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BA 300 Final Exam – Romano -with 100% verified solutions 2024-2025, Exams of Advanced Education

BA 300 Final Exam – Romano -with 100% verified solutions 2024-2025

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Available from 10/20/2024

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Download BA 300 Final Exam – Romano -with 100% verified solutions 2024-2025 and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity!

solutions 2024-

1. Ethical Awareness -> Ethical Judgement -> Ethi- cal Behavior 2. 1. Peers consider it to be morally problematic 2. Moral language is used when the problem is presented 3. Decision could cause serious harm to others What is the process of Individual Ethical Deci- sion Making Behavior What makes someone more likely to recognize moral issues?

  1. Gather the facts 1st step in sound ethi- cal decision making
  2. Check your gut Last step to sound eth- ical decision making 5. "Everyone's doing it" - we feel pressured to go along. Helps us rationalize unethical behavior 6. 1. Rewards and Punishments
    1. Roles at work
    2. Diffusion of Responsibility 7. Believe that external forces effect their live's out- come 8. Believe that they themselves effect their live's outcome Group Norms What are organization- al pressures that affect moral behavior? External Locus of Con- trol Internal Locus of Con- trol
  3. Maximize the common good Utilitarianism - Deci- sion Rule
  4. Replaces partiality with science Utilitarianism - Biggest Pro

solutions 2024-

  1. The means don't matter Utilitarianism - Biggest Con
  2. "The ones who walk away from omelas" Utilitarianism - Exam- ple

solutions 2024-

  1. Freedom from force Rights Theory - Deci- sion Rule 14. Virtually complete freedom of action with minimal government intrusion Rights Theory - Biggest Pro
  2. Disregard for the interest of others Rights Theory - Biggest Con
  3. Pay day loans Rights Theory Example
  4. Greatest benefit to the least advantaged Theory of Justice - De- cision Rule
  5. Unbiased approach to social justice Theory of Justice - Biggest Pro
  6. Denies free will, meritocracy Theory of Justice - Biggest Con
  7. Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Theory of Justice Ex- ample
  8. Be rational and be all that you can be Objectivism - Decision Rule
  9. Reinforces personal responsibility Objectivism - Biggest Pro
  10. Individualistic and Judgemental Objectivism - Biggest Con
  11. Motive Communications Objectivism Example

solutions 2024-

  1. Focus on relationships and responsibilities Ethic of care - Decision Rule
  2. Protects the weak and innocent Ethic of care - Biggest Pro

solutions 2024-

  1. Neglects justice Ethic of care - Biggest Con
  2. Certain small, entrepreneurial businesses Ethic of care Example 29. Action does not violate a global hypernorm or local authentic norm 30. Adapts to variations in local norms within some global limits 31. Local norms are vague and give actors too much flexibility 32. Levis Strauss and underage workers in Bangladesh Integrative Social Con- tract Theory - Decision Rule Integrative Social Con- tract Theory - Biggest Pro Integrative Social Con- tract Theory - Biggest Con Integrative Social Con- tract Theory Example
  3. Maximize profits within the law (and morality) Shareholder value
  4. Advance the interests of all stakeholders (even at Stakeholder theory the expense of profit)
  5. Approach your immediate manager first First step in whistle- blowing
  6. Leave the company Last step in whistle- blowing