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BIOD 152 Module 3 Exam Portage Learning Anatomy & Physiology 2 ANSWERS
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What sense does not have specialized sense organs? - A. Smell B. Correct! Touch C. Equilibrium D. A&C The posterior portion of the outer fibrous layer of the eye is called the _____. - Sclera What portion of the eye supplies blood supply to the other layers of the eye? - Choroid (of the middle layer) True or false: The more numerous type of photoreceptors are rods. - True What is the correct order of how light passes through the eye? - A. Cornea, Lens, pupil, retina B. Correct! Cornea, lens, vitreous fluid, retina Vitreous fluid fills the space posterior to the lens C. Lens, retina, cornea, optic nerve D. Lens, vitreous fluid, optic nerve, retina A patient had a CVA in the area indicated by the red x in the figure, below. What type of blindness is the patient most likely to incur? Explain your reasoning. - Bilateral left visual field blindness The right optic tract is damaged. All the sensory information from the left visual fields travels together after the optic chiasm to the right side of the brain. A patient has a brain tumor in the area indicated by the red x in the figure, below. What type of blindness is the patient most likely to incur? Explain your reasoning. - Left eye blindness Left eye blindness because there is damage to the left optic nerve. Information from the left visual field has not yet crossed at the optic chiasm. Both peripheral and nasal fields of the left eye would be missing. True or False: All sensory information from the optic nerves cross at the optic chiasm. - False only medial fibers cross at optic chiasm The ________ is controlled by the trochlear nerve. - A. Superior rectus B. Medial rectus
C. Lateral rectus D. Correct! Superior oblique Your elderly patient is discussing her vision problems. She describes her vision as blurry. Following a visual examination, her left eye deviates medially when looking straight ahead. What is most likely causing the vision problem? Explain your reasoning. A. CataractsB. Abducens nerve damageC. Brain tumor in the occipital lobeD. Medial rectus damageE. Superior rectus damage - B The abducens nerve controls the lateral rectus. Damage to the lateral rectus would cause there to be a muscle imbalance, and the medial rectus would pull the eye medially when looking straight ahead, causing blurry vision. (Diplopia) Match the numbers (1-5) in the figure below with the correct terms (A-H). Note: not all terms will be used. 1- A: Scala Tympani 2- B: Facial Nerve 3- C: Tympanic Membrane 4- D: Cochlear duct 5- E: Organ of Corti - label Which of the following statements is false regarding the external ear? - A. The lobule does not contain cartilage. B. The auricle funnels sound into the external acoustic meatus. C. The helix contains cartilage. D. Correct! The external acoustic meatus travels through the parietal bone. Which of the following statements is false regarding the middle ear? - A. The malleus receives vibrations from the eardrum. B. It is filled with air. C. It contains three small bones. D. Correct! The stapes receives vibrations from the cochlea. Which of the following statements is true regarding the inner ear? - A. Correct! The organ of Corti is responsible for the body's auditory sense. B. It is filled with air. C. The cochlea is responsible for the body's vestibular sense. D. There are two semicircular canals which house sensory receptors. Place the terms (A-H) in the correct order for the hearing pathway. Note: not all terms will be used. Funneled vibrations push against the eardrum which moves the __1____. The stapes pushes against the 2. Movement of tiny hairs inside the ____3____causes neurons to send impulses through a cranial nerve to the ____4, located in the __5____ lobe.
1: A. Auditory cortex 2: B. Organ of Corti 3: C. Stereocilia 4: D. Cochlear duct 5: E. Ossicles F. Facial G. Temporal H. Parietal - E. Ossicles D. Cochlear duct B. Organ of Corti A. Auditory cortex G. Temporal Label the figure below with the correct papillae: (A-C). A: B: C: - A: Filiform B: Circumvallate C: Fungiform True or False: Olfaction is a mechanical sense activated by mechanoreceptors in the nasal mucous membranes. - False Which of the following is not one of the primary odors in humans? - A. Camphorates B. Musky C. Peppermint D. Putrid E. Correct! Umami A person cannot perceive tastes from the anterior portion of the tongue. What nerve is most likely damaged? - Facial (CN VII) A bolus is formed by the ____? - A. Nasal mucosa B. Correct! Tongue C. Temporal lobe D. Oculomotor nerve The papillae that contain taste buds are ______. - Circumvallate Circumvallate and fungiform papillae both contain taste buds A patient has lost his sense of taste following a TBI. What term should be documented should to describe his loss of taste? - Ageusia True or False: The tongue only contains receptors that are chemoreceptors for taste. - false
Describe the steps in the olfactory pathway. Begin in the nasal cavity and end in the specific lobe of the brain. - Chemicals dissolve in nasal mucosa Detected by olfactory receptors (bipolar cells) Olfactory nerves, olfactory bulb, olfactory tract Temporal lobe of the brain A patient sustains an injury to the Organ of Corti. What type of deafness does this patient most likely have? Explain your answer. - Nerve deafness Occurs from damage to the nerve for the auditory pathway. The Organ of Corti is part of the nerve pathway (receptor cells).