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Cancer Registry Practice Exam Questions with Complete Solutions, Exams of Laboratory Practices and Management

A set of practice exam questions and answers related to cancer registry principles and procedures. It covers topics such as data linkage, casefinding, tumor histology, staging systems, and cancer epidemiology. The questions are designed to test knowledge of cancer registry standards and practices, making it a valuable resource for students and professionals in the field.

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CTR Practice Exam Questions with Complete Solutions.

What level of protection is needed for confidential health information within an organization? a. Maximum protection b. Minimally required protection c. Reasonable protection d. Total protection - Correct Answer c. Reasonable protection In the central registry record consolidation process, reports of cancer submitted to the central registry from hospital cancer registries, pathology laboratories, radiation therapy centers, and other sources are: a. Consolidated records b. Patient records c. Source records d. Tumor records - Correct Answer c. Source records What is the primary resource for documentation of cancer program activity in a CoC accredited cancer program? a. Cancer committee minutes b. Policy and procedure manual c. Post survey evaluation d. Survey application record - Correct Answer a. Cancer committee minutes Central Registry A matched its data with data from the Department of Motor Vehicles in state A to determine date last alive for patients in the database. This process is: a. Case ascertainment b. Data linkage c. Death clearance d. Record consolidation - Correct Answer b. Data linkage Peyer patches are often located in which organ?

a. Bladder b. Brain c. Kidney d. Small intestine - Correct Answer d. Small intestine What is the class of case for a patient who was diagnosed and received beam radiation for painful bone metastasis at the reporting facility? a. 00 b. 14 c. 22 d. 31 - Correct Answer b. 14 Tumor histology is rhabdomyosarcoma. Primary site is most likely: a. Blood vessel b. Bone c. Skeletal muscle d. Uterus - Correct Answer c. Skeletal muscle What is a pathological staging system based on resection of the tumor and measures the depth of invasion through the mucosa and bowel wall? a. Ann Arbor b. Breslow's depth of invasion c. Duke's d. Whitmore - Correct Answer c. Duke's To be compliant with Standard 4.8 Quality Improvements, who needs to be notified of the patient care improvements each year? a. Pharmacy b. Quality Improvement Department c. Risk Management d. Medical Staff and Administration - Correct Answer d. Medical Staff and Administration

The following data set is ages of patients diagnosed with osteosarcoma: [5, 7, 10, 12, 12, 14, and 17]. What is the mean of the data set? a. 12 b. 11 c. 10 d. 7 - Correct Answer b. 11 Which member of the cancer committee cannot fulfill the roll of community outreach coordinator for the cancer committee? a. Cancer liaison physician b. Cancer program community outreach staff c. Cancer registrar d. Quality management representative - Correct Answer c. Cancer registrar If the administration and medical staff of a facility are planning patient care activities for breast cancer patients, they will analyze breast cancer: a. Cluster b. Incidence c. Mortality d. Prevalence - Correct Answer d. Prevalence Patient's primary tumor was biopsied and that was followed by tumor resection. The histology is coded from the: a. Biopsy b. Last procedure c. Most representative specimen d. Primary tumor resection - Correct Answer c. Most representative specimen Melanoma is most likely to develop in the: a. Dermis b. Epidermis

c. Hypodermis d. Muscle - Correct Answer b. Epidermis The highest value minus the lowest value in a data set is the: a. Mean b. Median c. Range d. Standard deviation - Correct Answer c. Range A patient had a breast core biopsy in a doctor's office, and the physician was not on staff at the reporting facility. The specimen was read at the reporting facility's lab, and the diagnosis was "infiltrating ductal carcinoma". The patient was treated at the reporting facility with lumpectomy and axillary node dissection. What is the class of case code for the reporting facility? a. 12 b. 13 c. 22 d. 43 - Correct Answer c. 22 The best way to display the survival rate by year of diagnosis for female patients at St. Elsewhere Hospital diagnosed with breast cancer between 2006 - 2015 is with a: a. Bar graph b. Line graph c. Pie chart d. Summary table - Correct Answer b. Line graph In 2016 the population of Buncombe County, North Carolina was 229,000. During the same time period in Buncombe County, there were 120 newly diagnosed cases of colorectal cancer and 250 existing cases of colorectal cancer. When calculating the crude incidence rate of colorectal cancer in Buncombe County in 2016, the numerator and denominator are: a. 120/229, b. 250/229,

c. 370/229, d. 120/229,370 - Correct Answer a. 120/229, The serosa of the colon is: a. Noninvasive b. Parietal peritoneum c. Submucosa d. Visceral peritoneum - Correct Answer d. Visceral peritoneum The investigation of cancer frequencies and patterns in a defined population is: a. Analytic epidemiology b. Descriptive epidemiology c. Incidence rate d. Prevalence rate - Correct Answer b. Descriptive epidemiology Pathology reports are what type of source? - Correct Answer Casefinding The 1st course of tx consists of - Correct Answer All cancer directed tx regardless of where it takes place. Casefinding timeliness in a central registry is determined by. - Correct Answer Timeliness of the reporting of the hospital registries Name a systemic method of locating all eligible cases? - Correct Answer Casefinding How often does NPCR require central registries to do hospital casefinding or reabstracting audits on each hospital? - Correct Answer Every 5 years A patient has urine cytology suspicious for urothelial carcinoma. This case is: - Correct Answer Reportable if there is confirmation by positive pathology and/or by clinician diagnosis.

The sequence number tells you - Correct Answer How many primary tumors the patient has Surgically creating a passage between the stomach and intestines is called - Correct Answer Gastroenterostomy Alpha-fetoprotein is a blood serum test for which site? - Correct Answer Liver The United States authority on Tumor-Node-Metastasis staging is the: - Correct Answer American Joint Committee on Cancer The most common cancer in both men and women is: - Correct Answer Lung Would a lymphoma or leukemia be more likely to arise in a Waldeyer's ring? - Correct Answer Lymphoma What type of agent is Methotrexate? - Correct Answer Chemo What type of specimens, when positive, would be considered cytologic diagnostic confirmation of malignancy? - Correct Answer Needle aspiration of tumor The three leading cancer sites among white American males are: - Correct Answer Prostate, colorectal and lung The "N" in the AJCC staging system represents: - Correct Answer Regional lymph node involvement Peau d'orange is a condition associated with: - Correct Answer Dermal lymphatic invasion by breast cancer A hemiglossectomy is a procedure performed on what organ? - Correct Answer Tongue What is a tumor of the covering of the brain? - Correct Answer Meningioma. Peristalsis is a physiologic function of the: - Correct Answer Muscularis propria of the intestines.

A colectomy is a procedure which is performed on which organ? - Correct Answer Colon The prefix "endo" in the word endocardium means: - Correct Answer Within A sarcoma is a malignancy arising from: - Correct Answer Mesodermal tissue. What carries de-oxygenated blood? - Correct Answer Pulmonary artery. Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is used for which cancer? - Correct Answer Colon Adenocarcinomas arise from which type of tissue? - Correct Answer glandular tissue Palliative is best defined as: - Correct Answer Treatment for relief of pain or to relieve symptoms A transurethral resection is a procedure that: - Correct Answer Removes tissue from the bladder or prostate What is a neoplasm of smooth muscle origin? - Correct Answer Leiomyosarcoma The tonsils are masses of what kind of tissue? - Correct Answer Lymphoid One of the most common sites of metastatic spread of cancer is: - Correct Answer Liver Fulguration is a biopsy procedure that uses what? - Correct Answer Using electric sparks controlled by a moving electrode The presence of Reed-Sternberg cells is diagnostic of: - Correct Answer Hodgkin's disease Salpingostomy is a procedure on which organs? - Correct Answer Fallopian Tube An oophorectomy is a procedure for which of the following - Correct Answer Carcinoma of the ovary

The surgical approach for a transurethral resection(TUR) of a bladder tumor is: - Correct Answer Endoscopic A tumor described as anaplastic should be coded as: - Correct Answer Undifferentiated Human papilloma virus is a causal agent implicated in cancer of which site? - Correct Answer Uterine cervix The hypothalamus is located in which organ? - Correct Answer Brain Enucleation is a surgical procedure for what type of cancer? - Correct Answer Ocular melanoma Why is neoadjuvant treatment given? - Correct Answer To shrink the tumor to increase the possibility of resectability What is the largest organ? - Correct Answer Skin The "T" in the AJCC staging system represents: - Correct Answer Tumor size and/or extension Mesothelioma typically arises where? - Correct Answer Pleura A cholecystectomy - Correct Answer Removes the gallbladder Supraglottis, glottis and subglottis are subsites of the: - Correct Answer Larynx The sequence number tells you: - Correct Answer How many primary tumors the patient has The mucous membrane lining the inner cheeks is called the: - Correct Answer Buccal mucosa The "M" in the AJCC staging system represents: - Correct Answer Metastatic involvement at a distance from the

primary The date of first contact for a patient at a facility is: - Correct Answer The date the patient first had contact with the facility for the diagnosis and/or first course of treatment The vessels that carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the extremities are: - Correct Answer Arteries The islets of Langerhans are located in: - Correct Answer The pancreas Integumentary relates to which of the following sites? - Correct Answer Skin The surgical approach for a transurethral resection(TUR) of a bladder tumor is: - Correct Answer Endoscopic A cystadenocarcinoma would most likely arise in which of the following organs? - Correct Answer Ovary A neoplastic disease characterized by an excess of red blood cells is known as: - Correct Answer Polycythemia Vera. According to Cancer Program Standard 5.3, what percent of a follow-up rate on all eligible analytic cases must be maintained from the cancer registry reference date? - Correct Answer 80% The best source for follow-up information is considered to be - Correct Answer The patient's primary physician The percent follow-up rate that is maintained for all eligible analytic cases diagnosed within last five years is: - Correct Answer 90% Passive follow-up means: - Correct Answer Checking the hospital database for readmission of patients in the registry database According to the Commission on Cancer, the number of studies that measure quality of care, undertaken by a cancer program is

determined based on_______________. - Correct Answer Program category According to the Commission on Cancer of the American College of Surgeons, a case may be excluded from the follow-up requirement if: - Correct Answer The patient resides in or moves to a foreign country. According to the Commission on Cancer the cancer registry policy and procedure manual must include: - Correct Answer Confidentiality and release of information. The __________________ required by the CoC for hospital cancer registries is an example of quality control. - Correct Answer Annual control plan A source for quality improvements may include: - Correct Answer Changes to improve upon acceptable patient care A characteristic of data quality is: - Correct Answer Accuracy The establishment and implementation of a plan to annually evaluate the quality of the cancer registry data and activity is the responsibility of the: - Correct Answer Cancer Committee The cancer committee is accountable for the quality control of the registry as determined by: - Correct Answer The Commission on Cancer According the Cancer Program Standards: Ensuring Patient-Centered Care, 2016, Standard 4.8, the quality improvement coordinator, under the direction of the cancer committee, implements how many cancer care improvements, annually? - Correct Answer 2 Each & every calendar year the cancer committee establishes what 2 goals? - Correct Answer One clinical and one programmatic goal for the endeavors related to cancer care.

Routine and automated edit checks should be applied to ________% of a registry's cases. - Correct Answer 100% What does a computer data edit do? - Correct Answer Verifies data accuracy According to the Commission on Cancer the maximum number of cancer registry cases that need to have quality control is: - Correct Answer 300 The cancer committee monitors the program's Estimated Performance Rates (EPR) for all quality measures using..... - Correct Answer CP3R Cases originally diagnosed in your hospital are: - Correct Answer Analytic Who is responsible for implementing the quality control plan in the cancer registry? - Correct Answer The Cancer Registry Quality Coordinator The NAACCR standard for reporting expected cases of reportable cancer occurring in residents during that year should be reported within _______months of the close of the diagnosis year. - Correct Answer 23 Each year CoC accredited cancer programs must submit complete data for all requested analytic cases to the: - Correct Answer NCDB