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Bandpass Modulation and Demodulation Continued, Slides of Digital Communication Systems

Dr. Shurjeel Wyne delivered this lecture at COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Attock for Digital Communication Systems course. In this he discussed: Error, Probability, Bandpass, Modulation, Detection, COherent, Decision, Circuits, Channel, Model

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Uploaded on 07/05/2012

nomi 🇵🇰



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Download Bandpass Modulation and Demodulation Continued and more Slides Digital Communication Systems in PDF only on Docsity! 1 Digital Communication Systems Dr. Shurjeel Wyne Lecture 10 CH 4 -Bandpass Modulation & Demodulation 2 Today’s lecture, we are going to talk about:  How to calculate the average probability of symbol error for different modulation schemes that we studied  How to compare different modulation schemes based on their error performances 2 3 Error probability of bandpass modulation  Before evaluating the error probability, it is important to remember that:  Type of modulation and detection ( coherent or non- coherent), determines the structure of the decision circuits and hence the decision variable, denoted by z.           Nr r  1 r  T 0 )(1 t  T 0 )( tN )( tr 1r Nr r Decision Circuits Compare z with threshold. m̂ 4  The matched filters output (observation vector= ) is the detector input and the decision variable, z, is a function of , i.e.  For M-ASK, M-QAM and M-FSK with coherent detection  For M-PSK with coherent detection  For non-coherent detection of M-FSK  We know that for calculating the average probability of symbol error, we need to determine Error probability … )(rfz r r rz rz ||rz  Hence, we need to know the statistics of z, which depends on the modulation scheme and the detection type. sent)|CconditionsatisfiesPr(zsent)| ZinsideliesPr( ii ii ssr  5 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 Eb/N0 [dB] P E (M ) Binary Modulation BPSK DBPSK BFSK-Coh BFSK-NonCoh Probability of symbol error for different Binary modulations 10  Coherent detection of M-ASK  Decision variable:  T 0 )(1 t ML detector (Compare with M-1 thresholds))(tr 1r m̂ Error probability …. )(1 t 2s1s 0gE3 “00” “01” 4s3s “11” “10” gE gE gE3 4-ASK 1rz  6 11 Error probability ….  Coherent detection of M-ASK ….  Error happens if the noise, , exceeds in amplitude one- half of the distance between adjacent symbols. For symbols at the ends, error can happen only in one direction. Hence:      gMMege gmme ErnPErnP MmErnP   ssss ss 111111 11 Pr)(andPr)( ;1for||||Pr)(            0 2 2 1 log6)1(2)( N E M MQ M MMP bE gbs E MEME 3 )1()(log 2 2   mrn s 11 Gaussian pdf with zero mean and variance 2/0N                            0 1 111 1 2)1(2)()1(2Pr)1(2 Pr M 1Pr M 1||Pr2)(1)( 1 N E Q M Mdnnp M MEn M M EnEnEn M MP M MP g E ng ggg M m meE g s Probability of symbol error for M-ASK 12 Error probability …  Coherent detection of M-QAM  T 0 )(1 t ML detector1r  T 0 )(2 t ML detector )(tr 2r m̂Parallel-to-serial converter s) threshold1 with(Compare M s) threshold1 with(Compare M )(1 t )(2 t 2s1s 3s 4s “0000” “0001” “0011” “0010” 6s5s 7s 8s 10s9s 11s 12s 14s13s 15s 16s “1000” “1001” “1011” “1010” “1100” “1101” “1111” “1110” “0100” “0101” “0111” “0110” 16-QAM 7 13 Error probability …  Coherent detection of M-QAM …  M-QAM can be viewed as the combination of two modulations on I and Q branches, respectively.  No error occurs if no error is detected on either I and Q branches. Hence:  Considering the symmetry of the signal space and orthogonality of I and Q branches: SKM A branches)QandIondetectederrornoPr(1)(1)(  MPMP CE   22 1I)onerrorPr(no Q)onerrorI)Pr(noonerrorPr(nobranches)QandIondetectederrornoPr( MPE                  0 2 1 log3114)( N E M MQ M MP bE Average probability of symbol error for PAMM 14 Error probability …  Coherent detection of MPSK Compute Choose smallest 2 1arctan r r ̂ |ˆ|  i  T 0 )(1 t  T 0 )(2 t )(tr 1r 2r m̂ 3s 7s “110” )(1 t 4s 2s sE “000” )(2 t 6s 8s 1s 5s “001” “011”“010” “101” “111” “100” 8-PSK Decision variable r ̂z 10 19 Probability of symbol error for M-PSK EP dB/ 0NEb Note! • “The same average symbol energy for different sizes of signal space” 20 Probability of symbol error for M-ASK EP dB/ 0NEb Note! • “The same average symbol energy for different sizes of signal space” 11 21 Probability of symbol error for M-QAM EP dB/ 0NEb Note! • “The same average symbol energy for different sizes of signal space” 22 Probability of symbol error for M-FSK EP dB/ 0NEb Note! • “The same average symbol energy for different sizes of signal space”