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AutoCAD Test 1 Questions and Answers, Exams of Computer Applications

A comprehensive set of questions and answers related to the use of autocad, a widely used computer-aided design (cad) software. The questions cover a wide range of topics, including basic commands, object properties, layer management, printing, and the differences between model space and paper space. The answers provide detailed explanations and insights into the various features and functionalities of autocad, making this document a valuable resource for anyone learning or working with the software. Structured in a clear and organized manner, with each question and answer presented in a concise and easy-to-understand format. Overall, this document serves as an excellent study guide or reference material for autocad users, whether they are students, professionals, or lifelong learners.

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AutoCAD Test 1 Questions and Answers

  • • What can you do if you get an error message while trying to insert hatch? - ANS-o Try to fix the problem via one of the suggested methods given in the error message
  • After you type in the size of a rectangle, what is the final step needed to complete the rectangle command? - ANS-o Specifying the second corner of the rectangle- clcicking its location
  • Before you use divide, what do you need to set? - ANS-the point style
  • Can the measure command be used to find more than a straight line? - ANS-yes
  • Does changing the scale of the viewport change the size of the objects themselves? - ANS-no?
  • For gradient hatch for a locally lit area, what technique can you use to get an improved appearance? - ANS-divide the drawing into sections
  • For the specified size of a rectangle, what do you enter first? Last? - ANS-length, height
  • How do you access help? - ANS-o F1, the help icon
  • How do you add a row or column to an existing table? - ANS-o Pick a cell, & the table cell tab will appear in the ribbon where you can make changes
  • How do you change the size of a column or row in a table? - ANS-by using grips
  • How do you change the units from decimal to feet & inches? - ANS-o Application menu browser-> drawing utilities-> units
  • How do you create an infinitely long parallel line? - ANS-construction line
  • How do you create horizontal, vertical, or angled lines that are infinitely long? - ANS-o Construction line
  • How do you get rid of the blue boxes? - ANS-o Press ESC
  • How do you select objects in stretch? - ANS-crossing window
  • How do you use the wheel on your mouse to move around the drawing? - ANS-o Rolling the wheel zooms you in and out, pressing the wheel and moving the mouse allows you to pan around, double-clicking the wheel = zoom extents
  • How does the circle command end? - ANS-o Autocad automatically ends the command
  • How does the line command end? - ANS-the enter key
  • How is an ellipse defined? - ANS-o With a major & minor axis
  • How is gradient different than hatch? - ANS-o It renders 2-d drawings
  • How many different styles of gradient hatch are there available? - ANS-
  • How many steps are involved with creating an offset? - ANS-o 5? o click offset o specify distance o select object(s) to offset o specify side/point to offset to o enter
  • If fillets are used to make rounded corners, how can you use it to make a sharp corner? - ANS-by using a radius of 0
  • If the lines that you want are dashed, but your lines are solid, what should you adjust?
  • ANS-line type scale
  • If you are not satisfied with the gradient hatch you put in, how can you change it without recreating it? - ANS-the properties palette
  • If you don't want to delete objects on a layer, but you want to see... what do you use? - ANS-lock
  • Move, copy, and rotate each require that you do what first? - ANS-select
  • On the utilities panel, you see the distance command, but not the angle command. Where is it & how do you get to it? - ANS-o Pick the black triangle, & then move down the icon list to select the angle icon
  • Prior to using the mirror command, what should you have prepared in advance? - ANS-o A pre-defined line to mirror about
  • The autocad default template provides two layout tabs names layout 1 & layout 2. How can you add more layout tabs & rename them? - ANS-o Click on the + button, right click on sheet 2, pick move/copy, pick move to end o Right -click on the tab you wish to rename, select rename
  • The info about an object will show up on your command line & where else? - ANS-on your screen
  • To change the length of a line, which commands can be used? - ANS-o Extend/ trim, lengthen
  • To edit text on an existing table, how do you get the text editor? - ANS-o Double-click inside the cell
  • To print your drawing, what do you need to do first to set it up for printing? - ANS- assign a plotter?
  • What are layers & how are they used? - ANS-o See-through sheets that are stacked on top of each other o To organize & manage objects
  • What are object properties & how are they changed? - ANS-o Properties for selected objects o Properties palette
  • What are the advantages of using autocad? - ANS-o Drawings are done full size o Working with a team is easier o You can reuse items you've drawn later o You can use items drawn by other designers- you don't have to trace o You can use layers to visualize select items at a time o You can create/erase construction lines without the mess
  • What are the blue boxes called & how did they get there? - ANS-o Grips, when you do not have a command in the command line & you click somewhere
  • What are the precision of drawings enhanced by? - ANS-object snaps
  • What are the two commands on the wheel? - ANS-zoom/pan
  • What cannot be assigned to layer? - ANS-scale
  • What command do you use for angled corners? - ANS-chamfer
  • What command do you use to convert a rectangle into 4 separate lines? - ANS- explode
  • What command do you use when you want to make an octagon? - ANS-polygon
  • What command is used to create a line parallel to another line? - ANS-offset
  • What command would you use to evenly space 8 chairs? - ANS-array
  • What command would you use to round corners? - ANS-fillet
  • What does a right to left window highlight? - ANS-o Anything within AND what it touches
  • What does autocad call schedules? - ANS-tables
  • What is a fly-out style icon? - ANS-o An icon where an option menu drops down
  • What is a grouping of objects called in autocad? - ANS-blocks
  • What is a layout? - ANS-o Where paper space is used to create a finished layout of a drawing for printing
  • What is a zoom window? - ANS-o A "window" that allows you to zoom on a particular object(s) that you select
  • What is an easy way to change the size/shape of a viewport? - ANS-with grips?
  • What is the advantage of using paper space? - ANS-o To be able to print in paper size
  • What is the command to fill an area? - ANS-hatch
  • What is the command used to change decimals to feet? - ANS-units
  • What is the difference between a crossing window & a selection window? - ANS-o Crossing- right to left- objects that are bounded by the window are selected, including those that only a portion of which crosses the window o Selection- left to right-only the objects bounded by the window are selected
  • What is the difference between model space & paper space? - ANS-o Paper space is used for items such as a drawing border, title block, drawing notes, schedule, etc.- paper space = 1:
  • What is the option in the rectangle command that allows you to create a rectangle of a specific size? - ANS-dimensions (d)
  • What is the shortcut key for the zoom command? - ANS-o The letter "z"
  • What method is used to bring blocks in from other drawings? - ANS-insert blocks
  • What other things beside blocks can be brought into your drawings using design center? - ANS-o Dimension styles, layers, text styles, layouts, etc.
  • What situation would you use a polyline? - ANS-o To be able to draw straight/curved lines in free form- like a heart
  • What tool are you using when it indicates a first & second point to divide a section? - ANS-break
  • When duplicating an object in one drawing into a second drawing, what tool would you use? - ANS-copy to clipboard
  • When using either the fillet or chamfer, does the order in which you pick the objects matter? Does the location matter? - ANS-no, yes
  • When using move/copy/rotate, what is the base point that autocad is prompting for? - ANS-o The point to move, copy, rotate from
  • When using the distance command, autocad will give you the distance between 2 points. What other info will autocad provide? - ANS-o The angle that would exist if a line were drawn between the points
  • When using the mirror command, the original object can be deleted or left as is- T/F? - ANS-true
  • When you erase objects, how do you know they were selected? - ANS-o The lines change from solid to dashed
  • Where is the command line located? - ANS-o At the bottom of the screen
  • Which commands are used for making rectangular or circular patterns? - ANS-array
  • Which direction are angles measured in autocad? - ANS-counterclockwise
  • Which icon on the status bar must be turned on to draw accurately? - ANS-object snap
  • Which pulldown menu & option do you use to change the screen color & customize the right mouse button? - ANS-o Application menu browser- options
  • Why can't you access paper space from the model tab? - ANS-o It is for model space objects- the layout tabs display the paper space
  • Why can't you delete the model tab? - ANS-o It's the one that autocad defaults to
  • Why do you always draw in full scale in Autocad? - ANS-o You can draw a room in the measurements that it actually is in.
  • Why does Autocad have both model space & paper space? - ANS-o Model space allows the designer to create objects in full scale o Paper space allows the designer to convey the drawing to a client on a standard format & scale
  • Why would you use a fillet to make sharp corners instead of using the trim/extend commands? - ANS-o Because fillet will extend/trim corner lines in 1 command
  • Why would you use a spline instead of a polyline? - ANS-o If you have specific points you need your line to touch
  • Why would you use an arc instead of a circle? - ANS-it's more efficient
  • Why would you want to save your drawings as an earlier version of Autocad? - ANS-o It allows you to share your files with other autocad users that are using older versions here can you find the table style icon? - ANS-o Annotation panel of the home tab?? should you use the circle command to create an arc? - ANS-no, use the arc tool What kind of window is selected going left to right? - ANS-selection window