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C181 Study Guide OA 81 questions with complete solutions
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political socialization correct answer: four influences on political values - family, school, community/peers, and media preamble correct answer: creates a people explains the reason for the Constitution articulates goals fashions government James Madison correct answer: "Father of the Constitution," Federalist leader, and fourth President of the United States.
Conventional Participation correct answer: Conventional political behaviors fall into two major categories: actions that show support for government policies and those that try to change or influence policies. Acting through its institutions—meeting with public officials, supporting candidates, and voting in elections Non-conventional participation correct answer: Uncommon political behaviors; challenges or defies established Govt. and business institutions Voting correct answer: young people are less like to vote Education is a key factor for voting Agenda Building correct answer: Process of bringing new issues into the limelight: interest groups, getting their issue Govt. attention, getting Govt. political agenda, getting voter and media attention PAC - Political Action Comittee correct answer: Official registered organization formed within an interest group that does all political action for the group; Gathers contributions from members and send them to political candidates civil liberties Sherbert vs Verner correct answer: if you couldn't work on Saturday due to religious beliefs and were fired or refused unemployment benefits, this would be a violation of Sherbert vs Verner What Party would support higher taxes? correct answer: Liberals Conservatives correct answer: Order over Freedom and Lower Taxes Horse race Journalism correct answer: media election coverage that focuses on which candidate is ahead rather than exploring the national news Oversight correct answer: committees review operations of a Govt. agency to see if bureaucracy is enforcing the laws the way congress intended Liberals correct answer: EQUALITY, usually democratic - everyone treated the same
sanitation police equality of Opportunity correct answer: Everyone is guaranteed the same chance to succeed in life. Equality of Outcome correct answer: What govt. must ensure, that people are equal in social and economic outcome Totalitarianism correct answer: total govt. A political philosophy that advocates unlimited power for the government to enable it to control all sectors of society Anarchism correct answer: no govt. philosophy that opposes all forms of govt social contract theory correct answer: rules (laws) that bind everyone Must give up some freedom In reference to declaration of independence, "Whenever any form of of Govt becomes destructive, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it" Communisn correct answer: classless society strict social order Socialism correct answer: welfare state same plane economically (central government plays a strong role in regulating existing private industry and directing the economy, although it does allow some private ownership of productive capacity) political ideology correct answer: consistent set of values or beliefs about the proper purpose or scope of govt president power correct answer: commander in chief; commander of the armies checks and balances correct answer: A government structure that gives each branch some scrutiny of and control over the other branches.
reprieves, or amnesty *Checks & Balances OVER the Judicial Branch from the Legislative Together the Senate and House of Representatives can create and eliminate federal courts. Together the Senate and House of Representatives can impeach government officials Legislative Branch correct answer: 2 branches House and Senate Have most power, make laws Executive Branch correct answer: Make, execute laws Judicial Branch correct answer: enforce laws power of judiciary review power not listed in constitution, it was a power they gave to theirselves over the years that was never challenged Judicial review correct answer: power to declare congressional and presidential act unconstitutional Maybury vs Madison correct answer: -gave us judicial review; the federal courts have the power to determine whether the other branches are acting constitutionally or not Full faith and credit clause correct answer: Creates unity among the states ie. Driver's licenses and marriage licenses are honored in other states Supremacy clause correct answer: Ensures that state laws do not conflict with national laws. National law overrides state laws Articles of confederation correct answer: The contract among the thirteen original states that established the first government of the United States.
necessary and proper clause correct answer: The last clause in Section 8 of Article I of the Constitution, which gives Congress the means to execute its enumerated powers. This clause is the basis for Congress's implied powers. Also called the elastic clause. implied powers correct answer: those powers that Congress needs to execute its enumerated powers. For example, the power to levy and collect taxes (clause 1) and the power to coin money and regulate its value (clause 5) 15th Amendment correct answer: black men have the right to vote Plessy vs Ferguson correct answer: Separate but equal doctrine. Segregation was legal as long as it was equal among white and blacks. This was changed later in the Brown vs the Board of Education which eliminated the separate but equal doctrine. de jure segregation correct answer: segregation by the law or govt. de facto segregation correct answer: segregation by private establishments civil rights movement correct answer: bans racial discrimination in public accommodations, employment, and promotion Rosa Parks correct answer: Refused to give her seat up on a bus. She was arrested and fined. Started the Civil rights movement. MLK jr encouraged them. bus companies were boycotted, causing them to go bankrupt. Reserved powers correct answer: 10th amendment - reserved powers for the states Regents of the University of California v. Bakke correct answer: white male who sued for reverse discrimination. Bakke argues that he was more qualified than all of the minorities that were admitted instead of him. The minorities were admitted to fill quota don't ask don't tell correct answer: law that gays could serve secretly in the military presidential veto correct answer: congress can override a presidential veto of a bill by a 2/3 vote civil liberties correct answer: negative rights; what the govt. cannot take away from you *Freedoms guaranteed to individuals taking the form of restraint on government. civil rights correct answer: positive rights- powers or privileges guaranteed to individuals that must be provided by govt. 2nd amendment correct answer: right to bear arms 4th amendment correct answer: protected against unlawful search or seizure
free exercise clause correct answer: The second clause in the First Amendment, which prevents the government from interfering with the exercise of religion Lemon Vs Kurtzman correct answer: The justices proposed a three-pronged test for determining the constitutionality of government programs and laws under the establishment clause (separation of religion and state): -They must have a secular purpose (such as lending books to parochial school students). -Their primary effect must not be to advance or inhibit religion. -They must not entangle the government excessively with religion Miranda vs Arizona correct answer: Miranda rights that police have to tell you! -You have the right to remain silent. -Anything you say can be used against you in court. -You have the right to talk to a lawyer of your own choice before questioning. -If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, a lawyer will be provided without charge. pluralist correct answer: modern society consists of innumerable groups that share economic, religious, ethnic, or cultural interests. interest groups divided authority, decentralization, and open access elite theory correct answer: The view that a small group of people actually makes most of the important government decisions majoritarian correct answer: responsive to the people mass public control govt dual federalism correct answer: layer cake metaphor separation of state and national govt When do greatest changes to national power occur? correct answer: at times of crisis and change grants in aid correct answer: 2 examples project grants ie. highways; block grant ie. welfare preemption correct answer: if federal govt does not like how the states are spending the money, they can assume responsibility and enforce it in one's particular state totalitarianism correct answer: a govt should control all aspects of individual behavior capitalism correct answer: best type of govt allows free enterprise, which is needed for free politics
laissez-faire correct answer: govt should not intervene in the economy communitarians correct answer: willing to use govt for both equality and order socialism correct answer: govt directs economy, but allows some private ownership autocracy correct answer: power of govt is in hands of one individual oligarchy correct answer: power of govt is in hands of a few people Republicanism correct answer: form of govt in which power resides in the people and is exercised by their elected representatives municipal govt correct answer: govt units that administer to a city or town