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captains career course amedd written exam questions and answers 2024, Exams of Community Corrections

captains career course amedd written exam questions and answers 2024

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captains career course amedd written

exam questions and answers 2024

The ART of tactics - Encompasses the understanding of those military aspects of tactics - capabilities, techniques, and procedures - that can be measured and codified

What is the fundamental difference between homeland defense and defense support of civil authorities? - HD is focused on external threats and aggression while DSCA is focused on supporting civil authorities and domestic disaster relief

Offensive operation tasks - Movement to contact; attack; exploitation; pursuit

3 statuses that the national guard can operate under - State Active Duty; Title 32; Title 10

Purposes for defensive operations - 1. Deter or defeat enemy offense

  1. Gain Time
  2. Achieve economy of force
  3. Retain key terrain
  4. Protect the populace
  5. Critical Assets and infrastructure
  6. Develop intelligence

Characteristics of defensive operations - 1. preparation

  1. Security
  2. Disruption
  1. Massing effects
  2. Flexibility
  3. Maneuver
  4. Operations in Depth

Characteristics of the Offense - 1. Surprise

  1. Concentration
  2. Tempo
  3. Audacity

3 triggers for the transition from offense to defense - 1. victory

  1. culmination
  2. change of mission

4 phases to a hazard or disaster - 1. planning

  1. response
  2. recovery
  3. restoration

Types of obstacles and what they consist of - 1. Existing obstacles - natural/manmade

  1. Tactical/Protective

Each SBCT infantry rifle company has a section of: - 1. Organic 120-mm Stryker mortar carrier vehicles with 60mm dismounted mortar capabilities

  1. a sniper team
  2. a mobile gun system platoon (MGS) with 3 MGS vehicles

Who are the primary maneuver force in an ABCT and what do they consist of - 1. Three combined arms BNs

  1. Two armor BNs and two mechanized INF companies

3 NCOER types - 1. Direct

  1. Organizational
  2. Strategic

Time period a senior officer must supervise an officer - minimum of 90 day calendar days

% of top box checks for senior raters - less than 50% most qualified

Rank requirements for an NCOER reviewer - 1. Commissioned Officers

  1. Warrant Officers
  2. E9s

Civilian award equivalent to the AAM and who is the approval authority - Cert of Appreciation of public service; LTC & above

Who is eligible for an army good conduct medal - 1. active enlisted

  1. AGR on extended periods of AD
  2. retirees (retroactively)
  1. ready reserve enlisted
  2. As directed by the SEC of the Army

Award that is exempt from the 2 year time limitation - Purple Heart

Army regulation that covers military awards - AR 600-8-

What is the goal of the total Army awards programs? - Foster mission accomplishment by recognizing excellence of military and civilian force and to motivate them to high levels of performance and service

Central figure in mission command - Commander

What are mission orders - Directives that emphasize to subordinates that results to be attained, not how they achieve them

What do commanders use inform and influence activities for? - To ensure actions, themes, and messages compliment and reinforce each other and support operational objectives

Things that successful team builders do - 1. Establish mutual trust

  1. Shared understanding
  2. Cohesion
  3. Instill a supportive attitude
  4. Sense of responsibility
  5. Distribute authority

5 tasks that are commander led and staff supported - 1. Conduct military deception

  1. conducts civil affairs operations
  2. conduct airspace control
  3. install, operate, and maintain the network
  4. Conduct information protection

What is disciplined initiative - Action in the absence of orders, when existing orders no longer fit the situation, or when unforeseen opportunities or threats arise

Two types of knowledge described in ATP 6-01.1 - 1. Tacit

  1. Explicit

What is knowledge management - A process of enabling knowledge flow to enhance shared understanding, learning, and decisionmaking

Commanders arrange their staff as part of their mission command system to perform what three functions - 1. Supporting the commander

  1. Assisting the subordinate units
  2. informing units and organizations outside the headquarters

Mission command warfighting function consists of the MC warfighting function - Tasks and Systems

Networks enable commanders to: - Communicate information and control forces whether mounted or dismounted

5 components of mission command system - 1. Personnel

  1. Networks
  2. Information Systems
  3. processes and procedures
  4. facilities and equipment

What is a warfighting function - A group of tasks and systems (people, orgs, info, and processes) united by a common purpose that commanders use to accomplish missions

A well crafted commanders intent conveys a clear image of the operations: - 1. Purpose

  1. Key tasks
  2. Desired end state

4 staff tasks - 1. Conduct the operations process

  1. conduct knowledge and information mgmt
  2. sync information
  3. Conduct cyber electromagnetic activities

Purpose of the mission command system - To enable the commander to conduct operations

6 principles of mission command - 1. building cohesive teams

  1. create shared understanding
  2. provide a clear commanders intent
  3. exercise disciplined initiative
  1. used mission orders
  2. accept prudent risk

Mission command philosophy involves the: - Art of Command and Science of control

A boundary is a line that delineates: - surface areas for the purpose of facilitation coordination AND deconfliction of operations between adjacent units, formation, or areas

What is the patient hold capacity of a BSMC - 20

What is the patient hold capacity of a ASMC - 40

Two categories of unframed symbols - 1. Control Measures

  1. Tactical Mission Tasks

What personnel comprise a maneuver BN medical platoon HQs - 1. Field Surgeon

  1. Field Medical Asst
  2. 68W40 - Platoon SGT

Which modifiers goes in horizontal sector 1 and 2 - Sector 1 - Capability

Sector 2 - Mobility

Squad from BSMC provide support to BDE elements without organic medical support. Can this quad conduct split ops - Medical Tx Squad or FWD tx squad. They can conduct split ops

2 categories of military symbols - framed and unframed

Type of Medical Officers within the BDE Surgeon section and the BSB medical operations section - BSS = Field Surgeon

SPO - medical operations officer

Logistics Officer

Health Care NCO

OPCON or Operational Control - The authority to perform those functions of command over subordinate forces involving organizing and employing commands and forces, assigning tasks, designating objectives, and giving authoritative direction necessary to accomplish the mission

BCTS have how many role 1 capabilities and how many role 2 organic to the BDE - 6 ( maneuver, 1 recon, 1 fires, 1 engineers) AND 1 role 2

Name the medical evacuation platform utilized within each maneuver BN (INF, AR, Stryker) - M997 INF, M113 Armour, M133 Stryker

Who are the primary maneuver force in an ABCT? What do they consist of? - Three combined arms BNs. They consist of two mechanized infantry companies and two armor companies

DSCA functional characteristics - 1. State and federal laws define military support

  1. Civil authorities are in charge
  2. military departs when civil authorities are able to continue without support
  3. Military must document costs of direct and indirect support

Purposes for defensive operations - 1. Deter or defeat enemy

  1. Gain time
  2. achieve economy of force
  3. retain key terrain
  4. protect the populace, critical assets, and infrastructure
  5. Develop intelligence

6 forms of maneuver for offensive operations - 1. envelopment

  1. turning movement
  2. infiltration
  3. penetration
  4. frontal attack
  5. flank attack

2 types of obstacles and what they consist of - Existing - Natural/Manmade


4 phases to a hazard or disaster - Planning, Response, Recovery, Restoration

What are the 3 triggers for the transition from offense to defense - 1. Victory

  1. Culmination
  2. Change of mission

4 characteristics of the offense - 1. Surprise

  1. Concentration
  2. Tempo
  3. Audacity

Characteristics of defensive operations - 1. Preparation

  1. Security
  2. Disruption
  3. massing effects
  4. flexibility
  5. maneuver
  6. operations in depth

3 statuses that the National Guard can operate under - State Active Duty; Title 32; Title 10

Two types of SHARP reports - 1. Restricted

  1. Unrestricted

Barriers to SHARP reporting - 1. fear of isolation

  1. fear of reprisal
  2. collateral misconduct

Violations of EO Policy must be filed within - 60 days

Army Leadership competencies - 1

Who Is responsible for establishing and enforcing an OIP- - Inspections are a command responsibility

Who is the proponent for inspection policy? - Inspector General

What regulation governs inspections? - AR 1-201 - Army Inspection Policy

List the principles of inspections - Inspections must be Purposeful, Coordinated, Focused on Feedback, Instructive and Followed up

3 attributes of Army Leadership Requirements Model - Character, intellect, presence

4 Types of briefings: - Information, decision, mission, staff

4 Briefing steps: - Plan, prepare, execute, assess

2 types of counseling - Event-oriented counseling (developmental, initial)

Performance and Professional Growth counseling (NCOers, OERs)

3 attributes and 3 competencies on OERs - Attributes- character, presence, intellect

Competencies- Leads, develops, achieves

Who can view an individual rated soldiers OER - EES, delegates, rater, senior rater

Rater will be supervisor of rated officer for minimum period of ____ cal days (officers and NCOs) - 90 days

Senior rater will be designated for rated officer for minimum period of - 60 rated days

What are rank requirements to being an NCOer reviewer? - Commissioned officers, warrant officers, E9's (1SG)

List civilian award equivalent to AAM and who approval authority is - Certificate of Appreciation of Public Service; LTC and above

  1. Who is eligible for Army Good Conduct Medal (AGCM) - Active enlisted, AGR on extended periods of Active Duty, retirees (respectively); ready reserve enlisted; as directed by the SEC of the Army

  2. Who can approve AGCM? - Unit commander, hospital commander

Which AR covers Army medals - AR 600-8-

Goal of total Army awards program is ... (AR 600-8-22) - to foster mission accomplishment by recognizing excellence of both military and civilian members of the force and motivating them to high levels of performance and service."

How many achievements are needed for an impact award? - One achievement is required

The lowest ranking officer that can approve an MSM is a

MG - The lowest ranking officer that can approve an MSM is a MG

What are the 3 examples of equipment needed to sustain a mission command system - Vehicles, radios, generators, lighting

List 3 things that successful team builders do - 1. Establish mutual trust,

  1. shared understanding,
  2. cohesion,
  3. instill a supportive attitude,
  4. sense of responsibility,
  5. distribute authority

List the 4 staff tasks - - Conduct the operations process (plan, prepare, execute, and assess)

  • Conduct knowledge mgt and information mgt
  • *conduct informal and influence activities
  • Conduct cyberspace electromagnetic activities (CEMA)

How does the staff conduct the operations process? - Through activities of plan, prepare, execute, and assess

What is Knowledge Management? - Process of enabling knowledge flow to enhance shared understanding, learning, and decision making

5 steps in Knowledge Management Process - Assess → Design → Develop → Pilot → Implement

TACON - tasking, limited to direction and control of movements

OPCON - giving authority, assign tasks

Attach - placement is temporary

Assign - permanent placement

Organic - Those listed in Table of Organization (TOE) for Army, Air Force, etc

Framed Icons: Colors - blue= friendly

red= hostile, suspect

green= neutral

yellow= unknown, pending

Unframed Control Symbols - Main Attack (Decisive Operations)

Supporting Attack (Shaping Operation)

A boundary (symbols) - A boundary is a line that delineates surface areas for the purpose of facilitating coordination and de-confliction of operations between adjacent units, formation, or areas

Decisive Action comprised of (Tasks) - Offense, Defense, Stability, DSCA (defense support of civil authority)

4 Tenets of Unified land operations - Simultaneity, depth, synchronization, flexibility

METT-TC stands for - M: mission

E: enemy

T: terrain

T: troops available

T: time

C: civilian considerations

6 Operational variables - PMESII (political, military, economy, social, information, infrastructure

3 categories of campaign - Global, theatre, subordinate

6 AHS principles = (FMC-CCP) - Flexibility





Proximity (most important*)

10 medical functional areas (MFAs) - - Medical tx

  • Hospitalization
  • Medevac
  • Prev Med
  • Dental
  • Vet Services
  • Med Log
  • Combat & OP Stress Control
  • Lab services

How many MFAs does a Brigade Combat Team (BCT) have in Role 1 and Role 2, - Role 1 has 3 MFAs

Role 2 has 8 MFAs

How many MFAs does EAB have in role 2 and role 3 - Under EAB,

Role 2 has 6 MFA's (missing MedLog and PREVMED)

Role 3 has 8 MFA's (missing EVAC and MED services i.e. Vet)

EMEDs (expeditionary medical support system) is considered what role of care - - Emeds + 10= Role 2

  • Emeds + 25= Role 3