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BIOL 1104 quiz #3 study questions 100% VERIFIED ANSWERS 2024/2025 CORRECT, Exams of Nursing

BIOL 1104 quiz #3 study questions 100% VERIFIED ANSWERS 2024/2025 CORRECT

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BIOL 1104 quiz #3 study

questions 100% VERIFIED



What are the four key questions to help organize animals?

  1. Does it have tissues?
  2. What kind of symmetry
  3. Protostome or Deuterostome?
  4. Do they grow by molting a cuticle. Asymmetry cannot be separated into equal parts bilateral symmetry can be split into 2 'sides' only along one plane radial symmetry body organized around a central axis blastopore dimple in the blastoderm, beginning of intestinal tract Blastula hollow ball of cells Heterotrophy

an organism that cannot synthesize its own food and is dependent on complex organic substances for nutrition. Most animals have ____ germ layers. Name these three layers and give an example of the tissue that these special layers of "stem" cells can become. 3, Ectoderm- outside layer, dermal and neural tissues; endoderm- inside layer, gut lining; mesoderm- middle layer, connective tissue. True or false? If you find a radially symmetrical animal with a mouth, it is a protostome. Explain your answer. False, only bilaterally symmetrical animals have an intestinal tract. True or false? If you find a radially symmetrical animal with a mouth and an anus, it is a deuterostome. Explain your answer. False, only bilaterally symmetrical animals have an intestinal tract. If you found three animals (a gastropod, a cnidarian, and a sponge) on a beach, what specific characteristics would help distinguish them from each other? If they had tissue or not, type of symmetry, basically ask the four key questions. If you found an animal that had radial symmetry but lacks a complete gut, to which phylum would it belong to? Cnidarians An animals with a mouth and anus: Can you accurately predict the symmetry of the animal? yes, all animals with a complete GI tract are bilaterally symmetrical at least one point in their lifetime. An animals with a mouth and anus, also bilaterally symmetrical: can you predict the phylum of this animal? No, you would have to find out if it was a protostome or a deuterostome. Cnidarians push out a stinger from their cnidocytes (stinging cells) when water rapidly enters a part of the cell called the cnidoblast. Would you expect a cnidoblast to have higher or lower solute

concentrations than the rest of the cell when water begins to enter the cnidoblast? Justify your response. You may want to return to lectures on plants to review how osmosis works. They have a higher amount of solute which causes water to rush in, to balance out the solutes. What is the difference between an open and a closed circulatory system? open- blood is not completely contained in blood vessels but directly bathes organs in a hemocoel. closed- blood is fully contained in the blood vessels In what phyla do you find open circulation? Closed circulation? Closed- annelida (segmented worms) Open- Mollusca, arthropods The flatworm body is flat. Why does being flat matter in terms of diffusion? How does this relate to the lack of a circulatory system in flatworms? It is easier to diffuse on a thinner surface and the only way flatworms get their O2 is through diffusion, so it is done more efficiently. Why is indirect development so beneficial? How does this affect fitness? indirect development is a type of development where the baby is a different form than the adult version of that organism. (ex: caterpillar->butterfly). What characteristics would you expect to be associated with a Roundworm? no circulatory system, complete digestive tract, bilaterally symmetrical, protostome. What characteristics would you expect to be associated with a Gastropod? open circulatory system, bilaterally symmetrical, protostome, full GI tract. Shell, snail. What characteristics would you expect to be associated with a Scorpion? Arthropod, bilateral, protostome, open circ. system, exoskeleton, head, thorax abdomen. What characteristics would you expect to be associated with a Vertebrate?

A spine, full GI tract, Bilaterally. Describe advantages or benefits of living in aquatic environments. No dehydration, less gravity. Describe disadvantages or costs of living in aquatic environments move slower, less energy because there is less heat. What disadvantages or costs are their to each environment relative to the other? Most water animals can only be in the water but most terrestrial animals can move from land to water more easily. What is different about the fins of lobe-finned and ray-finned fishes? Explain why this helps us understand that lobe-finned fishes are closely related to amphibians and other tetrapods (animals with four legs)? ray-finned fish have bony skeletons and bony rays that support the fins. lobe-finned fish have thick, jointed bones in fins rather than thin bony rays, this is a step towards weight-bearing legs. What are some characteristics of terrestrial vertebrates that help with conserving water? thicker skin, hair, scales or feathers helps prevent water loss. Are mammals amniotes? Yes, embryo develops inside the mother's body. (amniotic sac) Are reptiles amniotes? Yes, embryo develops in an amniotic egg. What is an analogous trait? Analogous structures are structures that are similar in unrelated organisms What is a homologous trait? Homologous structures are structures that are similar in related organisms because they were inherited from a common ancestor.

Why is endothermy beneficial? Describe a way that endothermy could increase fitness for birds or mammals. Endothermy is beneficial because the organism is always at a proper temperature. It helps increase fitness because they have faster chemistry because they are warmer and they do not need to take the time to reheat themselves. more time to make babies. What does internal constancy mean? Internal consistency reflects the extent to which items within an instrument measure various aspects of the same characteristic or construct. The word maintaining implies an organism is actively doing something. If the temperature of a rock does not change during 24 hours, Is the rock performing homeostasis? (Is the rock DOING anything to ensure the temperature of the rock does not change? A rock is not a living creature, therefore does not need to perform homeostasis or maintain anything. Explain the following concept in your own words: Regulation of body temperature is an EXAMPLE of homeostasis. Homeostasis itself is a much broader concept. Homeostasis is a broad concept of an organism maintaining and regulating all of its body systems so that it may run smoothy and live longer. What variable might a snake need to control inside its body? Metabolism, blood flow, digestion. Which variables might a snake not be able to control temperature, ectothermic. What variables might a human need to control in their body? temperature, digestion, emotions. Define negative feedback and give example. Regulate or conform to the changes, trying to resist change. ex. when you are hungry you want to resist that hunger by eating something.

Define positive feedback and give example. Adding more to the situation. when you do something good people give compliments so you will continue to good things and receive more praise. Why are positive feedback systems always controlled by a negative feedback? There needs to be a stopping point or else you will die. the positive helps to a certain extent. a truck will continue to speed down a hill and get faster and faster until either it brakes or just runs right off the road. What things does the human body do to regulate body temperature? too cold- shiver to bring more heat to body too hot- sweat to cool body down. this is an example to negative feedback. Define endotherm. can generate body heat, warm blooded Define ectotherm. unable to generate body heat, cold blooded Define homeotherm. can maintain stable body temperature when the environmental temperature changes. Define heterothermy. the body temperature matches the environment. Do you think endotherms are homeothermic or heterothermic? endotherms are homeothermic because they can maintain a stable temp by generating their own heat. Do you think ectotherms are homeothermic or heterothermic?

Ectotherms are heterothermic because they cannot generate their own heat so they have to match them temperature of then environment. What 3 characteristics are common to all respiratory systems?

  1. moisture
  2. Thin surfaces
  3. sufficient surface area. Explain how the concentration gradient of O2 results in movement of oxygen form human lungs to the blood and from the blood to the body's tissues. When you breathe in oxygen there is a very high concentration of it in your lungs and there is a low concentration in your blood. This means that the O2 will diffuse into your blood to then be transported throughout your body. Your body cells have less O2 concentration than your blood cells, so the O2 in your blood will diffuse to your other body cells to get the oxygen they need. What protein carries oxygen in our blood? hemoglobin Is diffusion necessary for gas exchange in humans? Why or why not? Yes because humans have a closed circulatory system so the O2 will need to diffuse from the lungs to your blood cells then to your other body cells. Water contains ~30 times less oxygen than air. Which would you expect to be faster: diffusion of oxygen into the blood of a terrestrial animal or diffusion of oxygen into the blood of a fish? Diffusion of O2 of a terrestrial animal would be faster there is a greater difference in concentration in air than in water. Nematodes have no respiratory system. How is it that O2 diffusion across the body surface is sufficient for the needs of a nematode but not for a human? Nematodes are very small, thin creatures. The oxygen can easily diffuse through the skin and the body cells can get the oxygen they need. humans are much, much larger than a small little worm and need the help of an intricate respiratory system.

Insects have a respiratory system and a circulatory system. However, the circulatory system is not used to move gases throughout their body. How do insects move gases throughout bodies? Describe differences in the bird and human respiratory system. Explain why diffusion of gases is more efficient (faster) in the bird lung than in the human lung. Compare and contrast open and closed circulatory systems. Closed Circulatory system: blood is fully contained within vessels. Open circulatory system: marinating, blood partially contained in vessels; blood mixes with extracellular fluid. What disadvantages and advantages do closed systems have compared to open systems? benefits of closed circulatory system include: more rapid transport, better control of blood flow, and specialized blood cells and molecules. What roles do circulatory systems provide? movement of gasses, nutrients, waste, hormones heat, and immune cells throughout the body. Why are circulatory systems necessary for large organisms? because O2 cant just diffuse right into the body like in smaller organisms. Larger organisms are usually more complex and need a complex circulatory system to get things where they need to be in the body as efficient as possible. Why does blood slow down as it passed through a vessel. friction How does slow blood flow affect rate of oxygen delivery to tissues? slower blood flow= less oxygen What implications does slow blood flow have on metabolism? Potential activity of an animal? Ability to hunt? slow blood means less O2 which means less energy which means slower metabolism.