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Exploring Emotions & Communication: Jealousy, Anger, & Emotional Intelligence - Prof. S. P, Study notes of Communication

Various aspects of communication, focusing on emotions such as jealousy and anger. It discusses the universality of emotions and their impact on relationships, as well as the concept of emotional intelligence. The document also covers different emotional states, emotional contagion, and the importance of effective communication in managing emotions. Students will find valuable insights into emotional communication and its role in interpersonal relationships.

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Download Exploring Emotions & Communication: Jealousy, Anger, & Emotional Intelligence - Prof. S. P and more Study notes Communication in PDF only on Docsity!

The dark side of communication  Bullying o “particular form of conflict where abuse is persistent and the person being bullied finds it difficult on himself or herself” o 15-50% involved o Communication behaviors consistent with bullying  Isolating, ignoring  Nitpicking or excessively criticizing  Humiliating o How do we combat?  Bully back  Talk to superior, be consistent and clear, do not add things to your story  Jealous o Emotion and typically refers to negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity o An interpersonal pain o How does the universality of emotion affect relationships? o Some jealousy is healthy  Can see how you can improve yourself, strengthen relationships o Eckman-discreet emotions  Jealousy is made up of these  Anger, disgust, sadness  Anger o Strong emotion, feeling that is oriented toward some real or supposed grievance o Anger is an “interpersonal event” o Not showing enough or showing too much is unhealthy o Anger cluster - Rage, irritation, exasperation, disgust, envy, torment o Anger provocation  Identity management - One’s self-concept or public image is under attack  Aggression - Presence of some actual threat or harm  Frustration - Goal, interference; violation of expectations  Fairness - Inequality/lack of fairness  Incompetence - Due to ignorance, or egocentric motives  Relationship threat - Jealousy, unfaithfulness, betrayal  Predispositions - Experience, stress, fatigue, alcoholism, behavior (inborn)  General reaction - aggression- related tendencies following negative affect  Aggression leads to anger o Prototypical responses to anger  Verbal attacks – obscenities, yelling  Physical attacks – hands/fists clenched, aggressive gestures, throwing things  Nonverbal disapproval – heavy walk, stomping, slamming doors, frowning, gritting teeth  Uneasiness – crying, feeling of nervousness, anxiety, and discomfort  Internal withdrawal – brooding, thinking: “I’m always right – others are wrong”  Avoidance – suppressing the anger  Silence – to keep from provoking other person  Not the same as brooding or avoidance Emotions  Emotional traits o Long-lasting emotions we have o “baseline emotions”

o Some people are always happy, some are always sad  Emotional states o More specific, short-lived o Happens with certain event o Being told a joke, laugh  Emotional contagion o Idea that we can “catch” each other’s emotions o Someone is happy, you may feel happy  1. Emotional experience o Feeling of emotions, or emotion we experience o Intrapersonal communication o How we talk to ourselves about emotion  2. Emotional communication o Where we talk about emotions o Describing our feelings - “it makes me sad when you don’t tell me good morning”  3. Communicating emotionally o Displaying our emotions o Allowing emotions to come out o Sad-cry, happy-jump and squeal  4. Effects o Way we communicate, display, describe, etc. have effects on our relationships o Try to communicate to help our relationships o Debilitative  Emotions are harmful to our relationships  Angry – yell at someone, may hurt them o Facilitative  Emotion is helpful or beneficial to our relationship  Feeling connection with someone  Anger, parent yelling at child o No good or bad debilitative or facilitative emotions o Cooping  What to do in relationship  Remove emotion from problem  Change the way we interpret situation  When its not appropriate to display emotions o Society expectations - ok for a girl to cry, not ok for a boy o Issue of vulnerability - Don’t want to let someone know how upset you are o Benefit other people - Want to protect other people, hide emotion o Professional roles - Keep emotions in check for professional standards  Firefighter saving a house  Emotional intelligence o Reflectively regulating – open and monitor emotions o Understanding emotions – can you label and interpret emotions o Assimilating emotions into thought – connect emotions with thought o Perceiving and expressing – can you perceive/understand others emotions? Can you express emotions? Listening  Difference between hearing and listening o Hearing – psychological process

o Listening  More than hearing  Hearing is part of listening  Interpret and understand what we hear and see  Have to work on, something not done well all the time  1. Receiving o Physically hearing o Things can get in way  External obstacles - Noise, physical noise  Info/message overload - Someone talking, music playing, someone yelling  Message complexity - Hard to follow complex message o Not automatic thing, has problems  2. Responding o When we listen, have to respond o Skillful listeners give feedback o Feedback types  Positive or negative  Positive tells the speaker “you’re on the right track, we’re following”  Negative tells the speaker you are lost/not following  Person/message focused  Person feedback is about person  Message feedback is about messaged  Immediate/delayed  Immediate happens automatically  Delayed has a time period  Low or high monitor  Low – honest, quick, no censor (honest opinion)  High – spend time creating message or feedback  Supportive or critical  Supportive – supports us our message  Critical – has some form of judgment  3. Remembering or recalling o Important especially in relationship o 3 R’s  Record – helps to remember  Repeat – repeat name when you meet someone  Reorganization (chunk) – come up with sayings for notes when studying  HOMES – five great lakes  4. Rating o Critically analysis information o Internal obstacles  Preoccupation – day dreaming  Prejudgment – or second guess  Try to finish someone else’s story  Lack of effort – tired, don’t like person  Types o People-centered – try to understand people o Action-centered – looking for organized o Content-centered –focused on facts or details  Ask questions

o Time centered – looking for quick message o How quick message can get out Conflict  Some sort of incompatible goal/issue in a relationship  Conflict object o Have to understand to know what conflict is o It’s inevitable o Not all conflict is bad  Lost of self disclosure  Managed effectively, relationship can grow  In order for conflict to exist: o 1. Expressed disagreement  Conflict does not exist until disagreement is communicated  Can be done verbally or nonverbally  Overt way – “I’m angry, here’s why”  Covert way – hide anger, use nonverbal  Passive aggressive – say something that hints at anger o 2. Interdependence  We have relationship with “person who cuts you off in traffic” o 3. Need to resolve  No true conflict unless you want to resolve  Don’t resolve conflict, can damage relationship  Types of conflict o 1. Simple – basic conflicts we have, over a specific conflict issue  Image, content of message, value, relational  Serial – same issue, fight over repeatedly o 2. Pseudo conflict  Communication misunderstanding  Quick to resolve o 3. Ego conflicts  Take conflict, move away from conflict object and becomes personal  Want to see two different movies  Can harm relationships, hardest to resolve  Process o 1. Prior conditions – experiences we have before hand o 2. Frustration awareness – start to realize disagreement, before expressing o 3. Active conflict – have to express frustration  Enter into conflict stage o 4. Resolution – sometimes may take a long time o 5. Follow up – one of the most important  How you deal with it after conflict  Big fight o Romantic relationships o Look at before, after, and during o Establishes code of conduct o If taken to ego conflict, next there is a fight, it is taken to ego conflict o Resolution and follow up are very important  Game theory o Have to think about how it effects other person

o Helps us understand conflict o Win/win – helps you and other person o Lose/lose – hinders you and other person o Win/lose – one person is helped and the other is hindered  Orientation o 1. Exit – walk away from conflict and relationship o 2. Neglect – deny problem or minimizes it o 3. Loyalty – our commitment to relationship, we avoid conflict  Can become problem o 4. Voice – address conflict directly and manage it  Thomas and Kilman o Conflict styles  1. Avoid – low concern for self and others  2. Accommodate – low self, high other  Bad – end up exploding  Win-lose situation  3. Compete – high concern for self, low for others  Win-lose  4. Compromise – in the middle somewhere  Technically lose-lose  Both give up something  Have to know conflict object  5. Collaborate – trying to find solution that is best for both parties o Need to know all five types and know which ones to use Deception  Can you tell if someone is lying? o Looking at nonverbal/verbal communication o Hard to tell with nonverbal alone although people think they can  Eckman - Looks at micro expressions  Deception can be very damaging to our relationships  Eckman’s defines lying as: one person intending to mislead another doing so deliberately without prior notification and without being asked to do so  Types of lies o 1. Benevolent – “little white lies”  May tell to not damage relationship o 2. Malicious – lies that are harmful to our relationship; can hurt or damage our relationship  Ways people lie (concealing) o 1. Concealment – tell lie and leave some info out  Understatement – don’t hint at the whole truth o 2. Falsifying – prove false information; takes concealing a step further  Understatement – play down and give false information  Exaggerate – give too much info and giving false info  Equivocation – purposefully ambiguous  Motives – reasons why people lie o 1. Partner-focused – don’t want to hurt the feelings of another person  Want to protect them o 2. Self-focused – to benefit self o 3. Relationship focused – trying to limit the damage of the relationship

 Tim Levine o Professor that studies deception o Says there is no sure way to tell if people are lying o Says it is false that we can tell better if they are lying if they are close to us/family  We have a truth-biased o We tend to assume people are being honest with us if we are in a relationship with built trust  Can we be better at determining if deception exists?  There are verbal strategies we can use  Verbal strategies tend to be better at helping us  Determine deception o 1. Intimidation – can use it to get people to tell the truth o 2. Discomfort and relief – playing on the fact that people feel bad, stressed, etc. when lying and can be relieved by telling the truth o 3. Bluffing – pretending that you know the truth, calling out their bluff o 4. Gentle prod – ask little questions that take little steps to getting to the truth o 5. Minimization – minimizing the deception offer face saving or identity management to person telling the lie  Get them to tell the truth and say its no big deal/won’t hold it against them o 6. Contradiction – try to point out contradiction or inconsistency in someone’s story o 7. Alternate information – tell a lie to trick someone into telling us the truth but relieve later o 8. Deception cues – point out deceptive cues o 9. Concern – tell person that you’re concerned about their lying o 10. Direct approach – directly ask if their lying or say their lying and tell them to tell the truth o 11. Silence – people try to talk more to convince you if they see you are quiet and really don’t believe them or are upset  They can dig themselves a bigger hole Chapter 7  Defining emotion: more than just a feeling o Involves one person (like anger, fear, anxiety, happiness, and so forth) o Emotions we feel in relationships with others like envy and love o Real and manufactured feelings  i.e. manufactured – smiling at work when having a bad day. Also called emotion labor o emotion – the critical internal structure that orients us to, and engages us with, what matters in our lives: our feelings about ourselves and others  explaining emotion: biology and social interaction o the biological theory of emotion  emotion is mainly biological, related to instinct and energy  people from variety of cultures should experience feelings in the same manner  emotion exists separately from thought  emotion is our experience of the body ready for an imaginary action  people enact gestures as a result of experiencing emotion and when people enact a certain gesture, they experience the related emotion o the social interaction theory of emotion  how people interact with their social situation before, during, and after experience of emotion

 focuses on how the reactions of others to our gestures help us define what we are feeling  the dark side of emotional communication o embarrassment, guilt, hurt, jealousy, anger, depression, and loneliness o hurtful messages  hurtful messages phrased humorously were perceived as less intentionally hurtful and thus caused fewer wounded feelings o schadenfreude – to take pleasure in another’s misfortune  comes from the words damage and joy  was used to describe how many people felt when they saw Martha Stewart’s image tarnished by her suspected involvement with insider trading  public’s fascination with the problems of young celebrities such as Lindsey Lohan and Brittney Spears  the bright side of communication o offers comfort, social support, warmth, affection, forgiveness, or desire o does not present simplistic picture o trying to stay positive in a tough time  daughter coming to terms with mother’s cancer o interdependence of the bright and dark sides of emotion: hate, grief, fear, forgiveness, love, joy  choices for developing emotional communication skills o competence in expressing emotion and in listening and responding to the emotional communication of others is critical to your success as an interpersonal communicator o know your feelings  recognizing your emotion  establishing that you are stating an emotion  creating a statement that identifies why you are feeling the emotion o analyze the situation o own your feelings o reframe when needed - to change something that has a negative connotation to something with a more positive connotation o empathize Chapter 6  difference between hearing and listening o Hearing – the physical process of letting in audible stimuli without focusing on the stimuli o Working memory theory – a theory that states that we can pay attention to several stimuli and simultaneously store stimuli for future references o Processing and storage is done simultaneously and all of it is conducted at the point in the communication process that we call hearing o Listening – the dynamic, transactional process of receiving, recalling, rating, and responding to stimuli, messages, or both o Four R’s of listening  Receiving – the verbal and nonverbal acknowledgment of a message  Mindless – being unaware of the stimuli around us  Responding – providing observable feedback to a sender’s message  Recalling – understanding a message, storing it for future encounters, and remembering it later  Chunking – placing pieces of info into manageable and retrievable sets

 Rating – evaluating or assessing a message  Opinion – a view, judgment or appraisal based on our beliefs or values o Importance of listening  An ongoing interpersonal activity that requires lifelong training  Employers rank listening as the most important skill on the job  Good listening is considered to be the “doorway to leadership, for every executive, manager, and supervisor”  Important for medical students  Associated with more positive teacher-student relationships  Intimacy level between two friends is related to listening skills o The barriers: Why we don’t listen  Noise – physical, semantic, psychological  Marcy tries to listen to Nick’s comments, but his racist words cause her to stop listening  Message overload – the result when senders receive more messages than they can process  Multitasking – the simultaneous performance of two or more tasks.  Message complexity – messages we receive that are filled with details, unfamiliar language, and challenging arguments are hard to understand  Lack of training – more can be done to learn about listening  Preoccupation  Conversational narcissism – engaging in an extreme amount of self- focusing during a conversation, to the exclusion of another person  Listening gap – the time difference between our mental ability to interpret words ant the speed at which they arrive at our brain  Poor listening habits  Selective listening – responding to some parts of a message and rejecting others  Talkaholism – a compulsive talker who hogs the conversational stage and monopolizes encounters  Pseudolisten – to pretend to listen by nodding our heads, looking at the speaker, smiling at the appropriate times, or practicing other kinds of attention feigning  Gap filling – listeners who think they can correctly guess the rest of the story a speaker is telling and don’t need the speaker to continue  Defensive listening – viewing innocent comments as personal attacks or hostel criticisms  Ambushing – listening carefully to a message and then using the info later to attack the sender o Style of listening  People – centered listening style – a listening style associated with concern for other people’s feelings or emotions  Action-centered listening style – a listening style associated with listeners who want messages to be highly organized, concise, and error free  Second-guess – to question the assumptions underlying a message  Content-centered listening style – a listening style associated with listeners who focus on the facts and details of a message  Time-centered listening style – a listening style associated with listeners who want messages to be presented succinctly o Culture and the listening process

o Choices for effective listening  Evaluate your current skills  Prepare to listen  Provide empathic responses  Empathy – the process of identifying with or attempting to experience the thoughts, beliefs, and actions of another  Use nonjudgmental feedback  Feedback that describes another’s behavior and then explains how that behavior made us feel  Practicing active listening  Paraphrasing – restating the essence of a sender’s message in our own words  Dialogue – supporting statements such as “I see” or “I’m listening” that indicate we are involved in a message  Questions  Silence Chapter 9  Myths about conflict and communication o Not all conflict come from miscommunication or unclear communication, could come from disagreement o All conflicts can be resolved through good communication o Relational partners often believe that they simply need to communicate more to reach a mutually satisfying solution to their conflicts  Factors influencing interpersonal conflict o Gender and sex o Culture  Communication patterns in conflict o Symmetrical escalation – in a conflict, each party choosing to increase the intensity of the conflict o Symmetrical withdrawal – in a conflict, neither partner being willing to confront the other o Pursuit withdrawal – in a conflict, a pattern consisting of one party pressing for a discussion about a conflictual topic while the other party withdrawals o Withdrawal-pursuit – in a conflict, a pattern in which one party withdraws, which prompts the other party to pursue o Symmetrical negotiation – in a conflict, each party mirroring the other’s negotiating behaviors