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Becc Test 5 QUESTIONS WITH COMPLETE 100% VERIFIED SOLUTIONS 2024/2025, Exams of Mechanical Engineering


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Download Becc Test 5 QUESTIONS WITH COMPLETE 100% VERIFIED SOLUTIONS 2024/2025 and more Exams Mechanical Engineering in PDF only on Docsity!




A fixed volume of liquid is discharged by a centrifugal pump (TRUE/FALSE) False Which centrifugal pump component prevents reverse flowof liquid through the pump? Check valve What is used to move fluid from one location to another? Pump What centrifugal pump component rotates and causes centrifugal force to act on the fluid? Impeller What centrifugal pump component prevents over heating of the pump? Recirculation line What condition occurs if there are bubbles forming in the pump casing? Pump cavitation In a centrifugal pump, the liquid enters the eye of the _______. Impeller The two spur gears in a rotary gear pump are called the gear and the gear? Driving & Driven What type of pump uses the throwing force of a rapidly revolving impellor? Centrifugal pump To eliminate replacing the impellor or casing due to wearing, what is used inside the pump? Mechanical shield Which tank stores oily waste prior to separation by the OWS? Oily Waste Holding Tank What is the allowed limit of oil in the overboard discharge if the ship is within 50 miles of land? 15 PPM (Part Per Million) What is used to remove large particulate matter from oil before it enters the OWS? Duplex strainer What tank receives separated oil from the OWS for later discharge? Waste oil tank What is used to measure the amount of oil in water that is discharged overboard?

Oil content monitor Heat transfer from physical contact between two fluids is known as? Conduction Heat transfer through the mixing of fluids is known as? Convection Which type of heat exchange is made up of stacked plates? Plate type What type of heat exchange Cools steam back into its liquid form? Condenser What type of flow does an exchanger have if the liquids enters one side and travels out the same direction? Parallel What type of exchanger has a tube inside of another tube? Double tube Which exchanger has one or more coils of tubing inside of a shell? Helical & Spiral What type of flow is used if the fluids flow at a right angle (90 degrees) to each other? Cross flow What type of gear has the teeth arranged in a V pattern? Double helical gear What gear can be used tochange the speed and torque without changing the direction? Internal spur What gear has teeth that are out at an angle that allows for quiet rotation? Helical What gear type has teeth cut straight across the inside rim? Internal spur What is the term for force of rotation? Torque What is the gear inserted between 2 gears that allows both to rotate in the same direction? IDLER What type of gear is used for the MRG? Double helical What component is used to connect two pieces of shafting together? Coupling What type of coupling allows for no shaft misalignment? Flange coupling When should oil-lubricated coupling be refilled?

After any pump overhaul bearings are used to support and maintain alignment of rotating shafts? TRUE/FALSE True What tvoe of bearing contains many small diameter cylindrical rollers that ride directly on the shaft? Needle bearing Which type of bearing is considered a sliding type? Journal bearing What provides a Remote read out of bearing temperature? Resistance Temp Detector Which type of friction Requires the least amount of energy to overcome? Fluid Which bearing is designed to carry a combination or radial and thrust load Anti friction bearing Why is the liner of a journal bearing composed of babbitt? Reduce friction The main Propulsion Shaft must be stopped and locked before inflating the shaft. (TRUE/FALSE) True What is used to connect turbines and the MG allowing for slight misalignment? Flexible coupling What supports the weight of the main propulsion shaft inside the hull of the ship? Line shaft bearing Which gear is known as the bull gear? 2nd reduction gear What supports the weight of the main propulsion shaft outside the hull of the ship? Strut bearings How is the MRG described? Double input, Single input What is used to remove moisture and water vapor from the interior of the MRG? Dehumidifier how many journal bearings are used in the MG? 26 What is used to lubricate the MRG? 2190 TEP Where is the propeller mounted on the main propulsion shaft? Tall shaft What type of bearing is the stern tube bearing?

Main propulsion shaft bearings What is the purpose of the Kingsbury thrust bearing? Transmits thrust from Propeller to Hull of Ship Purpose of the bulkhead seal? Maintain air and watertight integrity of bulkhead What component transmits thrust from the propellers to the hull of the ship? Kingsbury thrust bearing Line shaft bearing temperatures and oil flow should be monitored? Hourly Rubber-lipped seals that keep the water from leaking atound the shaft is known as the Rubber gasket The stripping system tailpipe draws from the ____ of the tank? End or back What type of tanks are always full of liquids? Sea water compensated fuel storage tank What tanks hold drinkable water? Potable water tank What tanks hold human waste? VCHT (Vacuum, Collection, Holding, Transfer) What is a metal plate installed inside a tank to prevent surging Baffle What is used to measure the depth of a liquid? Sounding tape An empty, enclosed compartment separating other compartments is called? Voids What is the purpose of a tank vent? Allow Air to Enter and Exit Tank What type of reading sight glass uses a vertical pipe with a magnetic float the rides or the surface of the fuel? Indirect sight glass What type of tank holds fuel before it is cleaned? Fuel oil tank What tank holds water for boilers? Feed water What system is used to adjust the draft. list and trim of a ship? Ballasting system What is the distance from the keel to the waterline called?

Draft What can increase the ship's draft? Ballasting How are ballast tanks installed below the waterline filled with seawater? Opening main sea valve How much pressure do the deballast air compressors create? 20 PSIG What is used to deballast tanks below the waterline? Compressed air What component absorbs motion between resilient mounted machinery and fixed mounted piping systems? Flexible hose assembly What tubing material is unsatisfactory for high temperatures? Copper What are hose assemblies constructed of? Rubber teflon How often should non-critical hoses be replaced? 12 years What connects a section of piping and other components of piping systems? Fittings What type of hose does not have a specified shelf life? Steel braided What is required when a pipe cannot be replaced immediately and is needed for continuous operation? A departure from specifications What test consists of pressurizing a hose to twice its maximum pressure? Hydro static test What is used to connect piping up to IN and allows piping to be removed for repairs? Unions Sewage water color? Gold Which pipe support device uses springs to permit thermal expansion? Variable spring hanger What type of liquid refrigerant is used in the navy? R- 114 What PSIG does the relief valve on the receiver open? 225 PSIG

What provides temperature control for personnel and spaces? A/C What system preserves food? Refrigerant flow What valve controls refrigerant flow, pressure equalization and oil cooler water flow? King solenoid vale The chill room is kept at what temperature? 10 - 33 F Who determines if an oil sample is unsat, or if the sump oil should not be used for renovation? Engineering officer What synthetic oil is used for gas turbine engines? 23699 How often are MRG oil samples sent off-sip for testing? Monthly What is the most common type of oil used on board ships? 2190 TEP How often is the Line shaft bearing and MRG Lube oil inspected? Daily For a LO sample, what does "Bright" mean? Absence of water What procedure is used for taking a LO sample? MRC (maintenance requirement card) For a LO sample, what does "Clear" mean? Absence of visible particulate matter The JOAP assist in eliminating expensive repairs to equipment, by doing what? Repair Remove equipment before failure occurs Who is accountable to the divo, for LOQM maintenance in their division? LPO What is the acceptable percentages for a BS&W? BS&N 0.2% What color does oil turn when it has copper or tin in it? Blue green Where are sample connections fitted? Lowest point of the sum What is the allowable passing criteria for a particle in a visual test? PARTICLE NOT GREATER THAN ⅛ inches When is a casualty sample drawn from a LSB?

Daily How long must you wait to take a sample on operating equipment that you added oil to? 10 minutes How fast does the centrifuge spin during a BS&W test? 1500 RPM How often do you sample equipment using 2000 series oil? Daily What equipment is used to conduct a flash point test? NAVI flash LO purifier efficiency should be tested after starting and every thereafter? EOOW, 30 min. & 4 hours What provides a standardized oil analysis testing procedure for the Navy. Army, and Air Force? JOAP (Journal Oil Analysis Program) How long are LO logs kept on board? 2 years What is the purpose of the lube oil heater? Circulating type LO electric heater and controller in each engine room What purification process is when you transfer oil from the sump to the settling tank? Batch renovation What part of the AMCW prevents overheating of the pump? Recirculation line What type of heat exchanger is used in the AMCW? Tube - Type exchange What type of pump is used in the AMCW? Main feed pump What limits flow through the recirculation line? Orifice Where does the cooling system begin? Auxiliary seawater coding main The recirculation line is used to bypass the reducing valve (TRUE/FALSE) False At what differential pressure are Helen strainers required to be cleaned at? 3 PSID What system is used as a back up to the AMCW? Auxiliary seawater main What prevents the orifice from getting clogged?

Recirculating line limit the flow of water At what pressure does high pressure air operate at? 1001 What is the primary function of a dehydrafor? Remove oil and water from air What color valve is LP air? Tan What is the function of the priority valve? Used to ensure vital services receive LP air before non-vital service What is used to cool compressed air between the different stages? Intercoolers sea water What is normal operating LP air Pressure? 150 PSIG and below How many HP compressors on normally on a ship? 2 How long is the Blow-Down valve operated on the compressor? 10 - 20 seconds What is the maximum number of stages of a HP compressor? 6 How often are readings taken on an HPAC? Hourly What valves are used to control or limit flow to the compressed air system? Relief valves When working on HP air system, the system should be tagged out and depressurized. (TRUE/FALSE) True What is distillate? Remove salt from seawater / purified What PSI is needed to separate salt from seawater in the RO system? 350 - 400 PSIG What is the waste material that is pumped over board from the distilling process? Brine What controls steam pressure to the seawater feed heater? LP flash type What component maintains the filters and is vital to the performance of the RO Plant? The Membrane Which component is the central control of the RO plant?

Main control panel How many flow meters are in the RO plant? 2 The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off vapors that could ignite is called? Flash point Pressure exerted on a confined liquid is transmitted in all directions, and acts with equal force on all areas, is an example of what law? Pascal's law What type of actuator is used to apply linear force to a mechanism? RAM cylinder What is force measured in? Pounds in tons Laminar flow is an erratic and turbulent flow. (TRUE/FALSE) False What rating measures the ability of the element to remove the contaminants? Efficiency rating What valve maintains hydraulic system pressure? Unloading valve What converts hydraulic energy generated by a pump back into mechanical energy? Actuator What documentation is used to preform maintenance on the hydraulic system? PMS (PLANNED MAINTENANCE SYSTEM) What component is used to remove large contaminants from the suction side of a hydraulic pump? Strainer What is used to align the hydraulic system? EOSS What fluids can be used in the hydraulic system? Pretoleum- Based, Water Based and Synthetics (Five resistance fluid / Hydrocarbon Fluid) What is the measurement of Fluid's resistance to flow? Viscosity drag What converts linear movement of the ram to radial movement of the rudderpost? Piston What type of pump is the HPU main pump? Axial piston pump How many modes of operation does a vertical package conveyor have? 4

How many modes of steering gear operation do DDG-51 class ships have? 5 What maintains the ship's heading and carries out course changes? Steering gear What component will compare the ordered and actual rudder angle indicators? TURN HELM WHEEL What color valve is hydraulies? Orange The conveyor load/unload device has how many position? Load, Unload, Stowed, and offload The convoy are trays that can hold _____ lbs, and the overall weight of the conveyor is? Up to 400 lbs, 100 lbs How many LBS will activate the down-over travel interlock? 15 lbs What prevents conveyor doors from closing if the load/unload device is not in stowed? Door block How long does the warning horn sound for the conveyor? 3 - 3 1/2 seconds What drum is fitted with whelps to engage the anchor chain? Outer surface of the wildcat What allows the wildcat to disengage from the windlass drive? Wildcat cluth lever What component is used to control the raise and lowering of the anchor? Anchor windlass What term describes lowering the anchor? Paying out What term describes raising the anchor? Heaving in When the wildcat lever is disengaged, what component can operate independentiv? Capstan What type of coupling on the anchor windlass system, allows for no misalignment? Rigid flange coupling What component is used for mooring, towing, and warping operations? Capstan What component will keep your anchor from free falling? Hand Brake

What converts high speed operations of the hydraulic system, to low speed operations of the capstan? Gear box is or MRG (Its the same thing) Who conducts oil analysis? Oil king / JOAP What mode should the heat be kept in to facilitate a quick start? Warm up mode Which pump provides oil flow for the purification process? Supply transfer pump What tank is used in the batch purification process? Setting tanks What NTSM talks about grease? NSTM 262 Polishers are designed to remove water and solids from LO with what? Absorbent canister and filters How long is LO heated in the settling tank? For 24 hours Who is the primary keeper for the LOQM program? EO, Engineering officer / MPA Who ensures all WCS are trained and qualified? LPO/LCPO What holds the purifier bowl still while preforming maintenance? Bowl locking screws How many disks are in the purifier assembly? 32 What gear assembly drives the purifier? Worm wheel The priming valve on the purifier creates what type of seal? Water type seal All machinery containing lubricating oil fluids must be fitted with a sample connection (TRUE/FALSE) True On the delaval purifier, what does the regulating tube direct into the rotating bowl? Dirty oil What is the flow rate of the delaval purifer? 225 What is used to start the lurifier?


What does the purifier do? Removes Water through stripping and to remove solids with strewers and filter from LO How many times will the speed indicator plunge during normal operating speeds? 72 How many RPMs does the purifier operate at? 1800