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BSG Exam 1 Questions with 100% Correct Answers Updated 2025
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- Factors that weaken the rivalry among competing sellers include - Correct answer High buyer costs to switch brands company industry rivals that any one company's actions have little impact on rivals' businesses, and rapid growth in buyer demand
- Which one of the following conditions acts to intensify the competitive pressures associated with the threat of entry? - Correct answer A general belief on the part of entry candidates that industry members are unwilling or unable to strongly contest the efforts of newcomers to gain a market foothold
- A competitive environment where there is strong rivalry among sellers, low entry barriers, strong competition from substitute products, and considerable bargaining leverage on the part of both suppliers and customers - Correct answer Makes it hard for industry members to earn attractive profits
- Which one of the following is not a factor that affects the strength of supplier bargaining power? - Correct answer Whether there are greater or fewer than ten suppliers of the item being purchased from suppliers
- Potential entrants are more likely to be deterred from actually entering an industry when - Correct answer Industry incumbents are willing and able to launch strong defensive maneuvers to maintain their positions and make it harder for a newcomer to compete successfully and profitably
- Which one of the following is not a useful question for company managers to pose in trying to predict the likely actions of important rivals? - Correct answer Which competitors are in the best strategic group in the industry?
- Which of the following is a major question to ask in assessing a company's industry and competitive environment? - Correct answer What forces are driving changes in the industry, and what impact will these changes have on competitive intensity and industry profitability?
- The "driving forces" in an industry - Correct answer are the major underlying causes of changing industry and competitive conditions and have the biggest influence on how the industry landscape will be altered
- Which of the following statements about the market maneuvering for buyer patronage that goes on among rival sellers of a product or service is false? - Correct answer While there is constant jockeying among industry members to improve their market position and profits, the current market leaders have a 90% or better chance of continuing their leadership and ultimately winning a sustainable competitive advantage over the other industry contenders.
- The rivalry among competing sellers tends to become a stronger competitive force when - Correct answer the products of rival sellers are essentially identical or else weakly differentiated.
- Which of the following is generally not considered as a barrier to entry? - Correct answer Weak brand preference and low degrees of customer loyalty to existing brands
- Which one of the following statements about strategic groups and strategic group mapping is false? - Correct answer The hardest aspect of strategic group mapping is always figuring out which of several possible strategic group maps represents the single one best map for portraying how competing firms are positioned.
- Which of the following are important considerations in evaluating whether an industry's outlook is conducive to good profitability? - Correct answer The industry's growth potential, the anticipated
strength of competitive forces, and whether the industry and the company are being favorably or unfavorably impacted by macro-environmental factors
- Which of the following are most unlikely to qualify as driving forces? - Correct answer Mounting competition from substitutes, increasing efforts on the part of industry members to collaborate with suppliers, and the speed with which the number of industry key success factors is either rising or falling
- In which of the following circumstances are competitive pressures associated with the bargaining power of buyers not relatively strong? - Correct answer When buyer demand is growing rapidly and sellers' products are strongly differentiated
- The competitive pressures from substitute products tend to be weaker when - Correct answer buyers have high costs in switching to substitutes
- based on Figure 3.4, which of the following is not a typical competitive weapon that a can use to battle rivals and attract buyers? - Correct answer Constructing the biggest production plant of any company in the industry
- The best test of whether potential entry is a strong or weak competitive force is whether - Correct answer the industry's growth and profit prospects are strongly attractive to potential entry candidates
- The strongest of the competitive forces in the five-forces model of competition is usually - Correct answer the competitive pressures associated with the market maneuvering and jockeying for buyer patronage among rival sellers in the industry
- The term strategic group refers to - Correct answer a cluster of industry rivals that employ similar competitive approaches, have product offerings that appeal to similar types of buyers, and thus occupy similar market positions
- A company's strategy is defined by - Correct answer the specific market positioning, competitive moves, and business approaches that form management's answer to "What's our plan for running the company and producing good results?"
- A company's strategy consists of - Correct answer the competitive moves and business approaches that managers employ to attract and please customers, compete successfully, pursue opportunities to grow the business, respond to changing market conditions, conduct operations, and achieve the targeted financial and market performance
- Managerial Commitment incorporates choices and decisions about: - Correct answer - how to attract and please customers
- how to compete against rivals - and ideally, gain a competitive advantage as opposed to being hamstrung by competitive disadvantage
- how to position the company in the marketplace vis-a-vis rivals
- how to capitalize on opportunities to grow the business
- how best to respond to changing economic and market conditions
- how to manage each functional piece of the business (R&D, supply chain activities, production, sales and marketing, distribution, finance, and human resources)
- how to achieve the company's performance
- 5 Frequently used strategic approaches to setting a company apart from rivals, delivering superior value, achieving competitive advantage and converting buyers into loyal customers are: - Correct answer 1. striving to be the industry's low-cost provider
- Competing successfully and profitably against rivals based on differentiating features
- Offering more value for the money
- Focusing on a narrow market niche and winning a competitive edge
- Developing competitively valuable resources and capabilities
- striving to be the industry's low-cost provider strategy - Correct answer aiming for a cost-based advantage over rivals that can then become the basis for charging lower prices and/or earning higher profits
- Strategy of Competing successfully and profitably against rivals based on differentiating features such as - Correct answer higher quality, wider product selection, added performance, value added services, more attractive styling, technological superiority, or some other attributes that set a company's product offering apart from those of rivals.
- Offering more value for the money strategy - Correct answer meeting or beating buyers' expectations regarding key quality/features/performance/service attributes while beating their price expectations (aka best-cost provider strategy)
- Focusing on a narrow market niche and winning a competitive edge Strategy - Correct answer by doing a better job than rivals of serving the special needs and tastes of buyers that compose the niche.
- Developing competitively valuable resources and capabilities Strategy - Correct answer such resources and capabilities that rivals can't easily imitate or trump with their own
- How a company achieves competitive advantage - Correct answer when an attractive number of buyers are drawn to purchase its products or services rather than those of competitors
- How a company achieves sustainable competitive advantage - Correct answer when the basis for buyer preferences for its product offering relative to the offerings of its rivals is durable, despite the competitors' efforts to nullify or overcome the appeal of its product offering
- A company is almost certain to earn significantly higher profits when - Correct answer it enjoys a competitive advantage as opposed to when it competes with no advantage or is hamstrung by competitive disadvantage
- The evolving nature of a company's strategy means the typical company strategy is a blend of - Correct answer (1) proactive actions to secure a competitive edge and improve the company's financial performance and (2) as-needed reactions to fresh market conditions and other unanticipated developments
- Proactive Strategy Elements - Correct answer newly crafted strategic initiatives plus ongoing strategy elements continued from prior periods
- Reactive Strategic Elements - Correct answer New Strategy elements that emerge as managers react to changing circumstances
- To meet the standard of being ethical, a strategy must entail - Correct answer actions and behavior that can pass moral scrutiny in the sense of not being deceitful, unfair or harmful to others, disreputable, or unreasonably damaging to the environment
- A company's strategic actions or behavior cross over into the should not do zone and are likely to be deemed unethical when - Correct answer (1) they reflect badly on the company or (2) they adversely impact the legitimate interests and well-being of shareholders, customers, employees, suppliers, the communities where it operates, and society at large or (3) they provoke widespread public outcries about inappropriate or "irresponsible" actions/behavior/outcomes
- Business model - Correct answer sets forth how its strategy and operating approaches will create value for customers while at the same time generating ample revenues to cover costs and realize a profit large enough to please shareholders.
- The two crucial elements of a company's business model are - Correct answer (1) its customer value proposition (the company's approach to satisfying buyer needs and requirements at a price they will consider a good value) and (2) its profit proposition or "profit formula" (its business approach to generating sufficiently large revenues and controlling the costs of its value proposition, such that the company will be appealingly profitable in delivering the intended value to customers)
- Three outcomes are required to satisfy both customers and shareholders - Correct answer 1. the revenue stream that is generated must be big enough to more than cover the costs of delivering attractive value to customers
- there must be adequate ways and means to control the costs of the value being delivered to customers
- the amounts by which revenues exceed the costs incurred must please shareholders
- A winning strategy - Correct answer must fit the enterprise's external and internal situation, help build sustainable competitive advantage, and improve company performance
- Three tests to distinguish a winning strategy from a so-so or flawed strategy - Correct answer 1. the fit test
- the competitive advantage test
- the performance test
- The Fit test asks - Correct answer How well does the strategy fit the company's situation?
- (to qualify as a winner, a strategy must be well matched to industry and competitive conditions, a company's best market opportunities, and other pertinent aspects of the business.)
- The Competitive Advantage test asks - Correct answer Is the strategy helping the company achieve a sustainable competitive advantage?
- ( Winning strategies enable a company to achieve a competitive advantage that is durable.)
- The Performance test asks - Correct answer Is the strategy producing good company performance?
- (To be a winner, a strategy must have resulted in substantially better company performance.)
- Two kinds of performance indicators that tell the most about the caliber of a company's strategy - Correct answer (1) competitive strength and market standing and (2) profitability and financial strength
- Good strategy and good execution - Correct answer are the most telling and trustworthy signs of good management
- A winning strategy fits - Correct answer the circumstances of a company's external situation and its internal resource strengths and competitive capabilities, builds competitive advantage, and boosts company performance
- Which of the following is not a reason that a company's strategy evolves over time? - Correct answer the ongoing need to frequently pursue entirely new ways to cut costs and boost profitability
- a company's business model - Correct answer is management's blueprint for delivering a valuable product or service customers in a manner that will generate revenues sufficient to cover costs and yield an attractive profit.
- According to Figure 1.1, which of the following is not something to look for in identifying a company's strategy? - Correct answer actions to boost the company's credit rating and stock price
- In endeavoring to craft a strategy that is ethical, company managers - Correct answer have to consider not only whether all the various strategy elements are within the bounds of what is legal and in compliance with prevailing governmental rules and regulations but also whether all the various elements of the company's strategy can pass the test of moral scrutiny
- What makes a competitive advantage sustainable or durable as opposed to temporary is - Correct answer actions or elements in the strategy that cause an attractive number of buyers to have lasting reasons to purchase a company's products or services, despite competitors' best efforts to nullify or overcome those reasons
- A company's strategy evolves from one version to the next because of - Correct answer the proactive efforts of company managers to improve this or that aspect of the strategy, a need to respond to changing customer requirements and expectations, and a need to react to the fresh strategic maneuvers of rival firms
- A company's strategy is most accurately defined as - Correct answer management's commitment to pursue a particular set of actions in attracting and pleasing customers, competing successfully, capitalizing on opportunities to grow the business, responding to changing market conditions, conducting operations, and achieving the targeted financial and market performance
- A company's strategy is defined by - Correct answer the specific market positioning, competitive moves, and business approaches that form management's answer to "What's our plan for running the company and producing good results?"
- Which one of the following questions can be used to distinguish a winning strategy from a mediocre or losing strategy? - Correct answer How well does the strategy fit the company's situation?
- The difference between a company's business model and a company's strategy is that - Correct answer its business model relates to management's blueprint for delivering a valuable product or service to customers in a manner that will generate revenues sufficient to cover costs and yield an attractive profit for shareholders while its strategy concerns the specific market positioning, competitive moves, and business approaches that management intends to employ to run the company and produce good business results
- A company's strategy and its quest for competitive advantage are tightly connected because - Correct answer a company is almost certain to earn significantly higher profits when it enjoys a competitive advantage as opposed to when it competes with no advantage or is hamstrung by competitive disadvantage
- Benchmarking involves - Correct answer comparing how different companies (both inside and outside the industry) perform various chain activities and then making cross-company comparisons of the costs of these activities
- The three steps of SWOT analysis are - Correct answer (1) identifying the company's competitively important strengths and weaknesses and its opportunities and threats, (2) drawing conclusions about the company's overall business situation, and (3) translating the conclusions
into strategic actions and an overall strategy that is well-matched to the company's overall situation
- The three best indicators of how well a company's present strategy is working are whether - Correct answer the company is achieving its stated financial and strategic objectives, is an above average industry performer, and is gaining customers and market share
- Which of the following is not one of the six questions that comprise the task of evaluating a company's collection of resources and capabilities, the competitiveness of its prices and internal operating costs, and its competitive strength versus rivals? - Correct answer What are the company's most profitable geographic market segments?
- The competitive power of a company resource or capability does not hinge on which one of the following? - Correct answer Whether the resource or capability represents a technological asset or a marketing asset
- In identifying company resources with competitive value, it is important to understand that - Correct answer a group of linked and integrated resources and capabilities, when bundled together, can have important competitive power even when individual components of the bundle, taken singly, do not
- The external market opportunities most relevant to a company are those that - Correct answer can be pursued with its competitively strong resources and capabilities, offer the best prospects of growth and profitability, and present the most potential for achieving competitive advantage
- A company's options for lowering the costs of internally-performed value chain activities do not include - Correct answer working closely with suppliers and/or distribution-related allies to eliminate costs in their portions of the company's value chain system
- SWOT analysis - Correct answer is a simple and powerful tool for assessing a company's overall situation - specifically, its competitively important internal strengths and weaknesses, its market opportunities, and the external threats to its future well-being
- In Table 4.2, which one of the following is not an example of a potential weakness or competitive deficiency that a company may have? - Correct answer A product offering that is not strongly differentiated from rivals
- Two useful tools for determining whether a company's customer value proposition, prices, and costs are competitive are - Correct answer value chain analysis and benchmarking
- According to the illustration in Table 4.3 and the accompanying discussion of weighted competitive strength assessment, the company with the highest weighted overall competitive strength rating - Correct answer enjoys a net competitive advantage vis-a-vis key rivals, with the size of its advantage being signaled by how much its overall competitive strength rating exceeds the overall competitive strength ratings of each of the other companies included in the assessment.
- When a company performs a competitively important activity better than rivals, it is said to have - Correct answer a distinctive competence in performing that activity
- Which of the following statements about company value chains is false? - Correct answer The activities that compromise a company's value chain reveal just how well a company's resources and capabilities are well-matched to the industry's key success factors and distinctive competence requirements
- In Table 4.2, which of the following is not an example of an external threat to a company's future profitability? - Correct answer Having too few resources and capabilities that are well-matched to the company's available market opportunities
- One option a company has for achieving competitive advantage is by out-managing rivals in - Correct answer performing certain differentiating-enhancing value chain activities more proficiently than rivals, thus creating a differentiation-based competitive advantage keyed to delivering what customers perceive as a superior product offering
- which of the following is an accurate interpretation of the overall competitive strength ratings that result from doing a competitive strength assessment (as illustrated in Table 4.3 and explained in the accompanying discussion)? - Correct answer the higher a company's overall competitive strength score/rating the stronger is its competitiveness and ability to compete successfully against rival industry members; low scores signal weak competitiveness and probable competitive disadvantage compared to rivals with higher scores
- Which one of the following provides the most accurate picture of whether a company is cost competitive with its rivals? - Correct answer How the combined costs of a company's internally performed activities, the activities performed by its suppliers and the activities performed by its forward channel allies compare against the costs of the supplier-performed, internally-performed, and forward channel ally-performed value chain systems employed by rival firms
- In a weighted competitive strength assessment like that shown in Table 4.3, the measures selected as indicators of competitive strength should be based on - Correct answer industry key success factors and other telling measures of competitive strength or weakness, the importance weights assigned to each of these competitive strength measures should sum to 1.
- Compiling a "worry list" that zeros in on exactly which strategic issues and problems company managers need to about and consider in crafting a strategy well-suited to the company's specific circumstances is an important analytical step because - Correct answer the "worry list" serves as an agenda of items that need to be addressed in crafting a set of strategic actions that fit the company's overall external and internal situation
- Which of the following is not an action that a company can take to do a better job than rivals of performing value chain activities more cost-effectively? - Correct answer Outsourcing all production-related activities
- The chief difference between a low-cost provider strategy and a focused low-cost strategy is - Correct answer the size of the buyer group that a company is trying to appeal to
- Opportunities to differentiate a company's product offering - Correct answer can exist in activities all along an industry's value chain and usually entail deliberate efforts to perform value chain activities in ways that create value-adding differentiating attributes for customers
- For all types of competitive strategies, success in sustaining the intended competitive edge over rivals depends on having - Correct answer at least some unique and valuable resources/capabilities that are either (1) hard for rivals to duplicate or (2) hard for rivals to develop offsetting close substitute resources/capabilities
- A strategy to be the industry's overall low-cost provider tends to be more appealing than a differentiation or best-cost or focused (or market niche) strategy when - Correct answer buyers incur low costs in switched their purchases from one seller to another and the products of rival sellers are essentially identical and readily available from many eager sellers
- The two biggest factors that distinguish one competitive strategy from another concern - Correct answer whether a company's market target is broad or narrow and whether the company is pursuing a competitive advantage linked to low costs or differentiation
- Which of the following statements about a best-cost provider strategy is false? - Correct answer the big appeal of a best-cost provider strategy is being able to offer buyers the industry's best- performing product at the best cost and best (lowest) price in the industry
- Which of the following is not one of the ways that a company can achieve a cost advantage by revamping its value chain? - Correct answer Moving the performance of most all value chain activities to low-wage countries
- Which of the following is not one of the pitfalls of a low-cost provider strategy? - Correct answer Falling to slash price price far enough below what rivals are charging to achieve dramatically large gains in sales volumes and market share
- A "cost driver" is a factor that - Correct answer has a strong influence on a company's costs
- A company achieves best-cost provider status by - Correct answer developing the capability to incorporate attractive upscale attributes at a lower cost than those rivals with comparable upscale product offerings
- One way a company can translate a low-cost advantage over rivals into attractive profit performance is by - Correct answer charging a price comparable to other low-priced rivals, being content with the resulting sales volume and market share, and relying upon the low-cost edge over rivals to earn a bigger profit margin per unit sold, thereby boosting the firm's total profits and return on investment
- What sets focused strategies apart from low-cost provider and broad differentiation strategies is - Correct answer concentrated attention on a narrow piece of the overall market - the target segment or market niche can be defined by geographic uniqueness, by specialized requirements in using the product or by special product attributes that appeal only to those buyers who comprise the market niche
- Successful differentiation allows a firm to - Correct answer command a premium price for its product and/or increase unit sales (because additional buyers are won over by the differentiating features) and/or gain buyer loyalty to its brand (because many customers really like the differentiating features and bond with the company and its products)
- A low-cost leader's basis for competitive advantage is - Correct answer meaningfully lower costs than rivals - but not necessarily the absolutely lowest possible cost because a product offering that is too frills-free can undermine its attractiveness to buyers despite being cheaper priced.
- Broad differentiation strategies generally work best in market circumstances where - Correct answer buyer needs and uses of the product are diverse, few rival firms are following a similar differentiation approach, technological change is fast-paced, and competition revolves around rapidly evolving product features
- Which one of the following does not represent market circumstances that make a focused low-cost or focused differentiation strategy attractive? - Correct answer When buyers are not strongly brand loyal and have low costs in switching brands
- The most appealing approaches to differentiation are those that - Correct answer are hard or expensive for rivals to duplicate - easy to copy- differentiating features cannot produce sustainable competitive advantage
- Which of the following is not one of the five generic types of competitive strategy? - Correct answer A superior customer service strategy
- Which of the following is not one of the pitfalls or mistakes associated with pursuing a differentiation strategy? - Correct answer Trying to appeal to buyers on the basis of attributes that rivals are not emphasizing - a differentiation strategy is most likely to fail when a firm pursuing a differentiation strategy goes its own separate way in trying to create uniqueness and deliver added value to buyers
- Which of the following is a good type of rival for an offensive-minded company to target?
- **Correct answer** Vulnerable market leaders, struggling enterprises that are on the verge of going under, and/or small local and regional firms with limited resources/capabilities
- Which one of the following is not a defensive option for protecting a company's market share and competitive position? - Correct answer pursuing continuous product innovation to draw sales and market share away from rivals with comparatively weak product innovation capabilities
- The strategic impetus for forward vertical integration is to - Correct answer gain better access to end users, improve the company's market visibility, and enhance brand name awareness
- Which one of the following is not one of the potential payoffs of being a first-mover? - Correct answer a first-mover's actions block all rivals from pursuing offensive strategies and force them into employing only defensive strategies
- The Achilles heel (or biggest disadvantage/danger/pitfall) of relying heavily on strategic alliances and partnerships is - Correct answer becoming dependent on other companies for essential expertise and capabilities
- When an alliance among two or more enterprises involves formal ownership ties, it is called - Correct answer a joint venture
- Which of the following is not among the potential benefits that a company can gain by outsourcing value chain activities presently performed in-house? - Correct answer improving a company's ability to lower the costs of integrating both forward and backward and also to transfer the risk of adverse changes in buyer demand for the company's product to outside vendors
- The best strategic alliances - Correct answer are highly selective, focusing on particular value chain activities and on obtaining a particular competitive benefit; they tend to enable a firm to build on its strengths and learn
- Which of the following is not one of the potential advantages of being an adept follower instead of a first-mover? - Correct answer when a pioneer is using a broad differentiation strategy and is striving to achieve strong differentiation keyed to three or more value drivers
- The two best reasons for investing company resources in vertical integration (either forward or backward) are to - Correct answer strengthen the company's competitive position and/or boost its profitability
- Which one of the following is an example of an offensive strategy? - Correct answer Deliberately attacking those market segments where a key rival makes big profits
- Based on Figure 6.1, which one of the following is not a strategic action that a company can take to complement its choice of on of the 5 generic competitive strategies and maximize the power of its overall strategy? - Correct answer Exerting additional efforts to achieve strong product differentiation
- Which of the following is not a typical strategic objective or benefit that drives mergers and acquisitions? - Correct answer To facilitate a company's shift from a one competitive strategy approach to another
- Which of the following is not a strategic disadvantage of vertical integration? - Correct answer Vertical integration reduces a company's ability to deal directly with the buyers of its products or services
- Which of the following is not one of the strategic options that companies have for using their websites? - Correct answer Creating as much channel conflict as possible so as to quickly learn whether all customer-related transactions should be conducted at the company's website or whether the company needs to continue selling through traditional wholesalers, distributors, and retailers
- The advantages of using an export strategy to build a customer base in foreign markets include - Correct answer utilizing excess production capacity to make goods for export and otherwise limiting the amount of capital required to begin competing internationally
- Competing in one or more countries or regions of the world causes strategy-making to be more complex partly because of - Correct answer the presence of important cross-country differences in buyer tastes, market sizes, and growth potential
- Profit sanctuaries - Correct answer are country markets (or geographic regions) in which a company derives substantial profits because of its strong or protected market position
- Because there are country-to-country differences in buyer tastes, income levels, distribution channels, competitive conditions, and other market-related factors that impact a company's strategy choices, - Correct answer one of the managerial challenges at companies with international or global operations is how best to tailor a company's strategy to take all these cross-country differences into account
- A company is said to be "dumping" when - Correct answer it sells its goods in certain countries at prices that are (1) well below the prices at which it normally sells elsewhere or (2) well below its full costs per unit
- An international or global competitor may conclude that it is more advantageous to disperse activities across many locations than it is to concentrate them in a few locations in those situations - Correct answer such buyer-related activities as distribution (particularly spare parts delivery or supplying parts and components to a manufacturer on a just-in-time basis), face-to- face selling, certain sales promotion and advertising activities, hands-on technical assistance, speedy equipment repair, and other types of after-sales service must be performed close to buyers
- In which of the following situations is employing a "think local, act local" multicountry strategy highly questionable? - Correct answer When a company is striving to build a globally recognized brand name for one of its products or services
- Which of the following are not among the strategy options for establishing a competitive presence in foreign markets? - Correct answer International offensive strategies aimed at creating a worldwide profit sanctuary
- Which of the following account for why companies decide to enter foreign markets? - Correct answer To further exploit the company's competitively valuable resources and capabilities and to spread business risk across a wider market area
- A U.S. company that makes all of its goods at a plant in Brazil and then exports the Brazilian-made goods to those European markets where the currency is euros - Correct answer is competitively advantaged when the Brazilian real declines in value against the euro
- Many companies acquire a local business as a means of entering foreign markets because - Correct answer acquisition is quicker than creating a new subsidiary and building its entire operations from the ground up, and it may be the least risky and cost-efficient means of hurdling entry barriers
- Which of the following is not among the important strategic issues associated with competing in the markets of some or many foreign countries? - Correct answer How best to revamp the company's value chain in order to facilitate achievement of a global competitive advantage over rivals operating in foreign countries
- Which of the following is the most unlikely element of a "think global, act global" approach to crafting a global strategy? - Correct answer Having relatively small plants in many countries, with each plant producing product versions for local area markets
- Global competition exits when - Correct answer competitive conditions across national markets are linked strongly enough to form a true international or world market and when leading competitors compete head to head in many different countries
- According to figure 7.2, which of the following does not accurately characterize the differences between a localized multicountry strategy and a global strategy? - Correct answer a global strategy involves striving to minimize worldwide shipping costs whereas a multicountry strategy entails a willingness to tolerate high shipping costs in the interest of minimizing overall production costs