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BIOD171 Module 6 Exam (New)(2022-2023)/ BIOD171 Module 6 Exam, Exams of Biology

BIOD171 Module 6 Exam (New)(2022-2023)/ BIOD171 Module 6 Exam

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Download BIOD171 Module 6 Exam (New)(2022-2023)/ BIOD171 Module 6 Exam and more Exams Biology in PDF only on Docsity! BIOD 171 Module 6 Exam (New)(2022-2023)/ BIOD171 Module 6 Exam M6:Portage Learning BIOD 171 Module6Exam DueNoduedate Points100 Questions30 TimeLimit60Minutes AttemptHistory Attempt Time Score LATEST Attempt 1 30 minutes 89.5 out of 100 Scoreforthisquiz:89.5outof100This attempt took 30 minutes. Submitted 2021 Correct! False.Virusesareneithereukaryoticnorprokaryotic. False True Trueor False.Because thegenome iscontained withinan enclosedspace (muchlike thenucleus ofa cell), viruses are classified as eukaryotic. 2/2pts Question1 A virus has (1) genomic material comprised of either DNA or RNA and (2) a capsid, a membrane-like protective structure that contains the genetic material, similar to the nucleus ofa eukaryotic cell. YourAnswer: TwobasiccomponentsofavirusthegenomicmaterialcomprosedofeitherDNAorRNAandacapsid,whichis the membrane or protective coat that contains the genetic material Describe the two basic components of a virus. 5/5pts Question2 The surrounds the capsid of some viruses. YourAnswer: Capsid 0/3pts Question3 BIOD 171 Module 6 Exam (New)(2022-2023)/ BIOD171 Module 6 Exam YouAnswered envelope Correct! False.Theoverwhelmingmajorityofanimalvirusesareenvelopedwhereasthemajorityofplantorbacteria - infectingvirusesarenot. False True TrueorFalse.Youwouldexpecttoseeaviralenvelopeonavirusinfectingabacterialcell. 2/2pts Question4 Variolavirus(~200nm)>Orthomyxovirus(100-150nm)>Poliovirus(~30nm) Your Answer:Variolavirusisthe largest Orthomyxovirus is second last is poliovirus Rank the following viruses based on their size from largest to smallest:Orthomyxovirus Poliovirus Variolavirus 3/3pts Question5 Correct Answe False r True TrueorFalse:Highlyinfectiousvirusesundergogenomereplicationpriortoviralattachmentandentry. 0/2pts Question6 BIOD 171 Module 6 Exam (New)(2022-2023)/ BIOD171 Module 6 Exam 3- Tail 4- Base plate 5- Tailfibers Question11 5/5pts BIOD 171 Module 6 Exam (New)(2022-2023)/ BIOD171 Module 6 Exam YouAnswered Describethemaindifferencesbetweenlyticandtemperatephages.Your Answer: Lyticphagesreplicatefromwithinthehostbacteriauntilrupturingwhiletemperatephagesexistinanon- replicative state but won't kill the host Lyticbacteriophagesreplicatewithinthehostbacteriauntilitruptures,whereastemporate(orlysoge nic) phages primarily exist in a non-replicative state that does not kill the host cell. Lytic phages replicate all viral proteins needed for the assembly of new virus particleswhereas lysogenic phage genomes are integrated into the host genome but production of viralproteins is suppressed. Low.Asturbidityisafunctionofthenumberofintactbacterialcellspresentinthemedia,theamountof viruscontained withinthe abovetube must below. Asthe lyticcycle continues more and more bacterial cells will be destroyed, effectively clearing the media. YourAnswer: Lowbecauseofthenumberofintactbacterialcells+theamountofvirusinthetubeshouldbelow.Mediashould look/be clear as bacterial cells get destroyed. Based on the following image, would you expect the viral titer to be high or low? Why? 5/5pts Question12 BIOD 171 Module 6 Exam (New)(2022-2023)/ BIOD171 Module 6 Exam Which of the following can be spread via airborne particles: Measles 0/2pts Question13 Mumps. A patient infected with mumps (aka epidemic paratitis) has swelling in the paratoid (salivaryglands) located in the neck. YourAnswer: Usually Mumps What disease is best characterized by painful swelling of the paratoid? 3/3pts Question17 Chickenpox is highly contagious and can be transmitted (1) through both air-borne droplets (sneezing/coughs)or via (2) direct contact with the blisters of an infected individual. YourAnswer: Air-borne droplets or direct contact with an infected person Describe two ways chickenpox can be spread. 5/5pts Question18 Correct! False True.ThemostcommonageforVZVreactivationandshinglediagnosistendstooccurinpeople around60yearsofage. True Trueor False.The developmentof shinglesis mostoften seenin anolder adult population(> 60years old). 2/2pts Question19 TrueorFalse.Similartochickenpox,theblistersthatappearwithshinglescancovertheentirebody. True Correct! False False.Unlikechickenpoxblisters,whichcanformanywhere,theblistersassociatedwithshinglesare localizedandlimitedtosmallareas. 2/2pts Question20 The infected individual will not develop shingles, but will develop chickenpox. Unvaccinatedand unexposed individuals must first develop chickenpox, as shingles is the reactivation of thedormant VZV virus from the chickenpox infection. YourAnswer: The person will not develop shingles; they'll develop chickenpox due to the fact that unvaccinated andunexposed persons must first develop chickenpox. Shingles is simply the reactivation of the dormant VZVvirus that has lain dormant in the body given having chickenpox. A person who has neither previously had chickenpox nor been administered the VZV vaccine is exposed to someone with an active VZV (shingles) outbreak and becomes infected. Explain why (or why not) the personwill only develop shingles. 5/5pts Question21 No.Bothvirusesarevariantsofsmallpoxandwereeradicatedin1977.Youwouldnotneedto worry about coming into contact with the virus. YourAnswer: No, not really--this was eradicated in 1977 Whiletravelingabroad, shouldyou beworried aboutcoming intocontactwith eitherthe Variolamajoror Variolaminorviruses? 5/5pts Question22 Polio, also known as poliomyelitis. YourAnswer: Polio What small (~30nm) single-stranded, non-enveloped RNA virus causes temporary or permanent paralysis by infiltrating (infecting) motor neurons within the spinal cord, brain stem, or motor cortex? 3/3pts Question23 By whom and where was the first polio vaccine developed? YourAnswer: 1.5/3pts Question24 ThefirstpoliovaccinewasdevelopedbyDr.Salkin1954 Jonas Salk and his research team developed the polio vaccine at the University of Pittsburgh in 1955. Influenza A YourAnswer: FLU A or Influenza A Which subtype of Influenza is the most virulent? 3/3pts Question25 Hemagglutinin (HA) proteins would be targets as they are directly involved in viral attachmentandentryintothehostcell.Neuraminidaseproteinsareinvolvedinthebuddingandreleas eof new viral particles and would thus not be the correct target. YourAnswer: The drug company would target HA or hemagglutinin proteins because they are directly involved in viralattachment and entry into host cells. Adrug company istrying to develop anew drug that willinhibit viral entry ofInfluenza. Would the drug company target hemagglutinin proteins or neuraminidase proteins? Why? 5/5pts Question26 It is possible to receive a flu vaccine and yet (unfortunately) still get the flu in the same seasonif you are exposed to a viral strain that was not included in the vaccine. There are a largenumber of variants and the flu vaccine is unable to vaccinate against all subtypes. Medical researchers predict and then distribute flu vaccines based current trends and the availabledatarelativetothemostcommoncirculatingstrains.Unfortunately,thismodelisnotalways 100% accurate. YourAnswer: Becausetherearedifferentstrainsoftheflupresenteveryyearthatmutateandthatviralstrainmaynotbeincluded in the making of the vaccine that is taken by the person. Explainwhy the flushot given eachyear may notbe 100% effective atpreventing the flu? 5/5pts Question27