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A collection of questions and answers related to various topics in psychology, covering areas like the gre psychology subject test, personal statements, resumes, curriculum vitae, research-intensive fields, developmental psychology, applied vs. Basic research, master's degrees, doctoral programs, experimental psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, licensure, exercise and sports psychology, and more. It offers insights into key concepts, definitions, and practical aspects of the field, serving as a valuable resource for students preparing for exams or seeking a deeper understanding of psychology.
Typology: Exams
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GRE test and its general components - CORRECT ANSWERS-The GRE General Test is a computer-based examdeveloped by Educational Testing Services (ETS) and consists of three components: •Quantitative Reasoning •Verbal Reasoning •Analytical Writing GRE Psychology subject test - CORRECT ANSWERS-Three content areascover all areas of psychology with varying degrees of emphasis on experimental, social, and other •205 questions with five answer options •Total scores range from 200 to 990 and two subscores- experimental and social- each range from 20 to 99 components of the GRE psych subject test - CORRECT ANSWERS-experimental - 40% social- 43% other- 17% (general areas including history and systems, industrial- organizationalpsychology, measurement, research methodology) what subjects are more prevalent on the GRE psych subject test - CORRECT ANSWERS-experimental and social describe a personal statement - CORRECT ANSWERS-Consider the personal statement your professional statement of purpose should address: •Your academic background and how it has prepared you for graduate study in this specific field •Why you want to attend graduate school in general •Why you want to attend that specific graduate program (e.g., match between the program and your research/practice interests) •Which faculty you are interested in working with in terms of research
•Your ultimate goal upon graduation (e.g., career goals) describe a resume - CORRECT ANSWERS-one- to two-page document that sums up a job seeker's qualifications for the jobs they're interested in. More than just a formal job application, a resume is a marketing tool that job seekers use to communicate their value to employers. describe a curriculum vita - CORRECT ANSWERS-Vitae tell the "complete story" and are typically longer 4 pages for a student applying to grad school 20+ pages for professionals what are the research intensive fields within psychology - CORRECT ANSWERS- Clinical Psychology Psychology, General Counseling Psychology, Educational Psychology, School Psychology, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Other Clinical, Counseling and Applied Psychology, Social Psychology, Developmental and Child Psychology what are the broad themes of developmental psychology - CORRECT ANSWERS- Development occurs across the lifespanwith important changes at all ages Development is viewed from a global perspective- what happens developmentally in one culture may not occur in the same way in another culture applied research vs. basic research - CORRECT ANSWERS-applied- increase understanding of a topic Generates answers to questions about how something works This knowledge sparks additional research basic- use existing knowledge for a specific purpose Generates solutions to real-world problems why is it that some careers w emphasis on research can be more challenging - CORRECT ANSWERS-Finding employment in a research-oriented career in psychology is heavily dependent on: the funding available to institutions offering those positions, an institution's financial status describe the different types of masters degree - CORRECT ANSWERS-Terminal master's programs: •Train students for employmentwith a master's degree
Nonterminal master's programs: •Train students who plan to pursue a doctoral degree Cite the statistics around psychology doctoral degree graduates (between the various programs/research intensive fields) - CORRECT ANSWERS-•100doctoral programs each in the areas of cognitive, developmental, social, biopsychology/neuroscience •50doctoral programs in experimental psychology describe the focuses on experimental psych - CORRECT ANSWERS-This subfield places the ability to design and conduct research at the forefront of their training industrial psychology vs organizational psychology - CORRECT ANSWERS-Industrial psychology concentrates on the individual employee meanwhile, organizational concentrates on the functioning of the workplace why I/O psychologists assessment techniques are successful - CORRECT ANSWERS- Use of reliable and valid assessment techniques makes the hiring process fairer and increases the rates of successful hire. what are the core activities of I/O psychologists - CORRECT ANSWERS-help companies assess employees' needs for training and education, they also assist with the development and implementation of training programs by creating and/or leading courses and workshops, executive coaching, traditional training and education, and succession planning. what different settings do I/O psychologists work - CORRECT ANSWERS-69% of doctoral level I/O psychologists work in business, organization, or government settings, meanwhile some of these run their own consulting businesses, and a large portion work for consulting firms why are I/O psychologists one of the highest paying psychologists - CORRECT ANSWERS-These organizations risk losing these professionals to lucrative consulting positions, and I/O psychologists may have a direct impact on company productivity and profits leading to higher salaries. what's the relationship between licensure and I/O psychologists' practice - CORRECT ANSWERS-Licensure may or may not be necessary for a person to have, although it is probably the best to get a licensure to have the greatest flexibility within the career, and to prevent confusion from clients Identify the quantity of doctoral degrees awarded to clinical and counseling graduates, in 2013 - CORRECT ANSWERS-35% were in clinical-psychology 15% were in counseling psychology 50% combined
boulder model of training - CORRECT ANSWERS-The Boulder Model emphasized the need to prepare clinical and counseling psychologists for both practice and research careers vails model of training - CORRECT ANSWERS-train psychologists to be skilled consumers of research but would not train them to conduct research •The primary focus of these programs would be on the development of practice skills PhD vs PsyD - CORRECT ANSWERS-PHD- programs are offering much less applied training than the Boulder Model intended, while some offer much more PSYD- programs offer far less research training than the Vail Model intended, while some offer much more clinical vs counseling graduate programs - CORRECT ANSWERS-Graduate programs in clinical and counseling psychology vary in terms of: •the emphasis placed on research versus applied experience •the overall quality of the training what's the number of students seeking pre-doctoral internships and its impact - CORRECT ANSWERS-there are a lot! •The number of sites has shrunk due to the costs of offering training programs •The number of students is growing due to the increasing number of professional schools and the number of students they traineach year what are the characteristics an individual should examine about predoctoral internships when looking at grad school programs - CORRECT ANSWERS-the level of institutional and external funding for the program the expertise of faculty, the resources for students, students' success in securing internships, licensure, and employment who is responsible for establishing the requirements for licensure - CORRECT ANSWERS-Statesestablish the rules and guidelines for licensure and these requirements varyfrom state to state what's the most common reason. a licensure may be revoked - CORRECT ANSWERS- •violations of professional ethics psychologists fail to renew them or complete the required continuing education, behavior that is incongruent with professional practice (e.g., felony convictions, defaulting on student loans or child support payments) List the subfields (areas) of exercise and sport psychology, according to the AASP - CORRECT ANSWERS-social psychology area the performance enhancement/intervention area the health and exercise psychology area.
Describe what social psychology area of exercise and sports psychology focuses on - CORRECT ANSWERS-focuses on individual and group processes in sports and exercise settings. Cite the most viable and efficient method of transferring information about new developments in the field of exercise and sports psychology - CORRECT ANSWERS- Scholarly and peer- reviewed journals are the primary method for disseminating information on new developments within the field. Identify the year in which the APA recognized sports psychology as a proficiency area - CORRECT ANSWERS- List the most common employment settings for exercise and sports psychologists - CORRECT ANSWERS-Academic positions at colleges/universities, private clinical practices, and consulting practices Van Raalte and Williams (2005) research - CORRECT ANSWERS-Investigates the functions of self-talk. Describe exercise and sports psychology as a field. - CORRECT ANSWERS-The field utilizes psychological principles to help athletes "achieve optimal mental health and... improve performance (performance enhancement). Recognize the two paths to becoming an exercise or sports psychologist according to the textbook. - CORRECT ANSWERS-The kinesiology path and the psychology path describe what the performance enhancement and intervention area of sports psychology focuses on - CORRECT ANSWERS-focuses on research, theory, and practice intended to improve performance in exercise and sport. describe what the health and exercise psychology area focuses on in the sports psych field - CORRECT ANSWERS-focuses on the application of psychological principles to the promotion and maintenance of health enhancing behaviors over the lifespan. what should your research experience of ur vita include - CORRECT ANSWERS- •Research assistance provided to faculty (e.g., data entry, administering protocols) •Honors thesis •Conference presentations - posters and papers •Publications Presentations and publications should be listed using correct APA style
describe focuses of developmental psychology - CORRECT ANSWERS-mental, and physical development describe social psych focuses - CORRECT ANSWERS-•individuals' thoughts, actions, and feelings are influenced by things, individuals relate to each other in social environments what does cognitive psych focus on - CORRECT ANSWERS-study the mental processes of human and non human animals what does biopsychology focus on - CORRECT ANSWERS-Biopsychologists explore the links between behavior and biology