Download Career Preparation and Job Hunting Strategies and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity! Career prep test 2024 Networking - Talking with people you know to share information and advice about jobs is called... referall - A recomendation from a contact who is part of your network is called a... job advertisement - Information about a job that is available is called a... Job leads - Networking, employment agencies and classified as can all be sources of what... contact list - The first step in creating a network is to build a... Standard English - When applying for a job always use... Sometimes used by employers in various fields to test job applicants - Performance, polygraph, or drug tests are... personal fact sheet - A list of all the information about yourself you will need for a job application form is a... reference - A person who will recommend you to an employer is a... Research the company - One of the first things to do to prepare for a job interview is to... Good posture - What is an example of positive body language... Anticipate questions you might be asked and write down the answers. - One way to prepare for questions the interviewer might ask you is to... A phone screen - Before inviting a candidate in for an in-person interview, many employers conduct... dress conservatively - It is a good idea at an interview to... Ask him or her to clarify it. - If you don't understand a question an interviewer asks... Immediately following the interview. - During the interview process, when should you send a thank-you note? Call back, thank the interviewer, and give a reason for your answer. - If you have to reject a job offer because it isn't what you wanted... Can ask for a day to think it over. - If you are offered a job at the interview, you... Reasearch the company, prepare your answers, create job-specific answers, prepare for difficult questions, and practice interviewing techniques. - What step should you take to prepare for an interview? Body language - What is the term for the gestures, posture, and eye contact you use to send messages? biting nails, crossing your arms, and playing with jewelry. - What type of body language should you avoid in a job interview? Give a firm handshake, avoid negative body language, and show interest. - What is good advice for using positive body language? Your appearance. - When you go to an interview, what is the first thing an employer sees you? Arriving on time, arriving prepared, dressing for success, have a good attitude, and follow-up - What are good tips for interviewing... False - In an interview, you should be prepared to ask your own questions. ( true or false) Problem solving - What is the term for using thinking skills to suggest a solution? marital status - What is an example of what an employer is not allowed to ask? Send a thank-you note - What should you do as soon as your interview is over? very effective - How effective is networking for finding new jobs? A job lead - Finding the right job usually begins with what? Opportunistic - What kind of network association is made up of people you meet by chance? Personal - Classmates, neighbors, family, and friends are part of what category of network association. Cold call - What kind of call are you making when you call a prospective employer with whom you have had no prior contact? Private - What kind of employment agency charges a fee to the job seeker, the employer, or both?