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B test material - TCEQ Class B Surface Water 2024-2025. Questions & Verified Answers, Exams of Water Resources Planning and Management

B test material - TCEQ Class B Surface Water 2024-2025. Questions & Correct Verified Answers. Graded A

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B test material - TCEQ Class B Surface Water 2024-

2025. Questions & Correct Verified Answers.

Graded A

_____ time is the time water stays in a basin or the time it takes to fill a basin - ANSdetention ________ filters are used by most plants. - ANSRapid Sand ________ sludge ________ basin capacity, ________ detention time. - ANSIncreased, Reduces, and Decreasing A common wall between a filter and unfiltered water is prohibited. - ANSTrue A disadvantage of the sludge blanket clarifier is that the operator must be more knowledgeable of treatment because each function overlaps the others. - ANSTrue A mixed media filter is often called an ________ filter. - ANSUpside Down A mixed-media filter consists of about ________% garnet, ________% sand, and ________% coal. (6-30) - ANS10/30/ A properly operated and maintained filter produces an aesthetic product, protects public health, and saves cost in backwash water and coagulation. - ANSFalse

A rapid mix is necessary fir good floc formation - ANStrue A rate-of-flow controller, installed in the filter ________ line, automatically maintains filtration rate. - ANSEffluent A settling basin is divided into four zones: inlet zone, flocculation zone, outlet zone, and sludge zone. - ANSFalse A sludge blanket is maintained in a sludge blanket clarifier and the rising water is filtered through the blanket. - ANSTrue A standard solution is one whose ___ is known - ANSstrength A system that exceeds ________ NTU in the combined effluent shall notify the public drinking water program by the next business day. - ANS5. A systems filtered water must comply with what turbidity standards? - ANS. NTUs or less in 95% of monthly samples, with none of them exceeding 1.0 NTU A treatment facility must maintain what logs? - ANS2 logs for cryptosporidium 3 logs for giardia 4 logs for viruses

A treatment goal is chemical addition that produces less than ________ NTUs onto the filter, and less than ________ NTU in the filter effluent. - ANSTaste and Odor A well-operated sedimentation basin with proper coagulant dosage and good floc formation can remove 90 to 95% of the suspended material - ANSfalse A zeta meter is used to observe the effects of electrical fields on charged colloids in the water and the effect of varied coagulant dosage. - ANSTrue Acid solubility should not exceed 50% by weight after treatment with 5% HCL. - ANSFalse Advantages claimed for anthracite are higher filtration rates, longer filter runs, less tendency to coat with ________, and lower backwash velocity. - ANSLime Aeration oxidizes what? - ANSIron and manganese forming insoluble precipitates Aeration removes what? - ANSIron and manganese After washing with distilled water and allowed to settle, sand is acceptable if the upper layer is clear and the surface is free of floating material. - ANSTrue All filters must have ________ taps to monitor filter effluent turbidity. - ANSEffluent

An advantage of presedimentation is that it removes the bulk of turbidity and reduces the load on coagulation basins. - ANStrue An advantage of the sludge blanket clarifier is that mixing, flocculation, and sedimentation are incorporated into separate units. - ANSFalse An employee will not follow safety rules and feels like they do not have to followed. What should an employer do? - ANSDocument employee's actions and counsel employee. If he does not respond discharge him. An operator hears pinging in the pump. What is causing this? - ANSCavitation, caused by formation and collapse of bubbles in the water which causes noise and vibration. Pitting of metal may result if cavitation is not eliminated. As pressure is applied to a plate and frame filter press, the sludge cake forms on the surface of the ________. - ANSCloth At least a 15 days supply of _______ must be stored at a water treatment plant - ANStreatment chemicals At what frequency should you test your water system for radiation? - ANSEvery 4 years At what pH's signify the coopers and alkalinity tests? - ANS8.3 ph and 4.5 ph Backwash water velocity should be 15 to 25 ft/second and 3-8 gpm/ft2. - ANSFalse

Because of the density and general particle shape, filtration characteristics of ________ are similar to ________. - ANSActivated Carbon and Antracite Before a new filter is placed into service, the filter must be chlorinated with a dosage of ________ mg/L and the chlorine allowed to contact the filter at least ________ hours. - ANS50 and 24 Best form of Sludge disposal? - ANSLagooning Calcium carbonate saturation is what? - ANSA pre cursor for trihelomethanes Carbon Monoxide is what? - ANSIt is colorless and odorless Check reels, turbines, and ___ for alignment, broken paddles, shaft leakage or other mechanical problems - ANSpropellers Chemical feeders are classified as ______ feeders - ANSall listed - dry, solution, volumetric, gravimetric Chemical storage facilities should be large enough to store a 1 week supply of - ANSfalse Chlorine Gas Characteristics - ANS- Greenish Yellow gas

  • Pungent Odor - irritating to the nose, throat, and lungs
  • x2.5 heavier than air
  • can be liquified
  • corrosive to most metals when wet
  • strong oxidizing agent Chlorine is available is what three forms? - ANSGas - 100% Solution - 5.25 to 15% chlorine (bleach) Granular (solids) - 65 chlorine (calcium hypochlorite) CL2 residuals in the far reaches of the system should be? - ANS.2 free or. combined Clogs occur more frequently in _________ cracks, but form anywhere within the filter that is susceptible to restricted flow. - ANSSide WAll Coagulant aids include - ANSactivated silica Coagulant aids may be classifed as? - ANSall listed - oxidants, absorbents, polymers Coagulants used in water treatment include - ANSalum, ferric sulfate, ferrous sulfate Coagulants, coagulant aids and other chemicals influence ________ characteristics. - ANSSludge

Coagulation is a chemical and physical reaction - ANSTrue Coagulation is affected by _____? - ANSall listed - turbidity, temperature, pH Coagulation is what type of process? - ANSCoagulation is a chemical process where a coagulant reacts chemically with the alkalinity in the water. The reaction forms an insoluble compound that will fall out of the solution and settle. Cracks impact filter efficiency, allowing influent to by-pass the fine sand and create filter ________. - ANS Crushed anthracite is often added to replace some of the ________. - ANSSand Customer complains about low water pressure. What should operator do? - ANSAll complaints should be throughly checked out by a representative of the municipality who can deal with the public in a calm and dignified manner. Some causes of low water pressure are clogged screens on faucets, a lean or break in the area, flushing of water mains, build up in pipes or meter, a partially closed valve, heavy water use during summer and fire rescue. Declining rate rapid sand filters start at ________ gpm/ft2 and decline to about ________ gpm/ft2. - ANS3 and 1 Decomposition of certain sludge is controlled by ________ or other chemical treatment. - ANSPre-Chorination

Detention time in minutes is calculated by dividing the basin capacity in gallons by the flow into the basin in ____ - ANSgallons per day Determine pH, turbidity, and ________ of the settled water before changing feed rates, the flash-mix, or flocculation intensity. - ANStemperatures Diatomaceous earth filter media is the fossil-like skeleton of microscopic plants called ________. - ANSDiatoms Different methods of chlorine applications - ANS1) Inlet raw water for prechlorination to destroy a large portion of the bacteria prior to treatment, oxidizes the organics, iron, manganese, and helps to control taste and odor

  1. Chlorine is injected prior to the filters to prevent algae growth on the surface and fungi growth in the lower extremities
  2. Injection of chlorine into finished water going to storage to allow contact time for complete-to near-complete bacteria kill Diffused air flocculators are not favored because of the inability to control an even-rolling current throughout the basin length - ANStrue Direct monitoring involves evaluating turbidity, alkalinity, pH, hardness, and other parameters in various plant locations. - ANSTrue Disadvantages of sand drying beds are poor dewatering during cold, wet weather, length of drying time, and ________. - ANSLabor Costs

Distribute reservoir influent with a goal of uniform, vertical, high velocity flow across the cross-sectional area. - ANSFalse Drain a storage tank too fast? - ANSA vacuum is created which will damage the tank During filtration, clogs create uneven loading and ________ filter runs. - ANSshorten Each filter installed after October 1, ________ must have facilities allowing filter draining without removing other filters from service. - ANS Each filter must have an on-line turbidimeter and recorder able to measure turbidity every ________ minutes. - ANS Employers must train employees on the hazards of chemicals stored or used in the workplace - ANStrue Explain and expand on Chlorine Dioxide (what it reacts with, oxidizes, etc) - ANSChlorine Dioxide is a gas used in small quantities to disinfect water. It does not react with organics to form THMs and HAAs. It oxidizes phenols, manganese, iron, sulfurous and organic compounds which aids in the removal of tastes and odors. It is a very effective bactericide and a superior virocide. It dies not combine with ammonia. Chlorine Dioxide MRDL is .8 mg/L and monitoring procedures are the same as for chlorine. The Chlorite MCL is .q mg/L and must be monitored daily.

Facilities serving ________ or more people must continuously monitor each filter's effluent turbidity and record it every ________ minutes. - ANS10,000/ Factors that influence coagulation include pH, temperature, salts, trubdity, dosage, time, and ______? - ANSagitation Ferric sulfate is the most widely used coagulant chemical - ANSfalse - it is alum Filter ________ supports the ________ or other filter medium and distributes the wash water uniformly over the underdrains. - ANSGravel and Sand Filter box depth must accommodate underdrains, gravel, sand, and a water depth of 10 to 12 feet. - ANSFalse Filter head loss is influenced by pretreatment, sand grain size, filtration rate, water temperature, and dissolved gases. - ANSTrue Filter media characteristics influencing filter performance include head loss, filtration rate, length of filter run, amount of backwash water used, and filtered water quantity. - ANS Filter media characteristics influencing filter performance include head loss, filtration rate, length of filter run, amount of backwash water used, and filtered water quantity. - ANSTrue Filter performance depends more on coagulation than filter characteristics because improper coagulation results in poor filtration. - ANSTrue

Filter sand should be durable grains of siliceous material in the hardness range of talc - ANSFalse Filter sidewalls are roughened to encourage water to short-circuit between the filter walls and sand. - ANSFalse Filtering material must conform to ________ standards and be free of clay, dirt, and organic matter. - ANSAWWA Filters are designed to remove dissolved matter. - ANSFalse Filters must have facilities to regulate the ________ rate. - ANSFiltration Filtration is the most important step in treating surface water. - ANSTrue Filtration passes treated water through media such as sand, anthracite coal or a combination using physical and chemical action to reduce color. - ANSFalse Fine sand permits longer filter runs than course sand, and fine sand is less effective than course sand in removing bacteria and turbidity. - ANSFalse Floc formation is determined by correct stirring time, proper stirring intensity, ______ mixing, and correct detention time - ANSuniform

Flocculation facilities for straight flow and up-flow sedimentation basins, built after oct 1 2000 must have a detention time of at least 2 minutes at design capacity - ANSfalse Flocculation follows the flash or rapid mix and forms floc by the dissolution of coagulant, neutralizing negative turbidity charges with positive ones - ANStrue flocculators are to develop floc with a weight greater than water, reduce trurbidity by particle absorption, and remove bacteria by entrapment up settling - ANStrue Flow enters the center ring of a center-feed basin and flows to the outside circular weir. - ANStrue Folded-plate stainless underdrains provides superior simultaneous air/water backwash and eliminate gravel or garnet sand. - ANSTrue For each pound of dry lime, ________ pounds of dry sludge are produced. - ANS2. For high-rate filters, a maximum rate of ________ gallons/ft2/minute must be used. - ANS For safe working conditions equip basins, walkways, and ladders with ________. - ANSGuardrails Free Cl2 added to water makes Hydrochlorous Acid (HCOL) and Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) which is strongest? - ANSHydrochlorous Acid (HCOL)

Hardness in water is primarily caused by? - ANSCalcium and magnesium in water High-density garnet sand, called the "________" layer, supports the fine media and separates it from the gravel. - ANSBarrier How do you remove fluoride? - ANSSodium Aluminate Demineralization Reverse osmosis How do you tests fir alkalinity? - ANSThe two tritiation methods of analysis are a standard acid to titrate a sample. The end point of the titration is determined by the following: an indicator that changes color at a certain pH, or potentiometric titration to end - point pH. Using either of the methods, a measured amount of sample is titrated with a standard sulfuric acid to a predetermined pH. Nomograph are a graphical form of determining alkalinity. If the pH, total alkalinity, temperature and total dissolved solids are known, any or all of the alkalinity forms may be estimated. How does pH affect Chlorine activity? - ANSWhen chlorine is added to water it forms hypochlorous acid (HOCL) and hydrochloric acid (OCL). The hypochlorous acid is the effective disinfectant. At a pH of 4.0 there is 100% hypochlorous acid. At a pH of 11 there is 100% hypochlorite ion. At a pH of 7, the hypochlorous acid is at about 80% and the hypochlorite ion makes up about 20% of the chlorine content. The lower the pH is more effective chlorine is because you have more hypochlorous acid.

How does temperature effect chlorine effectiveness? - ANSChlorine effectiveness is greater at higher temperatures, up to the point that chlorine volatizes. At low temperature, chlorine is more stable, but disinfection time increases. How much should you be able to expand the filer bed of a mixed media filters without an air scour? - ANSThe filter bed should be able to expand by at least 25% during a backwash. If alkalinity is equal or greater than total hardness then what type of hardness do you have? - ANSTemporary hardness If necessary, take samples for settling tests, jar tests, temperature, pH, and ____ - ANSturbidity If one were to select the optimum dosage on the basis of plotting jar test results, the optimum dosage would probably be? - ANSAt some level beyond which there would be little additional turbidity removal without considerable additional cost for chemicals. If short filter runs are occurring because of high head loss, it would be advisable to reduce what? - ANSFilter aid dosage like polyelectrolytes If sludge is discharged to a wastewater collection system, a velocity of ________ feet per second must be maintained to prevent floc settling. - ANS If the media is too course, it will not remove small turbidity and if it is too fine, filter flow is restricted causing short filter runs. - ANSTrue

If you are over feeding CL2 what is noticed? - ANSTaste, odor, Di and Tri CL2, nitrification In a rectangular sedimentation basin, the flow is vertical to the basin and effluent weirs are opposite the influent trough. - ANSfalse In softening plants, where trouble is due to calcium ________, clean the filter with hydrochloric or ________ acid. - ANSCarbonate/carbonic In the contact zone of a dissolved-air flotation basin, water containing super- saturated oxygen is introduced, and upon pressure increase, micro-bubbles are released that attach to the coagulated particles. - ANSFalse Inlet water velocity into a filter should be 20 to 30 feet per second. - ANSFalse Inspection of a filter bed is not part of a maintenance program. - ANSFalse Insufficient mixing results in poor floc formation and ___ mixing breaks apart the flocculated particles that have clump-ed together - ANSexcessive Is chlorine the most cost effective and best disinfectant product? - ANSYes Is removing turbidity important for disinfection? - ANSTurbidity must be removed to low levels by sedimentation and filtration to allow chlorine to contact pathogens.

Lagooning is not a disposal method, but a thickening, dewatering, and ________ technique. - ANSStorage Leopold underdrains eliminate a need for small gravel, increases gravel bed depth, requires laterals, and assures long life and good wash water distribution. - ANSFalse Look for channeling (short-circuiting) or improper flow patterns along the ___ of the basin. - ANSwidth Media hardness is important because the grinding action of a backwash breaks down soft sand. - ANSTrue Media must meet AWWA filtering material standard B100-96. - ANSTrue Media must meet AWWA filtering material standard B100-96. - ANSTrue Mixing causes surface absorption, which is the gathering of insoluble precipitates of aluminum hydroxide or iron hydroxide that are heavier than water - ANStrue Most filter bed trouble is due to ________, which are roughly spherical aggregates of solid material usually less than an inch in diameter. - ANSMud Balls Most important filter design factors are sand particle size and filter bed depth. - ANSTrue

Most of the raw water turbidity is removed in the sedimentation process, greatly reducing filter load. - ANStrue Mud balls are caused by ________. - ANSAll Listed - Poor preparation of applied water, adherence of filtered material to sand, and faulty application of wash water Mud balls, which cause ________ and sand clogging, indicate a need to improve washing or ________ and sedimentation. - ANSCracking and Coagulation New mains must be disinfected how? - ANSWith a dosage of 50 mg/l of cl2 for 24hrs or 500 for 30 min No residual is formed until reducing agents are destroyed. What are examples of reducing agents? - ANSManganese, iron, turbidity, organic matter, ammonia, or nitrates Nontransiet Noncommunity Water System - ANSA nontransiet noncommunity water system (NTNCWS) is a public water system that is not a community water system and that regularly serves at least 25 of the sane persons at least 6 months out of the year. Licensed operators are required to Examples Oil and Chemical Plants Factories Schools

Normal detention time ranges from 30 to 60 minutes for clarificaiton and _____ to ______ minutes for flocculation and softening - ANS60 to 90 minutes One control method involves ultrasonic signals that measure filter water level then transfers the reading to a ________ system. - ANSSCADA Only ________ water shall be used to backwash the filters. - ANSFiltered operators should observe _____ of the water in the flash mixing channel - ANSall listed- veolcity, turbulence, color Paddle, turbine, and propeller flocculators are often mounted in square basins (usually three in number) and separated by baffles to prevent ___? - ANSshort- circuiting Particle settling depends on particle size, shape, specific gravity, water temperature, and sunlight. - ANSfalse Particle size, carbon bed depth, filtration rate, and water ________ influence head loss. - ANSTemperature Peripheral-feed basins are designed for flow to enter a circular weir on the outside of the basin and flow toward a collection weir at the basin center. - ANSTrue Piping, flumes, and troughs connecting flocculators to sedimentation basins shall be designed to provide flow velocity of .5 to 1.5 feet per second - ANStrue

Plants with design capacity greater than 30 million gallons per day must provide at least two sets of flocculation equipment designed to operate in parallel - ANStrue Plants with single basins must be capable of draining in 12 hours. - ANSFalse Pressure testing a new line? - ANS150 psi or 1 1/2 greater than normal op pressure Prior to service, sand is prepared by backwashing the sand bed once to create at least a 3% sand expansion. - ANSFalse Rate-of-flow controller settings are determined by water quantity demand or ________ rate measured at the filter. - ANSLoading Replacing about 6" of sand with 6" of anthracite coal is called ________ a filter. - ANSCapping Required reports must be submitted to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality by the ________ day of the month following the end of the reporting period. - ANS10th Routine ___ observations should be made of the coagulation-flocculation process and the findings recorded on a daily log - ANSdaily Sample for mud balls from the top ________ inches of the filter. - ANS

Sand coated with ________ material may shrink under high head loss and produce cracks an inch wide and 12 to 18 inches deep. - ANSGelatinous Sand is sized (graded) by shaking media through progressively larger wire meshes, called sieves. - ANSFalse Sand particle shape, density, hardness, and porosity have a marked affect on filtration. - ANSTrue Sedimentation is a process where suspended particles settle in water as it flows rapidly through a basin - ANSfalse Sedimentation process daily records should be recorded and maintained for plant flow, basin turbidity, V/V tests, jar tests, and ________. - ANSSludge Volume Pumped Sludge regulations allow sludge to be kept ________ years on site, but then must be disposed of at a landfill or other approved site. - ANS Some alternatives for sludge disposal are discharge to sewers, filter presses, lagoons, sand drying beds, and ________. - ANSCentrifugation Some factors influencing sedimentation are floc size and shape, water temperature, floc specific gravity, detention time, velocity, and short-circuiting. - ANSTrue

Stirring the floc in a gentle fashion causes the particles of floc to agglomerate, or grow, increasing their settleability - ANStrue Sulfur ________ dissolves manganese, ________, or calcium carbonate. - ANSDioxide/iron Surface wash systems must have a/an ________ vacuum breaker or a reduced pressure principle backflow assembly in the supply line. - ANSAtmospheric Systems serving ________ or more people must monitor turbidity from each filter with a continuous on-line ________ and continuous recorder. - ANS10000/turbidimeter The adsorption properties of activated carbon include taste and odor-causing substances and impurities such as ________. - ANSTrihalomethanes The amount of chemical necessary for the coagulation reaction is determined by pH and Alkalinity results - ANSTrue The average gravel depth ranges from ________ inches. - ANS6 - 24 The basic disposal problem of sludge is thickening and _________. - ANSDewatering The capacity of rapid sand filters is based on a maximum filtration rate of ________ gallons/ft2/minute. - ANS2

The centrifuge is essentially a sedimentation device that rotates the sludge at high velocity, settling the sludge by ________ force - ANSCentrifugal The correct coagulat dosage is determined by the Jar Test - ANStrue The distance troughs must be above the sand is about equal to the required maximum rise per minute of wash water. - ANSTrue The employer is responsible for the training and the employee is responsible for participating during at least 50% of the program - ANSfalse The function of the mixer is to bring coagulant into contact with the raw water turbidity and dissolved matter to cause a chemical reaction - ANStrue The Hazard Communication Act (HCA) of 1985 is a state law - ANSfalse The Jar test is used to determine the? - ANSchemical dosage The jar test should be used at least annually. - ANSFalse The length of a straight-flow basin must be at least twice the width. - ANSTrue The lower the turbidities are what becomes more effective? - ANSChlorine disinfection

The most common and least expensive method of handling sludge is ________. - ANSLagooning The most common solution pump is the peristaltic pump - ANStrue The most important characteristics of filter media are particle size and uniformity coefficient. - ANSTrue The purpose of a filter surface wash is to loosen suspended solids attached to the sand on the filter surface. - ANSTrue The purpose of filtration is to remove suspended matter (turbidity) for public health and aesthetic reasons. - ANSTrue The quality and quantity of chemical solids depends upon treatment requirements and removal of turbidity, iron, manganese, or ________. - ANSHardness The rate of backwash water shall not be less than ________ of vertical rise per minute and usually not more than ________ of vertical rise per minute. - ANS20" and 35" The rate of decrease of filter head loss indicates effectiveness of pretreatment and filtration. - ANSFalse

The reaction of alum or iron compounds with natural alkalinity in the water will from an insoluble hydroxide - ANStrue The sediment in steeply inclined tubes (45°-60°) does not accumulate, but moves down the tubes into a hopper below. - ANSTrue The TCEQ requires plants with capacity greater than 3 mgd to provide 2 clarifiers to operate in parallel. - ANSTrue The TCEQ requires sludge blanket and solids-recirculation clarifiers to provide, at capacity flow, at least 2 hours of detention time. - ANSTrue The TCEQ requires straight-flow or up-flow settling basins for softened water to provide, at capacity flow, at least 2.5 hours of detention time - ANSFalse The TCEQ requires straight-flow or up-flow settling basins to provide, at capacity flow, at least 4 hours of detention time. - ANSFalse The termperature of the water is the single most important factor ing effective coagulation - ANSfalse The top of the troughs should be 36 to 48 inches above the sand, which is necessary to prevent sand loss during backwash. - ANSFalse The tubes in an essentially horizontal settling basin are declined slightly (5°) in the direction of flow to promote sludge drainage during backwash. - ANSTrue

The uniformity coefficient is the mesh size that passes 10% of the sand divided by the mesh size that passes 60% of the sand. - ANSFalse The use of shallow depth (tube) settling basins increases detention time to 4 to 6 hours instead of minutes. - ANSFalse The velocity of filter influent should be 1 to 4 ft/second and 8 to 12 gpm/ft2. - ANSTrue The water level difference before and after the filter determines head loss. - ANSTrue There are three filter designs: gravity, pressure, and ________. - ANSMembrane There is no metal in Wheeler underdrains, and only 12 inches of gravel is needed.

  • ANSTrue Three common, but significant, laboratory tests for establishing coagulant dosages are turbidity, pH, and raw water temperature - ANStrue Three methods of monitoring coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation are direct monitoring, jar test, and volume over volume test. - ANSTrue To treat with chlorine, add ________ pounds of calcium hypochlorite for every ________ square feet of filter and let it dissolve. - ANS4/100