Download Career Development Exam 1 2024 and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity! Career Development Exam 1 Differentiation - A person who clearly resembles a single type is considered differentiated. Ex: Very strong S, medially strong R and I= differentiated. Medially Strong S,R, I= undifferentiated Congruence - The degree of fit between an individual's personality type and current or prospective work environment Consistency - Degree of realatedness between types, CRE= high consistency, RSI= low consistency Vocational Identity - Possession of a clear and stable picture of one's goals, interests, and talents Evaluating Holland's Theory - -It has been subject to more empirical tests than any other career theory -Overall there is considerable support. People's Holland Codes tend to stay stable over time Career - The body of work- all jobs and occupations- and life experiences that a person experiences during his or her lifetime job - refers to the specific position in which a person is employed Occupation - A wide category of jobs that have similar characteristics, such as types of skills or work responsibilities. Career Counseling Associations - NCDA, AP+GA, ASCA, APA(Div. 17), SVP Purpose of career counseling. What is it? - A formal relationship in which a professional counselor assists a client or goup of clients cope effectively with career concerns. Their duties include...establishing goals, intervening when they can, evaluate progress, and offer additional interventions when they can or terminate counseling. Best practices for career counseling - 1. need to understand key components of solid career counseling interventions and programs 2. important to access research and find out if any evidence based practices are available 3. make interventions goal-focused and systematic 4. have structure or framework to view clients' career concerns Career Counseling relates to mental health counseling... - They are often intertwined. 1. People often need help clarifying their values, interests, and motivation to make career choices. 2. Clients come to career counseling with psychological distress, low self-esteem, weak self-efficacy, and little hope that future= more satisfying than the past. 3 Theoretical assumptions of Holland's Theory - 1. Each person's code= 3 of the 6 environments, but individuals can be 1 of the 6 types. 2. People search for environments where they can exercise their skills and abilities and express their values 3. The more you resemble personality type= the more likely that person will manifest the behaviors and traits associated with that type Goal of Holland's Theory - To match a person's vocational personal type to a matching environment Applying Holland's Theory - Relies on assessment instruments used to measure congruence, differentiation, consistency and vocational identity. For example, Strong Interest Inventory, Self- Directed Search, My Vocational Situation Roe's Theory Basics - - Considered the impact of early child-rearing on later career choice. - From Maslow's Hierarchy of needs 3 primary modes of child rearing environments according to Roe. Also, how do people choose their occupation fields? - Emotional Concentration= Overprotection-over demanding Avoidance= neglecting needs Social Cognitive Career Theory main idea - Builds on assumption that cognitive factors play an important tole in career development and decision making Which other theory is Social Cognitive Career Theory linked to? - Krumboltz What are the 3 important elements of Social Cognitive Theory? - - Self Efficacy (Bandura) - Forces Shaping Self Efficacy Beliefs - Triadic Reciprocal Model What activity can you use to apply SCCT? - Cart sort exercise. Clients sort occupations according to: Those they would choose, those they would not choose, those they would question. Cognitive Information Processing Approach is rooted in what model? - the 3-factor parsonian model 4 assumptions of the Cognitive Information Processing Approach are: - Career decision making involves the interaction between cognitive and affective process The capacity for career problem solving depends on the availability of cognitive operations and knowledge Career development is ongoing and knowledge structures continually evolve Counseling goal is --> Enhancing information processing skills What is the counseling goal of cognitive information processing approach? - Counseling goal is --> Enhancing information processing skills What approach is the CASVE cycle linked to? - Cognitive information processing approach What does the letters stand for in CASVE? - C communication A analysis S synthesis V valuing E execution Emic - (culture specific) highlights the importance of designing career development interventions that are specific to the client's culture Etic - (universal) contend that current career theories and techniques are robust enough to have universal applicability What legal case is associated with persons with dissabilities? - ADA American Disabilities Act. Prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of life- work, jobs, schools. What is the IDEA law? - Federal law that entitles students with disabilities to special education services.Each child has the right under IDEA to receive a free appropriate public education What is the IEP? - The Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) is a plan or program developed to ensure that a child who has a disability identified under the law and is attending an elementary or secondary educational institution receives specialized instruction and related services. Schools are required by law to follow the goals set in this plan and provide accommodations needed to fulfill them. What is the MBTI? - Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Presents how we approach life based on Energy Source (Extraversion vs. Introversion), Information Source (Sensing vs. Intuition), Decision Making Style (Thinking vs Feeling), Lifestyle (judging vs. perceiving). What is a norming population? - Standard sample, norm group. Reliability - Ability of a test to yield very similar scores for the same individual over repeated testings Validity - the extent to which a test measures or predicts what it is supposed to What kinds of certifications are available for career counseling? - Masters Career Counselor, CDF Name a few Career Counseling Associations - NCDA, AP+GA, ASCA, APA (Div. 17) Name a few tools for job exploration - O*Net, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Job Families, RIASEC, etc. What is an integrated Career Planning System? - Incorporates tools and databases that assist users through sequential process that includes multiple steps in the career planning process. What is an example of an integrated career planning system? - A virtual Center What are the common factors that appear to be the universal elements of healing? - The common factors that appear to be the universal elements of healing are as follows: the therapeutic relationship, shared worldview, client expectations, and ritual or intervention.