Download BSN 205 Final Week 5 & 6 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Latest Version 2024 | Verif and more Exams Health sciences in PDF only on Docsity! BSN 205 Final Week 5 & 6 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Latest Version 2024 | Verified Which description correctly identifies a health care-associated infection (HAI)? - ✔✔fection was not present at the time of admission. What is the order for chain of infection? - ✔✔Transmission, Portal of Entry, Host Susceptibility, Infectious Agent, Reservoir, Portal of Exit A patient was recently transferred from the intensive care unit to a room on the surgical floor, where she has received numerous visitors. One visitor was coughing during her visit with the patient. The nurse performs hand hygiene before changing the patient's dressing and notices that the patient is coughing more than usual and is febrile (has a fever). Later the patient is diagnosed as having a complication of Pseudomonas pneumonia. What is the infectious agent or pathogen? - ✔✔Pseudomonas A patient was recently transferred from the intensive care unit to a room on the surgical floor, where she has received numerous visitors. One visitor was coughing during her visit with the patient. The nurse performs hand hygiene before changing the patient's dressing and notices that the patient is coughing more than usual and is febrile (has a fever). Later the patient is diagnosed as having a complication of Pseudomonas pneumonia. What is the reservoir or source for pathogen growth? - ✔✔Visitor A patient was recently transferred from the intensive care unit to a room on the surgical floor, where she has received numerous visitors. One visitor was coughing during her visit with the patient. The nurse performs hand hygiene before changing the patient's dressing and notices that the patient is coughing more than usual and is febrile (has a fever). Later the patient is diagnosed as having a complication of Pseudomonas pneumonia. What is the portal of exit from the reservoir - ✔✔Visitor Coughing A patient was recently transferred from the intensive care unit to a room on the surgical floor, where she has received numerous visitors. One visitor was coughing during her visit with the patient. The nurse performs hand hygiene before changing the patient's dressing and notices that the patient is coughing more than usual and is febrile (has a fever). Later the patient is diagnosed as having a complication of Pseudomonas pneumonia. What is the method or mode of transmission? - ✔✔Droplets in the air A patient was recently transferred from the intensive care unit to a room on the surgical floor, where she has received numerous visitors. One visitor was coughing during her visit with the patient. The nurse performs hand hygiene before changing the patient's dressing and notices that the patient is coughing more than usual and is febrile (has a fever). Later the patient is diagnosed as having a complication of Pseudomonas pneumonia. What is the portal of entrance into the host? - ✔✔Respiratory System A patient was recently transferred from the intensive care unit to a room on the surgical floor, where she has received numerous visitors. One visitor was coughing during her visit with the patient. The nurse performs hand hygiene before changing the patient's dressing and notices that the patient is coughing more than usual and is febrile (has a fever). Later the patient is diagnosed as having a complication of Pseudomonas pneumonia. What is the susceptible host? - ✔✔The patient It is determined that the patient has developed a health care-associated infection of Pseudomonas pneumonia that developed from the presence of contaminated water and a dirty health care environment. What measures can be taken to help break the chain of infection? - ✔✔Performing hand hygiene before and after contact with the patient Teaching the patient and family about the source and transmission of infections, the reason for susceptibility, and infection-control principles ________ reduces the number of microorganisms present. - ✔✔Medical Asepsis ________ eliminates microorganisms from an area. - ✔✔Surgical Aspesis A patient is discharged home with a follow-up plan for continued weekly chemotherapy treatments on an outpatient basis. Three days later, the patient has increased weakness and refuses to eat. Concerned, the patient's family brings the patient to the hospital. It is a busy Friday night in the emergency room, and the patient sits in an overcrowded waiting room for 3 hours before being seen by a physician. An intravenous line (IV) is started to improve the patient's fluid and electrolyte status, and blood is drawn for further testing. Identify risk factors for this patient developing an infection. - ✔✔Having chemotherapy Being malnourished Overcrowded health care facility IV insertion and blood sampling According to the basic rules of creating and maintaining a sterile field, which of the following is correct? - ✔✔The sterile field is within your view. You are preparing a sterile field when you realize you will need more sterile gauze for the dressing change. What action should you take? - ✔✔Turn on the call light and request more sterile gauze from the person that responds. You are assigned to a postoperative patient who underwent knee replacement surgery and had an ankle pinned. You must perform a dressing change and provide pin care, which requires creating and maintaining a sterile field. What would be evidence of the patient meeting the expected outcome 24 hours after the procedure? (Select all that apply.) - ✔✔Afebrile WBC within normal limits of 5000 to 10,000 per mm3 Absence of tenderness or edema at surgical sites After performing hand hygiene, you open the outside cover of the sterile kit, remove the kit from the outside cover, and place it on a clean work surface below waist level. You open the outermost flap toward the body. You grasp the outside surface of the edge of the first flap and pull it to the side, allowing it to lie flat on the table surface. You do the same for the second side flap. You then grasp the outside border of the last and innermost flap and pull the flap away from you toward the top of the table, allowing it to fall flat on the work surface. To add sterile supplies to the sterile field, you open the sterile item by peeling back the outer wrapper over the nondominant hand (making sure the wrapper never touches the sterile field), then place the item onto the field at an angle so that the arm never reaches over the field.Which of the following steps, if any, require correction? Select all that apply. - ✔✔The method the nurse used to open the last innermost flap. The level of the table. The method the nurse used to open the first outermost flap. What method would the nurse use to evaluate the outcome of a sterile dressing change? (Select all that apply.) - ✔✔Inspect the treated area for signs of localized infection. Evaluate the patient for signs of systemic infection. You open the sterile drape (barrier) by avoiding reaching across the sterile field at any time. Does this break sterile field? - ✔✔No You open a sterile receptacle and place it onto the sterile field without the wrapper touching the sterile field. Does this break sterile field? - ✔✔No You open a bottle of solution and place the cap upside down (inverted) on a clean surface. You then pour solution into the sterile receptacle. Does this break sterile field? - ✔✔No You pour the necessary amount of solution into the sterile receptacle with only a moderate amount of splashing onto the barrier. Does this break sterile field? - ✔✔Yes The nursing student is preparing a sterile field to insert a Foley (urinary) catheter in a patient. While adding the sterile catheter to the sterile field, it accidentally touches the patient's bedding. The student has added the catheter to the sterile field. What is the best action for the nursing student to take at this time? - ✔✔Discard and re do sterile field A nursing instructor is reviewing sterile gloving with a group of students. Which statement, if made by a student, indicates correct understanding? (Select all that apply.) - ✔✔"Synthetic gloves may be used for individuals with a latex allergy." "Sterile gloves prevent the transmission of pathogenic microorganisms." Which of the following are high-risk factors for latex allergy? - ✔✔Food allergy to bananas, tomatoes, and peaches History of spina bifida Occupation as a food handler Health care worker History of multiple surgeries You are going to perform a procedure. What considerations should be made regarding the choice of gloves? (Select all that apply.) - ✔✔The presence or absence of latex allergy Glove size Sterile or nonsterile procedure The expected outcome for wearing sterile gloves is: - ✔✔Prevention of localized or systemic infection Which of the following outcomes are related to sterile gloving? (Select all that apply.) - ✔✔Redness at wound site Increased warmth of skin at wound site Skin appears red and itches Foul odor from wound WBC 15,000/mm3 Temperature 100.8° F (38.2° C) Purulent drainage at treated site The nursing student is preparing to do a sterile dressing change. The patient has a reported allergy to latex. What should the nursing student do at this time? - ✔✔Change gloves to synthetic or nonlatex gloves. A nurse on a busy medical unit has multiple tasks to perform. A patient is scheduled to have his dressing changed every 48 hours. It is time for the dressing to be changed again when the nurse notices a foul odor. The nurse decides to go ahead and change the dressing and requests that the NAP check the patient's temperature. The nurse premedicates the patient for pain with acetaminophen with codeine (Tylenol with codeine) before the dressing change. The nurse performs hand hygiene, dons nonsterile gloves, and removes the previous dressing. The nurse notices that there is increased redness around the wound and purulent yellow drainage on the dressing that was removed. The nurse prepares a sterile field, applies sterile gloves, cleans the wound by using sterile technique, and applies a new dressing. The NAP reports that the patient's temperature is 100.1° F.Which of the following are appropriate actions for the nurse - ✔✔Monitor the patient's temperature every 4 hours or as ordered. Notify the physician of the assessment findings. A patient was diagnosed with a UTI. Pt has been drinking fruit juice and increasing intake of fluids but failed to take antibiotics as prescribed d/t gastric upset. 3 days later pt has a fever, malaise, nausea, vomiting. What might you suspect? - ✔✔Pt has systemic infection Nurse preparing to insert urinary cath. To perform procedure nurse must: - ✔✔use surgical asepsis NAP complains that his hands hurting and skin is chapped, what is an appropriate suggestion? - ✔✔Use hand lotion from an individual use container Be sure to rinse and dry hands thoroughly Avoid excessive amount of soap and antiseptic Nurse is preparing a sterile field, nurse opens a sterile commercial kit by pulling the outermost flap toward his body, followed by opening the remaining flaps. Nurse touches only outer edges of sterile field with his hands. Nurse adds sterile items to the sterile field by placing them on the field at an angel and never allowing the wrapper to touch the field. Nurse pours normal saline from a previous opened bottle in pts room into a sterile receptacle without splashing. Which actions were incorrect? - ✔✔Opening outermost flap Pouring saline solution The nurse is preparing a sterile field what would be considered contamination of the field? - ✔✔Some saline spills onto the sterile barrier Non-sterile items added to sterile field Nurse prepares a sterile field and leaves room to get more sterile supplies Nurse preparing to set up a sterile field for pt for dressing change, what should the nurse do? - ✔✔Review documents to see what supplies are needed? Nurse ask pt to rate pain on scaled 1-10 Nurse asks pt if he needs to use the bathroom What are evaluation measures to assess if pt has signs or symptoms of a localized or systemic infection? - ✔✔Elevated temperature Incision red, edema, tender Elevated WBC Purulent drainage Nurse is preparing a medication for subcutaneous administration. Nurse recaps the needle using scoop method, nurse accidentally touches table with uncovered needle. What is the nurses best action? - ✔✔Discard the needle and replace with a new one before administration Nurse is adding a dry sterile gauze dressing to the sterile field. The dressing bounces on the surfaces and lands on the 1-inch border of the sterile field. What actions is appropriate at this time? - ✔✔Nurse opens another sterile gauze dressing and adds it to the sterile field, but does not use the first one. How to remove gloves? - ✔✔Grasp outside of one cuff with the outside of one gloved hands, turn it inside out, and place it in the gloved hand. Take fingers of non-gloved hand and tuck inside remaining glove, peel off inside out over previously removed gloved. Discard. What are symptoms of a latex allergy? - ✔✔Skin redness Itching Edema Difficulty breathing An elderly patient is admitted for back surgery. She is now retired but her previous occupation was a RN. She reports she is allergic to penicillin and morphine. Has a history of five back surgeries resulting from scoliosis from a child. She has 3 children who visit her. Requires a cane to ambulate. Which factors would be high-risk for latex allergy? - ✔✔History of multiple surgeries Occupation What is SBAR? - ✔✔ Situation Background Assessment Recommendation What is a SOAP note? - ✔✔subjective, objective, assessment, plan