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Italian Terms Relating to Various Life Experiences and Social Phenomena, Quizzes of Italian Language

A list of italian terms and their definitions, covering various aspects of life experiences and social phenomena. Topics include aging, employment, crime, immigration, poverty, politics, and more. These terms can be useful for students of italian language and culture, as well as for those studying sociology, anthropology, or related fields.

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Download Italian Terms Relating to Various Life Experiences and Social Phenomena and more Quizzes Italian Language in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 bisogna che DEFINITION 1 it is necessary that TERM 2 Come si fa? DEFINITION 2 How is it done?/How do people do it? TERM 3 Cosa si fa? DEFINITION 3 What do people do? TERM 4 bene che DEFINITION 4 it's good that TERM 5 essenziale che DEFINITION 5 it's essential that TERM 6 importante che DEFINITION 6 it's important that TERM 7 (im)possible che DEFINITION 7 it's (im)possible that TERM 8 necessario che DEFINITION 8 it's necessary that TERM 9 strano che DEFINITION 9 it's strange that TERM 10 sembra/pare che DEFINITION 10 it seems that TERM 21 emigrare DEFINITION 21 to emigrate TERM 22 immaginare che DEFINITION 22 to imagine that TERM 23 immigrare DEFINITION 23 to immigrate TERM 24 invecchiare DEFINITION 24 to get old TERM 25 pensare (a) DEFINITION 25 to think (about) TERM 26 sognare DEFINITION 26 to dream TERM 27 sperare che DEFINITION 27 to hope that TERM 28 temere che DEFINITION 28 to fear that TERM 29 trasformarsi DEFINITION 29 to transform TERM 30 l'anziano/l'anziana DEFINITION 30 elderly man/woman TERM 31 l'aumento DEFINITION 31 increase TERM 32 il calo DEFINITION 32 drop, reduction TERM 33 il/ la cittadino/a DEFINITION 33 city dweller; citizen TERM 34 la crescita DEFINITION 34 growth; increase TERM 35 le delinquenza DEFINITION 35 crime (in general) TERM 46 il governo DEFINITION 46 government TERM 47 la guerra DEFINITION 47 war TERM 48 l'immigrato/l'immigrata DEFINITION 48 immigrant TERM 49 l'immigrazione DEFINITION 49 immigration TERM 50 l'industria DEFINITION 50 industry TERM 51 l'invecchiamento DEFINITION 51 aging TERM 52 il mestiere DEFINITION 52 trade; occupation TERM 53 la morte DEFINITION 53 death TERM 54 il motivo DEFINITION 54 reason, motivation TERM 55 la nascita DEFINITION 55 birth TERM 56 la noia DEFINITION 56 boredom TERM 57 il pensionato/ la pensionata DEFINITION 57 retiree TERM 58 la pensione DEFINITION 58 pension TERM 59 la percentuale DEFINITION 59 percentage TERM 60 la popolazione DEFINITION 60 population TERM 71 il tasso di disoccupazione DEFINITION 71 unemployment rate TERM 72 la terza et DEFINITION 72 "golden years" TERM 73 la trasformazione DEFINITION 73 transformation TERM 74 la vecchiaia DEFINITION 74 old age TERM 75 la violenza DEFINITION 75 violence TERM 76 il volontariato DEFINITION 76 volunteer work TERM 77 quotidiano DEFINITION 77 daily TERM 78 sicuro DEFINITION 78 safe, sure