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Best Findings Comprehensive Case 26 Year Old Kathleen Parks Frequent Severe Headaches, Exams of Nursing

Best Findings Comprehensive Case 26 Year Old Kathleen Parks Frequent Severe Headaches I #Latest for Human Week #9

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Download Best Findings Comprehensive Case 26 Year Old Kathleen Parks Frequent Severe Headaches and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! Best Findings Comprehensive Case 26 Year Old Kathleen Parks Frequent Severe Headaches I #Latest for Human Week #9 History Feedback Below you will see the strategy for selecting the “required” questions in this patient encounter using the OLD-CARTS mnemonic for the HPI Reason for Encounter ‘Stan with open-ended patient-centric questions. SaeeRtenaant Information Obtained “Graded Apreach Question Response ‘Clinse Noten Ive been having these really bac | headaches over the last few months. | don't have one now, and @ (CCS | How can | nelp you today? haven't had one in about a week, | but | thought I'd have it checked out \ | ee | Do Just the symptoms that | aways you have any other symptoms | e | Assoc ‘or Genders wa shoukd-deelee? a ea nausea and vomiting. | | - | ike. with my bad headaches? No, | e | Assoc Sx Do you fee! confused at times? not really. | % [Assoc Sx Do,you have ary Sriging andior’ | cont tink 20; OLD-CARTS for the HPI ○ Answer: gEach gheadache glasts gseveral ghours, gwith gsome gextending ginto gthe gfollowing gday. 5. On ga gscale gof g1 gto g10, ghow gsevere gis gthe gpain gwhen gyou ghave ga gheadache? ○ Answer: gKathleen grates gthe gpain gas g8 gout gof g10 gon gthe gpain gscale. 6. Are gthere gany gspecific gsymptoms gassociated gwith gyour gheadaches? ○ Answer: gYes, gKathleen gexperiences gnausea, gphotophobia g(sensitivity gto glight), gand goccasionally gaura g(visual gdisturbances gsuch gas gflashes gof glight gor gblind gspots) gwith gher gheadaches. 7. Have gyou gnoticed gany gspecific gtriggers gor gfactors gthat gseem gto gmake gyour gheadaches gworse? ○ Answer: gKathleen gidentifies gstress, glong gperiods gof gcomputer guse, gand glack gof gsleep gas gaggravating gfactors. 8. What gmeasures ghave gyou gtaken gto grelieve gthe gheadaches? ○ Answer: gKathleen ghas gused gover-the-counter gmedications gsuch gas gibuprofen gand gacetaminophen, gbut gthese gprovide gonly glimited grelief. gRest gand gspending gtime gin ga gdark, gquiet genvironment ghelp gtemporarily. 9. Have gyou gexperienced gany grecent gchanges gin gyour gdaily groutine gor glifestyle gthat gmight gbe grelated gto gthese gheadaches? ○ Answer: gKathleen gmentions girregular gsleep gpatterns g(averaging g5-6 ghours gper gnight), ghigh glevels gof gstress grelated gto gwork, gand gsometimes gskipping gmeals gdue gto gwork gdemands. 10. Have gyou ghad gany gother gsymptoms gor ghealth gissues grecently? ○ Answer: gKathleen ghas gnot greported gany gnew gsymptoms gor ghealth gissues gaside gfrom gthe gheadaches. 11. Do gyou ghave ga ghistory gof gsimilar gheadaches, gor gis gthis ga gnew goccurrence? ○ Answer: gKathleen gindicates gthat gthis gis ga gnew goccurrence gand gshe ghas gnot gexperienced gheadaches gof gthis gfrequency gor gseverity gbefore. 12. How ghave gthese gheadaches gaffected gyour gdaily glife gand gwork? ○ Answer: gThe gheadaches ghave gsignificantly gimpacted gKathleen’s gdaily glife gand gwork, gmaking git gdifficult gfor gher gto gperform gher gjob geffectively gand gdiminishing gher goverall gquality gof glife. 13. Have gyou gtried gany gspecific gtreatments gor ginterventions gto gmanage gthe gheadaches, gand gwhat gwere gthe gresults? ○ Answer: gKathleen ghas gtried gover-the-counter gpain gmedications gwith glimited gsuccess. gShe ghas gnot gyet gexplored gother gtreatments. 14. Is gthere ga gfamily ghistory gof gsimilar gheadaches gor gneurological gconditions? ○ Answer: gKathleen's gmother gexperiences gmigraines, gbut gthere gare gno gother gsignificant gfamily ghistories gof gchronic gheadaches gor gneurological gdisorders. 15. Have gyou ghad gany gsignificant gchanges gin gyour gpersonal gor gprofessional glife gthat gcould gbe gcontributing gto gthese gheadaches? ○ Answer: gKathleen greports ghigh glevels gof gstress grelated gto gher gwork gand gpersonal glife, gwhich gmay gbe gcontributing gto gher gheadaches. Associated gSymptoms: