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California physical therapy law exam Questions with Answers 2024., Exams of Nursing

California physical therapy law exam Questions with Answers 2024.

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Available from 06/07/2024

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California physical therapy law exam

Questions with Answers 2024.

How many weeks minimum do you need to do full time clinical work for PT/PTA students \ n ✔18 for PT / 16 for PTA Fees for license \ n ✔Application fee=$300 ; initial license fee:$150 ; biennial renewal fee: $300; delinquency fee:$150 ; duplicate wall certificate or renewal receipt:$50 ; Endorsement letter of good standing:$ Foreign education requirements \ n ✔1- full transcript of professional education submitted directly from proper official of the PT education program 2- TOEFL 3- 9 months clinical service with an APTA certified CI at an approved location (can be waived for every month of clinical service performed in state outside of CA for up to 9 months OR 3 months waived if a course on law and ethics completed at a post secondary institution or 3 months waived if 4 CEUs of ethics are completed) - must pass NPTE prior to clinicals 4- they may decide your education to sit for NPTE is not sufficient but if it meets sufficient standards, may be allowed to take NPTAE How many times can you take Npte in 1 year \ n ✔You can sit for NPTE 3x per application per 12 month period (pay re-exam fee each time) then you have to submit a new application and application fees plus the re-exam fee How long can someone practice as a PTLA \ n ✔Can work under DIRECT AND IMMEDIATE supervision Of a licensed PT for up to 120 days Pending results of first licensing exam which applicant is eligible for. If they fail it or don't take it, they can no longer practice upon passing exam- they will continue to practice as a PTLA until their license is issued When does your license expire \ n ✔At 12:00 AM on the last day of the birth month of the licensee on the second year of the 2 year term. Must pay a renewal fee ($300) and documentation of clinical competency in order to renew PTBC will send out notice of renewal requirements 60 days prior to license expiration Continuing education requirements \ n ✔30 hours or 3 CEUS (1 hour = 50 minutes of instruction) (1 CEU= 10 hours); TWO hours must be in ethics/laws/regulations and FOUR must be in life support for HCPs 15 hours or 1.5 CEUS needed for FIRST TIME LICENSE RENEWAL keep continuing Ed records for 5 years

CEU Exemption \ n ✔1- if you're living outside the country for 1 or more years 2- absence from CA due to military service for 1 or more years 3- total physical/mental Disability for 1 or more years with inability to work as verified by MD/psychologist 4- total physical/mental disability of immediate family member for which licensee has total responsibility of As verified by MD/psychologist 5- renewal can be waived if precinct is solely voluntary BUT you still need to do your CEUs exemption CANNOT be granted for 2 consecutive renewal terms Inactive Status \ n ✔Used if you need exemption for 2 or more renewal periods. Can't engage in any activity that requires an active license. To become active - pay renewal fee and complete 30 hours continuing Ed Alternate methods to obtain CEUS \ n ✔- publish a peer reviewed article= 5 per article

  • develop CEU course = 4 hours/course
  • subject matter expert for FSBPT/ABPTS = 6 hours/experience
  • board appointed task force = 6 hours —- all above have 16 hour cap
  • be a CI for minimum of 4 weeks (must be credentialed) - 1 hour/week for max of 12
  • pass law exam - 2 hours
  • pass specialty exam- 6 hours (6 hour cap)
  • attend conference relating to PT practice - proof of attendance provided by sponsor - 2 hours /conference (8 hour cap)
  • attend FSBPT OR APTA conference - 4 hours/conference (8 hour cap) How many years does the continuing education provider have to maintain records after course date? How many years does the licensed have to maintain records of courses
    n ✔7 years for provider // 5 years for licensee EMG certification \ n ✔- includes evaluation of specific abnormal potentials and evoked responses
  • PTs cannot diagnose/prognosis
  • require 400 hours of training under licensed PT/MD authorized to perform EMG AND 200 EMG examinations
  • pass an initial exam
  • renewed every 2 years with PT license
  • $500 exam/reexam fee ; $100 application fee ; $50 renewal fee "Kinesiological electromyography" \ n ✔The study, including tissue penetration, of the phasic activity of individual or multiple muscles in relation to another physical or physiological event or exercise and does not include the evaluation of specific abnormal potentials or evoked responses.
  • require 209 hours of training under licensed PT/MD authorized to perform KEMG AND 50 KEMG examinations

When there are 2 or more shareholder and one dies or becomes disqualified, the shares shall be sold and transferred to the company no later than: \ n ✔-6 months of the shareholder does

  • 90 days if they're disqualified Medical records should be kept for \ n ✔At least 7 years after discharge if unemancipated minor- records should be kept for at least 1 year after they turn 18 but no less than 7 years PT student and PTLA documentation \ n ✔Must be signed with first initial and last name on same day treatment provided PTA student and PTALA documentation \ n ✔Must be signed with first initial and last name on same day treatment provided supervising PTs will conduct a weekly case conference and document it in the patient record direct access \ n ✔If within scope of practice, the PT has 45 calendar days or 12 visits (whichever is first) to treat Pt. Written notice must be provided for Pt to see. Then a signature and date upon PT POC must occur by individual licensed by medical board or podiatrist. For approval of POC, an in person exam by licensed practitioner shall occur Pt referrals are considered unlawful if \ n ✔Financial interest is greater or equal to 5% of whole of services provided OR $5, except! A referral can be given for a good or service if there is no alternative provider within 25 miles or 40 minutes traveling time of patients home —-provide financial disclosure in this instance. If another facility opens up, you have 6 months From the time you became aware (or should have reasonably became aware) to refer to the new facility Penalty for cheating on an exam \ n ✔- misdemeanor
  • board can disqualify you from taking the exam, Deny application for Licensure or revoke license Parties involved are liable for cost of damages Sustained by entities administering the exam not to exceed $10,000 Plus litigation fees Rebate for patient referral \ n ✔It is unlawful to receive a rebate in any form for a pt referral. it's considered a misdemeanor with up to 6 months imprisonment and up to $2500 fine Repeated excessive prescription of treatment results in \ n ✔A misdemeanor- up to $600 fine and/or up to 180 days imprisonment A person who had license revoked or suspended can petition the PTBC for reinstatement after a period of not less than the following minimum periods \ n ✔- 3

years for unprofessional conduct - can be reduced to 2 years at the discretion of the board

  • 2 years for early termination or probation sentence greater than 3 years
  • 1 year for modification of a mental or physical condition or reinstatement of a license that was initially revoked for a mental or physical illness OR on probation for a period of less than 3 years Issuance of public letter of reprimand \ n ✔Instead of filing or prosecuting a formal accusation the board may, upon agreement with licensee, issue a public letter or reprimand
  • may include training or education and the cost recovery for the investigation
  • board will notify licensee 30 days prior to intended issuance of the letter
  • licensee must indicate in write at least 15 days prior to the intended issuance date whether or not they agree to the issuance of the letter Any person who holds him/herself as a PTA without appropriate licensing by the PTBC is guilty of \ n ✔A misdemeanor- up to $1000 fine and/or 6 months in jail Citations \ n ✔Can he administered for violations of physical therapy practice act as well as a regulation or statute adopted by the board
  • will be on record for 5 years. If multiple citations occur within that time, all citations remain until most recent citation has been present for 5 years Administrative fines for citations \ n ✔- typically not less than $100 or more than $2500 - amount is based on good/bad faith of cited person, nature/severity of violation, history of similar violations, intent of cooperation with the board, attempts of cited individual to minimize damages of violation
  • may increase up to $5000 if the board determines one of the following circumstances apply: —involves present/immediate threats to health and safety of another person — multiple violations or willful disregard for law — violations perpetrated against a senior citizen or disabled person —history of two or more prior citations for the same or similar violations Disputing a citation \ n ✔- formal meeting held within 30 days of being notified of citation
  • within 10 days you can request an informal hearing with the boards executive officer to discuss the charges
  • if informal conference does not dismiss the charges then a formal hearing 30 days From the date of informal conference will occur
  • order of abatement (cease and desist aka stop/modify What you're doing)- if unable to complete correction within the time frame, cited person may request, in writing, an extension within the time set forth for abatement
  • failure to comply will result in disciplinary action

reporting abuse \ n ✔- must make initial report By phone immediately or as soon as possible AND fax/send a written report within 2 working days for injury or 36 hours for suspected child abuse upon receiving information concerning the event Notice to consumers \ n ✔- PT provide Form NTC 12-01 teach patient

  • notice can be provided by - displaying form NTC 12-01 to prominently or giving patient a copy of the form - acknowledgement signed, dated by patient or rep in patient records.
  • informs consumers on- treatment expectations, patient rights, how to file a complaint, how to verify a license What is the earliest date an applicant can reapply for a license after being revoked for a felony? \ n ✔ONE year from the effective date of decision How long does the board have to inform an applicant of their application being complete/deficient? How long do they have to report a decision once application is complete? \ n ✔The board has THIRTY (30) days from submission of an application to inform applicant if application is complete or deficient. The board has SIXTY (60) days after completion of application to report a decision for approving applicant