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bai tap tu vung tieng anh theo chu de, Quizzes of English

bai tap tu vung tieng anh theo chu de

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Uploaded on 01/13/2025

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TOPIC 2 EDUCATION STT Tw vung Tir loai Phién 4m Nghia 1 | Abolish v /a'bolif/ bai bé Academic a / xke'demik/ thuéc hoc vién 2 | Academics n /,eka'demiks/ | cdc mén hoc tai hoc vién Academy n /a'keedami/ hoc vién 3 | Accommodation n /akoma'derfan | ché & 4 | Administration n /admumir'streifan/ | sw quan li 5 | Auditory a /‘o:ditari/ thuéc thinh gidc 6 | Augment v /9:g'ment/ gia tang, tang thém 7 | Bachelor n /‘betfalar/ cu nhan 8 | Care-taker n /‘kea,tetkar/ nguoi quan gia 9 Compulsory a /kam'palsari/ | bat bude Compel n /kam'pel/ su bat buéc Construction n /kan'strakjan/ | cau trtic, sw xdy dung 10 | Constructive a /ken'straktiv/ | cé tinh cach xdy dung Construct v /kan'strakt/ xdy dung, kién thiét 11 | Cram v /krem/ nhdi nhét 12 | Daunting a /‘dontmy/ nan chi Degree n /dr'gri:/ bang cdp 13 Certificate n /sa'tifikat/ chteng nhdn . Diploma n /di'plauma/ chttng chi, van bang Qualification n /kwolifrkerfan/ | trinh dé 14 | Deplorable a /di'plo:rabal/ toi té, té hai 15 | Determination n /dit3:mrnerfan/ | sw quyét tam, sw xdc dinh 16 | Diligent a /‘dilidgant/ can cu, chuyén can TOPIC 2+ EDUCATION | 45