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BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+, Exams of Nursing

The mark scheme for Biology Paper 1 for the GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy 8464/B/1H exam. It provides information to examiners on the marks available for each question, the typical answers expected, and the assessment objectives and specification content that each question is intended to cover. The mark scheme also includes instructions for marking procedures, level of response marking instructions, and examples of questions and answers with extra information and marks awarded.

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Download BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ GCSE COMBINED SCIENCE: TRILOGY 8464/B/1H Biology Paper 1H Mark scheme June 2022/2023 Version: 1.0 Final Mark Scheme Information to Examiners 1.General The mark scheme for each question shows: BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ • the marks available for each part of the question • the total marks available for the question • the typical answer or answers which are expected • extra information to help the Examiner make his or her judgement • the Assessment Objectives, level of demand and specification content that each question is intended to cover. The extra information is aligned to the appropriate answer in the left- hand part of the mark scheme and should only be applied to that item in the mark scheme. At the beginning of a part of a question a reminder may be given, for example: where consequential marking needs to be considered in a calculation; or the answer may be on the diagram or at a different place on the BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ *206g8464b1H/MS* BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2022/2023 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2022/2023 RATED A+ Name two planets in the solar system. [1 mark] Studen t Response Marks awarde d 1 Neptune, Mars, Moon 1 2 Neptune, Sun, Mars, Moon 0 3.2 Use of chemical symbols / formulae [2 marks] 1 If a student writes a chemical symbol / formula instead of a required chemical name, full credit can be given if the symbol / formula is correct and if, in the context of the question, such action is appropriate. 3.3 Marking procedure for calculations Marks should be awarded for each stage of the calculation completed correctly, as students are instructed to show their working. Full marks can, however, be given for a correct numerical answer, without any working shown. 3.4 Interpretation of ‘it’ Answers using the word ‘it’ should be given credit only if it is clear that the ‘it’ refers to the correct subject. 1 3.5 Errors carried forward In the mark scheme additional information, ‘allow’ is used to indicate creditworthy alternative answers. 3.9 Ignore Ignore is used when the information given is irrelevant to the question or not enough to gain the marking point. Any further correct amplification could gain the marking point. 3.10 Do not accept Do not accept means that this is a wrong answer which, even if the correct answer is given as well, will still mean that the mark is not awarded. 4. Level of response marking instructions Extended response questions are marked on level of response mark schemes. • Level of response mark schemes are broken down into levels, each of which has a descriptor. • The descriptor for the level shows the average performance for the level. • There are two marks in each level. Before you apply the mark scheme to a student’s answer, read through the answer and annotate it (as instructed) to show the qualities that are being looked for. You can then apply the mark scheme. Step 1: Determine a level Start at the lowest level of the mark scheme and use it as a ladder to see whether the answer meets the descriptor for that level. The descriptor for the level indicates the different qualities that might be seen in the student’s answer for that level. If it meets the lowest level then go to the next one and decide if it meets this level, and so on, until you have a match between the level descriptor and the mark scheme. You should ignore any irrelevant points made. However, full marks can be awarded only if there are no incorrect statements that contradict a correct response. An answer which contains nothing of relevance to the question must be awarded no marks. BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ Ques ti on Answers Extra information Ma r k AO / Spec . Ref. 01.1 concentration of 1 AO the sugar solution 1 4.1. 3.2 RPA 2 01.2 gained water 1 AO2 (water moves) by 1 AO1 BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ osmosis or allow converse statements 4.1.3. 2 RPA 2 (because) concentration of water outside the potato is greater than inside the cells (because) concentration (of sugar solution) inside the potato is greater than outside the / potato potato / cells 01.3 all points correctly allow ± ½ a square 1 AO BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ 3.14 (%) 1 allow correct rounding to 3 sig figs of an incorrectly calculated percentage change Total 9 BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ Ques ti on Answers Extra information Ma r k AO / Spec . Ref. 02.1 amylase allow phonetic spelling allow carbohydra se do not accept amylose 1 A O 1 4.2. 2.1 BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ 02.2 small intestine 1 A O 1 4.2 .1 4.2.2. 1 02.3 any one from: • greater magnification • higher resolving power allow can see (smaller) sub- cellular structures / parts allow can see 1 A O 1 4.1. 1.5 BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ 02.7 active transport allow active uptake 1 A O 3 4.1. 3.3 BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ Ques ti on Answ e rs Extra information Ma r k AO / Spec . Ref. BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ 02.8 any one from: • respiration • to form glycogen • to make amino acids / proteins 1 AO allow as an energy 1 source 4.4. do not accept to 2.1 make / use / create 4.4.2 .3 / produce energy allow to make lipid / fat 02.9 Level 2: Relevant points (reasons/causes) are 3– 4 A O 2 4.1. 1.3 identified, given in detail and logically linked to form a clear account. BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ • (where) energy is transferred • (as) active transport requires energy • energy is needed to absorb sugar / food / molecules For Level 2 must make links between structure and it’s function Total 14 BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ Ques ti on Answers Extra information Ma r k AO / Spec . Ref. ignore obesity 03.1 any one from: 1 AO • (Type 2 ) diabetes do not accept Type 1 1 • (coronary / diabetes allow 4.2. ischaemic) heart cardiovascular 2.5 disease / CHD disease ignore heart 4.2.2. BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ correctly rounded value if 2.5 is given in step 2 allow an answer of 1.58 (m) 03.3 overweight answer must be consistent with height calculated in 03.2 1 A O 3 4.2. 2.5 4.2.2. 6 BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ three from: 4.4.2. 3 • increased energy intake if more food eaten allow increased energy intake if more fat / carbohydrate eaten allow converse allow energy taken in when you eat BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ • if exercise more, more energy is transferred / released allow if exercise more, respiration / metabolism increases or is faster allow converse BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ • if more energy is taken in than is transferred body mass increases or if less energy is taken in than is transferred body mass decreases allow energy is transferred during exercise do not accept energy is burnt during exercise allow if less energy is transferred than is taken in body mass increases or if more energy is transferred than is taken in body mass decreases BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ clear. Level 1: Points are identified and stated simply, but their relevance is not clear and there is no attempt at logical linking. 1– 2 No relevant content 0 Indicativ e content During exercise : • increased breathing rate • increased breath volume • (to) take in more oxygen for (aerobic) respiration • (and) exhale more carbon dioxide • increased heart rate • (so) increased blood flow (to muscles) BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ • (to) transport oxygen / glucose to respiring cells faster • (and) increase rate of carbon dioxide removal • glycogen converted to glucose • insufficient oxygen supplied (during prolonged vigorous exercise) • (so) lactic acid is formed (during anaerobic respiration) • (and) an oxygen debt is created • (lactic acid causes) muscles become fatigued / tired or (causes) muscles to stop contracting efficiently • allow reference to sweating or increased body temperature or vasodilation (during or after exercise) BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ After exercise: • heart rate remains high or heart rate slowly decreases • continue to breathe rapidly or breathing rate slowly decreases • (to) pay back oxygen debt • oxygen debt is the amount of oxygen needed to break down lactic acid • (and to) provide more oxygen to react with the lactic acid and remove it from cells • (some) lactic acid transported to liver • (lactic acid) is converted back into glucose For Level 3 need reference to: • changes during and after exercise • lactic acid and its removal. BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ does not have its DNA / does not genetic material have a nucleus (plant inside a nucleus cell does) (plant cell does) allow bacterial cell has DNA / genetic material in a ring / BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ loop (plant cell does not) allow bacterial cell has DNA / genetic material free in cytoplasm • bacterial cell (may) have plasmids (plant cell does not) • bacterial cell does not have mitochondria (plant cell does) • cell wall in bacterial cells BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ is not made of cellulose (cell wall in plant cells is) • bacterial cell does not have a large / permanent vacuole (plant cell does) • bacterial cell has smaller ribosomes do not accept idea that bacterial cells do (than plant cells) not have ribosomes allow bacterial cell (may) have a flagellum (plant cells do BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ • white blood cells stimulate d to produce antibodies • reference to memory cells do not accept incorrect white blood cell, eg phagocyte made or remain • on re- exposure specific / correct antibodies are made (very) quickly • bacteria / pathogens / microorganis ms killed and do not produce a large enough allow on re- exposure specific / correct antibodies are produced in large quantities allow bacteria / pathogens / microorganism s killed and do not produce a large enough population to produce toxins population to cause the disease poisoning) 04.5 warmer weather so bacteria reproduce / increase faster ignore bacteria are killed at low temperatures allow food not cooked properly on barbeques 1 A O 3 4.3. 1.1 4.3.1. 3 Total 12 Ques ti on Answers Extra information Ma r k AO / Spec . Ref. 05.1 a reference to rate AO is needed allow gas 1 measure the volume for oxygen 1 4.4. of oxygen produced 1.1 in a given time 4.4.1. 2 or RPA 5 when more oxygen is allow when oxygen is produced in a produced faster given the time the rate of rate of photosynthesis photosynthesis is is faster faster ignore the faster the rate of photosynthesis, the more oxygen is produced 05.4 there is a cost for heating the greenhouse there is a cost for increasing the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (of the greenhouse) (therefore) the additional costs might exceed the allow there is a cost for lighting (in winter) ignore these additional costs would reduce profits unqualified 1 1 1 A O 3 4.4. 1.1 4.4.1 .2 (additional) sale price / profit or (additional) costs could not be recovered by increasing the sale price of the tomatoes 05.5 when there is no light there is no photosynthesis (so) no oxygen is produced (but) respiration happens (all the time) and oxygen is used (therefore) the net / overall oxygen production is negative / - 2 (arbitrary units) do not accept an answer of -2 (arbitrary units) unqualified 1 1 1 1 AO1 A O 1 A O 1 A O 2 4.4. 1.1 4.4.1 .2 4.4.2 .1 Total 10 • to look for side effects lower dose ignore that it may be unsafe / dangerous unqualified ignore unknown side effects unqualified 06.3 too great a risk for allow may make 1 AO ill person / patient their condition worse 2 allow less risk to 4.3. healthy person ignore 1.9 references to immune system patient might be 1 taking another drug allow unhealthy or person might be side effects of drug taking another drug are easier to identify ignore to see side effects BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ unqualified 06.4 any one from: 1 AO • to prevent false 2 claims ignore references to 4.3. • to make sure the accuracy, reliability 1.9 results / conclusions or precision are correct / valid • to avoid bias BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ Questi o n Answ e rs Ma r k AO / Sp e c. 06.5 Level 3: A judgement, strongly linked and logically supported by a sufficient range of correct reasons, is given. 5– 6 A O 3 4.3. 1.9Level 2: Some logically linked reasons are given. There may also be a simple judgement. 3– 4 Level 1: Relevant points are made. They are not logically linked. 1– 2 No relevant content 0 Indicative content arguments for use: • will save the NHS money • (approximately) 20 times as many people or 19 more people can be treated compared to Drug A • (approximately) 29 times as • may have unknown side effects • doctors cannot be confident in prescribing Drug C • goes against regulations / laws regulating drug development / use • might set a precedent for other drugs not to be fully tested • might set a precedent for other non- approved / unlicensed drugs to be used Need advantages and disadvantages for Level 2 Total 11 BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+ 5 BIOLOGY 1102 BIOLOGY PAPER 1 MS 2023/2024 RATED A+