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Download BLS CPR FINAL EXAM ACTUAL EXAM 2024-2025 COMPLETE 450 QUESTIONS WITH DETAILED ANSWERS and more Exams Health sciences in PDF only on Docsity!





1-handed chest compressions - ANSChild one hand compression 6 critical concepts - ANSstart compressions within 10 sec, push hard and fast 100bpm 2 in. depth, allow chest recoil, less then 10 sec interuption, effective breaths for chest rise, avoid excessive ventilation a bag/mask device (BMV) is recommended for ventilations with either 1 OR 2 rescuers - ANSFalse (only for two) takes up too much time to switch for single abdominal thrusts with victim standing or sitting - ANS1. stand or kneel behind the victim and wrap your arounds the victims waist

  1. make a fist with on hand
  1. place the thumb side of your fist against the victims abdomen in the midline slightly above the navel and well below the breastbone
  2. grasp your first your other hand and press your fist into the victims abdomen with a quick forceful upward thrust
  3. repeat thrusts until the objects is expelled from the airway or the victim becomes unresponsive
  4. give each new thrust with a separate distinct movement to relieve the obstruction actions in an rescue event - ANS1. safe scene/verify
  5. check for responsiveness/tap should shout ARE YOU OK?
  6. if victim is not responsive shout for nearby help
  7. Activate EMS, call 911
  8. get the AED and emergency equipment
  9. next asses the victim for normal breathing a pulse

Adult cpr: Ratio of compressions to breaths - ANS30 compression's to 2 breaths AED - ANSautomated external defibrillator

after AED device give shock what do you do - ANSresume CPR, chest compressions Age ranges adult / child / infant - ANSadult to adolescent (has underarm hair, developed breasts) child 1 yr to puberty infant less than 1 year (not neonates/newborns) agonal gasps - ANSAbnormal breathing. May happen in the first minutes after sudden cardiac arrest. AHA - ANSAmerican Heart Association an adult who was choking is now unconscious on the floor. what should I do now?

  • ANSa. get help b. begin CPR with chest compressions c. check for visible foreign body in throat anterolateral placement - ANSAED

anteroposterior placement - ANSAED placement Bag Mask - ANSA hand-held device with a face mask BLS - ANSBasic Life Support C-A-B - ANScompression, airway, breathing C-A-B-D - ANScompression-airway-breathing-defibrillation carotid artery pulse - ANSpulse found in the neck, if you do not feel begin with CPR start with chest compressions chain of survival for an in hospital cardiac arrest - ANS1. surveillance prevention and treatment of pre arrest conditions

  1. immediate recognition of cardiac arrest and activation of the emergency response system
  2. early cpr with an emphasis on chest compressions
  3. rapid defibrillation
  4. multidisciplinary post cardiac arrest care

chain of survival for an out of hospital cardiac arrest - ANS1. immediate recognitions of cardiac arrest and activation of the emergency response system

  1. early cpr with an emphasis on chest compressions
  2. rapid defibrillation with an AED
  3. effective advanced life support
  4. multidisciplinary post cardiac arrest care chest compression depth - ANSadults at least 2 inches (allow recoil) child at least 2 inches (allow recoil) infant 1/3 depth of chest or 1 1/2 inches (allow recoil) chest compression hand placement - ANSadults 2 handed grasp on top of other, lower half of center breastbone child 1 or 2 handed lower half of center breastbone infant 2 fingers lower half center breastbone (single rescue) infant 2 thumbs encircling hands technique (bag valve mask used only when 2 present) chest compression rate - ANSat least 100 to 120 compressions per min for all

chest recoil - ANSallows blood to flow to the heart compression to ventilation ratio adults/infants (1 rescuer) - ANS30: compression to ventilation ratio adults/infants (2 rescuers) - ANS30:2 (5 cycles CPR) / 15:2 (10 cycles CPR) CPR - ANScardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR consist of these 3 - ANSchest compressions,airway,breathing defibrillator - ANSa machine that delivers an electroshock to stop the heart through electrodes placed on the chest wall ECC - ANSemergency cardiovascular care EMS - ANSemergency response system FBAO - ANSForeign Body Airway Obstruction

For what age victim is the 2 thumb encircling hands technique advised when 2 rescuers are present? - ANSInfant younger than 1 year gastric inflation - ANSwhen air enters the stomach instead of lungs if breaths are given to quickly. Good chest compressions and full chest recoil create blood flow during CPR - ANSTrue head position for infant CPR - ANSsniffing or neutral position heart attack occurs when - ANSblood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked (clot problem) If a manual defibrillator is not available for an infant victim, which action should you take? - ANSuse an AED equipped with a pediatric dose attenuator If a victim of cardiac arrest has an implanted pacemaker or defibrillator, what special steps should be taken? - ANSAvoid placing the AED pads over the implanted device

if adult, child, or infant has a pulse but is not breathing effectively, rescuer should - ANSgive breaths w/o chest compressions. this is rescue breathing If you suspect that an unresponsive victim has head or neck trauma, what is the preferred method for opening the air way? - ANSJaw-Thrust in adults cardiac arrest is often sudden and results from_____ - ANScardiac cause in children cardiac arrest is often secondary to _______ - ANSrespiratory failure and shock In which locations do most out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur? - ANSHomes infant 1 rescuer 2 finger technique - ANS1. place the infant on a firm flat surface

  1. place two fingers in the center of the infants chest just below the nipple line on the lower half of the breastbone
  2. give compressions at a rate of 100 to 120 min
  3. compress at least one third the AP about 1 1/2 inches the end of each compression make sure allow the chest to recoil to less than ten seconds

  1. after every 30 compressions open the airway with a head tilt chin lift and give 2 breaths each over 1 second
  2. after 5 cycles or 2 minutes of cpr activate the emergency response system and retrieve the AED
  3. continue compressions and breaths in aratio of 30:2 use AED ASAP infant 2 thumb encircling hands technique - ANS1. place the infant on a firm flat surface
  4. place both thumbs side by side in the center of the infants chests on the lower half of the breast bone. encircle the infants chest and support the infants back with the fingers of both hands
  5. with your hands encircling the chest use both thumbs to depress the breastbone at the rate of 100 to 120/min
  6. compress at least one third the AP about 1 1/2 inches the end of each compression make sure allow the chest to recoil to less than ten seconds
  7. after every 15 compressions pause briefly for the second rescuer to open the airway with head tilt chin and give 2 breaths each over 1 seconds.
  8. switch 5 cycles or 2 minutes of cpr switch 15:2 for 2 rescuers

it may be necessary to perform 'both' breathing and chest compressions for an unresponsive infant with a low heart rate (pulse) below 60 bpm - ANSTrue jaw thrust - ANShead position if suspected neck injury, one hand each side of face and thrust jaw forward, if unable to chin lift, head tilt (standard) locating the femoral artery pulse in a child - ANS mouth to mask breathing - ANSa. chin lift, tilt head to open airway b. make seal over mouth and nose with mask hand in shape of C, finger under chin to hold head and mask in place C. give 2 breaths per 1 second D. watch for chest to rise mouth to mouth - ANShead tilt-chin lift to open airway, mouth to mouth (adult) mouth to nose (infant) breathing - ANSartificial respiration

mouth to mouth breathing for adults and children - ANS1. hold the victims airway open with a head tilt chin lift

  1. pinch the nose closed with your thumbs and index fingers
  2. take regular breath and seal your lips around the victims mouth creating an airtight seal
  3. deliver 1 breath over 1 second
  4. if the chest does not rise repeat the head tilt chin lift
  5. give a second breath watch for chest rise
  6. if you are unable to ventilate the victim after 2 attempts promptly return to chest compressions pediatric chain of survival - ANS-prevention of arrest
  • early high quality bystander cpr
  • rapid activation of the emergency response system -effective advanced life support including rapid stabilization and transport to post cardiac arrest care -integrated post cardiac arrest care pulse check for infants - ANSBrachial Artery under arm proximal to shoulder

ratio for adult CPR - ANS30: rescue breathing - ANSAdult / child 1 breath every 5-6 seconds Infant 1 breath every 3-5 seconds respiratory arrest - ANSbreathing stops but heart action continues for several minutes Same scenario with a 56 year old? No breathing, No pulse - ANSBegin cpr Several rescuers respond, you ask them to activate the emergency response system and retrieve the AED and emergency equipment. As you check for a pulse and breathing, you notice that the man is gasping for air and making snorting sounds. You do not feel a pulse, what is your next best action? - ANSStart cpr beginning with chest compressions steps for 1 rescuer CPR in order - ANSa. shake and shout you Ok? (infant flick foot) b. Call 911 c. check for pulse d. start chest compression lower 1/2 breast bone

e. open airway head tilt f. give 2 breaths g. resume compressions steps in using AED - ANSturn AED on attach pads (front/back on infant) (remove woman's bra or chest hair, piercings or jewelry) c. clear area d. follow direction to provide shock sudden cardiac arrest occurs when - ANSthe heart develops an abnormal rhythm and cant pump blood (rhythm problem) The man doesn't respond when you touch him and shout, "Are you okay?" what is your best next action? - ANSShout for nearby help. Universal Choking Sign - ANSWhen they cross their hands around their neck universal compressions - ANSregular compressions when performing CPR-2 inches and 30:

universal stept to use AED - ANS1. power on the AED

  1. Attach electrode pads
  2. analyze the rhythm
  3. clear the victim and press the shock button
  4. if no shock is needed and after any shock delivery immediately resume cpr unwitnessed child arrest, rescuer should - ANSimmediatly begin 5 cycles CPR and then activate EMS What action should you take when more rescuers arrive? - ANSAssign tasks to other rescuers and rotate compression's every 2 minutes or more frequently if needed to avoid fatigue. what action should you take when the AED is analyzing the heart rhythm? - ANSStand clear of the victim what do you look for to know the rescue breaths are effective for any victim - ANSvisible chest rise

What is an example of a mild foreign body airway obstruction? - ANSWheezing between coughs what is important to remember about pad placement on infants? - ANSYou may need to put one pad on the chest and one on the back what is not an example of an opioid? - ANSNaloxone What is the correct chest compression depth for a child? - ANS2 inches What is the correct chest compression depth for infants? - ANS1 1/2 inches (4cm) What is the correct compression to breath ratio 7 year old child when 2 or more rescuers are present? - ANS15 compressions to 2 breaths What is the correct compression-to-breath ratio for a single rescuer of a 3 year old child? - ANS30 compressions to 2 breaths What is the most appropriate first step to take as soon as the AED arrives? - ANSPower on the AED

What is the rate and depth for compression's on an adult? - ANS100-120 per minute and a depth of 2 inches. what is the ratio of chest compressions to breaths when providing CPR to adult - ANS30 compressions to 2 breaths What is the third link in the adult out-of-hospital Chain of Survival? - ANSRapid defibrillation What should you do when you are using an AED on an infant or child less than 8 years old? - ANSuse adult pads if child pads are not available When to call EMS (911 & gets AED) - ANSafter checking 1.responsiveness

  1. breathing (if you're alone leave victim to get EMS/AED before CPR) if not alone, send for help, begin CPR, use AED when arrives) Witnessed Collapse: if alone get help then begin CPR Unwitnessed Collapse: give 2 min CPR (5/10 cycles) then leave to call 911

which action can rescuers can rescuers perform to potentially reduce the risk of gastric inflation? - ANSDeliver each breath over 1 second Which is the most common cause of cardiac arrest in children? - ANSRespiratory failure or shock which is the preferred technique for giving rescue breaths to an infant? - ANSMouth to mouth and nose breaths Which statement best describes sudden cardiac arrest? - ANSWhen an abnormal rhythm develops and the heart stops beating unexpectedly. Which step is one of the universal steps for operating and AED? - ANSPlace pads on victims bare chest which victim of a severe airway obstruction should receive abdominal thrusts? - ANSan average 27 year old man Which victim would only need rescue breathing? - ANSNo breathing and a pulse

witnessed child arrest, rescuer should - ANSactivate EMS and then begin 5 cycles of CPR You are performing abdominal thrusts on a 9 year old when he suddenly becomes unresponsive. After you shout for help what step do you take? - ANSBegin high quality CPR You watch a 53 year-old man collapse and become unresponsive. What is the first action you should take in this situation? - ANSVerify that the scene is safe for you and your victim. Your 27 year old roomate uses opioids, you find him unconscious. a friend is calling 911 and getting naloxone what action should you take? No breathing, Strong pulse - ANSProvide rescue breaths 1 every 5-6 seconds