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C181- OA Study Guide questions with complete solutions, Exams of Local Government Studies

C181- OA Study Guide questions with complete solutions

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C181- OA Study Guide questions with

complete solutions

Original vs. Modern Dilemma: Libertarian correct answer: Freedom-Freedom Original vs. Modern Dilemma: Conservative correct answer: Order-Freedom Original vs. Modern Dilemma: Communitrian correct answer: Order-Equality Original vs. Modern Dilemma: Liberal correct answer: Freedom-Equality Totalitarianism correct answer: The belief that government should have unlimited power. Anarchism correct answer: A political philosophy that opposes government in any form. Capitalism correct answer: Free enterprise- private businesses operating with little to no government regulation. Socialism correct answer: Government plays a strong role in regulating the private industry and directing the economy, although it does allow some private ownership of productive capacity. What kind of economic system would libertarians support and why? correct answer: Libertarians oppose government ownership of basic industries. They also oppose any government intervention in the economy. Laissez faire: "let the people do as they please" DIRECT Democracy correct answer: Members of the group participate, make decisions, and vote rather than have representatives on their behalf. INDIRECT Democracy correct answer: Citizens participate in government by electing public officials to make decisions on their behalf. Majoritarian Model of Democracy correct answer: +Assumes people are interested in and knowledgeable about politics +Consistent opinions about politics +Public opinion is important +Elections are important Pluralist Model of Democracy correct answer: +Believes group participation is important +Believes government should be responsive to interest groups

Social Contract Theory correct answer: The belief that the people agree to set up rulers for certain purposes and thus have the right to resist or remove rulers who act against those purposes. Under a confederation, who has more power- the state or the national governments? correct answer: In a confederation, the states retain their sovereignty, which means that each has supreme power within its borders. What powers did the states have under the Articles of Confederation? correct answer: Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled. Under the Articles, each state, regardless of its size, had one vote in the congress. Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation correct answer: +No tax power +No leadership +No regulated trade +Amendments had to have a unanimous vote The Great Compromise correct answer: +Representation in the House of Representatives would be apportioned according to the population of each state. +The states would be represented equally in the Senate, with two senators each. +Senators would be selected by their state legislatures, not directly by the people. +The small states got their equal representation, the big states their proportional representation. The small states might dominate the Senate and the big states might control the House, but because all legislation had to be approved by both chambers, neither group would be able to dominate the other. Four elements of the Preamble of the Constitution correct answer: +It creates a people +It explains the reason for the constitution +It articulates goals +It fashions a government Four basic principles of the U.S. Constitution correct answer: +Republicanism +Federalism +Separation of Powers +Checks and Balances Republicanism correct answer: Power resides with the people Federalism correct answer: The division of power between a central government and regional governments. Separation of Powers correct answer: The assignment of lawmaking, law-enforcing, and law- interpreting functions to separate branches of government.

Check and Balances correct answer: A government structure that gives each branch some scrutiny of and control over the other branches. Which of the basic principles most closely aligns with the Social Contract Theory's idea that the people should have the power to set up their government? correct answer: Republicanism Supremacy Clause correct answer: Asserts that national laws take precedence over state and local laws when they conflict. Enumerated Powers correct answer: Powers explicitly granted to Congress by the Constitution (Explicitly stated) Necessary and Proper Clause (i.e. Elastic Clause) correct answer: Gives Congress the means to execute its enumerated powers. Basis for implied powers. Implied Powers correct answer: Those powers that Congress needs to execute its enumerated powers. Legislative Branch correct answer: MAKE LAWS +Confirm Senate Appointments +Override Executive Vetos +Reject foreign treaties +Impeach +Create or eliminate courts Executive Branch correct answer: ENFORCE LAWS +Veto legislation +Recommend legislation +Grant pardons +Nominate judges Judiciary Branch correct answer: INTERPRET LAWS +Review legislative acts +Review executive acts +Issue injunctions