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BCOT Test 3 Exam With 100% Correct Answers 2023 Health screening form: section 1 - Correct Answer-medications used PDS - Correct Answer-Perimeter Defense System What should any officer do when relieving a post? - Correct Answer-Check the equipment What is not necessary when searching a vehicle on the perimeter of the prison? - Correct Answer-Warrant What should the P car officer do before approaching a stopped vehicle? - Correct Answer-Notify a supervisor and wait for further instructions When is the P car officer allowed to approach the unknown vehicle? - Correct Answer-When back-up arrives What should the PDS officer
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Health screening form: section 1 - Correct Answer-medications used PDS - Correct Answer-Perimeter Defense System What should any officer do when relieving a post? - Correct Answer-Check the equipment What is not necessary when searching a vehicle on the perimeter of the prison? - Correct Answer-Warrant What should the P car officer do before approaching a stopped vehicle? - Correct Answer-Notify a supervisor and wait for further instructions When is the P car officer allowed to approach the unknown vehicle? - Correct Answer- When back-up arrives What should the PDS officer do when an alarm goes off? - Correct Answer-Immediately respond to any and all of them All alarms should be - Correct Answer-properly documented What should the PDS officer do in a zone that has an alarm going off? - Correct Answer-Remain in the zone until it has cleared Primary function of a correctional officer - Correct Answer-Protect the public Primary functions of the Perimeter officer - Correct Answer-prevent escape, prevent contraband from entering the prison, control disturbances, control and secure perimeter traffic, and secure parking areas and any auxillary buildings outside the prison fence How wide should the gap be between an unknown vehicle that has just been pulled over and the P car? - Correct Answer-15 ft How should the P car be positioned once the unknown vehicle stops? - Correct Answer- at an angle What protects the P officer when their car is angled? - Correct Answer-engine block Free and Fleeing - Correct Answer-P car officer is permitted to shoot an inmate that is escaping if they turn to the free world and take one step towards the free world
What should the P car officer do if they see a convict scaling down the second perimeter fence? - Correct Answer-Draw weapon but do not shoot until the intentions of the convict are known. The convict still has the ability to surrender once their feet touches the ground. What should the P car do if they have stopped a vehicle and it is dark outside? - Correct Answer-Turn on high beams What should the P car officer do once they have exited their vehicle? - Correct Answer- Secure it When are both back gates allowed to be open? - Correct Answer-If a vehicle is too long to fit through the sally port, both can be open up until the entirety of the vehicle has made it through the outside back gate. Who must be present when the back gate is being opened? - Correct Answer-P car officer What will the P car officer be armed with when the back gate is opening? - Correct Answer-Shotgun What information should you try an get on a car that is being stopped on perimeter road? - Correct Answer-make, model, year, color, identifying marks, license plate What should the P car officer watch when observing an individual inside the stopped car? - Correct Answer-hands What should the P car officer ask to the occupants of the unknown vehicle when they are first approached? - Correct Answer-What is your purpose here on the perimeter What should the P car officer inform the occupants of an unknown vehicle about? - Correct Answer-They are in a restricted area What should the P car officer ask for after a vehicle has been stopped and the occupants have been questioned? - Correct Answer-Identification What should the P car officer do once an unknown vehicle has been cleared to leave? - Correct Answer-Escort off the perimeter People v Brite - Correct Answer-1 + 1 theory; you can go one step in force above any force used or threatened against you Graham v Connor - Correct Answer-deadly force against deadly force or threatened deadly force
Low ready - Correct Answer-weapon in 2 handed firing grip, finger off trigger, pointed above the subjects knees, and be ready to escalate if necessary Nuisance contraband - Correct Answer-any item or article which may be or may have previously been authorized for possession, but is now prohibited because of excessive quantities or otherwise presents a fire, security, or housekeeping problem Legal contraband - Correct Answer-goods brought into the institution, but possessed by unauthorized prisoners Illegal contraband - Correct Answer-item or article that poses a serious threat to the security of the institution and is not ordinarily approved for possession or admission into the institution. Who can male offenders be strip searched by? - Correct Answer-Male and female correctional officers Who can female offenders be strip searched by? - Correct Answer-Female correctional officers What should you never say to an inmate when strip searching them? - Correct Answer- Spread your legs 4 basic types of searches - Correct Answer-pat search, strip search, cell, and vehicle Pat search - Correct Answer-a clothed, systematic, and orderly form of search that is done on an offender. An officer cannot do what during a strip search? - Correct Answer-Touch the inmate When are strip searches conducted? - Correct Answer-when inmates enter the institution from outside the perimeter or when they have come in contact with the public. Strip search - Correct Answer-an unclothed search done on an offender-- strictly looking, not touching Who conducts cavity searches? - Correct Answer-medical who must approve a cavity search? - Correct Answer-Warden Cell/area search - Correct Answer-conducted on an irregular basis to prevent offenders from making and hiding contraband chain of custody - Correct Answer-the accountability of evidence that is gathered, handled, examined, stored, transported, and processed from the time it was found until it is no longer needed
What is a correctional officer's role in an inmates healthcare? - Correct Answer-ensure that offenders in custody have adequate and routine access to medical care. What established the 8th amendment? - Correct Answer-Estelle v. Gamble Estelle v. Gamble - Correct Answer-Prison officials have a duty to provide proper inmate medical care What are urgent signs for healthcare? - Correct Answer-chest pain, abdominal pain, difficulty breathing, persistent cough, and abnormal or self-destructive behavior chest pain - Correct Answer-heart attack abdominal pain - Correct Answer-appendicitis difficulty breathing - Correct Answer-allergic reaction persistent cough - Correct Answer-TB When do medical profiles change? - Correct Answer-when the condition of the offender changes Dispensing - Correct Answer-preparing medications to be administered; can only be done by a pharmacist Administering - Correct Answer-giving medication on a dose by dose basis What are the three ways that medication can be administered? - Correct Answer-Self- administered, C.O. administered, or by a licensed nurse Signs of medical allergy or reaction - Correct Answer-rash, itching, swelling, nausea/vomiting, shortness of breath, fast heart beat HIPPA - Correct Answer-Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act What is HIPPA? - Correct Answer-state and federal laws that protect the offeders' medical history, files, and information TB infection: germs - Correct Answer-inactive TB infection: immune system - Correct Answer-keeps germs in check TB infection: symptoms - Correct Answer-none TB infection: chest x-ray - Correct Answer-normal
TB infection: infectious - Correct Answer-not infectious TB disease: germ - Correct Answer-active TB disease: immune system - Correct Answer-breaks down TB disease: symptoms - Correct Answer-cough, weight loss, night sweats, fever TB disease: chest x-ray - Correct Answer-abnormal TB disease: infectious - Correct Answer-infectious Hepatitis - Correct Answer-inflammation of the liver What is hepatitis caused by? - Correct Answer-viruses, alcohol, and medication Risk for infection with Hep B - Correct Answer-6-30% Risk of infection for HIV - Correct Answer-1% Which is more infectious: Hep B or HIV - Correct Answer-Hep B MRSA - Correct Answer-methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus How is MRSA spread? - Correct Answer-direct contact What is tailor made for each facility? - Correct Answer-emergency response plans How many phases are there in the mobilization of personnel? - Correct Answer- What is phase one of the mobilizing of personnel? - Correct Answer-Mobilizing on duty personnel What is phase two of mobilizing personnel? - Correct Answer-Calling off duty personnel What is phase three of mobilizing personnel? - Correct Answer-Mobilization of support personnel (local police, etc.) What shouldn't an officer do when they see a disturbance? - Correct Answer-attempt to stop it alone Aggressive mob - Correct Answer-very violent, destructive of property, and injury to others.
Escape mob - Correct Answer-A mob in a state of panic. In their attempt to secure safety by flight, members of an escape mob may have lost their power of reasoning. Acquisitive mob - Correct Answer-A mob motivated by a desire to acquire something. Non-aggressive mobs - Correct Answer-prelude to the other three types of mobs What is the first risk priority - Correct Answer-safety of the general public What no longer matters in hostage situations? - Correct Answer-the rank of the person Quelling a disturbance - Correct Answer-there must be a order termination of disorder What is NIMS used for? - Correct Answer-Emergency response What is ICS - Correct Answer-the on scene chain of command for all response personnel NIMS - Correct Answer-National Incident Management System ICS - Correct Answer-Incident Command System What was used to create NIMS? - Correct Answer-FIRESCOPE Incident action plans are - Correct Answer-tailor made to each facility