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- What is the advantage of recruiting from outside the organization? A) Promotes long-term retention of employees B) Tends to increase the number of candidates C) Provides well-motivated candidates D) Attracts well-qualified candidates - correct answer ✅Ans: B Feedback: Recruiting from outside the organization provides an opportunity to increase the pool of candidates for positions but is no guarantee that these candidates will be more qualified or motivated than those who come from within the organization.
- Anew graduate who began their nursing career 6 months ago and who completed orientation 3 months ago is in what stage of professional development? A) Experimentation B) Entry C) Mastery D) Disengagement - correct answer ✅Ans: B
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Feedback: The nurse is still in the entry stage and will be until necessary skills are learned. It generally takes an extended period of time to obtain the skills necessary for mastery. The remaining options are not relevant to this questions.
- Which reason qualifies as organizational justification for a career development program?? A) Employee attrition can be reduced B) Personnel can be used more effectively C) Employee scan increase earning power D) Employment benefits are increased - correct answer ✅Ans: C, D Feedback: Organizational justification for career development programs includes attrition reduction, improved productivity, and general improved quality of life. Although employees may earn more money and additional benefits as a result of career development they are not the reason that organizations undertake career development programs.
- Which statement is true regarding career planning?
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A) It is the emp lo ye r's responsibility B) It results in the spontaneous assessment of goals C) It requires the development of a long -term plan D) Functions best when the planning is episodic in nature - correct answer ✅Ans: C Feedback: Effective career planning requires long-term planning; it is the responsibility of the individual and requires constant attention to function properly.
- Which principle le is key in resumes' construction? A) Emphasize strong and weak points equally B) Be at least four to five pages in length C) Reflect complex, schola rly language D) Be concise and easy to read - correct answer ✅Ans: D Feedback: The content of a resume should be able to be grasped quickly by the individual doing the hiring, so conciseness and readability are of key importance.
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- Which activity is a personal responsibility for career management? A) Developing career ladders B) Establishing career paths C) providing challenging assignments D) Developing a career plan - correct answer ✅Ans: D Feedback: Only the development of a career plan is the responsibility of the individual. The first 3 choices are management responsibilities.
- Which state ment is true regarding long-tem1coaching for career development? A) It occurs annually at performance appraisal reviews B) It focuses on employee performance deficits C) [I requires the same intensity as a mentoring relationship D) It occurs over the entire employment tenure of an employee - correct answer ✅Ans: D Feedback: Long-term coaching should occur over the entire employment of the employee
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- A nurse has been transferred to another unit in the hospital to perform the same type of duties. What type of transfer is this called? E) Accommodating F) Lateral G) Diagonal H) Downward - correct answer ✅Ans: B Doing the same type of duties in another location is called a lateral transfer
- Which statement is accurate concerning management development classes? A} They are not cost-effective, but increase worker sat is faction B) They are necessary for advancement to management positions C) They require the inclusion of social learning activities D) They are a responsibility of middle-le vel management - correct answer ✅Ans: C The inclusion of social learning activities in management development increases the possibility for employee retention.
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Management development is cost-effective for the organization but may not be necessary for all managers. Top executives in the organization have a responsibility to support the management development program.
- Research supports that which factor may lead nurses to become disengaged in their careers? A) They do not feel that nursing is valued as a career B) Boredom increases with time on the same job C) Many nurses interrupt their careers for childrearing D) Nursing is low paying compared with ot her careers - correct answer ✅Ans: B Feedback: Research has shown that boredom and job indifference leading to disengage ment increase with time on the same job. While the o the r options may be factors they are not research supported.
- Why would an experienced nurse voluntarily opt for a self- selected downward transfer? A) Doing so increases the chances of long- term career success
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B) It allows for keeping a similar salary while decreasing energy expenditure C) lo times of downsizing, it al lows a nurse to stay employed D) It occurs when a nurse is physically impaired and productivity is affected - correct answer ✅Ans: A Feedback: For individuals to gai n experience in a new area and to enhance long-term career goals, a self-selected downward transfer may be used. None of the other options accurately describe the reason for a self-selected downward transfer.
- How is competency of an employee best determined? A} An examination of patient records by a review team B) Self-reporting on an administered skills checklist C) Evidence of attendance in continuing education classes D) Documentation of effectively meeting role demands - correct answer ✅Ans: D Feedback: Competency relates to role and is determined by each role demand. None of the other options are able to determine competency as effectively as documentation of performance.
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- What is the focus of the entry job stage? A) Skill development B) Job es tee m C) Sense of purpose D) Indifference - correct answer ✅Ans: A Feedback: During the entry phase of learning a job, an individual concentrates on skill development. None of the other options is the focus of this stage.
- What is the purpose of a cover letter? I. introduce the applicant 2.. Briefly highlight key points of career
- Make a positive first impression
- Always used when submitting a resume A) I, 2, 3 B) I, 2, 4 C) 1, 3, 4
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D) 2, 3, 4 -
correct answer ✅Ans: C Feedback: Cover letters (whether by mail or e- mail) should always be used when submitting a resume. Their purpose is to introduce the applicant, briefly highlight key points of the resume, and make a positive first impression.
- How can a nursing professional demonstrate advanced achievement of competencies? A) Lateral transfer B) Professional specialty certification C) Transfer to a new department D) Professional registered nursing licensure - correct answer ✅Ans: B Feedback: Professional specialty certification is one way that an employee can demonstrate advanced achievement of competencies. The transfer, when used appropriately, may be an effective way to provide career development but a lateral transfer does not
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demonstrate advancement. A transfer to a new department often requires the acquisition of new skills before advance can occur. A nursing license signifies entry-level skills.
- What arc restraining forces for specialty certification in professional nursing? I. Decreased collaboration with other health-care providers
- Cost
- Lack of recognition
- Increased retention A) 1, 2 B) 1, 4 C) 2, D) 3, 4 - correct answer ✅Ans: C Feedback: Cost coupled with lack of institutional reward and support kept some nurses from pursuing certification. The impact of certification on absenteeism and retention was unclear.
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- The manager should have a well-developed, planned system for career development for all employees. What should be included in this program? I. Policies communicated to administrators
- Ap propriate use of transfers
- How promotions are handled
- Long-term coaching A) 1,2, B) 1, 2, 4 C) 1, 3, 4 D) 2, 3, 4 - correct answer ✅Ans: D Feedback: The manager should have a well-developed , planned system for a career development for all employees; this system should include the appropriate use of transfers, how promotions are to be handled, and long-term coaching. These policies should be fair and communicated effectively to all employees.
- What is a management function associated with career development?
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A) ls self-aware of personal values influencing career r development B) Encourages employees to lake responsibility for their own career planning C) Identifies, encourages, and develops future leaders D) Works cooperatively to arrange intra-organizational transfers - correct answer ✅Ans: D Feedback: Management function is to work cooperatively with other departments in arranging for the release of employees to take other positions within the organization. Leadership functions associated with career development are self-aware of personal values influencing career development; encourage employees to take responsibility for their own career planning, and identifies, encourages, and develops future leaders.
- The promise phase of career development typically reflects how many years of initial nursing employment'? A) 1 B) 2 C) 5 D) 10 - correct answer ✅Ans: D
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Feedback: Promise is the earliest of the career phases and typically reflects the first 10 years of nursing employment.
- What is the name of the stage of a career where nurses are experienced clinicians with expert knowledge, skills, abilities, credentials, and education base? A) Promise B) Momentum C) Harvest D) Legacy - correct answer ✅Ans: B Feedback: Momentum is the middle career phase and typically reflects the nurse with 11 to 29 years of experience. Nurses in this phase are experienced clinicians with expert knowledge, skills, abilities , credentials, and education base.
- What is the focus of a nursing portfolio? A} Career r goals B) Salary expectations C) Professional growth D) Educational background Ans: C
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Feedback: All nurses should maintain a professional portfolio (a collection of materials that document a nurse's competencies and illustrate the expertise of the nurse) to reflect their professional growth over their career. The other options are not the focus of a professional portfolio. - correct answer ✅
- What is the purpose of competency assessment regarding a nurse's career? A) Identifying ways to exceed minimal licensing requirements B) Fulfilling state requirements for minimal nursing practice C) Facilitating advancement up the facility's career ladder D) Satisfying institutional employment qualification - correct answer ✅Ans: A Feedback: Competency assess ment and goal setting in career planning should help the employee identify how to exceed the minimum levels of competency required by federal, state, or organizational standards. The remaining options do not describe the purpose of competency assessments.
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- Which activity represents a commitment to career planning? Select all that apply. A) Introduces evidence-based practice changes regarding wound dressings B) Discussing the health needs of the homeless with local politicians C) Earning a bachelor r's degree(BSN) in nursing D) Working with a seasoned mentor - correct answer ✅Ans: A, B, C, D Feedback: Career planning should include, at minimum, a commitment to the use of evidence based practice, learning new skills or bettering practice through the use of role models and mentors, staying aware of and being involved in professional issues, and furthering one's education. Full-time employ ment is not a necessary commitment.
- An effective transition program for new nursing graduates will address which issue? Select all that apply. A) Supporting practice autonomy B) Strengthening new clinical skills C) Introducing time management skills
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D) integrating into the nursing unit environment - correct answer ✅Ans: A, B, C, D Feedback: A well-designed transition-to-practice program strengthens new graduates skills and competencies and prepares the new nurse for the demands of caring for patients. Fu11hermore, a systematic app roach to transition not only facilitates ion-boarding (integration into staffing on the nursing unit to prov ide direct patient care), it reduces turnover by decreasing the toll associated with insufficient preparation for the work environment. Satisfying nursing position needs is not a focus of a transition program for new graduates.
- Which activity is directed toward a new graduate's responsibility to their nursing career? SATA A) Earning a professional nursing certification B) Gaining expertise in a specific field of nursing C) Being a member of a professional nursing association D) Earning an advanced nursing degree within 5 years of initial licensure - correct answer ✅Ans: A, B, C, D
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Feedback: New graduates also have responsibility during the crucial first few years of employment to gain the expertise they need to have more opportunities for career divergence in the future. This includes becoming an expert in one or more areas of practice, gaining professional certifications, and being well informed about professional nursing and health-care issues. This is also a time where participation in professional associations has great value as a result of the opportunities for mentoring and networking. Finally, all new graduates should consider at what point, continued formal education will be a part of their career ladder and professional journey.