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BIOD 151 Anatomy and Physiology 1 Module exam 4 - Portage Learning Graded A 2024/2025, Exams of Nursing

BIOD 151 Anatomy and Physiology 1 Module exam 4 - Portage Learning Graded A 2024/2025 Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning the function of bones? Flat bones are long and thin, such as the ulna. Long bones have an irregular structure Correct Answer The carpals are an example of short bones. Vertebrae are an example of sesamoid bone.

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Download BIOD 151 Anatomy and Physiology 1 Module exam 4 - Portage Learning Graded A 2024/2025 and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!

Question 2

2 / 2 pts

BIOD 151 Anatomy and

Physiology 1 Module exam 4 -

Portage Learning Graded A


Question 1 Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning the function of bones? Flat bones are long and thin, such as the ulna. Long bones have an irregular structure Correct Answer The carpals are an example of short bones. Vertebrae are an example of sesamoid bone. Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning bones? A. Bones are a storage site for phosphorus and calcium. B. A tuberosity is a projection for a tendon or ligament attachment. C. A process is a depression found in bone. D. Bones are completely smooth surfaces.

Question 3

0 / 2 pts

E. C. and D. are false Which of the following statements is FALSE about the skeletal system? A. The two main divisions of the skeletal system are: axial and appendicular. B. The two main divisions of the skeletal system are: vertebral and thoracic. C. The axial skeleton lies along the midline of the body. D. The vertebral division of the skeleton is included in the appendicular skeleton. Correct Answer E. B. and D. are false F.A. and C are false The cranium is formed by bones; the facial skeleton contains bones. 22; 14 3; 6

Question 4

2 / 2 pts

Question 5

2 / 2 pts

8; 14

14; 8

What bone is highlighted in blue in the figure below? (superior/internal view) Your Answer: Ethmoid bone

Question 6

10 / 10 pts

Ethmoid bone Label the following bones of the skeleton from the figure below: 1: 3: 5: 7: 8: Your Answer:

  1. Frontal Bone (frontal sinuses)
  2. Maxilla
  3. Vomer
  4. Maxilla

Question 7

2 / 2 pts

  1. Mandible 1: Frontal bone/frontal sinuses 3: Maxilla 5: Vomer 7: Maxilla 8: Mandible Label the following vertebrae as: A= Cervical B= Thoracic C= Lumbar

Question 9

6 / 6 pts

Label the following vertebrae as: A= Cervical B= Thoracic C= Lumbar What is the name of the foramina in the figure below? 1: 2: 3:

Question 8

2 / 2 pts

Question 10

10 / 10 pts

Your Answer:

  1. Carotid canal
  2. External acoustic meatus
  3. Stylomastoid foramen 1: Carotid canal 2: External acoustic meatus 3: Stylomastoid foramen Label the following bone landmarks: A: C: F: I:


Your Answer: A. Head C. Lesser tubercle F. Deltoid Tuberosity I. Capitulum K. Medial Epicondyle

Question 11

3 / 3 pts

Question 12

3 / 3 pts

A: Head/Head of the humerus C: Lesser tubercle F: Deltoid tuberosity I: Capitulum K: Medial epicondyle Which of the following statements is TRUE about the scapula? The clavicle connects to the scapula anteriorly near the midline of the human body. The medial border of the scapula connects directly to the neck of the scapula. The subscapular fossa is located on the anterior side of the scapula. The scapula articulates with the clavicle at the neck of the scapula. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the humerus? A. The lateral epicondyle of the humerus articulates with the ulna. B. The capitulum articulates with the ulna. C. The lateral epicondyle is the prominent bone landmark of the medial side of the elbow (in anatomical position).

Question 13

4 / 4 pts

D. The head of the humerus articulates with the scapula. E. B. and D. are true

  1. What two bones meet at the glenohumeral joint?
  2. In your own words, why is this joint prone to dislocation? Your Answer:
  3. Humerus and Scapula
  4. Structure of the shoulders allows movement of the arm in usally any direction but provides little stabilty. The glenohumeral joint is proe to dislocation that is why usually held in place primarily by muscular and ligament attachment with little bony stability. **1. Humerus and scapula
  5. The structure of the shoulder permits movement of the arm in almost any direction but provides little stability. The glenohumeral joint is prone to dislocation because it is held in place primarily by muscular and ligament attachment with very little bony stability.** Label the bones in the figure below: A: B: C: D: E:

Question 14

5 / 5 pts

Question 15

5 / 5 pts

Your Answer: A. Trapezium B. Scaphoid C. Lunate D.Triquatrel E. 5th Metacarpal A: Trapezium B: Scaphoid C: Lunate D: Triquetral E: 5th metacarpal (must include both parts for full credit)

Label the following bones in the figure below: A: C: E: F: G: Your Answer: A. 1th Metatarsal C.Lateral Cuneiform

Question 16

2 / 2 pts

Question 17

2 / 2 pts

E.Medial Cuneiform F.Navicular G.Talus A: 1st Metatarsal Hallux C: Lateral Cuneiform E: Medial Cuneiform F: Navicular G: Talus Yellow bone marrow: is found primarily in long bones. is found primarily in short and flat bones. is found primarily in newborns, not adults. produces red blood cells. The epiphysis of a bone: A. is found at the ends of long bones. B. contains the articular cartilage at joint articulations.

Question 18

2 / 2 pts

Question 19

2 / 2 pts

C. contains the diaphysis. D. is the center length of a bone. E. both A. and B. Compact bone: A. forms the exterior of bones. B. forms the interior of bones. C. is lighter than spongy bone. D. contains numerous bars and plates with irregular spaces. E. both B. and D. Intramembranous ossification is the formation of from : A. a growth plate; the center of a bone.

Question 20

2 / 2 pts

Question 21

5 / 5 pts

B. long bones; hyaline cartilage. C. flat bones; connective tissue. D. a primary ossification center; a cartilaginous disc. E. both A. and C. What term best describes the type of fracture pictured below? Your Answer: Greenstick A Greenstick fracture occurs when the bone bends and breaks, but not all the accross. It occurs commonly in children because the bone tissue is still devoloping and soft on them. Greenstick (the bone is broken, but not all the way across) A patient has a diagnosis of osteoporosis. (1) In your own words, describe this diagnosis and (2) What type of bone cell would they be lacking? Explain your answer. Your Answer:

Question 22

5 / 5 pts

Question 23

10 / 10 pts

  1. Osteoporosis is a bone tissue. If the bone tissue degenerates faster than is replaced, bones may be weak by times. Brittle bones might be cause increased pain and likely to fracture. 2.They'd have decreased osteoblast that are responsible for the bone repair. And basically when bone repair would be keep up the ongoing breakdown of bone that is done through work of osteoblasts. (1) Osteoporosis is a bone tissue disease. When bone tissue degenerates faster than is replaced, the bones become weak. Brittle bones cause increased pain and are more likely to fracture. (2) They would have decreased osteoblasts which are responsible for bone repair. The bone repair would be unable to keep up with the ongoing breakdown of bone which is done by the work of osteoblasts. Your patient has back pain due to a herniated disc. (1) In your own words explain what it means to have a herniated disc. (2) As reviewed in the module, discuss one treatment option to address your patient’s pain. Your Answer: Herniated disc is when the disc between the vertebrae slips and presses on the spinal cord and nerves. It causes pain. This situatition may be treated in a few different ways. One form is physical therapy in get strentght the muscles area. Surgery is an option resulting in removing the disc yet having to fuse together the vertebrae. (1) A herniated disc is an injury to the intervertebral disc, where the center portion of the disc bulges into the vertebral foramen, causing pain. (2) Explanation of 1- Physical therapy for strengthening to support back ligaments. OR 2- Surgery to fuse two vertebrae together. Matching: Match the joint with the correct joint classification (A-F). *NOTE: Some joints may fall into more than one category. Mark all that apply. A= Fibrous, B= Cartilaginous, C= Synovial, D= Hinge, E= Ball- and-Socket, F=Saddle
  2. Knee joint

Question 24

4 / 4 pts

2.Thumb joint

  1. Shoulderjoint
  2. Vertebral joint
  3. Cranial joints Your Answer:
  4. Knee joint ; C,D (Synovial, Hinge) 2.Thumb joint ; C,F ( Synovial, Saddle)
  5. Shoulder joint ; C,E (Synovial, Ball and Socket)
  6. Vertebral joint; B (Cartilaginous)
  7. Cranial joints: A (Fibrous) **1. Knee joint: C= Synovial, D= Hinge
  8. Thumb joint: C= Synovial, F=Saddle
  9. Shoulder joint: C= Synovial, E= Ball-and-Socket
  10. Vertebral joint: B= Cartilaginous
  11. Cranial joints: A= Fibrous** Name the ligament highlighted in blue in the figure below:

Question 25

3 / 3 pts

Your Answer: Iliolumbar ligament Iliolumbar ligament Name the ligament highlighted in blue in the figure below:

Question 26

3 / 3 pts

Your Answer: Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) MCL- Medial collateral/tibial ligament Name the ligament highlighted in blue in the figure below:

Your Answer: Acromioclavicular Ligament Acromioclavicular ligament Quiz Score: 96 out of