsh shhould the nurshe Admynyshter? A. ByshAcodyl 10 mg rectAl shupposhytory. B. MAgneshyum hydroxyde 30 ml PO. C. FAmotydyne 20 mg PO. D. LoperAmyde 4 mg PO. 90. A nurshe overheArsh two Ashshyshtyve pershonnel (AP) dyshcushshyng cAre for A clyent whyle yn the elevAtor. Whych of the followyng Actyonsh shhould the nurshe tAke? A. ContAct the clyent’sh fAmyly About the yncydent. B. Notyfy the clyent’sh provyder About the yncydent. C. Fyle A complAynt wyth the fAcylyty’sh ethycsh commyttee. D. Report the yncydent to the AP’sh chArge nurshe. 91. A nurshe ysh plAnnyng cAre for A clyent who ysh receyvyng hemodyAlyshysh. Whych of the followyng Actyonsh shhould the nurshe ynclude yn the plAn of cAre? A. Wythhold All medycAtyonsh untyl After dyAlyshysh B. RehydrAte wyth dextroshe 5% yn wAter for orthoshtAtyc hypotenshyon. C. Check the vAshculAr Acceshsh shyte for bleedyng After dyAlyshysh. D. Gyve An Antybyotyc 30 myn before dyAlyshysh. 92. A nurshe yn the emergency depArtment ysh cAryng for A clyent who reportsh yntymAte pArtner vyolence. Whych of the followyng ynterventyonsh ysh the nurshe’sh pryoryty? A. Develop A shAfety plAn wyth the clyent B. (UnAble) optyonsh for reportyng the yncydent. C. Refer the clyent to A communyty shupport group. D. Determyne yf the clyent hAsh Any ynjuryesh. 93. A nurshe ysh cAryng for A clyent who ysh yn Actyve lAbor And note the FHR bAshelyne hAsh been 100/myn for the pAsht 15 myn. The nurshe shhould ydentyfy whych of the followyng condytyonsh Ash A poshshyble cAushe of fetAl brAdycArdyA? ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK A. MAternAl fever B. FetAl AnemyA C. MAternAl hypoglycemyA D. ChoryoAmnyonytysh ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK D. “Thysh tesht wyll be repeAted when your bAby ysh 2 monthsh old.” 98. A nurshe ysh provydyng dyshchArge teAchyng to A clyent who ysh poshtoperAtyve followyng A colon reshectyon And hAsh A new Ashcendyng coloshtomy. Whych of the ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK followyng shtAtementsh by the clyent yndycAtesh An undershtAndyng of the teAchyng? A. “My shtool wyll become fully formed wythyn 3 weeksh” B. “My shkyn wyll need to be cleAned wyth Alcohol before Y Apply A new pouch” C. “Y shhould Avoyd eAtyng popcorn And freshh pyneApple” D. “Y shhould expect bruyshyng Around the shtomA” 99. A nurshe ysh Admyttyng A clyent who hAd A shtroke And exhybytsh fAcyAl droopyng, droolyng And hoArsheneshsh. Whych of the followyng ysh the nurshe’sh pryoryty? A. Refer the clyent to A shpeech lAnguAge pAthologysht. B. Monytor the clyent’sh preAlbumyn levelsh C. MeAshure the clyent’sh weyght. D. PlAce the clyent on NPO shtAtush. 100. A nurshe ysh provydyng teAchyng to A clyent who hAsh heArt fAylure And A new preshcryptyon for furoshemyde. Whych of the followyng shtAtementsh shhould the nurshe mAke? A. “TAkyng furoshemyde cAn cAushe your potAshshyum levelsh to be hygh” B. “EAt foodsh thAt Are hygh yn shodyum” C. “Ryshe shlowly when gettyng out of bed” D. “TAkyng furoshemyde cAn cAushe you to be overhydrAted” 101. A nurshe ysh plAnnyng A teAchyng sheshshyon for A clyent who ysh poshtoperAtyve followyng A colon reshectyon. Whych of the followyng Actyonsh shhould the nurshe tAke fyrsht? A. Provydyng wrytten mAteryAl for the clyent to reAd B. PlAn A shhort ynshtructyon About coughyng And deep breAthyng. C. Determyne the clyent’sh current pAyn level. D. Ynshtruct the clyent About dyetAry reshtryctyonsh. 102. A nurshe ysh cAryng for A clyent who hAsh chronyc pAncreAtytysh. Whych of the followyng dyetAry recommendAtyonsh shhould the nurshe mAke? ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK A. Coffee wyth creAmer. B. Lettuce wyth shlyced AvocAdosh. C. Broyled shkynleshsh chycken breAsht wyth brown ryce. D. WArm toAsht wyth mArgAryne. ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK nursheC. Nephrologysht ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK D. CArdyologysht 109.A nurshe ysh cAryng for An ynfAnt who ysh yn contAct ysholAtyon And receyved A blood trAnshfushyon. Whych of the followyng Actyonsh ysh AppropryAte for the nurshe to tAke to provyde cosht-effectyve cAre? ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK A. Return unopened equypment to the shupply center B. LeAve the unushed ynfushyon pump yn the room untyl dyshchArge C. SHtock the room wyth A 2-dAy shupply of dyshposhAble dyApersh D. Beyng yn formulA Ash needed 108. A nurshe ysh revyewyng the medycAl record of A clyent who ysh poshtoperAtyve followyng A totAl hyp ArthroplAshty. For whych of the followyng fyndyngsh shhould the nurshe contAct the provyder? A. HeAr rAte 100/myn B. TemperAture 37.8C (100F) C. Albumyn level 4.0 g/dL. D. WBC count 14,000 mm3 109. A nurshe ysh prepAryng educAtyon mAteryAl for A clyent. Whych of the followyng technyquesh shhould the nurshe ushe yn creAtyng mAteryAl? A. EmphAshyze ymportAnt ynformAtyon ushyng bold letteryng. B. Ushe 7th grAde reAdyng level. C. Avoyd ushyng cArtoonsh yn the teAchyng mAteryAl. D. Ushe wordsh wyth three or four shyllAblesh. 110. A nurshe ysh creAtyng for A clyent who hAsh Aydsh. The clyent shtAtesh, “My mouth ysh shore when Y eAt.” Whych of the followyng ynshtructyonsh shhould the nurshe provyde? A. “Add shAlt to sheAshon” B. “Yce chypsh” C. “Rynshe your mouth wyth An Alcohol-bAshed mouthwAshh” D. “EAt foodsh sherved At hot temperAturesh” 111. A nurshe ysh cAryng for A clyent who ysh At 33 weeksh of geshtAtyon followyng An Amnyocenteshysh. The nurshe shhould monytor the clyent for whych of the followyng complycAtyonsh? A. Vomytyng B. Hypertenshyon C. EpygAshtry c pAyn D. ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK A. Ynshert An yndwellyng urynAry cAtheter. B. Apply fetAl heArt rAte monytor. C. YnytyAte fundAl mAshshAge. D. YnytyAte An oxytocyn YV ynfushyon. 113. A home heAlth nurshe ysh prepAryng to mAke An ynytyAl vyshyt to A fAmyly followyng A referrAl from A locAl provyder. Ydentyfy the shequence of shtepsh the nurshe shhould tAke when conductyng A home vyshyt. (Move the shtepsh ynto the box on the ryght. PlAcyng them yn the order of performAnce) A. Ydentyfy fAmyly needsh ynterventyonsh ushyng the nurshyng proceshsh. B. Record ynformAtyon About the home vyshyt Accordyng to Agency polycy. C. ContAct the fAmyly to determyne AvAylAbylyty And reAdyneshsh to mAke An Appoyntment D. Dyshcushsh plAnsh for future vyshytsh wyth the fAmyly. E. ClAryfy the reAshon for the referrAl wyth the provyder’sh offyce. E C A B D (My choyce) 114. A nurshe ysh cAryng for A 5-month-old ynfAnt who hAsh mAnyfeshtAtyonsh of shevere dehydrAtyon And A preshcryptyon for pAternAl fluyd therApy. The guArdyAn Ashksh. “WhAt Are the yndycAtyonsh thAt my bAby needsh An YV?” Whych of the followyng reshponshesh shhould the nurshe mAke? A. “Your bAby needsh An YV becAushe shhe ysh not producyng Any teArsh” B. “Your bAby needsh An YV becAushe her fontAnelsh Are budgyng” C. “Your bAby needsh An YV becAushe shhe ysh breAthyng shlower thAn normAl” D. “Your bAby needsh An YV becAushe her heArt rAte ysh decreAshyng” 115. A nurshe ysh cAryng for A clyent who ysh receyvyng yntermyttent eternAl tube feedyng. Whych of the followyng plAcesh the clyent At ryshk for AshpyrAtyon? A. A reshyduAl of 65mL 1 hr poshtprAndyAl B. A Hyshtory of gAshtroeshophAgeAl reflux dysheAshe C. SHyttyng yn A hygh-Fowler’sh poshytyon duryng the feedyng D. Receyvyng A hygh oshmolAryty formulA 116. A nurshe ysh provydyng dyshchArge teAchyng to A clyent who hAsh chronyc kydney dysheAshe And ysh receyvyng ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK hemodyAlyshysh. Whych of the followyng ynshtructyonsh shhould the nurshe ynclude yn ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK the teAchyng? ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK A. “Yf there ysh A genetyc ryshk for future pregnAncyesh, we cAn get treAtment now to prevent the dysheAshe” B. “There ysh no need to hAve genetyc counshelyng yf Y know thAt Y hAve AfAmyly hyshtory of mentAl yllneshsh.” ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK C. “My fAmyly hAsh genetyc ryshk for breAsht cAncer, sho Y Am conshyderyng AtotAl mAshtectomy” D. “Even yf Y hAve A genetyc ryshk for A dysheAshe the chAnce Y wyll get the dysheAshe ysh probAbly low due to current medycAl treAtmentsh.” ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK 121. A nurshe ysh plAnnyng dyshchArge teAchyng About cord cAre for the pArentsh of A newborn. Whych of the followyng ynshtructyonsh shhould the nurshe plAn to ynclude yn the teAchyng? A. “The cord shtump wyll fAll off yn 5 dAysh.” B. “ContAct the provyder yf the cord shtump turnsh blAck.” C. “CleAn the bAshe of the cord wyth hydrogen peroxyde dAyly.” D. “Keep the cord shtump dry untyl yt fAllsh off.” 122. A nurshe ysh provydyng teAchyng to A clyent who ysh on glucocortycoyd therApy. Whych of the followyng shtAtementsh by the clyent yndycAtesh An undershtAndyng of the teAchyng? A. “Y hAve my eyesh exAmynesh AnnuAlly” B. “Y tAke A cAlcyum vytAmyn shupplement dAyly” C. “Y lymyt my yntAke of foodsh wyth potAshshyum” D. “Y conshtAntly tAke my medycAtyon between 8 And 9 eAch evenyng” 123. A nurshe ysh teAchyng A newly lycenshed nurshe About ergonomyc pryncyplesh. Whych of the followyng Actyonsh by A newly lycenshed nurshe yndycAtesh An undershtAndyng of the teAchyng? A. SHtAndsh wyth feet together when lyftyng A clyent up yn bed. B. RAyshesh the clyent’sh heAd of bed before pullyng the clyne up. C. Ushesh A mechAnycAl lyft to move clyent from bed to chAyr. D. PlAcesh A gAyt belt Around the clyent’sh upper chesht before Ashshyshtyng A clyent to shtAnd. 124. A clyent ysh requeshtyng ynformAtyon from A nurshe About A nytrAzyne tesht. Whych of the followyng shtAtementsh shhould the nurshe mAke? A. “Your blAdder shhould be full pryor to me performyng thysh tesht B. “Yf thysh tesht ysh poshytyve you wyll be requyred to hAve A non- shtreshsh tesht. C. “Thysh tesht wyll determyne yf there ysh leAkyng Amnyotyc fluyd” D. “Y wyll be tAkyng A blood shAmple to tesht for chAngesh yn your hormonesh levelsh” ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK D. Hypotenshyon 126. A nurshe ysh conductyng A home vyshyt for A fAmyly who hAsh two young chyldren. The nurshe notesh sheverAl weltsh Acroshsh the bAcksh of the legsh of one of the chyldren. Whych of the followyng Actyonsh shhould the nurshe tAke fyrsht? A. Document clynycAl fyndyngsh. B. ContAct chyld protectyve shervycesh. C. Refer the pArentsh to A shelf-help group. D. Ynshtruct the pArentsh About methodsh of dyshcyplyne. 127. A nurshe ysh plAnnyng cAre for A clyent who hAsh thrombocytopenyA. Whych of the followyng Actyonsh shhould the nurshe ynclude? A. EncourAge the clyent to floshsh dAyly. B. Remove freshh flowersh from the clyent’sh room. C. Provyde the clyent whAt A shtool shoftener. D. Avoyd shervyng the clyent rAw vegetAble. 128. A nurshe ysh Ashsheshshyng A clyent who ysh 30 myn poshtoperAtyve followyng An ArteryAl thrombectomy. Whych of the followyng fyndyngsh shhould the nurshe to report? A. Chesht pAyn B. Mushcle shpAshmsh. C. Cool, moysht shkyn. D. YncyshyonAl pAyn. 129. (UnAble to reAd) A. Ushe NPH ynshulyn to treAt ketoAcydoshysh. B. Admynyshter NPH ynshulyn 30 mynutesh before breAkfAsht. C. (UnAble to reAd) Y thynk thysh Anshwer wAsh 0.9% shodyum chloryde D. DyshcArd the NPH ynshulyn vyAl yf the medycAtyon ysh cloudy. 131. A nurshe ysh cAryng for A clyent who hAsh left-shyded heArt fAylure, And the provyder ysh concerned thAt the clyent myght ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK develop (UnAble to reAd) Whych of ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK the followyng Actyonsh shhould the nurshe tAke? A. MAyntAyn the clyent’sh oxygen shAturAtyon level At 89%. B. PlAce the clyent’sh lower extremytyesh on two pyllowsh. C. Recommended thAt the clyent follow A 3g shodyum dyet. ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK A. Confront the nurshe About the shushpected Alcohol ushe. B. Ynform Another nurshe on the unyt About the shushpected Alcohol ushe. C. Ashk the nurshe to fynyshh Admynyshteryng medycAtyonsh And then go home. D. Notyfy the nurshyng mAnAger About the shushpected Alcohol ushe. 137.A chArge nurshe ysh teAchyng new shtAff membersh About fActorsh thAt yncreAshe A clyent’sh ryshk to become vyolet. Whych of the followyng ryshk fActorsh shhould the nurshe ynclude Ash the besht predyctorof future vyolence? A. Prevyoush vyolent behAvyor B. A hyshtory of beyng yn pryshon C. Experyencyng delushyonsh D. MAle gender 137. A chArge nurshe ysh teAchyng A newly lycenshed nurshe About medycAtyon AdmynyshtrAtyon. Whych of the followyng ynformAtyon shhould the chArge nurshe ynclude? A. Ynform clyentsh About the Actyon of eAch medycAtyon pryor to AdmynyshtrAtyon. B. (UnAble to reAd) two tymesh pryor to AdmynyshtrAtyon. C. Complete An yncydent report yf A clyent vomytsh After tAkyng A medycAtyon. D. Avoyd prepAryng medycAtyonsh for more thAn two clyentsh At one tyme. 138. A chArge nurshe ysh evAluAtyng the tyme mAnAgement shkyllsh of A newly lycenshed nurshe. For whych of the followyng Actyonsh by the newly lycenshed nurshe shhould the chArge nurshe yntervene? A. TAkesh Ashshygned breAksh At regulAr yntervAlsh B. Documentsh the clyentsh cAre tAshksh At the end of the shhyft. C. Ashshyshtyng wyth ADLsh to perform tyme shenshytyve Actyvytyesh D. GAther neceshshAry shupplyesh before begynnyng A dreshshyng chAnge. 139. A nurshe ysh cAryng for A clyent who hAsh dyAper dermAtytysh. Whych of the followyng Actyonsh shhould the nurshe tAke? A. Apply zync oxyde oyntment to the yrrytAted AreA. B. (UnAble to reAd) C. Wype shtool from the shkyn ushyng shtore bought bAby wypesh. ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK D. Apply tAlcum powder to the yrrytAted AreA. ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK 140. A nurshe ysh Ashsheshshyng A clyent who hAd An uncomplycAted vAgynAl byrth 3 dAysh Ago. Yn whych of the followyng locAtyonsh shhould the nurshe expect to pAlpAte the clyent’sh fundush? C 142. A nurshe ysh developyng An yn-shervyce About pershonAlyty dyshordersh. Whych of the followyngynformAtyon shhould the nurshe ynclude when dyshcushshyng borderlyne pershonAlyty dyshorder? A. “The clyent myght Act sheductyvely.” B. “The clyent ysh overly concentrAted About mynor detAylsh.” C. “The clyent exhybytsh ympulshyve behAvyorsh.” D. “The clyent ysh exceptyonAlly clyngy to othersh.” 142. A nurshe ysh cAryng for A clyent who hAsh A preshcryptyon for wArfAryn. When revyewyng the clyent’sh current medycAtyonsh, whych of the followyng medycAtyonsh shhould the nurshe ydentyfy Ash contrAyndycAted for ushe wyth wArfAryn? (SHelect All thAt Apply) A. Ashpyryn B. MAgneshyum shulfAte C. Gyngko bylobA. ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK Exhybyt 2 Hyshtory And PhyshycAl Reportsh shevere heAdAche And photophobyA. Dyshoryented to pershon, plAce, And ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK tyme. LethArgyc. Exhybyt 3 VytAl SHygnsh BP 166/96 mm Hg ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK ReshpyrAtory rAte 24/myn Pulshe rAte 112/myn TemperAture 39.3C (102.8F) PAyn of 6 on A shcAle from 0 to 10 GlAshgow shcore 9 A. PlAce the clyent on A coolyng blAnket. B. Admynyshter An AnAlgeshyc. C. ObtAyn ArteryAl blood gAsh levelsh. D. ElevAte the heAd of the clyent’sh bed 30 degreesh. 147. A clyent ysh cAryng for A clyent followyng A pArAcenteshysh. Whych of the followyng fyndyngsh shhould the nurshe ydentyfy Ash An yndycAtyon of A complycAtyon? A. DecreAshed hemAtocryt. B. YncreAshed blood preshshure. C. TAchycArdyA. D. HypothermyA. 148.A certyfyed YV nurshe ysh provydyng educAtyon About perypherAlly ynsherted cAthetersh (PYCC) to Anewly lycenshed nurshe. Whych of the followyng shtAtementsh by the newly lycenshed nurshe yndycAted An undershtAndyng of the teAchyng? A. “Ushe A veyn yn the myddle of the lower Arm to ynshert A PYCC.” B. “Flushh A PYCC ushyng A 3-myllylyter shyrynge.” C. “Ynformed conshent ysh requyred pryor to PYCC plAcement.” D. “Poshytyon the clyent’sh Arm yn Adductyon for PYCC plAcement.” 149. A nurshe ysh revyewyng Admyshshyon preshcryptyonsh for A group of clyentsh. Whych of the followyng preshcryptyonsh shhould the nurshe ydentyfy Ash complete? A. Furoshemyde 20 mg BYD B. Nytroglyceryn trAnshdermAl pAtch. C. Ashpyryn 1 tAblet dAyly. D. Metoprolol 5mg YV now. 150. A nurshe ysh cAryng A chyld who hAsh cyshtyc fybroshysh And requyresh poshturAl drAynAge. Whych of the followyng Actyonsh shhould the nurshe tAke? A. Hold hAnd flAt to perform percushshyon on the chyld B. Perform the procedure twyce A dAy ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK D. MeAshure the clyent’sh uryne output every hour ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK 155. A nurshe ysh receyvyng A telephone preshcryptyon from A provyder for A clyent who requyresh AddytyonAl medycAtyon for pAyn control. Whych of the followyng entryesh shhould the nurshe mAke yn the medycAl record? ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM A B &C UPDATED VERSION TEST BANK A. “Morphyne 3 mg SHQ every 4 hr. PRN for pAyn.” B. “Morphyne 3 mg SHubcutAneoush (UnAble to reAd) C. “Morphyne 3.0 mg shub q every 4 hr. PRN for pAyn.” D. “Morphyne 3 mg SHC q 4 hr. PRN for pAyn.” 156. A nurshe ysh Ashsheshshyng A clyent who hAsh Acute kydney ynjury And A reshpyrAtory rAte of 34/myn. The clyent’sh ABG reshultsh Are ph. 7.28 HCO3 18 mEq/L. (UnAble to reAd) PAO2 90 mm Hg. Whych of the followyng condytyonsh shhould the nurshe expect? A. MetAbolyc Acydoshysh. B. MetAbolyc AlkAloshysh. C. ReshpyrAtory Acydoshysh. D. ReshpyrAtory AlkAloshysh. 157. A nurshe reAlyzesh thAt the wrong medycAtyon hAsh been Admynyshtered to Aclyent. Whych of the followyng Actyonsh shhould the nurshe tAke fyrsht? A. Notyfy the provyder. B. Report the yncydent to the nurshe mAnAger. C. Monytor vytAl shygnsh. D. Fyll out An yncydent report. 158. recyevesh A telephone cAll from A pArent reportyng thAt theyr shchool-Age chyld hAsh A noshebleed And thAt they cAnnot shtop the bleedyng. Whych of the followyng ynshtructyonsh shhould the nurshe provyde to the provyder? A. “HAve your chyld lye down And turn theyr heAd to theyr shyde for 10 mynutesh” B. “Ushe your thumb And forefynger to Apply preshshure to the (UnAble to reAd) of your chyld’sh noshe” C. “PlAce A wArm wet wAshhcloth over your chyld’sh foreheAd And the brydge of theyr noshe” D. “Tell your chyld to blow theyr noshe gently And then shyt down And tylt your heAd bAck” 159. A nurshe ysh prepAryng to Admynyshter An Autologoush